The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

19. A Natural Talent
A/N: Hey, all. I hope everyone here's enjoying the quest so far. I know I've been enjoying making it. I just wanted to take this time to announce that I've done something I've been putting off for far too long and started a patreon page for myself. If you'd like to help me out, then head on over and throw a buck or two my way. If not, don't worry. This quest will remain completely free for all with no changes no matter what happens.

Now, on with the story!

[] Mei Daiyu. She seems the strongest of the disciples. This will likely be very unpleasant, but you will learn a great deal. Hopefully.
The three of them go back and forth for several moments, discussing and debating who is going to spar with who. The conversation grows more and more heated the longer it goes on. Mei Daiyu's protests to sparring with Xu Yun go from calm refusals to more heated rejections. In response, Xu Yun continues to decline to spar with you in more and more humble and polite ways, to the point where you wouldn't be surprised if he dropped down on all fours in apology soon. And as for Jai Fa, her eyebrow starts to twitch.

It's that last that finally makes you step up. Jai Fa showing an emotion... things must be getting serious.

"Excuse me," you interrupt, your words cutting through the tumult like a chisel through bone. "But if I may state a preference, it would be my honor to exchange pointers with Mei Daiyu."

That brings all three of them up short. Xu Yun looks relieved, Jai Fa impassive, and Mei Daiyu confused. It's like she never even thought that sparring with you was a possibility. She slowly shakes her head. "I am sorry, Kong Zhi, but I do not find merit in that idea," she replies. "To be blunt, you are not a combatant. There is little for me to gain in such a bout, and even less for you to gain from… fighting."

You nod amiably in response. "It is true that I am not a warrior," you reply politely. "But could that not be a benefit for you? If there is one thing I've learned watching others craft charms, it's that those who have no clue what they're doing are the ones to surprise you. And you need not worry about my gain; any scrap of knowledge I gain from such an experience will surely be more than I could achieve on my own."

Mei Daiyu's eyes flash hot in annoyance, but Jai Fa nods and claps her hands. "Very well. It is decided. I shall begin by sparring with Xu Yun, while Mei Daiyu and Kong Zhi will trade pointers. Xu Yun, are you prepared to begin?"

Xu Yun beams brightly in response. "I was born ready!" He turns and puts actions to words, practically skipping to the other side of the crater. Jai Fa sighs at the display but follows, leaving you alone with Mei Daiyu.

The taller girl gapes after them, not unlike a fish out of water. But she slowly closes her eyes and turns back to you. "Fine," she says, breathing out a long plume of air as she masters her emotions. "Very well. This is fine. Let us begin, Kong Zhi. We shall make this quick."

You want to protest but any words you can muster wither and die in your throat. It's like you're being glared at by a particularly ravenous hawk. She is deadly certain that you will prove no challenge, and you have no doubt in your mind that she is absolutely correct.

Still, you will not simply stand here and allow her to beat you down. You raise your fists in front of your face and nod. "I am ready when you are."

Mei Daiyu just looks at you. "What exactly is that?" She drawls.

At your confused look, she elaborates. "That!" she repeats, gesturing at your hands with so many emotions crossing her face that you cannot pick out a single one. "What are you doing with your hands?!"

You glance at them and then back up at Mei Daiyu. "Preparing to punch?" you half answer, half ask. You're not really sure where her confusion is coming from. It's a fist. Does she not know what a fist is?

Your thoughts are repeated to you when Mai Daiyu stalks over towards you like a perturbed cat. "You cannot honestly call that a fist," she grumbles. "Really! How does anyone... " she moves next to you and reaches out. Her long fingers are on your hands before you can really recognize what's happening, rearranging your fingers. "Your thumb goes on the outside. Outside! Fingers into your palm, thumb atop your index finger. You don't tuck your thumb away inside the fist!"

...that makes no sense to you. Why wouldn't you put your thumb in your fist? How else are you going to make sure it's safe?

But stating that outloud while she's moving your fingers around seems like a poor idea, and it may end with a finger broken. So you just nod and let her do her thing. Once she's done, she moves back to her starting position and turns to you. "Alright," she sighs. "Let's get this over with. Hit me with your best shot."

You're starting to get a little annoyed with the complete dismissal you're receiving. Sure, you are not a combat specialist, but that does not mean you're entirely worthless here! You may not be able to win, but by the heavens you can at least make her work for it! Your newly formed fist clenches tighter, making your knuckles blanch white, and you rush forward.

Technique Unlocked! Wild Flailing!
Wild Flailing (Strength 1)
Warrior Technique 2 (Physical 4)
Cost: N/A
Phases: None
Description: This artist has no idea what they are doing, but they are certainly not going to let that stop them from windmilling their limbs and hoping they get lucky.

