The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, caught it on a re-read. More evidence that royalty anam may be restricted or rare
I recall a statement along the lines of how it's politically a bit troubling due to the previous Emperor's dynasty specializing in it. But in terms of rarity, we've seen and materials featuring it in both the Heart's Inner Market and the Twelve Winds Catalog. The Catalog also had Royalty pills, so clearly it's not forbidden per se.
[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.

Scenic but not burning our time in unmapped (likely low population) areas.
It would be churlish not to at least try out the new form.

[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman
[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman
[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.

[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman
[x] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
Worldstream looks like it might synergize well with both Elegant Plume and Flaming Chariot if we go all in on learning it. Range of travel much faster and farther for the former while quicker cast and gathering time for the latter with slight aim bot.

And outside of combat it'd just be super handy for Charmcrafting in general what with it being a free pair of limbs. Or gathering toxic/volatile/harnful reagents without using physical contact.
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A groan echoes near my ear and I turn slightly, finding Zhuan Kun's emerald eyes blinking blearily at me from less than an inch away. Something beneath me rustles and moves. I look down, finding Daiyu attempting to stretch and finding her arm pinned beneath my stomach. She stares up at me without seeing, amethysts still clouded by sleep.

…somehow, it is very reassuring to find that neither Daiyu nor Zhuan Kun rises from the mattress looking utterly perfect. Still, they are quite a sight to wake next to in the-

Yi Tai is going to have to have to add "Romantic Socialization Time" to Khuan Kun's schedule at this rate. And possibly write up a "Romantic Socialization Activities" chart.
Woeldstream looks like it might synergize well with both Elegant Plume and Flaming Chariot if we go all in on learning it. Range of travel much faster and father for the former while quicker cast and gathering time for the latter with slight aim bot.

And outside of combat it'd just be super handy for Charmcrafting in general what with it being a free pair of limbs. Or gathering toxic/volatile/harnful reagents without using physical contact.
We mostly want to integrate Flaming Chariot to raise our wit and therefore uncap our charms skill. Which means that Flaming Chariot is likely to remain the top of our integration priorities.
[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman

Been reading for two years now and this quest's updates never fail to impress. Here's hoping for many more!
[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.

[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman
The wind becomes another set of arms in the hands of a competent user, and its applications are innumerable.
I can certainly see how a set of telekinetic wind arms could be very useful for crafting. Especially once honed to the point of being able to imitate various clamps or fit into tight spaces.
Alright, so perhaps Sen Lui was not overstating the reward. What was it she said? Pills, Elixirs, Charms, Materials, anything I needed? Mine with a quick flash of the Blue Skies Card- and not just at Sen businesses. At businesses owned by one of seven families that control eighty percent of the trade in the Empire. It is… I tuck the Blue Skies Card away in the Estate, vowing to consider the ramifications it will bring later, when I have the time to ponder such things.
And that's not even getting into what in some ways will be the real prize: further advancing our family's prospects. After all, there's still this quote to remember:
Weeks before your acceptance to the Delving Heart "the Kong family had received their most important order in a generation: outfitting the favored retainer of the niece of an advisor to the Mayor of Harmony, seat of the Emperor In Steel. Being commissioned for such an undertaking is a breathtaking honor– not to mention how much they were paying."

When compared to the kind of market access that just being related to Zhi will give our family ... especially since Dawn Over the Desert was a central part of events and so will also be part of the stories
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Further thoughts:
1. The Ja's level of influence is fucking scary if word from our roommates was enough to have the Sen bump up our first Charm.
2. So it's a good thing that this course of events will actually reflect very well on our roomies
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That card…

Hunger within…

Imagine - the Materials we can get!

We could even get Bee anam mats!

But in all seriousness - we could probably get any low to medium level mat of any anam type we want.
It's overwhelming
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[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
[X] [FORM] The Autumn Hunter

Good god. The Ferryman form is an absolute tank. Not only does it give us extra stressboxes and a higher damage threshold, but we can use the intangibility 4 times before we lose a mental stress box!

We can just say NO to 4 entire enemy rounds.
I'mma be real with you, I hope they just set it on fire.

As fun as making a hat out of the eldrich lich death thing might be, I think its probably not the best idea :)
I do too. I do too. But they gotta recoup losses somehow yeah?

I would not be surprised if he already has another flavor of Big Card.
He's a Sage, he's probably collecting them like Pokemon Cards, not because he wants them, but because he wants to brag.
[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.

[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman
This is something of a flex on Artists who understand Astrology.
He probably already knows.
Maybe the card can be used to buy some information about crazy ruins and collapsed civilizations. Oh, not *that* civilization Elder Siani, I was just asking about civilizations… generally. Yes.
…the pot does not contain Dawn Over the Desert. I check it carefully and cannot find even the least grain of sand.
Zhi, the place you should have been looking was Zhuan Kun's purchases.
I spin and find Zhuan Kun sitting in his chair, hand raised and an eager look on his face. He glances up to meet my eyes. "You make a very compelling salesman, Zhi," he states. "Fear not; your Father's work will find a good home."
But worry not, I'm pretty sure the family-o-money-bags will end up with it despite the auction being interrupted. It honestly would be a REALLY COOL Checkov's Gun though if sometime near the end of the quest Zhuan Kun just casually whips out Dawn Over the Desert to kick some ass and then acts befuddled that his companions would need to be told that something he expressed desire to purchase now belongs to him.
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