The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

SI in Path – Bartering with Talent

Ren sat by the entrance of the charm crafting class, carefully arranging the materials he'd gathered from the Creator's Garden trash heaps. He knew his only hope of making any money right now was to sell these items to the disciples interested in charms. With the inner market closed and the villagers from above price gouging he had the market.

"Blood Soaked Wood... A rare Knowledge material. There has to be something here that'll catch their eye," Ren thought, glancing at the materials spread out in front of him.

Slowly, the disciples began to exit the class. Some were deep in conversation, others looked exhausted, but Ren knew he had to draw attention. Taking a deep breath, he raised his voice, though it wasn't something he was used to.

"Rare materials imbued with anam, right here!" – he called out, trying to sound more confident than he felt – "Blood Soaked Wood for your blood-based charms! Torn Pages Of An Old Book, perfect for those seeking ancient knowledge!"

A couple of disciples stopped, briefly glancing his way. Ren noticed them and seized the opportunity.

"You won't find better materials this close to class! What about this Wind Shaked Crystal, perfect for glass or Jewelry charms! Fair prices for exceptional quality!" Ren said to a sandy-haired disciple that was aproaching him. Could she be Ta Riou?

The sandy-haired disciple glanced over, her eyes narrowing as she assessed Ren and the small collection of materials spread out before him.

"You won't find these types of materials anywhere else, the Inner Marke is still closed, and the villagers above would certainly try to get their money's worth, I'm your friendly neighbor Ren, at your service.

She uncrossed her arms slightly, a hint of a smile playing at her lips.

"I appreciate the warning. I'm Ta Riou, by the way. I specialize in crafting glass charms."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ta Riou! I've got some materials here that could really complement your skills. For instance, this crystal is perfect for crafting charms with glass !. I thought you might want to take a look." - Said Ren with a wider smile.

Ta Riou glanced at the crystal, her expression shifting to one of intrigue.

"Alright, you've caught my attention. How much for it?" She asked, still looking at the forms of the crystal.

"What about 1 Bronze Talent for it? Or if you are a woman of your word i could even wait for when we have sect points available, how about 3 sect point?- Said Ren, trying not to think to hard about the economy of The Path Unending.

Ta Riou winced slightly at the price "A litte pricy isn't it? - She said as her hands starting roaming for the money.

"Indeed, but at this time is the only place where you could find these types of materials"- Ren assured her.

"Okay, 1 Bronze Talent, You must be confident in its quality. Let's see if it lives up to your pitch."

Ren nodded, feeling optimistic. "I promise you won't be disappointed. Besides, who knows? If I en up with more charmcrafting materials good for crafting glass you will be the first to know!."

The other disciples had noticed the exchange and where starting to look at the materials with more interest, a plain looking one was looking at them so
intensely that Ren thought he was gonna steal them...Wait, could that be Kong Zhi?

"What about this one Lord Kong? It has the power of
knowledge in them" Said Ren as he pointed to the Torn Pages Of An Old Book.

Kong Zhi paused, his eyes drifting over Ren's wares. For a second, Ren thought he might have succeeded—until another voice broke in, louder and full of confidence.

"Hah! These materials? Wasted on someone like him." – Another disciple, this one with bushy eyebrows stepped forward, eyes gleaming with superiority. He wasn't just here to buy—he wanted to make a point. "I'll take them all, seller. Name your price."

..This one was Jin Yazhu…

"You? What could you possibly make with these? A failed charm? Don't waste your time, Yazhu. You wouldn't even know how to use them properly." Kong Zhi replied angrily.

Jin Yazhu's face flushed with irritation. "I'd make better use of them than you ever could, Kong. Stick to your little primitive tricks and leave the real charmcrafting to someone with talent."

Kong Zhi's hand tightened into a fist as he stepped forward, his voice sharp. "Talent? You? That's rich coming from someone who can barely craft a charm."

Ren's eyes darted between the two, feeling the rising tension of the confrontation. Jin Yazhu's fists were clenched, his knuckles white, while Kong Zhi wore a smug grin.

"Uh… so, about the materials…" Ren said nervously.

Kong Zhi didn't even look at Ren but pointed at the torn pages. "I'll take the pages. Leave the doll for him—he'll need all the help he can get."

Jin Yazhu bristled, but before he could retort, Ren stepped in quickly. "How about a discount on the rest, Jin Yazhu? I've got plenty of other materials that could be useful for you."

Jin Yazhu eyed Ren for a moment, then gave Kong Zhi one last glare before nodding. "Fine. But if you rip me off, I'll make sure you regret it."

After a bit of haggling and money exchanged hands the two charmcrafters stormed off.

Ren let out a long breath, relieved to have defused the situation. He couldn't help but feel like he'd just dodged a bullet—though he had a sinking feeling that dealing with these two wasn't going to get any easier in the future.