You charge towards Mei Daiyu, fist cocked back and ready to throw. She doesn't move an inch as you get closer and closer, the earth practically rumbling under your heavy strides. Is she not going to counter attack? Or dodge? Or do something? A twinge of anger forms in your stomach. Does she really think you're not even worth avoiding? That stings your pride worse than anything else so far and you move even faster. Your punch lashes out-

And finds nothing.

Why are you on the floor? Did you trip? As the thoughts cross your mind, a sudden sharp pain radiates from your shoulder. Oh, no, you didn't trip. You were dodged and thrown in one fluid motion and dear gods above that is pain!

You push yourself back to your feet and turn. Mei Daiyu is behind you now. She's still facing you, but she's turned her head to watch Jai Fa and Xu Yun's exchanges. "Are you finished?" she asks politely, but she could not be hoping the answer is yes any more obviously if she wrote it in large flaming letters.

But you shake your head, even as part of your mind gapes at what just happened. You didn't even see her move! "I do not believe that I have yet reached my limits," you answer. "Thank you for your continued instruction."

Mei Daiyu sighs and turns her attention back towards you. "Very well," she says, and offers you another thin smile. "Let us continue."

Moments later, as you pick yourself up off the floor again, you come to a realization. The first throw she gave you, the one that sent a wave of agony through your shoulder as you tumbled to the floor- that was her going easy on you. She's not extending that courtesy anymore.

Mei Daiyu is like a phantom when you try and strike at her. Your fists lance out to where you know she is, but you only find open air and pain. She has no such trouble returning fire though; you're sent one way, and then another from rapid kicks that make you stumble like a drunken sailor. Her feet bury themselves in your body again and again, each kick smashing into you with enough force that it makes you forget about your shoulder pain.

And when she gets bored of that and you're still able to stand, she changes tactics. Mei Daiyu's feet stay firmly on the ground, but only so that she can smack you with palm strikes. Every counter attack you try is just an invitation for another throw, one which Mei Daiyu takes with glee. You're thrown around the crater like you've never been thrown before and beneath your robes, you call feel bruises forming on bruises.

But you're learning.

Even as you're thrown into the crater wall for the sixth time, your mind is buzzing, trying to solve the problem of Mei Daiyu like she's an anam interaction that you have never seen before. With every punch, you catalogue more information. She's fast, but you're not missing because she's dodging you. You're actually fairly certain you're a touch faster than she is. No, what's causing your problems is that her movements are deceptive.

There's something in the way that she moves that's lying to you. She sets her shoulder and her feet in a way that tells you she's moving to the left, but then she jerks to the right. And her robes- there's something she's doing with her robes. They're the same disciple's robes that everyone is wearing but she's doing something different with the sleeves. She's cocking her elbow just a little, just enough to make her hand disappear inside the gaping sleeve, and using that little fragment of cover to move the robes around in a billowing way that catches your eye.

Mei Daiyu is strong. Mei Daiyu is skilled. But above all else, Mei Daiyu is tricky. And you think you can hit her.

Somehow along the way, this stopped being about learning for you. Perhaps it was the many collisions with the floor, or it might have been after one of her kicks smashed directly into your spine. But learning is now just a distant echo of a thought in your mind. What's important right now is that you hit her. Just once. That's all you want.

You're not going to win. But you can hit her.

So you charge again, exactly as you have a dozen times before. Mei Daiyu stands ready, arms at her side, a yawn growing within her painted lips. You cock your fist back, let it fly-

And pull up short. She dodges as she has before, only to find that your other fist is already there, having deduced which way she would go.

Your fist finds her face with a meaty thud. You stand frozen, pride warring with surprise in your chest. You… you did it. You wanted to, you thought you could, but you are still surprised to find that you did. You're not the only one. Mei Daiyu is standing just as still as you are. Her cheek is still pressed tight against your fist as she is frozen mid-dodge, eyes wide and uncomprehending.

Then they narrow and she turns to look at you. She gives you a short nod.

And then you're on the ground, a foot to your neck and your arm trapped in iron claws.

Mei Daiyu stands over you, looking down at you with an unreadable expression on her face. "You… hit me," she drawls out, still struggling to comprehend it. "You actually were able to hit me."

She turns her focus to the hand she has locked tight in a grip. "And…"

You follow her gaze to your hand, where your fist is still clenched tight in the position she put it. " remembered."

She lets you go and offers a hand. You numbly reach up and take it, and she pulls you back to your feet in one fluid motion, heedless of the difference in weight between the two of you. Mei Daiyu looks you up and down and shakes her head. "Are you certain you wish to be a crafter? You have a knack for this."

