The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] [FA] You are in a rough spot right now, and you need allies. You figured you could make them think better of you with some information and that later, perhaps, they would be those allies.
[X] [SHOUXI] Yes. It seems a worthy trade and a good reason to stretch your skills.
If its honest motivation then...

[X] [FA] You felt bad about ignoring them over the last several days and wanted to make up for it.
[X] [SHOUXI] Yes. It seems a worthy trade and a good reason to stretch your skills.
[X] [FA] You felt bad about ignoring them over the last several days and wanted to make up for it.
[X] [SHOUXI] Yes. It seems a worthy trade and a good reason to stretch your skills.
[X] [FA] You felt bad about ignoring them over the last several days and wanted to make up for it.
[X] [SHOUXI] Yes. It seems a worthy trade and a good reason to stretch your skills.
[X] [FA] You are in a rough spot right now, and you need allies. You figured you could make them think better of you with some information and that later, perhaps, they would be those allies.

[X] [SHOUXI] Yes. It seems a worthy trade and a good reason to stretch your skills.
[X] [FA] You felt bad about ignoring them over the last several days and wanted to make up for it.
[X] [SHOUXI] Yes. It seems a worthy trade and a good reason to stretch your skills.
[X] [FA] You felt bad about ignoring them over the last several days and wanted to make up for it.
[X] [SHOUXI] Yes. It seems a worthy trade and a good reason to stretch your skills.
If I have to guess, while all of them may be honest motivations, some of them, especially the one with "I have no ulterior motives" probably requires a persuasion roll
If I have to guess, while all of them may be honest motivations, some of them, especially the one with "I have no ulterior motives" probably requires a persuasion roll

If I were y'all I wouldn't look for what you think are the honest motivations of the character, because you're being given a chance to decide them right now. You're not voting here to stay in keeping with MCs character. You're voting here to decide it, going forward. This quest is maybe a dozen updates in and barely into the first arc. Not everything is set in stone.
Well, it's nice to get confirmation that Jai Fa is martially inclined. And with our answer deciding the sort of person Kong Zhi is, then I like the feeling bad/guilty option the most.

And I get that our collective knee jerk reaction is to accept the trade because we want to foster positive relations with our roommates, but realize that we're essentially trading a stat booster for a consumable. We're getting a one time boost, even if that one time boost is very useful in the short term, and he's getting a permanent one. We're also not sure how we're going to be getting materials for this charm, so we can't guarantee when the trade could even be completed. And crafting is very time intensive, so we're offering a significant amount of our future actions to this. A write in to tentatively agree a trade, but to leave the negotiations on the specifics until we finish our first charm might be better. We know what he's offering us, but neither of us are sure of what level of quality we're offering him in return. This, I think, would make the trade more fair and it might get us a chance at a skill rank increase for future negotiations. It'd be nice to get Kong Zhi some negotiation experience in a less stressful setting. This first deal sets the tone for how Kong Zhi treats future deals, so it's important we try to be professional about this.

[X] [FA] You felt bad about ignoring them over the last several days and wanted to make up for it.
[X] [SHOUXI] Express interest, but ask to work out the specifics of the trade after we finish our charm, so we both better understand what Kong Zhi can actually offer. Additionally, we hope to work with Jai Shouxi more in the future, and this is a good opportunity for the two of us to work on our sales pitches.
So now we are gonna create a charm to give a friend one more self defense option, while we ourselves are only up to completing a mental defensive charm. And I voted yes for the charm/elixer exchange, dont get me wrong.

We really need to move forward in our cultivation somehow. Being a harmless scrub is bad, but being a harmless golden goose is just terrible.
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If I were y'all I wouldn't look for what you think are the honest motivations of the character, because you're being given a chance to decide them right now. You're not voting here to stay in keeping with MCs character. You're voting here to decide it, going forward. This quest is maybe a dozen updates in and barely into the first arc. Not everything is set in stone.
You're replying to me, but that's not how I was looking at it. When I say all of them are honest motivation, I meant, yes, we are choosing the motivation ourselves. Just saying some people may be skeptical about some of our reasons
While I think both the 'feeling bad' and 'rough spot' arguments are true and fine, I feel Jai Fa will respond better to the rough spot argument, since she is suspicious of our motives. It's also better in case we get in a fight while together since they won't be unaware that being associated with us carries that risk.