Lost all the materials! Gained 7 Bronze Talents
Last edited:
257. The Black Birds of Jingyi's Summit New
A/N: A big thanks to the 33 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. Or, if you'd like to support me without the monthly commitment, you can buy me a cup of Ko-Fi here.

Also, while I have you here, I just wanted to thank everyone for their patience and understanding. Due to IRL events I won't go into here, writing has been difficult to say the least, but hopefully the chapter does not let you down. Now, anyway, back to business as usual!

> I will directly engage the bird as best I can, holding its attention until help can arrive.
Daiyu and I are only halfway across the bridge when the screams begin. A single wail of terror slices through the festive atmosphere as one of the Seated looks up and catches a glimpse of what is coming for them. Others add their own panicked shrieks to the quickly growing chorus and soon, utter chaos has erupted on the peak. Some guards who have yet to notice the descending horror fight to maintain order. Their efforts come to naught as the enormous bird rends the strings of lanterns to ruin, spreading fear and panic to even the most drunken of festival goers.

For a fraction of an instant, the bird is clearly visible in the lantern light. It is as if a piece of the night sky has grown talons and descended from on high. The bird's feathers are an inky black, its sharp talons and cruel beak the pale yellow of the moon, and its wingtips brush the buildings on either side of the road as it swoops down. Yet the most striking part of the skyborn terror is its eyes. They glint with a savage, feral intelligence, and shine gleefully as it surveys its prey.

One of the screams abruptly cuts off. The bird's eyes practically glow with satisfaction. Ancestors above, this is no simple hunt for food- this monster is enjoying this!

A thousand thoughts race through my mind as I shove my way through the fleeing crowd towards the bird. This is Jingyi's Summit, which means the guards are doubtless already aware of what's happening. Some are no doubt trying to pin down the bird even now, and surely a call for further reinforcements has already been made. But even the most skilled army takes time to mobilize. Spread out as they are by the festival, it could be minutes before the Summit Guard arrives in force.

Those are minutes the Black Bird will use to savage the Seated. From the practically joyful look in its eyes as it takes to the skies once more, and the trail of blood that drips from its beak, it will not show any mercy to the citizens of the Summit unless forced to.

Well. Our course of action is clear. We must apply the force.

I trade a glance with Daiyu as our sandals slap against the stone. "We must hold its attention until the guard arrives!" I bark, bellowing to be heard over the chaos.

Daiyu's answer does not come in words. Instead she nods, eyes fierce, and New Moon flashes in her hand. She darts forward and spins, putting her entire body into the throw as she launches her chakram. It cuts through the air with a bloodthirsty howl, heading straight for the rapidly descending patch of shadow that is darker than the sky around it.

A simple circle of metal is no match for a master of the skies. The Black Bird lets out a shrill, mocking cry as it folds its wings, dropping even faster and diving beneath New Moon. That is more than fine. The goal of Daiyu's strike wasn't to wound the bird, after all.

It was to drive it towards the ground.

When its talons grasp for soft flesh, it finds no easy meat. Instead, the bird's sharp claws are blocked by the hard steel of Chui Dao's warform.

The Kukuni lets out a noise of protest only I hear. There is no time to focus on the hammer spirit's disapproval of anything touching its handle. My entire focus is on the Black Bird that now stares at me with something akin to surprise on its avian face. It is not stunned for long, though, and its other talon lashes out to do what its first blow could not.

I duck out of the way and twist, pulling the bird with me for the brief moment it takes for it to realize that holding on to Chui Dao is a poor decision. The talon loosens its grip before I can do more than slightly spin it. A smug cawing noise erupts from the monster as it leaves me behind. It moves to take to the sky once more-

-and crashes to the ground as Chui Dao finds a home amidst its feathers. The force of the blow sends the bird sprawling to the stones. Talons thrash and its beak lances out at the air as it ensures that none can close on it while it's prone on its side. I merely watch, holding Chui Dao ready for another strike when the bird regains its feet.

Since coming to the Heart, far more things have wanted me dead than I ever dreamed, ranging from beasts to Kukuni to the ghosts of fallen civilizations. As I dance around the bird's talons, it's impossible to keep from comparing this latest foe to those that came before. Its blows are strong, but not as powerful as those of the Phantom Point. It is fast, but it pales before the illusions Tianzhe carved into my head. My instincts shout warnings at me, but they were far louder when I faced off against Tiaoyue.

The Black Bird of Jingyi's Summit is a fearsome, man-eating monster. Its beak can penetrate steel, its talons can rend a man in two, and the touch of its feathers could tear flesh from bone.

I have dealt with worse.

I know not what foes the Black Bird has dealt with in the past. There must have been many; as it looks at me, a similar look of judgment crosses its cruel eyes. It has taken my measure and deemed the risk of fighting me to be… acceptable. The Black Bird rears back and spreads its wings wide in challenge. I heft Chui Dao and dart forward, ready to follow up my attack- only to stumble backwards as its beak opens to release an ear splitting caw.

