The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

A charm that would benefit us greatly is a battery to store a bunch of anam, that's the current "weakness" of KZ, all of his techs costs a bunch of anam and he only has about 30.
Yeah, almost every single fight Zhi's gotten into has seen him run out of anam or nearly do so. This cannot be overstated: Zhi runs out of anam quickly.
  • Zhi has a lot of techniques that don't fit his core.
    • The techniques that do fit his core have high anam costs.
      • His breathing technique makes all his combat techs a bit more expensive.
        • The most recent technique we got, the Twilight Horizon, similarly costs 6 anam, more expensive even than Shatter the Mirror. Having expensive techniques means that if we whiff with them in a round, we've lost a huge chunk of our pool. The longer a fight goes on, the more likely it is that Zhi will need to fall back purely on the Hummingbird's Dance.
  • It's not just our techniques but also our charms - the Dance costs a considerable amount of anam and completely running out of anam means that A Fractal View costs an action to reactivate.
  • The trait we got from finishing An Elegant Plume explicitly mitigates a lot of damage from people at around our level as long as we're above 50% anam.
It just makes sense at every level to make ourselves a battery, and it's why people have been talking up making one for quite some time now. Gentlemen, please: even if you're not particularly drawn to crafting (somehow, despite that being Zhi's initial character concept), consider that a battery would be the best investment we could make right now.
Yeah, almost every single fight Zhi's gotten into has seen him run out of anam or nearly do so. This cannot be overstated: Zhi runs out of anam quickly.
  • Zhi has a lot of techniques that don't fit his core.
    • The techniques that do fit his core have high anam costs.
      • His breathing technique makes all his combat techs a bit more expensive.
        • The most recent technique we got, the Twilight Horizon, similarly costs 6 anam, more expensive even than Shatter the Mirror. Having expensive techniques means that if we whiff with them in a round, we've lost a huge chunk of our pool. The longer a fight goes on, the more likely it is that Zhi will need to fall back purely on the Hummingbird's Dance.
  • It's not just our techniques but also our charms - the Dance costs a considerable amount of anam and completely running out of anam means that A Fractal View costs an action to reactivate.
  • The trait we got from finishing An Elegant Plume explicitly mitigates a lot of damage from people at around our level as long as we're above 50% anam.
It just makes sense at every level to make ourselves a battery, and it's why people have been talking up making one for quite some time now. Gentlemen, please: even if you're not particularly drawn to crafting (somehow, despite that being Zhi's initial character concept), consider that a battery would be the best investment we could make right now.
Not to mention if we hit zero anam we transform back into Raptor Zhi and have to spend an action to transform back
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Vesvius on May 26, 2024 at 11:14 PM, finished with 120 posts and 60 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Creative Process
    [x] Plan Wondrous Things
    [X] Plan: All Socials
    -[X] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.)
    -[X] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
    -[X] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
    -[X] Daiyu has discovered that one of the schools within Jingyi's Summit is home to an order of Spirit Beast tamers and trainers, and she is interested in their methods. She's mentioned that such tips could be helpful for Kukuni as well as Spirit Beasts; I will tag along to see what knowledge I can glean.
    -[X] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
    -[X] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
    -[X] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.
    -[X] Send personal letters (free action, -2 bronze talents)
    --[X] To Fa (and friends)
    ---[X] Tell her the broad strokes of the events in the Hills. Elaborate upon how we as a trio fought and drove off a Farmer. Postscript: we somehow started dating Daiyu due to finding and sharing a technique with her.
    --[X] To Mom (and family)
    ---[X] Inform her of how we met and accidentally antagonized Dun Lihan, sadly got into Garden of Beasts, and the broad strokes of the Twelve Winds incident, for which the technique that Auntie Bi taught us was crucial. Emphasize that we got the Sen's Worldstream technique, the Blue Skies card, a new form, and that the Sen are likely in the market for an upgrade to some of their lesser security systems and may be open to the Kongs offering their services. We also look forward to introducing mom to our girlfriend. Postscript: We send our apologies to Uncle Fang for needing to put down one of his living fans like a rabid animal.
    [X] Plan Intrigue, Intentions, Innovation, and Ass Kicking
    -[X] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.) (This action is mandatory.)
    -[X] Even a city such as Jingyi's Summit has those that will fall through the cracks, or will simply try to avoid being tested. Some hide, some linger, and others may flee the city. Kong Zhi will seek those hard to locate prospects and ensure they have their turn before the testing treasure. Kun and Daiyu are invited to help if they wish.
    -[X] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
    -[X] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
    -[X] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
    -[X] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
    -[X] Upon Kong Zhi's belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel named Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more hidden beneath its surface. He will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within its metal.
    --[X] (Write-In how Kong Zhi will experiment with Chui Dao.)
    ---[X] Kong Zhi will buy two categories of low-grade materials; those that seem to resonate with Chui Dao and those that he seems to reject. He will then craft rock bottom basic charms as fast as he can, of the minimal quality Kong pride and standards will allow, then record the results. Daiyu is invited to come along and participate if she wishes.
    [X] Plan Winds and Sights
    [X] Plan Intrigue, Intentions, Innovation, and Ass Kicking - Bird Edition
    -[X] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.) (This action is mandatory.)
    -[X] Even a city such as Jingyi's Summit has those that will fall through the cracks, or will simply try to avoid being tested. Some hide, some linger, and others may flee the city. Kong Zhi will seek those hard to locate prospects and ensure they have their turn before the testing treasure. Kun and Daiyu are invited to help if they wish.
    -[X] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
    -[X] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
    -[X] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
    -[X] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
    -[X] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.
    [X] Plan: Worldstream Progress, Making a Gift
    [X] Night on the Town
i wonder if we make a charme that can help refine thing into lesser qunatity but more concentrated anam (like a distilation system that can distile basic blood form a beast without much anam into a few drop of say blood but with higher blood anam) maybe with a creation anam int the use
Missed the vote, but activities that I wanted are in the winning plan, so I'm not sad.

