The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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I think it is where Crucible Throne will work as. Quite possibly, it is very much like lesser version of Golden Throne but with them supporting Golden Throne in maintaining Astronomicon, possibly that power from Emperor's Landing will be siphoned towards Emperor but that is not a sure thing.
I hope that's the case aaaaaaaa. But um, there's that rule about us not being able to bring about substantial change, isn't there? Probably can't help Big E recover or retain his sanity, ever. ._.
I'd like to think an anti-tyrannid chapter would be mechanized; so to prep for it we should unlock extra predator tanks and whirlwind artillery, maybe the hunter heavy anti-aircraft as well? Do tyrannids have aircraft?
The 10th Chapter is definitely going to be the chapter that competes with the Deathwatch and their stupid usage of Space Marines.

The 9th chapter can either go to Fenris or a general planet.
I think it is where Crucible Throne will work as. Quite possibly, it is very much like lesser version of Golden Throne but with them supporting Golden Throne in maintaining Astronomicon, possibly that power from Emperor's Landing will be siphoned towards Emperor but that is not a sure thing.

Best guess is the Emperor wants the dragons to take off some of the strain of him keeping the Astronomicon lit so he can focus some of his energy on healing himself and trying to deal with the busted human webway under Terra.
Yeah i think for the next chapter we should make ether the capture targets alive chapter or the anti tyranid chapter
The Capture targets alive Chapter should be Night Lords+Alpha Legion (Names Nightstalkers?) or the Assassinorum one just to spite the Ass-assins. Anti-Tyranid could be World Eaters and maybe Death Guard?
Yeah, agree. I propose to just buy one or two Traitor geneseed's and see what we can do. The Verdant Eyes didn't have any Chimeric, Legendary or Extra Training, but they did just fine. Let's save on the points for our next Chapters and then buy as much stuff as possible, I propose to buy Traitor geneseed so we know exactly what we are dealing with and for what to use them later, also to buy two of them, so we can spend less points later to finally unlock every available Legion, again, just so we know what we are dealing with and where they would perform the best.
I wouldn't mind this.
If the second request is about finding the Sensei, I'm thinking Dark Angels geneseed quirks might be useful for once.
If Emperor trusts them to keep dangerous tech away from the Mechanicum, they can probably keep shit away from Inquisition.

If they can take their crazily obsessive and secretive nature, SOP of slaying any Imperial agents who stand in their way, back it up with the galaxy wide reach granted by the Fallen hunter network with other DA chapters, and channel it all into this singular task, it might work?

I feel like they will either succeed or Fallen Paranoia wins out and at critical moments they will chose to run after them instead.
Another issue is that if Sensei don't exactly want to be caught, DA might just decide to give them the good old Fallen treatment - hunt them like dogs and stick them in the dungeon. I mean, Emperor ordered them collected, and DA won't be found wanting.
"Are you the Emperor's bastard? Confess motherfucker!"

What other options are there?
In terms of pure tracking of individuals, White Scars could be superior I guess.
Maybe some other chapter can gather these guys based on the promise of protection and good treatment instead? Like Salamanders, for their baseline human empathy. Plus they already got the whole "collect all artifacts of Vulcan" quest thing going on.
Which they admittedly aren't very good at, and they will probably get in a fight with Inquisition at one point over this, instead of quietly murdering some fools like DA.
...and technically there's also Fulgrim for diplo/negotiate approach.
In any case, such a strategy is likely too extreme even for 40k. Radical Inquisitors using chaos to fight chaos is one thing, but adopting Tau methods? That's just too much heresy.

As for Alpha Legion, meh, I just don't like them.
Too much plotting, ineffective Zero Sum Legion.
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I don't see the point of buying traitor geneseed when loyalist is just as good. It's expensive, and we already have plenty of equipment and stcs to unlock with our points; it just seems like a waste outside of a particular goal requiring it.

That "live capture of inquisitors" goal could be a good opportunity to unlock some kind of "live capture" training we could use for the Emperor's request though.

Raven Guard might be good for that; they seem like they could sneak up on an inquisitor, especially if we give them scout training.

Then we could give them Cauter blades so they can chop off any integrated weapons without needing an apothecary on hand to keep them alive.
Allow this to sum up the Golden Sons.