The sound is like daggers stuck straight through my eardrums. Tears run down my cheeks; it takes every ounce of control I have not to drop Chui Dao and clap my hands over my ears. Wind buffets me as the bird takes advantage of my lapse to take to the skies once more, its crow seeming to take on a mocking tone.

Even as it gains distance, the ringing in my ears leaves me staggering as if I've been spending too much time around Uncle Fang. When the bird descends again, eyes trained squarely on me, I'm barely able to hold Chui Dao ready.

But I am not alone. The birds grasping talons are met with stone hands as Daiyu takes advantage of the monster's focus on me. Its claws struggle for purchase on Daiyu's alabaster skin and find nothing save pain as Daiyu swipes at it with New Moon.

She doesn't do much to the avian threat, but it is enough to buy me time. I force myself into my breathing technique and call upon my core as I charge forward once again. The Black Bird sees me coming and lets out another violent scream, yet I hear nothing as I step into the Stallion's Garden, leaving my hearing behind. The Bird has just enough time to look confused before Chui Dao slams into its beak.

This time it is the bird who stumbles drunkenly. I move to follow up, only to spot Daiyu glancing frantically at the skies. Confused, I let the Garden go. Immediately, a chorus of small caws buffets my ears, far too many to be coming from a single bird.

I trade a glance with Daiyu. "How many of these things are there?!"

"How should I know?!" comes her immediate answer. "More than one, I would guess! However many there are, they will be joining us shortly! We should retreat!"

I glance at the streets, where uniformed guards are pouring onto the peak. They've taken control of the chaotic mob and are ushering them inside- slowly, far too slowly. Should Daiyu and I flee, the oncoming flock will find a grand buffet awaiting them, one that they will devour en masse. "We can't," I answer. "The most powerful Artist nearby is only a Servant, and they've barely drawn any anam. If we run…"

My silence speaks for itself. A pained look crosses Daiyu's face and she nods. "You're right," she murmurs. "We will not be much of a deterrent, though. It will take precious moments to deal with this one-" Daiyu nods towards the first Black Bird that even now is preparing to take to the skies once more. "-and the others will be free to hunt as they will."

Daiyu is right. If we are occupied dealing with this bird, its brethren will wash over the peak in a tide of ravenous hunger. The guards will do their best and likely even slay several of these Spirit Beasts, but they too will be overwhelmed without aid from an Artist. If no one else arrives in time, and if Daiyu and I aren't able to free ourselves from this fight, countless people will die.

There is only one solution available: we must end this fight now.

As the bird's beak clicks together with the sound of a trap snapping shut, a dozen ideas pour through my mind. Activating the Dance would be- wait, no, it has yet to be recharged after our encounter with Tianzhe in Nishan Yue. The Prince's Shadow is too slow for a creature as mobile as the bird, and the Auroch's Onslaught is useless against a creature not bound to the earth. The Warhound's Cry could disorient the bird, or…

…an idea crystalizes in my mind. It is a foolish, reckless idea. It is, however, the best one I can think of. I glance at Daiyu once more and offer her a sharp nod. Before I can think better of it, I tap into my core-

Zhi spends 4 Anam to roll 56d10t7f1ie10 (An Elegant Plume). 22 Successes!
Herald on Black Wings rolls 35d10t8f1ie10 (Butchery of the Sky). 11 Successes!
Kong Zhi wins!

-and act.

Anam surges through me in an instant. My flesh vanishes as smoke rises up and consumes me whole. An Elegant Plume races from the ground and towards the Black Bird- but not directly at it. Instead, before I can collide with my foe, I change direction- and surge up. In a heartbeat, my technique fades, leaving me above the bird with Chui Dao raised.

It's not enough. I need to be higher. My focus redoubles and my core surges. The Elegant Plume takes me once again, and this time it blasts straight up towards the sky.

It is still not enough. Before the technique fades I strengthen it, pushing the Plume further and faster than I ever have before. Smoke rises higher and higher as if a bonfire burns beneath me, rising through the torn lanterns and into the night above. When it fades again, I am aloft and hanging dozens of feet above the confused bird, held aloft only by the air below and the stars above.


Wind whistles as I plunge earthward. It howls its protest as I fall faster and faster, the wind helping my descent as the stars look on in uncaring indifference. Part of me wants to squeeze my eyes shut so that I cannot see what is below. I dare not let them. This strike cannot be wasted, for I will only be able to perform it once.

The Black Bird senses that something is wrong. Its wings flap desperately as it fights to return to the sky. It looks around wildly, confused by my sudden absence and by the whistling noise that grows louder and louder with each passing breath.

That confusion is the second to last thing to go through the Black Bird's mind.

