Either way it's not something we can plan around.

The only one who tries something even vaguely like this in canon is Daemon. And that's more of an attempted consensual* affair which discredits one participant politically / could be used as political pressure for a marriage.

*not sure how old Rhaenyra was in canon at that time

At least younger than 16 y/o going by book, probably 14.

Since we're talking about the brothel scene in the show, dunno how old she was there, but in the books Septon Eustace supposedly said Daemon seduced and took her maidenhood before her 16th birthday and that's the reason of the banishment following his reconciling with Viserys by giving him the Stepstones crown.

In the show she must've been 17-18 since she supposedly was of she in Episode 3: Second of his Name. Show timeline is confusing.

Wiki for reference
The only one who tries something even vaguely like this in canon is Daemon. And that's more of an attempted consensual* affair which discredits one participant politically / could be used as political pressure for a marriage.

That is what I was worried about. I can see some of the more ambitious lords we turn down spreading rumours about how we totally slept with them to politically pressure Viserys into getting our hand in marriage.
That is what I was worried about. I can see some of the more ambitious lords we turn down spreading rumours about how we totally slept with them to politically pressure Viserys into getting our hand in marriage.
They do that and you know what happens? Viserys calls them to the capital to account for their rumormongering, whereupon he either exiles them like he did to Daemon, or he let's Rhaenyra beat the living shit out of them in a trial by combat like Jaehaerys once did to Saera's various suitors who claimed to have slept with her.
That is what I was worried about. I can see some of the more ambitious lords we turn down spreading rumours about how we totally slept with them to politically pressure Viserys into getting our hand in marriage.

I do think this is more likely than straight up bridenapping, but this doesn't happen in canon (except Daemon). It's also playing with fire - you could end up like Saera's suitors. In canon, Daemon's scheme ended up with him banished - and if he hadn't been the King's brother, he easily could have been executed.

Also, I think our reputation might work against those rumors - Rhaenyra is bi, but she's butch enough people might assume she's not interested in men. And even beyond that, we've been a pretty diligent and focused, people might be less likely to think we're the type to sleep around.

We might attract negative attention from someone doing this to try to "tame" us / force us to be a "proper woman." But that kind of person might be more inclined to think that Viserys is going to disinherit us in favor of a younger brother once one comes along, so the payoff is less.

I do think if anyone does try this the most likely culprit is Daemon - he's the closest to doing this in canon, he can benefit without as much risk since he'd just need us to embarrassed, he's the king brother, and he has his own dragon. Also, it'd play into his complexes. But he might just hate us too much to go for it.

I do apologize for lack of update I am under the weather but I am working on the next update.

Get well soon!
Rhaenyra is bi, but she's butch enough people might assume she's not interested in men. And even beyond that, we've been a pretty diligent and focused, people might be less likely to think we're the type to sleep around.

Yes, but one has to remember in book canon, despite the fact that Jeyne Arryn was widely rumoured to be gay, there were still those who insisted she had a voracious appetite for men. Which shows that even being a lesbian is no shield from rumours of man-based promiscuity.
I do think if anyone does try this the most likely culprit is Daemon - he's the closest to doing this in canon, he can benefit without as much risk since he'd just need us to embarrassed, he's the king brother, and he has his own dragon. Also, it'd play into his complexes. But he might just hate us too much to go for it.

It also helps our Rhaenyra ain't drinking his Targaryen Uncle kool-aid afaik, the other two routes would probably involve being more vulnerable to his type of manipulation; and probably even more so since those Rhaenyras would need firepower on their side without likely being a good dragon rider themselves and so would be more, uh, pliable to interacting with the little shit at all.
Yes, but one has to remember in book canon, despite the fact that Jeyne Arryn was widely rumoured to be gay, there were still those who insisted she had a voracious appetite for men. Which shows that even being a lesbian is no shield from rumours of man-based promiscuity.

I mean, I'm not implying it's ever be a total shield, because that's not how rumors work. But just comparing book!Rhaenyra or show!Rhaenyra to quest!Rhaenyra, it seems like those rumors would be less believable about quest!Rhaenyra than either canon!Rhaenyra.

And the person spreading those rumors about Jeyne was Mushroom who was spreading rumors that every single person in King's landing was having sex with him.
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I mean, I'm not implying it's ever be a total shield, because that's not how rumors work. But just comparing book!Rhaenyra or show!Rhaenyra to quest!Rhaenyra, it seems like those rumors would be less believable about quest!Rhaenyra than either canon!Rhaenyra.

And the person spreading those rumors about Jeyne was Mushroom who was spreading rumors that every single person in King's landing was having sex with him.
Also show Rhaenyra had those rumors start about her do to Daemon basically trying deliberately to ruin her reputation in a way he's both unlikely to do here and we're unlikely to fall for.
Either way it's not something we can plan around.

