The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Ohhhh-kay, looks like Emps did, in fact, get Himself involved in things to head off The Mollusk's influence and turn it towards a more beneficial endpoint.
8th Chapter Part 2 New
[X] Plan: Emperor's Landing.
- [X] Thousand Sons.
--[X] 1 Charge of Potent Geneseed.
-- [X] 1 Charge of Secondary Geneseed (Salamander).
--[X] 1 Charges of Potent Geneseed (Salamander).
--[X] 2 Charges of Adaptable Geneseed.
- [X] Emperor's Landing (Segmentum Solar).

Current Traits
-Anathema (Free due to Planet, Task, and Legion Combo): The psyker powers of this Legion are Anathema to the forces of Chaos, and destroy them with contemptuous ease. Few are those so blessed as to manifest such might, the very nature of the Emperor made manifest.
-Golden Scales (Mutation/Salamanders/Grimm Interrupt): Originally, this mutation would have caused a horrific transformation into a carnivorous, lizard like creature, but due to the quick intervention of the attending Genetor it's full impact has thankfully been blunted. Instead, when this mutation manifests the affected Marines gain patches of glittering golden scales on their skin, as well as a very strong resistance to fire and psychic attacks. You have a migraine.
-Radiance (Mutation/Thousand Sons/Emperor Interrupt): This mutation would give the Marines an aura of unease towards anyone they encounter, similar to a Blank. Instead, due to nothing less than the Emperor's own intervention, Librarians of this chapter radiate with a glorious light reminiscent of the Astronomicon itself - a visible mark of His favour.
-Crucible Thrones: {REDACTED}
-Purging Flame: The Pyromantic assaults from this Chapter's Librarians are exceptionally devastating to all those struck by it, especially Chaos and it's servants.
-Golden Dragons: Giant, golden scaled, winged firebreathing lizards native to Emperor's Landing. The very fact that Grimm allows his juniors to call them 'Dragons' is widely held as proof among the Genetor community that Grimm does not, in fact, hate fun.
-Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
-Temperature Resistance: The Marines of this Chapter are highly resistant to extreme temperatures, even by Space Marine standards.
-Civilian Empathy: Marines from this Chapter care deeply for the civilian population of their home planet, and all the Imperium's people.
-Powerful Psykers: Marines from this Chapter are particularly powerful psykers, and the ability appears more often among them.
-Fast Learners: Marines from this Chapter are fast learners in all fields of study, leading them to be skilled in a number of fields.

"I am sorry," You begin, frowning at the Tech Priest before you as you battle the immense migraine you are currently suffering after BOTH THE THOUSAND SONS AND SALAMANDERS GENE SEED STARTED TO MUTATE ON YOU AT THE SAME TIME WHY DID YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA - "But why, pray tell, am I the only one in the entirety of Mars that can repair the Prometheus Plasma Reactor? Plasma is my secondary specialty, and I was only ever the fourth best at it anyway - why not bother Archmagos Retirtomorah instead?"

"He died during the Schism, Lord."

You raise an eyebrow. "Archmagos Hazafamilee?"

"Died during the Scouring."

"Archmagos Crimson Tunic?"

"He was assassinated by the Alpha Legion a decade ago."

WHAT!? No! You actually got along with him!

... Blast. It seems the Mechanicus is down another relatively sane individual. Relatively being an important word - no one who reaches the rank of Archmagos is sane, case in point you - but still.

"So you mean to tell me," you say calmly, "that there is literally no one left other than me able to maintain a Prometheus Reactor?"

"Lord Cawl was mentioned, but... well, the Fabricator General and many other Archmagi said they'd rather see the reactor dismantled than let him touch it."

.... You know what, checks out. You'd actually agree with them, if you weren't UTTERLY LIVID.

"Fine." You growl. "But I want every single Tech Priest you can find that would be worthy of the secrets of the reactors sent to me when this is over. I have enough work as it is, and the fact that literally everyone other than me who can perform this sort of maintenance on some of our key infrastructure is dead with no successors having been appointed is a crime against the Omnissiah himself. Am I understood?"

"Y-y-yes, Lord Grimm!"

[ ] Write in Name
[ ] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.
[ ] Write in chapter symbol.
[ ] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).

1 Charge of More Terminators
2 Charges of Extra Training

Normal Training Options
[ ] Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaissance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved capacity for stealth warfare.

[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.

[ ] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.

[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.

[ ] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.

[ ] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines, the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.

[ ] Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or polearms however.

[ ] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.

[ ] Apothecaries: This chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks, greatly improving the health of the Chapter overall and raising the odds of Marines surviving severe injuries.

[ ] Techmarines: This chapter has more Techmarines in its ranks than normal, improving the quality of their equipment and allowing them to create a greater quantity of advanced wargear.

[ ] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.

[ ] Counterintelligence Training: The Chapter is proficient in the art of detecting and thwarting enemy infiltration attempts.

[ ] Artillery Masters: The Chapter are masters at employing artillery in times of war, both on offense and defense.

[ ] Politics: This Chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.

[ ] Terminator Training: The Marines of this Chapter are supremely skilled in using the legendary Tactical Dreadnought Armour, more commonly known as Terminator Armor.

[ ] Space Hulk Operations: Through extensive practice, the Marines of this Chapter are masters at fighting in the unique conditions of Space Hulks.

[ ] Elite Assault Marines: The Assault Marines of this chapter are a cut above.

Normal Equipment Options
[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.

[ ] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.

[ ] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.

[ ] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.

[ ] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.

[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course.

OOC: Thanks to the beta.
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Don't we have two charges of extra trainers?

[] Plan: Imperial Dragons
-[ ] Imperial Dragons
-[ ] Golden Primarily, Black Secondary
-[ ] Golden Dragon head on Black background (This but reversed colors)
-[ ] "We are the Emperor's Dragons!"/"Fear when the Emperor's Dragons are kind no more!"
-[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-[ ] Techmarines: This chapter has more Techmarines in its ranks than normal, improving the quality of their equipment and allowing them to create a greater quantity of advanced wargear.
-[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
-[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course.

Librarians because thousand sons and anathema.

Techmarines because they are supposed to be the keeper of certain tech for the Emperor.

And entrenchment both because salamanders can excel at that, they need to defend what the emperor has entrusted them, and because dragons have hoards they need to defend.
Blademasters to enhanced their specialties further. Dragonborn Paladins ahoy.

Extra dreadnaughts so that the knowledge, skill, and power of their ancients is not lost. And Dreadnoughts are heavies that excel at the fighting that Salamanders love, and librarians could possibly still use their powers out of.

Their battlecry isn't very unique, but I think that makes it almost more powerful. Dragons are already powerful symbols, add that to The Emperors Dragons implies a lot. The Emperors Children for instance.

Added in suggested second battlecry.

Edit: New plan.

[X] Plan: Dragonborn Paladins
-[X] Name: The Dragons Radiant
-[X] Colors: Gold Primary, Royal Blue Secondary
-[X] Chapter Symbol: A Dragon's Head within a Star all done in gold on royal blue background.
-[X] Chapter Creed: "The People Are The Emperor's Treasure, Guard Them Well!"
-[X] Battle Cry: "We Are The Light And Flame!"
-[X] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-[X] Techmarines: This chapter has more Techmarines in its ranks than normal, improving the quality of their equipment and allowing them to create a greater quantity of advanced wargear.
-[X] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
-[X] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course.
-[X] Terminator Charge

[X] Plan: SWORD, STEEL, SORCERY! (Dreadnought Version)
[X] Plan: The Golden Sons - Entrenchment Edition
[X] Plan: Celestial Dragons
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Why do I have a feeling this chapter might just be the Emperor feeling in a bit of a 'Screw you Void Dragon!' mood? You know, along with the other moods he was in at the time.
[] Plan: Celestial Dragons
-[ ] Write in Name: Celestial Dragons
-[ ] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.: Gold scales and ruby red detail
-[ ] Write in chapter symbol.:
-[ ] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).: "Lives are emperor's currency, hoard them well"
-[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-[ ] Apothecaries: This chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks, greatly improving the health of the Chapter overall and raising the odds of Marines surviving severe injuries.
-[ ] Techmarines: This chapter has more Techmarines in its ranks than normal, improving the quality of their equipment and allowing them to create a greater quantity of advanced wargear.
-[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course.

[] Plan: Celestial Dragons - hoard management
-[ ] Write in Name: Celestial Dragons
-[ ] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.: Gold scales and ruby red detail
-[ ] Write in chapter symbol.:
-[ ] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).: "Lives are emperor's currency, hoard them well"
-[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-[ ] Politics: This Chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.
-[ ] Techmarines: This chapter has more Techmarines in its ranks than normal, improving the quality of their equipment and allowing them to create a greater quantity of advanced wargear.
-[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course.
I want to see if we can get Dreadnaughts to become true dragons, a mockery of hellbrutes, the celestial Dragons.

edit: with training o Techmarines, I want go all in for a narrative of wise dragons and loyalist answers to heldrakes and politics for hoard mangement
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... Regarding the Extra Training, it sounds like we should have up to three choices there?

Whilst we all know Librarians is near guaranteed to be one choice, I kind of want to see what happens if we go Librarians/Techmarines/Politics for our choices when combined with the 'in-built' Chapter Traits we've gotten so far...
double down on librarians and blade mastery with a side of extra dreadnoughts for golden psyker dreadnoughts?
I believe we need entrenchment for sure because we are trying to protect the tech that was given to us. Even if aura of the world will make for any chaos forces near impossible to invade the world.
I believe we need entrenchment for sure because we are trying to protect the tech that was given to us. Even if aura of the world will make for any chaos forces near impossible to invade the world.
hmmm should we double down on traits we have to upgrade them or should we spread out traits for more stuff like entranchment, artillery, and marksmanship?
Yeah we should have 2 extra charges of training
Oh yeah,
[x] Plan: Draconic Wizards V2
-[X] ???: Your next Chapter is to be from the lineage of the Thousand Sons, and will be entrusted with the {REDACTED} technology upon their completion.
-[x] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
-[x] Secondary Gene-Seed (Insert Legion Name): The key component for creating Chimeric Gene-Seed. You're honestly surprised Guiliman approved of this one - then again, you did hear him grumbling about some idiots who were suggesting mixing Night Lord and World Eater templates, so maybe he just wanted to make the concept your problem before somebody did something completely moronic. 25 Points for one charge, choose 1 legion to be the donor for the secondary Gene-Seed. Burn 1 charge and traits from the donor chapter are added for a roll, or a separate charge of potent gene-seed can be spent for a separate roll on the donor legion's trait list as well as an acquisition of the secondary legions 'base' traits.
--[X] Salamanders.
-[x] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialised training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option. 2x
let me edit in my plan:
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