The final thing is Chui Dao's spike with all the force of my fall behind it.

The bird's headless body collapses in a heavy heap. Anam courses through me and I let the Plume take me before I join it. A cloud of smoke collides with the ground with such force that it carpets Daiyu, the body, and half a dozen festival stalls besides. Yet before I can worry, my body pulls itself back together, reconstituting itself from smoke to flesh once more.

I let out a low, relieved breath, and turn to Daiyu. "The others should hopefully prove less of a problem," I say with weary lungs. "We need to split up and distract the other birds. If we move quickly, we can keep their focus on us until reinforcements arrive…"

My hasty plans fade from my lips as Daiyu stares at me, eyes wide. Suddenly self-conscious, I glance away and focus on the shadows on the oncoming birds. "What?" I mumble. "I-"

"You are lucky we've other things we must focus on," Daiyu interrupts, voice low and controlled. "Later, we are going to have a conversation about your plans, and what possesses you to come up with them."

"It was the best idea I could come up with on short notice!" I hiss back, idly spinning Chui Dao in my hands as I await the arrival of the rest of the flock. "And besides, it worked!"

"That is beside the point!" Daiyu growls. "If it hadn't, if the thing had moved, you would have-"

I shake my head and cut her off. "My apologies," I say, raising my voice to be heard over the sound of dozens of beating wings. "But is this truly the time for this?!"

Anything else I might manage to say is drowned out beneath a chorus of angry caws. I spin, Chui Dao raised as I turn my focus back to the sky. Above us, the normally breathtaking view of the heavens has been marred by countless shadows circling in the sky. Each one is darker than the night itself, and more join the flock with each passing moment. Dozens of angry bird calls fill the air as the Black Birds circle, growing larger and larger as they come closer to the peak.

Beside me, Daiyu's eyes are almost as wide as mine. Her fingers drum idly on New Moon as she stares up at the descending flock. "That…" she murmurs slowly, "...that may be a few more than we can handle on our own."

"Perhaps," I allow. My fingers tighten around Chui Dao's haft with an audible noise and I force myself to relax my grip. "We should focus on the people. If we can get them off the street, then-"

The sound of steel on stone echoes across the peak. A flash of motion on the ground catches my eye and I spin, ripping my focus away from the horrors above. "Look!" I bark, pointing Chui Dao at the source: a veritable battalion of silver-armored soldiers. Fully hundreds of men in the colors of the Zhuan Clan charge across the bridges and onto the peak, splitting up into dozens of streams of feverish activity.

Some squadrons move to shepherd the Seated out of the streets and towards safety indoors. Others form into elaborate formations that resemble nothing so much as particularly prickly hedgehogs that bristle with spears. A few take up positions atop roofs, stringing bows and nocking arrows. I let out a relieved sigh and glance back at Daiyu. "Finally," I breathe out. "The Zhuan Army should be more than enough to deal with this flock."

But Daiyu doesn't seem to share my relief. A frown twists its way across her face, one that steadily deepens the longer she looks at the newly arrived army. "Were the birds Seated, yes," she murmurs. "But most are not- and most of the army is."

I spin around once more and refocus on the army. My Sixth Senses stretches to its limit as I scan the soldiers as quickly as I can. To my dawning horror, Daiyu is quickly proven correct. There are perhaps a dozen cores burning throughout the soldiers, but none stronger than mine- none even stronger than Bihai's, even! And the rest are bereft of even the least anam. If the birds prove as strong as their herald, they…

…wait. Another anam signature pulses at the very edge of my senses. It moves quickly, darting across the peak at speeds I struggle to keep up with. Compared to the dull blanks that are the Seated, the empty voids that are the Servants, and the guttering sparks of the Soldiers, this new signature is a blazing beacon that makes me flinch away.

"Someone else is here!" I bark out. My eyes snap open once more and I search for the source of the anam, but it is in vain. The signature is moving so quickly that even my Sixth Sense has trouble following it. The anam darts wildly around the peak like an insect trapped in a jar, never stopping in one place for more than a bare instant before shooting to its next destination.

It is so fast that I cannot tell anything about it. The aspects of the anam are a mystery. It's exact strength is impossible to determine. The only things I learn for sure as it moves are that it feels oddly familiar, and that it is coming closer.

"Who is that?" cries Daiyu, voice high with surprise. "And what-" Her words are cut off as the anam signature draws even nearer. Bare seconds after it first arrived on the peak, it alights atop one of the nearby buildings where one of the Summit Guard squads has established a position. An indistinct shape darts around the soldiers like a bee around a flower before leaping across the street and into another huddle of guards.

As it moves, a voice barely reaches my ears. I cock my head to the side and focus, trying to listen to the shadow speak over the oncoming birds. "Sorry!" it says as it does… something to one of the guards. "My apologies! I will make this up to you! Truly, I will!" Daiyu's eyes are thankfully as wide and confused as mine are when our gazes lock. Good; if she were not just as bewildered, I would conclude that my mind was trying to relieve the stress of the situation by coming up with audible hallucinations.