-Two Major Daemonic Incursions are destroyed by the Golden Sons in separate incidents. Details of these inclusions are sadly limited, due to heavy censure by the Inquisition - all that is certain is that the two assaults served different Chaos Gods, and that the Golden Sons flatly refused to allow the Inquisition to purge their citizens. Any attempt by the Inquisition to avenge this slight to their authority die when the Custodes bluntly inform the Holy Ordos that they can and will take the side of the Golden Sons on the matter.
The Golden Sons New
[X] Plan: The Golden Sons - Entrenchment Edition
-[X] Chapter Name: The Golden Sons.
-[X] Chapter Colours:
--[X] Most Astartes: Gold primary, Bright Red secondary.
--[X] Librarians: Add Royal Blue to their armour coloration, usually: Left Gauntlet, Both Pauldrons and Helmet.
--[X] Techmarines: Add Bright Green to their armour coloration, usually: Right Gauntlet, Both Pauldrons and Helmet.
-[X] Chapter Symbol: Golden Dragon, representation of their Homeworld.
-[X] Chapter Creed: "The People Are The Emperor's Hoard, Guard Them Well!".
--[X] Battle Cry: "Burn In Our Light Xeno/Mutant/Traitor/Daemon!".

Chapter Name: The Golden Sons
Chapter Symbol: Golden Dragon, representation of their Homeworld.
Most Astartes: Gold primary, Bright Red secondary.
Librarians: Add Royal Blue to their armour coloration, usually: Left Gauntlet, Both Pauldrons and Helmet
Chapter Creed: "The People Are The Emperor's Hoard, Guard Them Well!".
Battle Cry: "Burn In Our Light, Xeno/Mutant/Traitor/Daemon!".

Current Traits
-Anathema (Free due to Planet, Task, and Legion Combo): The psyker powers of this Legion are Anathema to the forces of Chaos, and destroy them with contemptuous ease. Few are those so blessed as to manifest such might, the very nature of the Emperor made manifest.
-Golden Scales (Mutation/Salamanders/Grimm Interrupt): Originally, this mutation would have caused a horrific transformation into a carnivorous, lizard like creature, but due to the quick intervention of the attending Genetor it's full impact has thankfully been blunted. Instead, when this mutation manifests the affected Marines gain patches of glittering golden scales on their skin, as well as a very strong resistance to fire and psychic attacks. You have a migraine.
-Radiance (Mutation/Thousand Sons/Emperor Interrupt): This mutation would give the Marines an aura of unease towards anyone they encounter, similar to a Blank. Instead, due to nothing less than the Emperor's own intervention, Librarians of this chapter radiate with a glorious light reminiscent of the Astronomicon itself - a visible mark of His favour.
-Crucible Thrones: {REDACTED}
-Purging Flame: The Pyromantic assaults from this Chapter's Librarians are exceptionally devastating to all those struck by it, especially Chaos and it's servants.
-Golden Dragons: Giant, golden scaled, winged firebreathing lizards native to Emperor's Landing. The very fact that Grimm allows his juniors to call them 'Dragons' is widely held as proof among the Genetor community that Grimm does not, in fact, hate fun.
-Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
-Temperature Resistance: The Marines of this Chapter are highly resistant to extreme temperatures, even by Space Marine standards.
-Civilian Empathy: Marines from this Chapter care deeply for the civilian population of their home planet, and all the Imperium's people.
-Powerful Psykers: Marines from this Chapter are particularly powerful psykers, and the ability appears more often among them.
-Fast Learners: Marines from this Chapter are fast learners in all fields of study, leading them to be skilled in a number of fields.
-Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-Techmarines: This chapter has more Techmarines in its ranks than normal, improving the quality of their equipment and allowing them to create a greater quantity of advanced wargear.
-Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.
-Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course.

Homeworld: Emperor's Landing is, beyond all others, a truly blessed world in the eyes of Emperor worshipers. In the daytime, the very air is illuminated with the Emperor's light, while at night the moon itself glows with a softer, yet still glorious golden radiance. Grassy plains dominate the majority of the terrain of Emperor's Landing, the dominant part of which is made up of the 'Emperor's Worshipper' species of tall grass, which seems ordinary during the day but is revealed to softly glow with the Emperor's light at night.