Kong Zhi vs. Mei Daiyu
Dexterity: 3 vs. 2
Dice Pool: 4 vs. 12
Damage Threshold: 8 vs. 12

Round 1: Zhi has Tempo
Zhi rolls 4d10s8 (Wild Flailing) (9, 9, 7, 4). 2 Successes.
Daiyu rolls 12d10s8 (Hummingbird's Dance) (4, 2, 6, 8, 2, 8, 9, 7, 2, 6, 7, 4). 3 Successes.
Mei Daiyu +1. Zhi is at 7/8.

Round 2: Daiyu has Tempo.
Daiyu rolls 12d10s8 (Hummingbird's Dance) (8, 3, 6, 2, 10, 6, 2, 10, 6, 4, 4, 9, 2, 5, 5, 10, 4). 4 successes.
Zhi rolls 4d10s8 (Wild Flailing) (1, 8, 1, 9). 0 Successes.
Mei Daiyu +4. Zhi is at 3/8.

Round 3: Daiyu has Tempo.
Daiyu rolls 12d10s8 (Hummingbird's Dance) (12, 1, 6, 7, 5, 3, 7, 9, 1, 2, 6, 2, 6). 0 successes.
Zhi rolls 4d10s8 (Wild Flailing) (8, 9, 7, 8). 3 Successes.
Kong Zhi +3. Zhi is at 3/8, Daiyu is at 9/12.

Round 4: Zhi has Tempo.
Zhi rolls 4d10s8 (Wild Flailing) (3, 5, 6, 6). 0 successes.
Daiyu rolls 12d10s8 (Hummingbird's Dance) (5, 8, 3, 2, 8, 6, 1, 5, 2, 8, 6, 6). 2 successes.
Mei Daiyu +2. Zhi is at 1/8, Daiyu is at 9/12.

Round 5: Daiyu has Tempo
Daiyu rolls 12d10s8 (Hummingbird's Dance) (10, 5, 4, 7, 3, 6, 3, 5, 9, 3, 6, 10, 7, 8). 4 successes.
Zhi rolls 4d10s8 (Wild Flailing) (5, 8, 10, 4, 4). 2 Successes.
Mei Daiyu +2. Zhi is at -1/8, Daiyu is at 9/12.
Kong Zhi takes 1 Box Physical Stress.

Spar over. Winner: Mei Daiyu
Relationship Gain! Mei Daiyu +1 (Acquaintance).

Trait Gained! A Knack for Combat:
Surprisingly, you have a knack for combat. All physical techniques used in combat by Kong Zhi are treated as if they are one grade higher!

Mei Daiyu's eyes narrow as she looks at you. "Though your form is atrocious, and your skill is beyond abysmal. Whatever you were doing with your feet in there, never do it again. Here. Stand like this."

Technique Forgotten: Wild Flailing!
Technique Gained: Hummingbird's Dance!

Hummingbird's Dance (Dexterity 2)
Warrior Technique 2 (Physical 6)
Cost: 0
Phases: 8
Description: A form of physical combat built on quick, deceptive movements with a great deal of room to grow. This technique does not require anam, but it will certainly help.
So your afternoon passes. You continue to spar with Mei Daiyu, but it's much less of a beating. She still hurts you liberally, but there's more to it than simply desiring to end the fight. After passes she stops and explains what you're doing wrong at length. At excruciating length.

It's during one of her lectures on how you plant your feet like a farmer that Jai Fa comes back over. "Is everything satisfactory?" she asks, and you may be imagining it, but you swear you hear a note of satisfaction in her voice.

Mei Daiyu shakes her head. "Kong Zhi is not entirely hopeless," she answers. "But he requires so much polish that it astounds me. And he is not the only one."

Jai Fa gives her a questioning look, and Mei Daiyu slumps. "He hit me," she grouses. "At his level, he should not have been able to grasp my robe, let alone land a blow. Yet he did. If he's able to do that, what will that beast Huo Shi is bringing be able to do? Kong Zhi is barely into the Servant's Step, but they claim their last combatant is already into the Soldier's!"

Your roommate shakes her head. "Then you must work harder. We still have days yet before the challenge. You will be ready."

"Yes!" Xu Yun calls from the heap that Jai Fa left him in. "We shall all be ready! As soon as I can feel my legs, I too will be ready!"

Mei Daiyu scoffs and rolls her eyes, but she does not gainsay him. "Very well," she says to Jai Fa. "If I must work harder, then I shall work harder. Tomorrow, we shall have our battle, and iron will sharpen iron."