The strong anam signature flares once more and the shadow vanishes. When it reappears, it doesn't move from its landing point. I am immediately in motion with Daiyu at my side. The two of us tear through the streets, dodging around the still-milling crowds, until we reach the Artist. They stand in the middle of the street, hands clasped together as their lips move soundlessly-

-I almost trip as recognition hits me. It is only thanks to Daiyu's quick reflexes that I don't tumble across the stone. "Are you well?" my partner hisses. "Did the bird's cry leave lingering damage?"

"No, no, it is just…" I answer, shaking my head as a chuckle threatens to escape my throat. "I know our reinforcements. That's-"

My explanation is lost as Kumi straightens up to the fullest extent of her small stature and raises her hands. A visible aura of golden anam bursts into shining radiance around her for a split second before she clasps her hands and pushes. The anam bursts into dozens of tiny threads, each one following an invisible path towards one of the Summit Guard.

The moment the golden power hits its targeted guard, it flares a brilliant orange-gold. Each guard shines brightly against the dark before the light peels away from the soldiers.

A dozen flickering auras hang in the air above Jingyi's Summit, all of them tethered to Kumi with a loose strand of faint gold. My senior's eyes squeeze shut- and when they open, they shine with gold tinged with red as she screams her defiance into the night-

-and the anam above the peak begins to change.

The aura closest to us draws my focus. It ripples in the air and brightens as it seems to fold in on itself. Again and again it twists itself down until it is nothing more than a golden star shining too low in the sky. Just as quickly as it shrank, it grows, losing none of its new radiance as it reclaims its former size and then keeps growing.

The more it grows, the more detailed it becomes. The simple aura darkens and thickens as it takes on a physical form. Arms and legs as thick as tree trunks bend themselves into shape, each limb tipped with long, savage talons. A neck so thick it may as well not exist connects a skull to a torso that is naught but muscle and sinew. Brilliant red light spills from empty sockets as the skinless terror rips its way into existence.

It is not alone. The other auras shift and twist as well, with each taking on its own horrific form. A shark that grins its toothy grin with far too much intelligence shining in its eyes. A spider walking upon limbs made of twisted swords, greased with ruby ichor. A six-winged bird with size and plumage that puts the Black Birds to shame. These are just a few of Kumi's conjurations, and they all turn to face the seething sky.

Before the Birds can truly register what they face, they are beset upon by an army of horrors. Powered by the burning beacon that is Kumi's core, the horrors tear into the birds like the demonic beasts they so resemble. Feathers begin to fall like rain around us. They pile upon the streets, covering broken booths and scattering Seated alike in a dark snowfall. Mere moments later, the first bird falls to the stone, broken by Kumi's monsters.

It is not enough. Kumi's technique is terrifying in its scope and in the sheer amount of anam she pushes into it, but it merely stems the tide of birds. The flock is distracted by the onslaught, yet it is far from breaking and even further from retreating. My senior has her limits. When she reaches them, we will be right back where we were before.

Footsteps on the stone behind me rip my focus away from the carnage above. They are almost casual, as if there is nothing more threatening nearby than a simple mist. I glance over my shoulder before looking back at the sky-

-and pause.

I let out a long, low breath, and turn back to the newcomer. Beside me, Daiyu follows my gaze, her own eyes growing wide with surprise. "I…" she breathes out before stopping, shaking her head. " apologies. I know this is far from the most pressing matter right now, but… how are you doing that with your robes?"

A smile almost as bright as Kumi's creations cuts through the night as Naixin chuckles at Daiyu's question. "Nay," he says, walking between Daiyu and I until he is in front of us. True to form, he looks to have stepped from an oil painting, his hair and robes rippling in a breeze that only they feel. "That is a most excellent question, junior sister, and one that I hear most often. Yet 'tis a question that shall remain unanswered. Were I to spill my secrets, those who look upon me would have some small amount of wonder drained from their world. I will not be responsible for such sorrow."

He claps his hands briskly as he turns his attention to the battle above. "Impressive," Naixin says approvingly. "Sister Kumi's control has grown leaps and bounds in my absence. It used to be that she would struggle sustaining a mere pair of phantasms, and now she has worked her way to a full dozen. Is this the result of her training? Or is she merely pushing herself harder than her channels can take?"

Kumi does not answer. She may not even be able to hear Naixin. Her focus is all on the tableau in the sky. Thankfully, the glass-like senior takes no offense. Instead, he chuckles fondly at Kumi's focus. "The latter it is," he states. "Still, 'tis most impressive."

He glances over his shoulder, peering at me through a veil of golden-white hair. "As was your display, junior brother. 'Twas rough in execution, but it showed innovation and heart. You will be a true delight when you make your way to the realm of the Farmer."

