The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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In the grimdark future of the post Heresy Imperium one very salty Adeptus Mechanicus Genetor finds himself in charge of a long term Space Marine creation project.

He remains very salty regardless.
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Information: Legendary Gene-Seed and Traits
Legendary trait of blood angels could be prothecy which is great for the fleet based chapter
Chapters actually have multiple possible legendary traits.

The thing is these added to the possible rolls and not a substitute so spending a Legendary Gene-seed does not mean that you will get one.

Of course on the other hand if you invest big by picking a lot of options that let you roll multiple traits and get very lucky you could have a chapter with 2 or more legendary traits.

And some legendary traits are actually bound to gene-flaws, to cite your example if a Blood Angels descended chapter fails its role to avoid the Black Rage or Red Thirst (Most ususally fail both anyway) their are some Legendary Traits that are added to the trait pool that interact with those flaws.
Cawl and Grimm
So what would it take to convince Cawl to work on a project together?
Grimm actually is assisting in some of Cawl's projects if only by being one of the few people in the galaxy qualified to give him any sort of feedback on his Imperial Regent mandated Primaris project. Thankfully Grimm has a few instances of himself running around (One soul operating multiple bodies) so he actually can multi-task like Cawl... who incidentally is in a way multiple minds inhabiting one body.

Beyond that? Cawl has no problem with Grimm but the latter is generally bitter enough that Cawl sticks to the way things are. Even with many hands the guy who is considering one of the major Genetors in the Imperium has a lot of work in his plate so you generally need a lot of pull if you want to compel Grimm to do anything.
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Grimm on the Mechanicus
How deep is grimm in the mechnichus cult believing and all it's horror/stupidity ?,"yeah yeah ave mechanicus you too...fucking cargo cult","for the glory of his electro-magnifiance" or "purge the hereteck with fire an thunder !!!"
Grimm would legit be considering a massive radical if he wasn't content to just hold in his misgivings and silently seethe instead since he was raised on Mars so a lot of the stuff he hates he just learned to deal with.

For one thing he is definitely not a believer in the whole 'The Flesh is weak' bit of dogma and he low key despises the Iron Hands for not only spreading it but for purposefully wasting the augmentations they were given (That were developed at quite a cost in human life at that) in favor of cybernetics that are in all honestly not all that much better... or they are better at all than the standard Space Marine biology.

He also hates, hates, hates Servitors with a burning passion. Like many Genetors he believes in the idea that organic life is a machine in it's own right, that the human body is a machine in its own right. To turn someone into a Servitor? It is a grave insult and a massive waste.... as are the conditions in hive cities. In fact he hates stuff like Servitors it so much he actually has a chip in his brain that makes sure he never gets used to the idea of things like Servitors and that he will always dislike them.

It is actually one of the reasons his mood is bad enough for his 'Grimm' title because he's an Admech Archmagos that (Secretly) hates Servitors.

Kinda ruins a persons mood.
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Chapter Sizes
So Probably closer to 2000 then the allowed 1000, But if we count long term detachment to the synopiticon or Infiltrations as Crusades of a diffrent flavour, They are "technically" codex compliant... Not that anyone would call them on it given who they are, who they have dirt on, who they have connections to, unless they want to end up the newest victims of the Calledus Ork snipers.
"loyalist" chapter.
Chapters usually come in a few sizes/org types.

Basically a Legion but allowed to get away with it: Space Wolves, Death Watch, Dark Peregrines, and Black Templars
First Founding chapter that technically isn't a legion but maintains good enough relations with successors that they could easily become one on a short notice but can get away with it because technically not a legion. Blood Angels, Imperial Fists (Only when Terra is threatened), Dark Angels, Ultramarines.
Weird chapters that are bigger than normal: Exorcists, Grey Knights, Light Bringers.
Normal Chapters: Verdant Eyes, most other chapters.

Oh and I added the rep gain and rewards to the Light Bringers update.
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Branching Timelines
I almost for about this little bit but while ive been trying to keep the 'main' time line close to the OG as possible the chapters you created have already had major impacts in some alternate universes…. Keep in mind this timelines are heavily AU so what happens in em is stuff that would likely be impossible in most.

Here are the ones currently inexistance.
1st: The Verdant Eyes stop the Deathwatch from screw up the ritual to birth the elder death god. This has many possible outcomes but the biggest one is that Slannesh is slain and their Daemons are driven from the warp. The other 3 CG's immediately start fighting over the spoils and the progress of the 13th Black Crusade is ground to a halt. Note this only happens in timelines in which the process of the Death Gods brith would not lead to the destruction of humanity.
2nd: The Light Bringers ??????? During the beheading. Resulting in the destruction of the Assassinorum. Because of this Vandire is unable to break the telepathica representative and his time in power is cut in half and preventing the formation of the Ordo Hereticus. Likewise the fate of the Celestial Lions is derailed.
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Answering Some Questions 1
Personally I'm thinking we forgo a request this time. If we want to do the Horses then that cuts off any location based one and doesn't seem to synergize that well with any of the others.
This is a valid path to take I made the requests as a way to add some potential flavor to the chapters you could make, not to force you into taking one. It's why I didn't put in mechanical rewards for them because I want them to be something you take because you want too not something you take because it's optimal.
Btw, does the Imperium as a whole knows about the gene-sire of the Light Bringers or is that only known to the higher-ups and such?
Nope, most Imperial orgs in the know keep it under the wraps.... something they actually do with a lot of chapters of traitor legion lineage because they don't want zelots starting something that those chapters would have to finish.
Officially the Imperium never uses Traitor Gene Seed. Unofficially? People will know. Some chapters that are implied to have traitor stock either have partial records or have even hidden it from themselves though.
Heck the High Lords of Terra have a chapter with likley traitor lineage as their personal attack dogs.
If we want the Word Bearers spreding the Imperial truth we want them pronto since QM said that the next age will be starting soon and with that the cult of the Emperor
Yeah... not a good time to be a planet that doesn't follow the Cult of the Savior Empire unless you have a spes marine chapter at your back.
@undead frog QM is there a limit on how many times we can use Potent Geneseed or Adaptive Geneseed in one turn?
Twice each.
Legions Grimm has worked directly with in the past.
In other news I decided to roll 3d20 for the legions Grimm worked with during the Great Crusade followed by one for the immediate aftermath (Early scouring and second founding era) of the Horus Heresy.

8th, 6th, 9th not in that order.

Immediate Post Heresy


.... I have a feeling Grimm really freaking hates the Night Lords on a personal level beyond them just being traitors given his temperament.
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Legendary Traits Part 2
Been thinking and have some (honestly not great) guesses about the legendary traits for each Legion. Arranged in no particular order
I mean they aren't all that bad guesses especially since a lot of legendary traits are the chapters normal specialty but cranked up to 11.

Naturally each legion has multiple legendary traits which is why it's possible to get 2 at once.

Each Legendary only shows up once though so after one is rolled I have to go back and figure out a replacement for the list.

So for instance this chapter will be the only one with legendary spite.... the others can get the basic spite trait though!
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