@undead frog
Dread Admiral Long Harrison loved what he did. How could he not? As a pirate, he got to pillage and plunder whatever the hell he wanted from the systems his ships came across. He loved the thrill he got whenever he and his fleet grabbed all the treasure and enslaved the spineless cowards inside the lone ships that wandered too close to his territories. The thralls always go on and on about how the Imperium will come and inflict retribution on them before his men broke them of that habit.
Honestly, if the Imperium was able to do that, they would have done it already. It just shows how pathetic it is. He knows that Astartes are just a myth, from the day his faith shattered when he prayed for them to come and save his world from the plunderers and they didn't come. Well, after that he convinced the rest of captives of his point of view and that they should take their destinies in their own hands. After successfully fighting and taking control of the ship, they decided that if the Imperium did them wrong, they will do wrong to them back.
Well, look it got them now, after a couple of decades. Numerous ships, with thousands of men as crew, and plenty of captured people to sell to those with certain proclivities. Hell, they even got an anchorage in an out-of-the-way star system, which is where he is now. Life is great. Just then, while he was in his private chambers, one of your lieutenants, Gifford Benson, entered with a worried look on his face.
"Giff? What's with that look?" Long asked, frowning. As his oldest friend, you know Gifford pretty well. He was never the type to approach you with concern unless he could handle it himself. And he knows you enjoyed your privacy.
"Long," he said in a panicked voice, "One of monitoring stations at the edge of the system went dark hours ago."
"Was that it?" You finally say after a bit. "Honestly, why bring this to me? Send a crew over to reestablish contact with them if the didn't respond."
"That's the thing. I did," he responded. "They went silent after they sent a picture of what likely caused the station to go dark."
He then motioned to the servo-skull he had brought along, which projected a
picture of the broadside view of a ship. At this, Long chuckled.
"That's all?" He asked. "Just one ship?" Honestly, the Imperium was really pathetic if this was all they could spare. Hell, the ship could belong to a new pirate crew if the symbol on the side was anything to go by. The diving bird that's turning into lightning looks pretty nice. Too bad it's going to be painted over once they capture and convert the ship for their use. Really, he should thank the Imperium for this gift.
"Long," - Gifford said - " the ship resemble that of the battle barges the Astartes-"
At this Long groaned.
"Really, the Astartes?" he replied. "You and I both know they're a made up fairy-tale. Now I want you to alert everyone that some idiots just decided to give up their lives by attacking us at home, and that whoever brings me the head of the captain gets first pickings of loot from the ship."
Gifford sighed. He should have remembered that Long would say the Astartes were a myth upon bringing it up. He had to in case they actually existed and prepare in what ways they can. Still, the admiral's orders were absolute.
Just a little something I thought up for a pirate's point of view before the Dark Peregrines obviously destroy them. Sorry if it's a bit sloppy.