"Still, you've done what you can," he sighs. "To delay further would be uncouth."

Naixin takes another step forward and turns his ever-present smile on to the birds above. "My apologies, brothers and sisters," he calls to them. "You are each magnificent in your own way. Yet thus far, you have only done battle with my juniors."

"They are promising pupils," Naixin continues, monologuing at the birds as if it were he upon the player's stage. "Yet they remain but pupils."

Naixin raises one of his hands in the air with the same urgency a dog would show when moving to a new position in its bed. "My juniors, you see, are Soldiers and Farmers. Impressive in their own way, but… well, are you familiar with the old adage? Soldiers win fights. Farmers win battles. But Teachers?"

A cruel smirk alights on Naixin's face as he finishes his words. "We win wars."

With his piece said, he snaps his fingers-

-and lightning lances from the sky, turning night into day.

I flinch back as my vision becomes white. Beside me, Daiyu lets out a hiss of pain as her arms raise to shield her eyes. Her reaction is nothing compared to Kumi's, who shrieks in sudden agony as Naixin's power splits the sky. Whatever else happens is a mystery to me- by the time my vision returns, spots dancing across the world, the lightning has done its work. The bodies of the birds, signed and smoking, plummet from the sky and crash into the peak, leaving it covered in the bodies of the fallen.

With the sudden lack of bird calls buffeting the peak, the silence seems deafening. Every noise from the quietest to the loudest that breaks the hush seems almost offensive, as if the silence has been ordained by some higher power and ruining it is an affront. Each horrified noise from the citizens of the Summit is a crack of thunder. Each new falling body, a wave breaking upon the shore. The world holds its breath in respect for Naixin's power for what seems like an eternity.

Until, that is, Kumi lets out an aggrieved sigh. She straightens up from where she had fallen and shakes her head, no doubt fighting to clear the spots from her vision. "Ancestors above, Brother Naixin," she groans. "You have my undying gratitude for your aid, but would a word of warning truly have been that difficult?"

"I spoke many words before unleashing my power," comes Naixin's lazy response. "Some of them could have been construed to have been of warning. Perhaps you should redouble your training, paying special attention to sensing the rest of your surroundings while in the throes of your technique."

"The True Wisdom is a challenging technique," Kumi counters. The least vestiges of her golden power shudder and fade, with the last remnants of her conjurations vanishing in a shower of dust. "One which I have rarely been forced to call upon. I make no excuses, but some distraction was expected. And you cannot tell me that you could not have clarified your warning if you so desired."

Naixin offers the bare fraction of a shrug as if to concede the point. "Still," Kumi continues, turning to face us. "I shudder to think of what would have happened had you not been here, brother. Thank you for your-"

Kumi's words die behind her lips as she finally lays eyes on us. Golden eyes widen and a smile stretches across her face. "Junior Brother!" she almost squeals, rushing forward and dodging around Naixin's artful pose. "I had wondered if that was you! My apologies for the lack of greeting, but time was of the essence, and I had little time!"

My senior sister comes to a halt right in front of me, delight clear upon your face. "From what I saw, your showing was most admirable!" she chirps. "The use of the Plume in such an innovative manner should be commended! And…" Kumi trails off as she seems to register Daiyu's presence for the first time.

For a moment, Kumi pauses. But as suddenly as it stopped, the whirlwind of motion resumes, this time focused on Daiyu. "And you!" she says. "Your own skills were most impressive! That first toss of your weapon was perfectly placed! How long did you train to attain that level of mastery? It-"

Kumi slaps her hand over her mouth and shakes her head. "My apologies!" she says, words muffled behind her hand. "I am making a muddle of this. Please forgive me." She stops and bows sharply to Daiyu. "I am Kumi, Daughter Ekua, Seventh Circle Disciple of the Caretakers, and Kong Zhi's senior sister! It is a delight to make your acquaintance!"

From Daiyu's carefully blank face, she has little idea how to react to Kumi's overpowering excitement. Still, she offers a bow of her own. "It.. is nice to meet you," she eventually musters. "Thank you for your aid today, and for taking care of Zhi. I know little about his court or his fellows, but I am certain your teachings have been invaluable to him."

Kumi doesn't seem to hear Daiyu's answer. She glances from Daiyu's face to her fine robes back to me and mine. Her eyes dart back and forth as her smile grows even wider. "Junior Brother…" she gasps, voice delighted yet scandalized. "Are you on a date?"

I move to answer but Kumi is beyond listening to me. "You clearly are, but are you aware of it?" she continues, voice bright and excited. "If not, you should be. Look at the two of you! Junior Brother, your new form is most impressive, and Junior Sister, you are a vision to behold! If you have not already broken through to Junior Brother, inform your Senior and I will bludgeon him for you!"

