The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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A bad idea i've had.

Why don't we create a chapter, whose duty is create other chapters? I mean a chapter who has genetors.

Because with all that has been said, i can see Grimm thinking of ways to lower his workload with that, he is tasked to found a lots of chapters, so he creates a chapter that is used to train others, that go to already founded chapters to get training, even if they are not highly valued by other chapters.

Yes a bad idea i know but i wanted to share it
Does creating the "guarding ultramar" chapter that have been in the objective list for awhile help avoid Robout being wounded ?,i don't know 30k lore as much as 40k.
Reading some of undead frog's comments about grim being like pert makes the comment I made about gulliman asking how he made space marines out of grim's dna more realistic.
Does creating the "guarding ultramar" chapter that have been in the objective list for awhile help avoid Robout being wounded ?,i don't know 30k lore as much as 40k.
I imagine getting the Alpha Legion "mini-primarch hero units" legendary trait would be useful on that front, though still unlikely. Also, hey; two birds with one stone!
Does creating the "guarding ultramar" chapter that have been in the objective list for awhile help avoid Robout being wounded ?,i don't know 30k lore as much as 40k.
Don't think so. That wound came from a duel with Fulgrim. An extra chapter of marines would not affect the cause of the duel, nor its results
[X] Plan: SCREW YOU EVIL DAD! L Variant
-[X] Name: Steel Champions
-[X] Chapter Colors: Steel Primary, Gold Secondary
-[X] Chapter Symbol: A Shield with a Golden Sun.
-[X] Chapter Motto: "Against Darkness, Stand Defiant!"
—[X] When Fighting Iron Warriors: "Steel Surpasses Iron!"
-[X] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-[X] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
-[X] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.
There are "funnier combos" like "Blood Angels + Iron Warriors" (Max Replenishment), "Blood Angels + World Eaters" ("Angels of Fury") or "Ultramarines + Emperor's Children" (Paragons of Perfection)
You know, I wonder how Grimm is perceived by the Space Marines and the Imperium at large. Do the marines think he is cool? Overstepping? Kind of a weirdo but ok? Does every institution of the Imperium flood his inbox with requests for personal chapters?
You know, I wonder how Grimm is perceived by the Space Marines and the Imperium at large. Do the marines think he is cool? Overstepping? Kind of a weirdo but ok? Does every institution of the Imperium flood his inbox with requests for personal chapters?
Why would they know of him? A nobody magos making a new chapter isn't tgat big of a deal
You know, I wonder how Grimm is perceived by the Space Marines and the Imperium at large. Do the marines think he is cool? Overstepping? Kind of a weirdo but ok? Does every institution of the Imperium flood his inbox with requests for personal chapters?

I'd imagine he's more know by the Space Marines and higher ups of the Imperium, as for how he's perceived, it'd not be a stretch to consider his less then personable nature is known even compared to other Mechanicus folk. Other then that, i can see him being respected for his work even despite his temperament.

At the very least he's not ignored or hated, just look at the requests he get's, people know his work is good and they are for important things.
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