Jai Fa nods and turns to you. "The pillar grows dim. Shall we return home?"

You nod, gather your things, and bow towards both Mei Daiyu and the clump of limbs that is Xu Yun. "My thanks for your instruction," you offer. "And for your generosity in your lessons. I shall not forget them." Mei Daiyu nods, and Xu Yun thrusts a hand up in the air to wave at you. You turn to go and begin stumbling towards the stairs on weak legs.

You have one foot on the step when a voice calls out. "Kong Zhi!" You glance back over your shoulder at the sound of your name to see Mei Daiyu standing with her arms crossed and a conflicted look on her face.

"You have some talent," she finally utters. "It will rust and decay if not nurtured. Do not allow that to happen. And… if you were to desire to return, it would be allowed." Her last words come out like teeth being pulled from her mouth.

All you can do is nod. "I shall remember that. And I thank you for the offer."

And then you're staggering up the stairs, Jai Fa at your back. Your roommate walks near silently next to you, which is a blessing and a curse. A blessing because your lungs are already screaming and you're not certain you can make them gather enough air to speak. A curse because it leaves you alone with your thoughts

No one has ever told you that you have a talent before.

Thankfully, you do not have long to linger on your thoughts. You're back at the Spire in short order, and the moment your head touches the pillow, you collapse into a dead slumber.

It is your eighth day within the Delving Heart! How do you spend it? (Pick Two)
[] You have discovered some talent in the physical arts, but talent is useless if not honed. You will find an empty training field and work.
[] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
[] Jai Fa has made it clear that you are welcome back to her sparring group if you so desire. You will go and rejoin her, Mei Daiyu, and Xu Yun, and continue honing your skills.
[] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She did you a good turn and you would like to repay the favor somehow. Perhaps she needs someone to groom a dog?
[] You have discovered some information about the next step on your path: the Soldier's Step. You will work towards taking it immediately by cycling at a Natural Wonder.
-[] (Write In which Natural Wonder you are cycling)
[] You will need materials if you are to begin work on your current charm project. You had best begin work in finding them.
-[] You will go scavenging for new materials.
-[] You will go hunting for new materials.
-[] You will go seek out the market for new materials.
[] You have begun work on your commissioned charm for Jai Shouxi, but it is nowhere close to being finished. You will continue your efforts.
-[] You will begin crafting with your current materials.
-[] One of your materials is not suited for the project it is intended for. You are going to work to refine it before you begin crafting the charm.
[] There are other disciples you have yet to meet, and you would like to change that. You'll mingle with your fellows.
[] You have heard of several disciples that you have not formally made the acquaintance of. You would like to expand your social circle, and so you will seek one of them out.
-[] (Write in which disciple you would like to speak with)
[] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
[] Write-In
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Ooh, we have talent! Also, Technique: Wild Flailing was hilarious.

[X] Jai Fa has made it clear that you are welcome back to her sparring group if you so desire. You will go and rejoin her, Mei Daiyu, and Xu Yun, and continue honing your skills.

[X] You have begun work on your commissioned charm for Jai Shouxi, but it is nowhere close to being finished. You will continue your efforts.
-[x]You will begin crafting with your current materials.

Which of the materials is unsuited? The dual-natured one?
That Knack for Combat Trait is really good, since it lowers our target number.

Right now our ideal build is looking something like spending anam on charms with supernatural effects, and learning low anam physical techniques to round us out.
Kong Zhi takes 1 Box Physical Stress
We are stresed....we need floof to relax.

[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She did you a good turn and you would like to repay the favor somehow. Perhaps she needs someone to groom a dog?

[X] You will need materials if you are to begin work on your current charm project. You had best begin work in finding them.
-[X] You will go scavenging for new materials.
[X] Jai Fa has made it clear that you are welcome back to her sparring group if you so desire. You will go and rejoin her, Mei Daiyu, and Xu Yun, and continue honing your skills.
[X] You have begun work on your commissioned charm for Jai Shouxi, but it is nowhere close to being finished. You will continue your efforts.
-[X] One of your materials is not suited for the project it is intended for. You are going to work to refine it before you begin crafting the charm.

Partly because I want to see the material refinement process, but also because we want to get to Soldier step ASAP and doing our part in the swap is the way to get there. Physical training looks like it also doubles as a decent social action.

Hanging around Nokai to no practical purpose seems like it will just be awkward.
In the round that we won, why did Daiyu's 9 roll not count as a success?

[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She did you a good turn and you would like to repay the favor somehow. Perhaps she needs someone to groom a dog?