Sense Motive Check: 4d10s7(1.1). Dice Rolled: 8, 7, 3, 1. 1.1, rounded down to 1 Success!

As Kumi begins to chatter with excitement, I cannot help but frown. She has always been polite, friendly, and one of the nicest people I have ever met. Nothing about her behavior is suspect in any way. Perhaps it is simply because it has been months since I last saw my Senior Sister, but… her cheer seems forced.

Her smile is a hair too wide to be genuine. The excitement is a little too loud to be real. Something… something is off with my senior sister.

Concern sparks in my heart. I glance past Kumi's delighted interrogation of Daiyu and spot Naixin staring a hole through her back, a frown on his too-perfect face. Whatever is ailing her, Naixin sees it too.

The obsidian-skinned artist snaps his fingers. This time, no lightning answers his call, yet our focus is drawn to him as if he has been illuminated in a heavenly radiance. "This is fascinating, charming, exciting, and everything in between," he drawls. "Yet there is no need to have such a rare meeting of the Caretakers take place in such a foul location."

He looks past us and back across the bridge, where the festival has resumed atop the neighboring peak. "There must be a tea house or a tavern of some sort open across yonder way. We shall adjourn to it and commence your debriefing forthwith."

Kumi's smile dims, but she obediently offers Naixin a bow. "Of course," she says before turning back to Daiyu and I. "We will catch up soon!" she chirps. "I will be in the city for another few days! If you are free tomorrow, I would-"

"You will catch up now," Naixin interrupts. "For 'twas not only you I was addressing, junior sister. All of us will sit down, have a drink, and discuss what has just occurred- and it will be a lovely time."

I let out a sigh and meet Daiyu's eyes. A note of tired annoyance creeps into her eyes and she turns to our Seniors. She bows sharply at the waist in respect before saying, "This Mei Daiyu is beyond grateful for your aid, honored Seniors. No doubt you have much to discuss. We are grateful for your invitation, but we were in the middle of-"

A snort of laughter escapes Naixin and he shakes his head. "Bold! You are quite the bold junior! I cannot say I hate it. Sadly, such boldness cannot be rewarded tonight. Think of this invitation as one to see your Father's Grandfather who regales you with stories of their own tepid glory at every meeting- it is one that you cannot decline, no matter how you may wish to."

Daiyu's shoulders slump at Naixin's words. I reach over and rest a hand on her shoulder in commiseration. Her attempt was doomed to failure from the moment it began, but it was still a worthy attempt. "Very well," I answer for the both of us. "As the Senior wishes. We would be… we will be happy to join you."

Naixin chuckles, the sound a wondrous whisper in the wind. "It is adorable that you think you've a choice in the matter," comes his answer. "Now, no further delays. Let us be off, and perhaps we will be done by sunrise!"
A/N: Voteless update this go-round! Hope you enjoyed.
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Fantastic update!! Really awesome fight scene. Love Naixin, all the caretakers are the best characters with their deep weirdness and tendency to grandstand.
Huh, wasn't expecting to run into Kumi.

Also, poor Daiyu should have been careful with her wishes. Now she will bear witness to why Zhi is reluctant to speak of the Caretakers.
Nice update. Kong Zhi did something awesome there with his flight and descent! Also, Kumi's technique is getting me downright inspired with what we might do with our Dream pottery rib and that Celestial clay. Summoning nightmares to fight for her? NICE! Shame she's bummed out that Zhi is taken, but such is life. She's strong, she'll get over it.


The birds grasping talons

I'm certain we've had discussions about this setting's attitude to poly relationships, but I don't recall how they went. Even as a card-carrying Mei Daiyu voter, I'm sad to see Kumi try to tough it out in front of everyone after learning about our relationship for the first time.
I'm certain we've had discussions about this setting's attitude to poly relationships, but I don't recall how they went.

Well, Kong Zhi's father has a wife and multiple concubines, and his Aunt has multiple partners (Zhi is not sure which is the legal husband). So it sounds like there's only allowed to be one legal spouse but multiple partners is societally accepted. Details beyond that probably involve the specific people involved more than anything.
IIRC, she took her current mission specifically as an escape from an unpleasant series of events back in the Heart. If the mission turned out to not be as much of a stress relief as she was hoping for, it could be that she just near her breaking point from many things piling up over time.
I'm also guessing she's unhappy that the spirit crows started attacking the populace, that probably wasn't part of her plans. Along with the fact that she doesn't get along with Naixin and the rest of the potential behind the scenes stress.
Though Naixin seems to like Kumi just fine? Don't see any animosity or odd behavior (other than Naixin being fabulous, but that's seems perfectly in line).
Kumi might be trying to feel happy for her junior brother, but her main problem is isolation/loneliness, and Zhi (aka one of the few people she spends time with) getting a girlfriend will absolutely not help with that.
Glad to see utility techniques like the Elegant Plume getting a moment in the spotlight, drives home the sheer usefulness of training even our most basic techniques as they integrate into the whole. That's before even accounting for the importance of aspect and technique integration for future advancement.
...Now, the REAL question is if we choose to congratulate Kumi on her Seventh Circle challenge that we have no sane answer for how we know about it.
Are you kidding, that's exactly why we should! Aside from politeness and telling our friend that they weren't alone at a time where the sorely believed otherwise, we finally get the chance to enjoy knowing something that they don't!
My explanation is lost as Kumi straightens up to the fullest extent of her small stature and raises her hands. A visible aura of golden anam bursts into shining radiance around her for a split second before she clasps her hands and pushes. The anam bursts into dozens of tiny threads, each one following an invisible path towards one of the Summit Guard.