The trade might be better if we can cultivate with it, since we know limiting ourselves to a singular anam can be limiting, and a pill might offer other anam. It's also effectively trading our crafting time, which is our best skill, for more efficient (and safer) cultivation time, might put us ahead effective time resource-wise. It might make our progress to the Soldier's Step a bit faster, which will be useful because it'll give us our own source of anam, I think.

[] [FA] You are in a rough spot right now, and you need allies. You figured you could make them think better of you with some information and that later, perhaps, they would be those allies.
[] [SHOUXI] Yes. It seems a worthy trade and a good reason to stretch your skills.
Current Tally. Vote will close in the morning!

Also, a quick note. On the previous cycling rolls, I forgot to include Drive in the final results. So you should have gotten another two successes, meaning the charm should be finished. I'll remedy that next update.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Mar 30, 2020 at 12:50 AM, finished with 40 posts and 31 votes.
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Current Tally. Vote will close in the morning!

Also, a quick note. On the previous cycling rolls, I forgot to include Drive in the final results. So you should have gotten another two successes, meaning the charm should be finished. I'll remedy that next update.

Nice! The finished charm makes new doors open.
I will never understand why people chose to play a martial arts quest and decide to not become a martial artist. . .

This whole thing with people attacking could have been avoided if you had all gone with genre conventions, instead you're gonna wind up paying protection money to the assholes cause you can't fight.

Its pathetic
16. Milestones Met
[] [SHOUXI] Yes. It seems a worthy trade and a good reason to stretch your skills.
[] [FA] You are in a rough spot right now, and you need allies. You figured you could make them think better of you with some information and that later, perhaps, they would be those allies.
You consider your words for a long moment. The last thing you want to do is to ruin any progress you've made by saying the wrong thing. But with each passing second, Jai Fa's stare grows heavier and heavier upon you. Staying quiet isn't doing you any favors either. You should just speak honestly.

And so you nod, acknowledging the question. "Lately, I've found myself in a rough spot," you explain. "There has been another charmcrafter at lessons who-"

"Jin Yazhu," Jai Fa breaks in. "I am familiar."

That brings you up short for a moment. Just how oblivious were you to not notice Jin Yazhu's hostility in class if Jai Fa picked it up so easily? But that's not important now. Besides, Jai Fa already knowing of him simplifies matters. "Yes, that's him. He has allies, and apparently has decided to make my life more difficult. That's why I was unable to return home last night."

"Since he has allies, I need them too," you continue with a small shrug. "I hoped that by sharing some information you lacked it, I could set the groundwork. And perhaps later, after several more exchanges, you and your brother could become some of those allies."

Jai Fa considers your words for a minute that seems to stretch on for far too long. You try your best not to feel anxious as she frowns in thought, and physically force your foot to stay still instead of tapping nervously. But eventually, she stands up. "Acceptable," she says.'re not sure you heard that right. "Excuse me?"

"I assumed that it was something like that," Jai Fa elaborates. "As far as motivations go, it could be worse. And the fact that you are speaking openly and honestly of them speaks well of you."

She turns and starts walking towards the kitchen's exit. "I cannot say for certain if your efforts will bear fruit, but they are noted. And appreciated," she calls back over her shoulder as she walks out. You hear a door opening and closing, and then you're alone once again in the kitchen.

Relationship Change! Jai Fa: +1 (Acquaintance)

You stare after her. That… that went about as well as could be expected. Shaking your head at just the bizarreness of the conversation you just had, you gather your tools and head upstairs to your bed that seems much more comfortable than it did before you had to sleep on a dog. You have a lot of work coming up if you have any hope of being ready for whatever test the Elders have planned for you in eight days. You should be rested for them.

But you cannot sleep.

You toss and turn for hours after your head hits the pillow. Your mind feels too busy for sleep, your body too awake, your spirit too restless. There are so many ideas and plans crowding your mind that turning them off just for sleep is almost wasteful. Perhaps you should begin sketching out another charm, or you could study your notes on water and blood anam, or you….

