The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

I don't necessarily disagree because it's hard to price things when we have so little market data, but we probably need to keep in mind Xu Yun was performing charity :V

We need to price based on what the 9th Circle can afford since they're the ones it makes any sense for, and 50 points is a lot. That's like ~15 talents: significant money even for someone of our social standing, and will those above really buy a second-hand charm and not a bespoke commission? Something like 30 seems more comparable to what a basic tech costs if I remember Peng's visit correctly. A charm has the advantage of being available immediate without training, but then it also gets outgrown so that seems a wash.

I might be too optimistic, but this is the relevant quote for selling charms:
Once you have reached the Eighth Circle, you may sell any excess charms you may have with the help of Ma Heng as a free action. You will set the price yourself, but if there are no takers, Ma Heng will gradually drop it week after week until someone takes it off their hands. For this service, Ma Heng takes a 20% commission.

So it's better to set an initial higher cost if we don't need money the next two weeks.

I agree with this, but I'll note that "next" doesn't necessarily mean "immediate". We already have three techs we need to integrate. Adding a fourth would divide our efforts far too much. That's not a problem though — waiting more time means we can save enough money to buy an actually good tech. As we've seen, even the cheapest techs are expensive, so getting one that comes close to the options Siani gave us is going to be expensive (and no, I'm not claiming we can match a tech from an elder, just that we want to come as close as we can).
I'd rather buy it sooner than later because we have an issue holding on to money once we go shopping.

I don't think we should be too worried about the initial dice and grade of the techs, since they can get upgrades after integration and IIRC higher Grade techniques is harder to get insight for.
Grade 2 should be good enough. Dunno how expensive it'll be but our allowance is coming in a few weeks, and if we put VR up for sale next week too, we should have a good amount in about 3-4 weeks?
Not joking, I wouldn't even hesitate to vote for this.

Inside the Caretakers, Kong Zhi is closest with Kumi.

Outside the Caretakers, Kong Zhi's closest friends and associates, the people he spends the most time with, are Nokai, Jai Fa, Mei Daiyu and Mo Hanying.

Among the Elders, besides Siani (KZ's direct boss), the only Elder that KZ has a relationship score with is Sela (at 0 and not "-" as with the other Elders).

At the Hot Springs, the naked lady senior Disciple Bei Meifeng was flirting with KZ.

At this point, we should just lean into KZ's budding reputation as a wanton lady's man (as shown in the "Have You Heard the Latest" sidestory.). Let us show that Kong Zhi is not just a Master of Charms, he is also a Master of Charm.
Guys, next turn we really should go the Bath and start searching again for the Smoke Wonder and the Royalty Treasure, something like this:

3x Siani
2x Bath
2x SEG Smoke
2x Fractal


3x Siani
2x Bath
2x SEG Smoke
1x Fractal
1x Treasure Search

The actions building Fractal would depend on this turn rolls.
Unless we roll magnificently on Fractal, we still want to put 3 actions into it next week. If we're lucky, we could even finish fractal next week with 5 actions. We're in no rush to find those wonders, we're making progress and Siani is not going to crucify us for not finding something next week. The end is almost in sight for FV - clear that off and we have more actions each week for hunting wonders.
I am actually quite curious as to why Nokai is so important to the Geng clan.

II suspect if the Geng clan had been succesful in turning her into their own "proper" Radiant cultivator they might have gotten a bigger role at the front lines. General Grave's is far from the border to the Sunset Wastes after all.

Geng Tu will likely get a reward from his family if he manages to get Nokai expelled, and the only feasible solution, I can think of at the moment, he has to that is to somehow get Nokai mad enough to beat a Disciple so bad she cripple their cultivation.

Now then how does Mo Hanying with into this. Well her father is on the rise as a general in the war against the Sunholder tribe and if she can do with friendship what the Geng's could not do with force... That's a feather in the cap for the Mo clan. I'm not saying that Mo Hanying is trying to change Nokai btw.