The moment the golden power hits its targeted guard, it flares a brilliant orange-gold. Each guard shines brightly against the dark before the light peels away from the soldiers.
I wanna know what the heck is up with this technique. Why did it target the Summit Guard? Is it piggybacking off their minds to control the Phantasms?
Aside from meta gaming for no real reason other than the joy of breaking a setting. I'd expect that would probably raise questions or concerns regarding zhi's time core. Get her or siani to start to expect that zhi is finally doing time fuckery.

Of which there has been very little of for a time artist in this quest.

Really hoping that integrating shatter the mirror lets us swap place or peak into alternate realities via other zhis. Learn things we shouldnt know or be a good source of inspiration at the risk of mental damage or some time related hazard.
I know not what foes the Black Bird has dealt with in the past. There must have been many; as it looks at me, a similar look of judgment crosses its cruel eyes. It has taken my measure and deemed the risk of fighting me to be… acceptable. The Black Bird rears back and spreads its wings wide in challenge.
Murderbirb failed a Sense Danger check.

The final thing is Chui Dao's spike with all the force of my fall behind it.
MUUUUGHIIII!( Geronimo!)

My hasty plans fade from my lips as Daiyu stares at me, eyes wide. Suddenly self-conscious, I glance away and focus on the shadows on the oncoming birds. "What?" I mumble. "I-"
Danger: Irrate Daiyu detected!

The sound of steel on stone echoes across the peak. A flash of motion on the ground catches my eye and I spin, ripping my focus away from the horrors above. "Look!" I bark, pointing Chui Dao at the source: a veritable battalion of silver-armored soldiers. Fully hundreds of men in the colors of the Zhuan Clan charge across the bridges and onto the peak, splitting up into dozens of streams of feverish activity.
And then the cavalry arrived. Although in this case, someone neglected to inform them that they were the cavalry, and therefore should have arrived on mount. Perhaps they thought that they were first, and that is why they appeared dramatically, but with nary a horse in sight.

"Someone else is here!" I bark out. My eyes snap open once more and I search for the source of the anam, but it is in vain. The signature is moving so quickly that even my Sixth Sense has trouble following it. The anam darts wildly around the peak like an insect trapped in a jar, never stopping in one place for more than a bare instant before shooting to its next destination.
This could be a good training exercise.

A dozen flickering auras hang in the air above Jingyi's Summit, all of them tethered to Kumi with a loose strand of faint gold. My senior's eyes squeeze shut- and when they open, they shine with gold tinged with red as she screams her defiance into the night-

-and the anam above the peak begins to change.
Overlimit reached: Hi Ougi unleashed.

Interesting technique. It also indicates that Kumi can read dreams without the target being asleep. Perhaps Kumi is further along with Farmer's Step than I thought?

"I…" she breathes out before stopping, shaking her head. " apologies. I know this is far from the most pressing matter right now, but… how are you doing that with your robes?"
On the contrary. If Naixin has appeared, then there are no pressing matters right now. Except Naixin.

Kumi does not answer. She may not even be able to hear Naixin. Her focus is all on the tableau in the sky.
Poor Kumi seems to be stuck with techniques that take too much of her focus. Although that may just be part of being a Dream Artist.
Or maybe Siani had decided to source her techniques that would really test her.

With the sudden lack of bird calls buffeting the peak, the silence seems deafening. Every noise from the quietest to the loudest that breaks the hush seems almost offensive, as if the silence has been ordained by some higher power and ruining it is an affront.
I'm not sure I'd call Naixin a 'higher power'...

"I am Kumi, Daughter Ekua, Seventh Circle Disciple of the Caretakers
Siani: "She said the name!"
Eryu, sighing: "We've been over this many times. The name is not a secret."

Her eyes dart back and forth as her smile grows even wider. "Junior Brother…" she gasps, voice delighted yet scandalized. "Are you on a date?"
Anything not yet destroyed in the street was just 'squeed' to rubble.

"Yet there is no need to have such a rare meeting of the Caretakers take place in such a foul location."
Eryu shoving a stick of cinnamon into Siani's mouth.