who was this guy again?

She was one of the Rose. We burned her by not telling her team about the unrest intel we had.

i wonder if we make a charme that can help refine thing into lesser qunatity but more concentrated anam (like a distilation system that can distile basic blood form a beast without much anam into a few drop of say blood but with higher blood anam) maybe with a creation anam int the use

Isn't that just the refining system? I think there are standardized tools for that sort of thing. Which isn't to say that we couldn't make our own I guess.
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Since we're finally gonna be building a charm, I have a battery-adjacent idea. hdvutd

A pair of bracer charms, each with a different function.

Sharp Rebuke [Still-Growing Sapling(Wood/Life 13), The Phantom's Hide(Steel 21)]: Absorbs anam from attacks defended from with that arm. The anam is stored and can either be used replenish the user, or spent to give the attacker a thorn status curse.

Backhanded Compliment [Bark of the Pearled Willow(Life/Peace 12), Ghastly Horns(Deception 18)]: Absorbs anam from an artist the user attacks with that arm. The anam is stored and can either be used toreplenish the user, or spent to give the victim a charmed status curse.
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Prep out your Battery Charm / Anam Leech ideas:

Name: Revenge of the Hated Moloth! (RotHM)

Archer Charm

My old anam stealing pauldron charm: Spend anam to send barb whips ala-

To inflict damage with anam leeching properties

Feel the beat of your heart as it tells you when to breathe. Let that sound wash over you and-

You feel it?

Do you feel the anam?

Take it. Draw it into your lungs. Your sleeping mind already knows how.

"They are called the Flowers of the Forge, and each one came from the best anam battery diagram my clan could afford. Every time I fill one up and have no empties remaining, it is time for another flower to bloom."

I cannot help but raise my eyebrow at that. Another flood of prospects prevents me from asking my questions right there and then, but I still recall them the next time my workload is manageable. "How many reservoirs do you currently have?"

Breath of the Deeps
Scholar Charm

Flowing Feathers of the Camel Turkey (Wind 4), Desiccated Poison Sacs (Poison 15/Hunger 5), Ghastly Horns (Deception 18), Pale Glowing Blossoms (Moon 13)


The snarling face of the Hate of the Moloth greets you- well albeit half of it in miniature; where your eyes end and the mask begins is the snarling maw of your now deceased foe, its malformed tusks rendered in detail unto the the surface of the Phantom Point horns you've used as the base plate for your charm, a pale light glowing within from the Pale Blossoms that lines the "mouth" of the mask. Runes artfully line the tableau, interspersed in the sections where the jaws will open upon activation to link up with the command scripts for the anam laced sacs stored therein.


A mask that serves to store anam via the Pale Blossoms that line within the mask's "mouth". Upon activation the "Moloth jaws" open, spewing a confounding cloud of hunger anam upon Kong Zhi's foes. It's true purpose is in its second phase; wherein the mask sucks back the anam cloud… and with it anam that it has taken from the enemy cycling pattern, sending it to the blossoms that glow in relation to the level of anam stored within. Specially carved channels within Zhi's peripheral vision helps him notify the amount in the heat of battle.

TLDR: An Anam Power Bank with built in Scholar Effects that works by shooting said scholar effects at the enemy in an aoe before sucking it up along with their anam.


Edited: Better materials to fit the theme and streamline the intended effects.
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My preferred way to deal with anam expenditure is a charm that switches around on who has advantage in combat. Ideally we'd take away the 1.5 multiplier from an opponent and get it ourselves.

Deception/Steel using the Ghastly horns and deer skin.
Using the malleability of Steel and deception to confuse the opponent with regards to what kind of technique Zhi use in a round of combat.

Maybe an Armor to level that skill up? With Chui Dao the build phase should be completed quickly.