This golden radiance, which suffuses most of the world's native life, is a remnant of a mighty battle that occured here in the earliest days of the Great Crusade. Little historical record remains of what took place, but what is known is that a powerful foe emerged and challenged the Emperor, and proved a mighty enemy - leading to the Master of Mankind unleashing more of His might than He had ever been witnessed to use before. So much power was released that the world itself absorbed the light of the Anathema of Chaos, and it has shone there ever since. What became of the Emperor's foe, and what it was that it could stand against such awesome might, is now lost to time.

Other than humanity, the dominant species of Emperors Landing is the 'Golden Dragons', fire-breathing winged lizards of immense size armoured in golden scales that are harder than adamantium. More importantly, the fiery breath of these creatures is especially harmful to creatures of the Warp, and their scales are even more resistant to harm from psykers than they are to mundane forms of damage. They often prey on the much smaller (but still quite sizable) lizards that roam the grassy plains of the world, and have a deep rivalry with a burrowing subspecies of theirs that attacks from below instead of above, though actual conflict between the two is rare.

The people of this planet live a mostly nomadic life - Emperor's Landing itself has an oddly wide variety of nutritious foodstuff native to it, and so these nomadic bands have a much bigger population than most such tribes and a far superior quality of life to the average Imperial planet. Warfare does occasionally break out between different nomad bands, but it rarely if ever ever escalates to the point of one or the other being totally destroyed.

Gene-Seed: The gene-seed of the Golden Sons has three notable oddities. The first is that they appear to have absorbed a fragment of the Emperor's own power from the planet of Emperor's Landing itself, making them Anathema to Chaos just as He Himself is, albeit to a far lesser extent. The second is in the form of a minor aura of glowing light radiating from most Marines, especially their Librarians, though it does not seem to have any major effects alone. Finally, there is the fact that Marines hailing from the Chapter have a chance of growing patches of golden scales, similar to the dragons of their homeworld. Marines with this oddity are resistant to both extreme temperatures and even more so to Warpcraft than is average, even in a Chapter with an already impressively high resistance to such things.

The Crucible Thrones: The most important artifacts to the Golden Sons are the mysterious Crucible Thrones. These strange pieces of technology are no typical thrones used merely to display one's grandeur, but instead do something far more incredible - each Throne simulates a far more manageable variant of the stresses that operating a machine like the Golden Throne places on the body, and the most powerful one that stands at the heart of the Golden Sons fortress monastery is said to be capable of matching the stresses of the actual Golden Throne itself! No outsider seems to have any real information about why the Chapter uses these strange devices, but it is well known that the average psychic strength of the Chapter has been steadily increasing over time - as has the average size of its Marines.

Fortress Monastery: The Fortress Monastery of the Golden Sons is built entirely around the largest of the Crucible Thrones, and is said to possess enough surface to orbital firepower to destroy entire fleets. Not much is known about it's inner workings, beyond the fact that it possess an impressive Librarium and built in manufactorum, as the Golden Sons are notoriously resistant to allowing others to enter their abode.

Combat Doctrine: The Golden Sons maintain an extremely flexible combat doctrine, even for Space Marine standards. At times, they deploy a shocking amount of heavy vehicles - at others, they make usage of hit and run tactics, or unleashing their vast psyker powers upon the foe.

Organization: No one knows exactly how the Golden Sons are organized, or even the true size of the Chapter, only that they are very much not Codex compliant. A few facts have been discovered, however.
1: The Chapter is closely tied to the Adeptus Custodes, to the point that some few of the Emperor's Companions have even seen fit to join their ranks, acting alongside them on a full time basis. These venerable warriors obviously maintain a high position within the Chapter itself, though the exact nature of their duties when a part of the Chapter is unknown.
2: The Chapter Librarium is divided into several sub-organizations, due to the vastly increased percentage of psykers within the chapter compared to most, each specialising in a different application of their abilities.
3: It is unclear whether or not those Marines blessed with unusual physical size are given any notably higher rank, or merely part of a specialised unit.
4: The Golden Sons are only very rarely called upon by outsiders aside from the Custodes themselves, and even then they are often treated with a respect beyond that given to other Space Marines Chapters even by the most ardently anti-Space Marine Inquisitors.
5: The Chapter has a larger than normal number of Dreadnaughts serving among it's forces, who are somehow cognizant enough to hold active command positions - and this is not including the unique pattern of dreadnought known to be in the Chapter's possession.