Wait. You're feeling too energetic for the cause to be simple restlessness. You have only felt this energized a few times before, and they all have one thing in common: they have come right after cycling. you still have anam within you? You can't. You know you can't. You used it all on the rings earlier. Right? Just to be safe, you sit up, cross your legs, and fall into your breathing pattern. Though there is no anam in the air to cycle, it still boosts your awareness and lets you sense anam more easily.

And you find that sure enough, there is time anam still lingering in your lungs.

Alright, you know that wasn't there before. You had been certain to use every drop of anam on the rings. But it's obviously there! You must have missed it- but you couldn't have. You just couldn't have. How could you have just missed anam? It isn't like misplacing a talent or dropping a scroll as you walked down the street. This is the primal life force of the world around you you're talking about here! This is anam! It…

Is it because it's time anam? Did it somehow leap forward in time to enter you here? Time anam has certainly felt strange to cycle. Cycling time has felt more like playing with a small animal or a very young cousin than it has felt like the simple act of power drawing you felt at the Prospector's Tears. Can it lie in wait and show up later- or maybe it's come back from the future and is now putting itself at your service earlier than it once did? Are you going to cycle tomorrow and find some portion of the anam that just vanishes when you draw it? Or maybe it's- your head hurts.

Whatever the case, it's here. You should use it while you have it. You leave your bed and grab the rings from your robe pockets. With them safely ensconced on your lap, you continue the process of infusion.

The time anam drizzles into the rings, falling in the grooves you painstakingly created. It joins with the rest of the anam you've already infused into the rings and forms a seamless whole. Power builds within the rings until it's almost a tangible thing that you can touch and taste.

The last drop of anam leaves your body- you triple check, just to make sure you've used all of it- and you blink, clearing your eyes and allowing you to see your first finished charm.

It's gorgeous.

Item Gained: Unnamed Earth Monk Charm
Unnamed Earth Monk Charm (Rings)
Monk Charm 1 (Earth)
This set of bejeweled bone rings is your first finished product as a charm crafter. They draw the power of earth anam to allow you to withstand more that you otherwise could. Once per day, you may store a full box of Mental or Physical stress within this charm, freeing it and allowing you to continue on as if you were undamaged. However, before using this charm again, it will have to be emptied. When the rings are emptied, or when twenty four hours have elapsed from first storage (whichever comes first) you receive the stored stress as fresh damage. This new stress cannot be stored in this charm again.

Skill Up! Craft (Charm) +1!

Work finally done, you place the rings on your nightstand and collapse. This time, sleep comes easy.
The next morning you rise, place your new charm on your fingers, and head downstairs for breakfast. The Jai twins have beaten you there. Jai Fa surprisingly greets you with a shallow nod, while Jai Shouxi gives you a toothy smile. "Kong Zhi!" he greets you. "Good morning!"

His eyes flicker over you. "I see you've completed your charm. I will admit, I know very little about the construction thereof, but it seems like impressive work. You do not need my praise but still, very well done!"

"Thank you," you acknowledge, sitting down across from the twins and gathering your own food. "It was hard work, but I think it shall be worth it." You swallow a mouthful. "And speaking of hard work, I have thought over your proposal. It seems a worthy one; I shall be happy to accept."

Jai Shouxi's grin grows even wider somehow; you're really not certain how that's possible, but he manages to pull it off. "Excellent! Then let us discuss details!"

Commission Received: Jai Shouxi
Jai Shouxi is commissioning a charm from you. The specifications are:
Type of Object: A rod of some sort
Technique desired: Archer
Anam Aspects: Water or Light (or both)

Jai Shouxi is asking you for the specification for the pill you will be receiving in payment for the charm you are crafting him. There is truly only one thing you need to decide: what anam aspect would you like it to be?
[] [ANAM] Write-In (Choose the anam type. It can be a base anam (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Light, Blood, Force, or Beast) or a more rare variety (including time, mud, steel, heavens, or anything else you so choose). If a rare anam is chosen, you will have to include water and light anams in Shouxi's charm.)