If her family was of no great importance before, I imagine that they'd also get land near the border. If Mo Hanying can demonstrate that peace between the two is possible, their lands could be more secure?
@Vesvius, question: we dont need a wonder to cycle techniques which have same anam types as our core, right? For example, if we want to cycle a steel technique, we can supply the anam from our core, right?
Man, it seems like we never have enough actions. How many weeks has it been since we promised Jai Fa her charm? And we still don't even have a plan for it? We're such a faithless friend.
Actually we were quite polite to Tu. Although if he's this big of a bitch we need to step up our plans.

You keep part of your focus on your friend, but the rest you allow to move towards the interlopers. "Lord Geng," you say, addressing the noble for the first time since his arrival. "Even if I had been willing to work for you before, this utterly disgraceful display has convinced me otherwise. With all due respect, leave. Your welcome is quite thoroughly worn out."
We called him utterly disgraceful. We might as well have slapped him in the face and called him a bitch.
Man, it seems like we never have enough actions. How many weeks has it been since we promised Jai Fa her charm? And we still don't even have a plan for it? We're such a faithless friend.

The intervening brutal assault and mutilation we received doesn't count for anything? We're still recovering from that, remember. It must be the first charm we finish once Fractal has repaired us, but it's not like we've had no reasons to delay.
The intervening brutal assault and mutilation we received doesn't count for anything? We're still recovering from that, remember. It must be the first charm we finish once Fractal has repaired us, but it's not like we've had no reasons to delay.
That's probably why Fa hasn't asked for it, yeah. But it's been what, three months? Two and a half? There will eventually be a limit. We need to finish FV first though.
That's probably why Fa hasn't asked for it, yeah. But it's been what, three months? Two and a half? There will eventually be a limit. We need to finish FV first though.
Yeah. Sounds like pretty much everyone is on board with starting the axe after finishing FV. Lots of different designs being thrown around (both here and on the discord.)
Speaking of charms, here are a couple of other ideas I've had for future charm possibilities.

A Harvester's Arsenal (Assorted Gathering Tools)
Traveler ??? (Steel 16, Ice 8)
Using the Monsterous Bones from a slain Phantom Point as well as the unmelting ice from a slain vestige, Kong Zhi has crafted an assortment of harvesting implements meant to be used in harvesting from more spiritual entities. Specifically Kukuni and Vestiges. Knives, saws, clamps, and spikes all crafted from bone with the edge set with eternal ice to preserve and enforce a spiritual order for the reagents that Kong Zhi is working to extract from recent victories in the wilds and the deeps.

This idea I saw float around discord a while ago as a possibility if we got more steel mats. Well, we have more steel mats now and I think getting Kong Zhi an assortment of tools for working on making the most out of any kills he makes in his exploration would be interesting and useful.

Bloodhound's Bracelet (Bracelet)
Monk ??? ( Flowing Feathers of the Camel Turkey (Wind 4), Ifeagrass (Blood 3), Wool of a Verdant Ewe (Beast 2))
Made with the Flowing Feathers of the Camel Turkey, Ifeagrass, and Wool of a Verdant Ewe this simple charm can be used to enhance the wearer's sense of smell beyond what would normally be thought possible. Allowing one to become particularly sensitive to the smell of blood, this charm is a potent aid to any hunter pursuing wounded prey, or any explorer searching undiscovered caverns deep in the Brightmaple Mountains.

This is a simple charm idea for using some of the lower-quality mats that we currently have. Not too impressive, but it might have some synergy with SEG by improving our senses before turning them off.
The Great Axe Debate
Yo guys! We've reached the end of yet another week. I still have one commission left to hammer out and it's a biggun, so it'll be a few days before I get the next update up and running. But rather than let the thread sit dormant while I work, it seems like now would be a good time to get another question answered: namely, the question of Fa's Axe. So since the ALT vote that ended with Zhi crafting Fractal did so well, I think it's time to do something similar with Fa's Axe.