The Watching Ring: The name of a vast network of defensive fortifications within and around the system Emperors Landing resides in. Among orbital fortifications, the Watching Ring is considered second only to the very best in the entire Imperium, and many traitor forces have been destroyed before even approaching the Golden Son's own home planet.

Notable Events of the Golden Sons
-During the War of the Beast, the Golden Sons, only freshly created and not even having arrived on their Homeworld, are deployed alongside the fearsome Archmagos Orkadan Grimm, the creator of their Chapter, some Martian Myrmidons whom had been assigned to be Grimm's bodyguard over his strenuous protests, and the Skittari of Forge World Sanctus, the Forge World that was to be responsible for constructing their equipment, to engage the Ork demigod's armies. These allied forces fought fiercely against the Ork hordes, and the newborn Chapter earned glory far beyond what any could have expected from a force so young.
-A Word Bearers assault on Emperor's Landing is brutally rebuffed, and the Chaos Space Marines are killed down to the very last.
-Two Major Daemonic Incursions are destroyed by the Golden Sons in separate incidents. Details of these incursions are sadly limited, due to heavy censure by the Inquisition - all that is certain is that the two assaults served different Chaos Gods, and that the Golden Sons flatly refused to allow the Inquisition to purge their citizens. Any attempt by the Inquisition to avenge this slight to their authority die when the Custodes bluntly inform the Holy Ordos that they can and will take the side of the Golden Sons on the matter.
-During the 8th Black Crusade, the Golden Sons ambushed and destroyed a small Black Legion fleet. Exact details regarding the composition of the fleet are unknown, but intelligence reports that Abbadon would kill several high ranking Chaos Lords for the mistakes that had allowed the destruction of the force to happen.
-A Dark Eldar raid on a world under the Golden Son's protection is foiled, and many of the Dark Eldar raiders wound up permanently killed by the sheer might of the Golden Son's psykers beyond the dread Homunculi's ability to resurrect. A retributive raid by several allied Cabals faired little better, and merely resulted in even more permanent Dark Eldar casualties. From that day forward, the Dark Eldar became extremely reluctant to attack any worlds confirmed to be under the Golden Son's protection, though the occasional raid does still happen… though if Inquisitiorial interrogation is to be trusted, being sent on these raids is less a typical realspace incursion and more a form of execution.
-A Combined assault by the Black Legion backed by a major Daemonic Incursion under an alliance of four Daemon Princes, one representing each of the Ruinous Powers, is thwarted by the forces of the Golden Sons, the Dread Host, and the Grey Knights. Details have been heavily redacted by the Inquisition, who once again were denied the authority to purge the Imperial Citizens who survived the terrible ordeal.

Unique Units
-Golden Dragons: A giant, flying, fire breathing lizard like species, the Golden Dragons are a true terror to behold. With scales near impervious to harm from sources both material and immaterial, as well as an arsenal of dangerous natural weapons, the Golden Dragons of Emperor's landing are one of the last things any foe of the Emperor wishes to see - especially since the smaller ones have been known to bond with powerful Space Marines of the Golden Sons, a strange type of connection that makes both combatants all the more dangerous. Elders of this species have even been said to be capable of battling Greater Daemons and handily achieving victory.
-Champion Pattern Heavy Dreadnoughts: A unique pattern of Dreadnaught said to include many technologies otherwise primarily used in the equipment of the Custodian Guard themselves. Regardless of whether this is true or not, the Champion can be said to be among the most powerful Space Marine Dreadnoughts ever created, even able to match and destroy a Leviathan Class Dreadnought without risk of harming the pilot. The defensive abilities of the Champion Pattern is not to be trifled with either, for the sheer durability of their armor and multiple redundant shield generators mean that the average Champion Pattern Dreadnaught will last a very long time before something brings it down… and all of this, without accounting for the fact that Champion Pattern Dreadnoughts allow their occupants to retain any psyker powers they may have had before entombment.
-Ancient Riders: Few things are worse than an Elder Golden Dragon or a Champion Pattern Dreadnought. A Champion Pattern Dreadnaught Bonded with and riding an Elder Golden Dragon is definitely one of those things.
-Radiant Riders: Ancient Riders, except the Champion Pattern Dreadnaught is an active psyker. There is little else to be said on the matter.
-Aegis Guard: More than a few Marines among the Golden Sons become much larger than average, reaching sizes that can only be described as 'small Dreadnought' by those that have encountered them. These Marines are known to wield physical might to match with their size, as well as always developing the Golden Scales - managing to ward them even better against the powers of the Warp. The Aegis Guard were originally a much smaller sub-group within the Golden Sons, but as the millenia have past Marines reaching the size needed to become one of these great warriors has become a more and more common occurrence.
-Golden Champions: Master Swordsmen with Librarian training, it is said the Golden Champions have found a way to use their own latent psyker powers to actually deflect enemy psyker abilities, even if they are far less powerful than the foe.
-Tech Wardens: Tech Marines that are charged with the maintenance of the Chapter's most esoteric technologies. When they have to take to the field, the Tech Wardens often employ powerful plasma weapons said to be capable of reducing even the likes of Necron vehicles into useless slag if allowed to hit.