You have also finished your first charm! It is a set of three rings that can be used to ward off weariness and pain for a time. It calls out for a name. What do you decide to dub it?
-[] [NAME] Write-In Name

Finally, it is your seventh day within the Delving Heart! How do you spend it? (Pick Two)
[] [TASK] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[] [TASK] You will begin construction of a new charm under the 'supervision' of Elder Yixue.
[] [TASK] You have made inroads with Jai Fa, the more martial of the two Jai twins. She has invited you to spar with her and a few friends. It will likely hurt, but it could be an opportunity to expand your social circle.
[] [TASK] You have accepted a commission from Jai Shouxi, the more verbose of the two Jai twins. He will be working on a pill for you as you work on a charm for him. Perhaps the two of you could work together on your tasks.
[] [TASK] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She did you a good turn and you would like to repay the favor somehow. Perhaps she needs someone to groom a dog?
[] [TASK] You have discovered some information about the next step on your path: the Soldier's Step. You will work towards taking it immediately by cycling at a Natural Wonder.
-[] (Write In which Natural Wonder you are cycling)
[] [TASK] You will need materials if you are to begin work on your current charm project. You had best begin work in finding them.
-[] You will go scavenging for new materials.
-[] You will go hunting for new materials.
-[] You will go seek out the market for new materials.
[] [TASK] There are other disciples you have yet to meet, and you would like to change that. You'll mingle with your fellows.
[] [TASK] You have heard of several disciples that you have not formally made the acquaintance of. You would like to expand your social circle, and so you will seek one of them out.
-[] (Write in which disciple you would like to speak with)
[] [TASK] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
[] Write-In
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[X] [TASK] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] [TASK] You have made inroads with Jai Fa, the more martial of the two Jai twins. She has invited you to spar with her and a few friends. It will likely hurt, but it could be an
opportunity to expand your social circle.

A bit of exercise after a full week of learning and crafting.
[X] [TASK] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] [TASK] You have made inroads with Jai Fa, the more martial of the two Jai twins. She has invited you to spar with her and a few friends. It will likely hurt, but it could be an opportunity to expand your social circle.
[X] [TASK] You have made inroads with Jai Fa, the more martial of the two Jai twins. She has invited you to spar with her and a few friends. It will likely hurt, but it could be an opportunity to expand your social circle.

Oh hey! Chance to increase our standing with her, train ourselves, AND meet more people?! Sign me up!

[X] [TASK] You have accepted a commission from Jai Shouxi, the more verbose of the two Jai twins. He will be working on a pill for you as you work on a charm for him. Perhaps the two of you could work together on your tasks.

Obvious choice is obvious.

[X][Name] Infinity's Rest

Given we used time anam for this, using duration synonyms seems appropriate. Plus it provides a moment of rest that resets our damage for a bit.

[x][Anam] Time

Time anam is pretty wierd, but also pretty cool. I don't mind becoming a Time Master and making charms with weird temporal effects.
[X] [TASK] You have made inroads with Jai Fa, the more martial of the two Jai twins. She has invited you to spar with her and a few friends. It will likely hurt, but it could be an opportunity to expand your social circle.

[X] [TASK] You have accepted a commission from Jai Shouxi, the more verbose of the two Jai twins. He will be working on a pill for you as you work on a charm for him. Perhaps the two of you could work together on your tasks.

[X] [NAME] Rings of Tomorrow's Burden

Edit: added the name vote and changed to both twin action.

Sparring with the others is a good idea. If Jin or the other people see it they could assume that Zhi is more protected now. It's gonna hurt though, but at least he'll learn how to take a punch.

I'm pretty sure Zhi has some stuff left over that he can use, even if it's not enough, but he might even learn something of pill refining or formations.
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[X] [ANAM] Fire

[X] [NAME] Rings of Tomorrow's Burden

[X] [TASK] You have made inroads with Jai Fa, the more martial of the two Jai twins. She has invited you to spar with her and a few friends. It will likely hurt, but it could be an opportunity to expand your social circle.
[X] [TASK] You have accepted a commission from Jai Shouxi, the more verbose of the two Jai twins. He will be working on a pill for you as you work on a charm for him. Perhaps the two of you could work together on your tasks.