As a reminder, here are Fa's only requirements for the axe:
  1. It must contain at least two aspects. The first must be Steel, the rest are dealers choice.
  2. It is not a subtle thing. Fa doesn't want a tiny, wimpy hatchet. If it would look out of place in the hands of an Orc Barbarian as they charge the gates of hell with Slayer blasting in the background, Fa doesn't want it.
Now that that's settled, here's a reminder of how this whole thing works. Right now is the brainstorming phase. You post whatever designs you have (One design per post, you can post as many as you'd like) and discuss them. All of you debate and retool your designs for however long it takes for everyone to run out of ideas. One note: you can only use materials you currently have on hand. No plans that require you to go shopping or hunting.

When you're done, me and Ct will gather them up and narrow it down to our favorites, which are usually somewhere between a top three and a top five. Once that's settled, I'll throw up an actual vote. The winner of that will be Zhi's plan for Fa's long delayed axe and will be availible for construction on the plan votes (though I assume you won't actually be starting it till you're done with Fractal, which is A-OK with me).

Sound good? Sounds good! Have fun everyone!
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Materials on Hand: Shell Fragment (Beast 14), Still Growing Sapling (Wood/Life 13), Vestige's Ice (Ice 8), A Still Shaking Anvil (Steel/Force 7), Flowing Feathers of the Camel Turkey (Wind 4), Ifeagrass (Blood 3), Brass Knocker (Force 3), Wool of a Verdant Ewe (Beast 2), Snake Mother's Skin (Beast 14), Desiccated Poison Sacs (Poison 15/Hunger 5), The Phantom's Hide (Steel 21), Ghastly Horns (Deception 18), Cowardly Hooves x2 (Wood 10), The Monster's Bones (Steel 16), Meat of a Spirit Deer (Immortal Chef Material, Steel 12)
For those making charm designs, here is our current set of materials.

EDIT: Just removed ALT and the Everbloom, which was still in the list for some reason.
reposting this from earlier
Ax idea - Not! Actually a time charm (I can't believe it's not a Time Charm!)

Materials: The Monster's Bones (Steel 16), Ghastly Horns (Deception 18), and cycle time anam into it.

The axe slows down the targets perception of time, therefore making them think the user is moving very fast.

Edit - hdvutd
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is not a subtle thing. Fa doesn't want a tiny, wimpy hatchet. If it would look out of place in the hands of an Orc Barbarian as they charge the gates of hell with Slayer blasting in the background, Fa doesn't want it.
Ok so the deer bones are a necessity. They're steel and they're totally fuckin metal.


The F(a)jords' Tranquil Retribution
[A Still Shaking Anvil (Steel/Force 7), The Monster's Bones (Steel 16), Vestige's Ice (Ice 8)]

A steel greataxe carved in the shape of a mountain range, rivers of ice running through it leading to its icy edge. Set into a ice-white bone shaft.

The axe saps a target's movement over the course of a battle and packs it all up into a big great finisher.
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I'm posting my original idea, a Beastly Axe that likes to Hunt it's enemies, made with all the beast anam we have been collecting since day one and the Steel to temper it:

Name: Blade of the Hunt Materials: Shell Fragment (Beast 14), A Still Shaking Anvil (Steel/Force 7), Brass Knocker (Force 3), Snake Mother's Skin (Beast 14), The Monster's Bones (Steel 16)
Design: Use the material of the Knocker to make a pommel, The Anvil Head for the Blade, The Monster's Bones for the shaft, The Snake Mother's Skin to wrap the shaft and the Shell Fragment to envolve the Blade.
Effect: Every time an enemy is hit by the axe, his siluette appears in the blade, with each consecutive hit the image becomes clearer and the Axe gets more sharp and deadly, once the image is in full view the Axe can dispatch a final blow to hunt it's enemies, then the image fades and the process starts again.
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I'm posting my original idea, a Beastly Axe that likes to Hunt it's enemies, made with all the beast anam we have been collecting since day one and the Steel to temper it:

Name: Blade of the Hunt Materials: Shell Fragment (Beast 14), A Still Shaking Anvil (Steel/Force 7), Brass Knocker (Force 3), Snake Mother's Skin (Beast 14), The Monster's Bones (Steel 16)
Design: Use the material of the Knocker to make a pommel, The Anvil Head for the Blade, The Monster's Bones for the shaft, The Snake Mother's Skin to wrap the shaft and the Shell Fragment to envolve the Blade.
Effect: Every time an enemy is hit by the axe, his siluette appears in the blade, with each consecutive hit the image becomes clearer and the Axe gets more sharp and deadly, once the image is in full view the Axe can dispatch a final blow to hunt it's enemies, then the image fades and the process starts again.
Uuuuuhhh, that's cool and all, but can you go into detail how you use all those materials together? Ves has said just jamming materials together won't work
Shatter - name pending

The Monster's Bones (Steel 16) A Still Shaking Anvil (Steel/Force 7) Brass Knocker (Force 3)

When steel weapons were first crafted all other weapons faded away. Why? Because when a steel weapon meets a weapon crafted of a lesser metal that weapon shatters. It is this history that the ax emulates. For when this ax strikes something, that something is shattered. Metal shatter, hides shatter, flesh and blood shatter, everything shatters before this ax's blow.

The idea of this is to tie in with the history of steel weapons and echo the effect of when steel was first introduced. Just throwing my hat in the ring.
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Guess ill just repost my idea

The Beasts Phantom Chains (Steel/Deception)
Materials: The Monster's Bones (Steel 16), The Phantom's Hide (Steel 21) Ghastly Horns (Deception 18)
Purpose: Whenever the user strikes with this axe phantom chains shoot out at the opponent. Upon connection they latch on and allow the user to prevent the targets from escaping their grasp. For the opponents they will feel as though the chains are connected to their mind from wherever they touch the body and will feel like steel to physical touch. This will slow down the target as the chains oppose their actions, making it easier for the axe user to hit them. If the chains are removed by physical force then they tear at the opponents mind when they disconnect.
A Citadel of Hawthorn

Materials: Bones of the Beast (Steel 16) Wooden Hooves (Wood 10 x 2), A Still-Growing Sapling (13 Wood/Life)

Design: The sapling is smoothed and polished into the haft of the axe, then ringed in the Beast's bones. The hooves are used to make glue which is used to affix the bones to the haft and the haft to the head, which is made of steel forged with the remainder of the bones used to make bonesteel. The head is double-headed and engraved with a pattern of thorned branches made of bone dust inlay.

Effect: Upon activation, the Citadel of Hawthorn bursts forth with Wood and Steel anam that sinks into the ground, growing a thorned hedge around the combatants. The hedge is under the wielder's control and can move with the wielder to avoid encumbering her, open holes to let allies or weapons pass through, or grow spear-length thorns to strike at enemies.
A Passing Fancy

The Monster's Bones (Steel 16), The Ghastly Horns (Deception 18)
Design: The white-haired warrior holds in her hands... something. Your eyes slide off it, even as you try to understand it's appearance. As soon as the image appears in your mind, it is gone. She takes a stance, and swings, and the comrade by your side is transformed from a living being to a mess of blood and meat. Then she turns to you.
The haft of the axe is made from the beast's leg-bones and polished antler, glued together with Angel's Tears and screws. The head is made from bone-steel and is inlaid with dust from the antlers which are formed into whorls and curls that seem to mislead the eye.
Effect: Once infused, A Passing Fancy cannot be perceived except by its owner, who must keep it constantly imbued with a small amount of anam.. This goes beyond mere invisibility - it affects the target's mind directly. The axe itself strikes harder than a mundane axe and is supernaturally sharp.
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