The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Get these guys more apothecaries, they will last longer and with their lifespan, Dante might actually have competition for longest living.

[] Plan Sanguinor

[]Wings of Sanguinus
[]White Armor with red trim and black detailing
[]Black Background, Golden, wings, red blood drop
[] On His Wings we Soar
[ ] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
[ ] Apothecaries: This chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks.
[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
[ ] Extra Terminators
Plan: Children of the Blood
-[ ] Name: Children of the Blood
-[ ] Colors: ????????????
-[ ] Chapter Symbol: ?????????????
-[ ] Chapter Creed: "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood."
--[ ] Battle Cry: "Fear the old blood!"

All of this screams bait for corn flakes, or obsessing over blood. I'd rather we focus on the wings. Angels of Vengeance, Wings of Damnation, Angels/sons/Wings/Murder of Sanguinius.

Other then that I could take or leave the Bolts, I just wish we'd gotten a power weapons option before this, as Melee seems to hurt Daemons more.
[ ] Apothecaries: This chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks.
[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
[ ] Extra Terminators

Can't fly in Terminator armor, undead hasn't said that Apothecaries would help with the Red Thirst, but I like the name and fluff choices far more. We should take your fluff choices and his practical and add them together.
[] Plan: Good hunters
-[ ] Write in Name: Hunters of the Sacrifice
-[ ] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.: Blood Red and Silverish white
-[ ] Write in chapter symbol.:
-[ ] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).: "Find your worth in the waking world."
--[] when fighting black legion: "Tonight, Sons join the Father."
-[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-[ ] Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or pole-arms however.
-[ ] Apothecaries: This chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks.
-[ ] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.
-[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.

My reasoning:
  • Librarians: Prophecy stacking to maybe have some synergy with the Sons of Vulcans. Also Biomancy for more blood and making use of our resistance to chaos corruption
  • Spear fighting: Glorious hawkboi fought with a spear and with the sword, emulating him is my desire
  • Apothecaries: We need a lot of blood making sure or supplies/allies are in order is vital.
  • Specialist ammo: Fucking up different kinds of daemons requires different ammo
  • Assult packs: For our poor wingless battle brothers
All of this screams bait for corn flakes, or obsessing over blood. I'd rather we focus on the wings. Angels of Vengeance, Wings of Damnation, Angels/sons/Wings/Murder of Sanguinius.

Other then that I could take or leave the Bolts, I just wish we'd gotten a power weapons option before this, as Melee seems to hurt Daemons more.
They are obsessing over blood about as much as the Blood Angels. If having blood in their name and having their creed / battle cry include blood baited Khorne as much as you think then every Blood Angles successor Chapter would have already fallen.
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They are about a obsessing over blood as the Blood Angels. If having blood in their name and having their creed / battle cry include blood baited Khorne as much as you think then every Blood Angles successor Chapter would have already fallen.

They just grew working anti-chaos WINGS made out of their father's flesh. I think they have other things to focus on then blood. Focusing on the wings instead of the blood is likely to be healthier for them mentally as well.
Chaplains and Librarians are the combo tbh. It will result in them having a good support network and abuse seer bullshit. Equipment wise is Assault packs.
Leverage Wings to host community enrichment programs for downtrodden communities and/or shrine worlds. Have Chaplain handlers on stand-by.
I also just realized that they have an increased lifespan trait. With it, certain long-lived members of the chapter could accumulate political favors from political dynasties over the centuries at least, if we choose the politics trait.
I went for spears for the power of versatility and symbolism (also maybe we will get gun-spears). Having Divination to take right weapon for right fight appeals to me
We got told the that sword guns combo with either training option so double down. Remember how the last chapter had amazing bonuses that carried them? That's from doubling down. Doubling down is GOOD.
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