[X] You will need materials if you are to begin work on your current charm project. You had best begin work in finding them.
-[X] You will go scavenging for new materials.
[X] Jai Fa has made it clear that you are welcome back to her sparring group if you so desire. You will go and rejoin her, Mei Daiyu, and Xu Yun, and continue honing your skills.
[X] You have begun work on your commissioned charm for Jai Shouxi, but it is nowhere close to being finished. You will continue your efforts.
-[X] One of your materials is not suited for the project it is intended for. You are going to work to refine it before you begin crafting the charm.

Take advantage of our talent, and get to work on that commission.
[X] Jai Fa has made it clear that you are welcome back to her sparring group if you so desire. You will go and rejoin her, Mei Daiyu, and Xu Yun, and continue honing your skills.
[X] You have begun work on your commissioned charm for Jai Shouxi, but it is nowhere close to being finished. You will continue your efforts.
-[X] One of your materials is not suited for the project it is intended for. You are going to work to refine it before you begin crafting the charm.
[X] Jai Fa has made it clear that you are welcome back to her sparring group if you so desire. You will go and rejoin her, Mei Daiyu, and Xu Yun, and continue honing your skills.
[X] You have begun work on your commissioned charm for Jai Shouxi, but it is nowhere close to being finished. You will continue your efforts.
-[X] One of your materials is not suited for the project it is intended for. You are going to work to refine it before you begin crafting the charm.

I feel like Hummingbird's Dance is probably a better investment of time than a combat charm would be. I'm a little confused by what "physical 6" means. It sounds like we need "physical anam" but I wasn't aware that was a type.

How does material refinement work? Does that allow us to change anam types and such and do we need to do it in order to purify the Water/Beast material that we have?
[X] Jai Fa has made it clear that you are welcome back to her sparring group if you so desire. You will go and rejoin her, Mei Daiyu, and Xu Yun, and continue honing your skills.
[X] You have begun work on your commissioned charm for Jai Shouxi, but it is nowhere close to being finished. You will continue your efforts.
-[X] One of your materials is not suited for the project it is intended for. You are going to work to refine it before you begin crafting the charm.
[X] You have discovered some information about the next step on your path: the Soldier's Step. You will work towards taking it immediately by cycling at a Natural Wonder.
-[X] A Second of Eternity

[X] You have begun work on your commissioned charm for Jai Shouxi, but it is nowhere close to being finished. You will continue your efforts.
-[X] One of your materials is not suited for the project it is intended for. You are going to work to refine it before you begin crafting the charm.

We really should devote some time to increasing our base cultivation.
So we have a combat technique now, which is excellent, it's one of the things I most wanted to pick up. Even better it has 8 phases, so it has plenty of room to grow. On that, though, it has an aspect of (Physical 6), which I don't fully understand. Have we learned about physical anam? Can we just cycle any type of anam into the technique? Or do physical techniques require another method to acquire new aspects?

Regardless, with our new technique and our new trait, which is insanely good, we have a pretty solid offense for combat. 6d10s7 with Hummingbird's Dance, and with many dice Mei Daiyu was rolling that technique can get a lot better.

One action this turn should go to the charm, but I'm uncertain if we have to refine our water/beast material first. If we do, then that's one of my votes. If not, then just getting to work right away will take one.

I think for the second action either we work on our cycling skill or go train again.
So we have a combat technique now, which is excellent, it's one of the things I most wanted to pick up. Even better it has 8 phases, so it has plenty of room to grow. On that, though, it has an aspect of (Physical 6), which I don't fully understand. Have we learned about physical anam? Can we just cycle any type of anam into the technique? Or do physical techniques require another method to acquire new aspects?

Regardless, with our new technique and our new trait, which is insanely good, we have a pretty solid offense for combat. 6d10s7 with Hummingbird's Dance, and with many dice Mei Daiyu was rolling that technique can get a lot better.

I'm not sure we actually have Hummingbird's Dance, I think we have to actually come up with the 6 "physical anam" first. There is a note in the rules that you can pick up anam for learning techniques from related places (steel anam from blacksmiths) so we might be able to get the anam from participating in the spars.
I kind of want to alternate between sparring and something else, since we take a box of physical stress when sparring and it would be best to recover (assuming that is how we recover a box) rather than keep pushing imo. And I think we should see if we need to refine the whale teeth rather than start crafting right away. Haste makes waste, as the saying goes. I also want to see if refining improves the development value.
I'm not sure we actually have Hummingbird's Dance, I think we have to actually come up with the 6 "physical anam" first. There is a note in the rules that you can pick up anam for learning techniques from related places (steel anam from blacksmiths) so we might be able to get the anam from participating in the spars.
Technique Gained: Hummingbird's Dance!
"Technique Gained" seems fairly definitive.