-Adeptus Custodes: The Golden Sons serve directly at the Custodes' behest, and among the institutions of the Imperium can be considered among the closest, if not the closest, to the Custodian Guard.
-Dread Host: Within the Custodians, the Dread Host are the ones who are most often deployed alongside the Golden Sons in numbers, partially due to the Host's focus on issues outside of Terra. Regardless when the Golden Sons are called to battle, it is often by the hands of the Dread Host.
-Inquisition: The Inquisition both respects and fears the Golden Sons, for they are the one Space Marine Chapter they have no authority over - something both the Golden Sons themselves and the Custodes have made very clear indeed. That said, the sheer power of the Golden Sons is hard to deny, and sometimes groups of Inquisitors have come together to request the Golden Sons aid, requests that select forces of the Golden Sons will, if given permission by the inscrutable upper ranks of the Chapter, usually accept.
-Sisters of Battle: The Sisters of Battle see the Golden Sons as some of the beings closest to the Emperor, and as such treat them with great respect. To even see them once is considered a small miracle by even the oldest of the sisters, and to have seen them on multiple times over a career is nothing less than a blessing by the Emperor Himself.
-Blood Ravens: The Blood Ravens have been gifted the Gilded Hammer, a powerful weapon of the Golden Sons that is said to banish any Daemon struck with it for five millenia, and on occasion flat out kill them permanently, though not with the same reliability as the Emperor's sword. Though this is the only relic they have ever seen fit to give the Blood Ravens, it is a gift so wondrous that the Blood Ravens treat it with nothing less than the utmost reverence.
-Eldar: The Eldar as a whole do all they can to avoid any contact with the Golden Sons. Though they may not have the same effect on the species that the Emperor Himself has had on the few occasions an Eldar has seen them, the sheer might of the Golden Sons is still more than enough to generate great fear among the Asuryani.
-Grey Knights: The Golden Sons are perhaps the only Space Marine Chapter within the Imperium, aside from maybe the Exorcists or Seraph Brotherhood, that come even close to having the same absolute incorruptibility as the Grey Knights. Between this and the fact that the average Golden Sons psyker is actually even stronger than his Grey Knight counterpart, albeit in exchange for Psyker abilities not being universal as they are for the Knights of Titan, the Grey Knights have come to consider the Golden Sons among their greatest allies in the war against Chaos.

Chapter Creations Result
+120 Reputation

Added New Training Option
More Champions: This Chapter has more Champions than most can claim.

OOC: Yay for the Beta.
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The Crucible Thrones: The most important artifacts to the Golden Sons are the mysterious Crucible Thrones. These strange pieces of technology are no typical thrones used merely to display one's grandeur, but instead do something far more incredible - each Throne simulates a far more manageable variant of the stresses that operating a machine like the Golden Throne places on the body, and the most powerful one that stands at the heart of the Golden Sons fortress monastery is said to be capable of matching the stresses of the actual Golden Throne itself! No outsider seems to have any real information about why the Chapter uses these strange devices, but it is well known that the average psychic strength of the Chapter has been steadily increasing over time - as has the average size of its Marines.
... Emps, you absolute fucking genius. You're creating a replacement!
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