Could possibly just use the Ghastly horns, they're metal and this point Kong Zhi should know that Chui Dao will convert some of the Deception into Steel.
My preferred way to deal with anam expenditure is a charm that switches around on who has advantage in combat. Ideally we'd take away the 1.5 multiplier from an opponent and get it ourselves.

Deception/Steel using the Ghastly horns and deer skin.
Using the malleability of Steel and deception to confuse the opponent with regards to what kind of technique Zhi use in a round of combat.

Maybe an Armor to level that skill up? With Chui Dao the build phase should be completed quickly.

Could possibly just use the Ghastly horns, they're metal and this point Kong Zhi should know that Chui Dao will convert some of the Deception into Steel.
While it is a cool concept, see the previous points of how we have a mitigation trait that only works if we have over half our anam pool, and how A Fractal View will deactivate if we ever go below 10% of our anam threshold. A battery is just all-around better.

(Besides which, I imagine it'd take a pretty good concept/materials to take away the advantage an opponent's technique gets while giving it to you. It'd be more plausible to do a charm that lets you change certain categories of techniques to a different kind (i.e. something that would let us use the Stallion's Enclosed Garden as a Scholar technique that can deaden someone else's senses, and thus effective against Sage techs).)

Anyway a battery may not be the weirdest or coolest thing we can make, Zhi is still a Kong and thus we can probably a charm do something else (mundane or otherwise) in addition to primarily being a battery.
Another reason why a battery is an important addition for Zhi is Duels.

Remember, back in the Charm Duel with Jin neither combatant was allowed to use pills but Mei WAS allowed to use the Battery charms she had on her.

We know that we're being fast tracked into the 7th circle by Siani and that 7th circle disciples HAVE to engage in a certain number of duels to maintain their position (I doubt Siani would let us slack in that regard) and even ignoring that... we have a tournament coming up that we will have to participate in.

Taking the time to make a battery now will make things easier in the future
While it is a cool concept, see the previous points of how we have a mitigation trait that only works if we have over half our anam pool, and how A Fractal View will deactivate if we ever go below 10% of our anam threshold. A battery is just all-around better.

(Besides which, I imagine it'd take a pretty good concept/materials to take away the advantage an opponent's technique gets while giving it to you. It'd be more plausible to do a charm that lets you change certain categories of techniques to a different kind (i.e. something that would let us use the Stallion's Enclosed Garden as a Scholar technique that can deaden someone else's senses, and thus effective against Sage techs).)

Anyway a battery may not be the weirdest or coolest thing we can make, Zhi is still a Kong and thus we can probably a charm do something else (mundane or otherwise) in addition to primarily being a battery.

Not sure how hard that'd be. If the opponent has tempo, Zhi would use the charm to make them believe that he's using another type of technique. The opponent would choose the wrong technique to counter Zhi allowing Zhi to counter instead. Make an opponent rush in with a warrior attach when they think Zhi is using an Archer, but they end up getting hit by a Defender technique.

Of course how that'd work mechanically would be up to Ves.
In the charm duel Daiyu used a charm that gave her +2 tempo successes. So theoretically she could take 1 dmg in a round and still get tempo the next and potentially get 1,5x successes.
Zhi already made a charm that subtracts the successes of an opponent, and that was just a the side effect.
Zhuan Kun has a trait that neutralizes type advantage and enhances his own.
So we've already seen effects that can alter who gets tempo and if they get type advantage or not.
How good a charm can Zhi make if that's the entire focus of it? Either adding/subtracting successes or messing with the type advantage.

In the spar with Kun. Kun won the majority of the rounds by ~2 successes.
If Kun hadn't gotten type advantage in round 3,4 and neutralized Zhi's advantage in round 5. Zhi would have gotten Kun down one physical box and won the spar. Unless Kun decided to end it early with his insane tech.
Of course how that'd work mechanically would be up to Ves.
This is kinda my point. Ves prefers for us to give a concept and for him to figure out how that works mechanically so specifying that kind of mechanical effect ("takes away type advantage from the enemy") first feels like a misstep. Specifying a goal like that out of the charm feels like it's likely to either be a less impressive than we expected, or that we'll get drawbacks associated with it - high anam cost to activate, or maintenance, or both.

Particularly given that it's not currently associated with any fluff so it's not very clear how that idea is supposed to work - I feel like it'd make more sense if we presented a particular kind of charm and then worked out how the effect is supposed to flow out of it. For instance, Ves may prefer it if we made a melee weapon or shield and narrowed down the concept to "this turns Defender techs into Warrior techs", because that makes sense for the concept; or perhaps even more specifically "this Steel-aspected shield that manifests spikes when activated turns a Defender Steel technique (e.g. Shadow of the Prince) into a Warrior technique".

We should be thinking of cool fluff, and not worry about the abstracted mechanics.
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I just wish we had time to research the Sorrowborne Guardian before we crafted, as it seems like the techniques we learn from it could really up our game.