The only one who tries something even vaguely like this in canon is Daemon. And that's more of an attempted consensual* affair which discredits one participant politically / could be used as political pressure for a marriage.

*not sure how old Rhaenyra was in canon at that time
Daemon notably
a) Is a Targaryen
b) has a dragon

Not that Daemon trying this is a huge concern
He'd probably sooner just kill our Rhaenyra
And he's probably not willing to go that far until after Viserys is dead
He's also very far away last anyone checked

But really
I feel like the "has a goddamn dragon" part is really being glossed over in this discussion

The original concern being raised wasn't even that this hypothetical bride abduction would succeed
It's that Rhaenyra would want to cover up killing the guy who tried it out of fear of reprisal
When like, no
We are not the ones who have to duck and cover here

The sequence of events after a failed bride abduction is that Viserys immediately sends a force straight to the House that dared with demands to surrender themselves and anyone remotely involved for a trial (assuming we don't skip straight to summary execution)
And anything short of immediate surrender means that Rhaenyra flies over there on Syrax's back and burns their Keep and everyone inside it into molten slag with dragon fire

I really can't overstate how off base it is to worry about Rhaenyra having to cover up the death of someone who tried to bride abduct her
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Now, which is the more realistic scandal causer.

Rhaenyra offends someone, gets challenged to a duel, wins.
Rhaenyra gets offended, challenges someone, they refuse.

(Actually, I forgot. Does GOT even do honor duels? It's just trial by combat, right?)
(Actually, I forgot. Does GOT even do honor duels? It's just trial by combat, right?)
I don't think we ever see one (which itself is somewhat telling), but the concept is known. From off top of my head, Davos Seaworth names a Frey a liar at the Merman's Court, and another Frey would have challenged him if not for Lord Manderly absolutely disallowing any such challenges or duels under his roof.
Rhaenyra offends someone, gets challenged to a duel, wins.
Rhaenyra gets offended, challenges someone, they refuse.

I think anyone challenging us over an offense is unlikely. Challenging us would imply respecting us as a warrior, and were hopefully not offending that type of person anyway. Someone might want to challenge us to see if we actually can fight, but that hopefully isn't a scandal.

Second one is more likely. If we get an option on this we definitely shouldn't challenge people, since they can just refuse on the basis that they don't fight girls, and they don't want to risk hurting a princess. If we really want to the thing to do would be to have Tarly challenge them or imply that Tarly will be our champion, and then we show up instead.
I think anyone challenging us over an offense is unlikely. Challenging us would imply respecting us as a warrior, and were hopefully not offending that type of person anyway. Someone might want to challenge us to see if we actually can fight, but that hopefully isn't a scandal.

Second one is more likely. If we get an option on this we definitely shouldn't challenge people, since they can just refuse on the basis that they don't fight girls, and they don't want to risk hurting a princess. If we really want to the thing to do would be to have Tarly challenge them or imply that Tarly will be our champion, and then we show up instead.

Essentially pull an Ozai on them and have us pull the rug under them by being the champion instead?

But yeah, I think either the second one happens or somebody of truly prodigious idiocy does challenge us thinking we'll back down from "fear" due to only playing at being a knight or that Rhaenyra will try and they can "obviously" outmaneuver her so she isn't harmed just humilliated.

They'd be sorely mistaken on both accounts, of course.
Essentially pull an Ozai on them and have us pull the rug under them by being the champion instead?

Jae also surprise fought as his own champion, which I think is a really silly part of the lore, but it wouldn't be bad parallel to make.

Maegor fought as his own champion, but it wasn't a surprise. That one's an interesting parallel, given canon!Rhaenyra's appellation, but one we wouldn't point out.
If the opportunity comes up, I think we may need to recruit Alys Rivers [as long as we can get her without breaking up with Alicent] because if we are going to get through everything (the led up to the Dance, The Dance, the aftermath of the Dance & Larys Strong) we going to need to find someone who is very good at intrigue. A witch who could see the future might be good at that.

Hell, we should at least try to recruit anyone who is good at intrigue, who isn't Larys Strong.
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Actually, was just thinking on that, but what about Mysaria?

show!Mysaria is much more sympathetic than book!Mysaria, in that she seems primarily motivated by escaping slavery herself and then bettering things for the smallfolk. Which would be good advice to have. She's favorable towards Rhaenyra. She's probably somewhere in KL or Dragonstone, both places we should have ready access too.

Also, she might make a fine addition to our "Daemon's bitter exes" collection. Show!Mysaria and Rhaenyra have a thing, which I wouldn't be for. But idk maybe we could set her up with Rhea or something.

I'm more hesitant on Alys Rivers, because the person who recruits her in book canon literally dies showing up where she told him too. I don't think that was deliberate, but she's a Melisandre expy, and having a sorceress advisor didn't exactly work out for Stannis.
If the opportunity comes up, I think we may need to recruit Alys Rivers [as long as we can get her without breaking up with Alicent] because if we are going to get through everything (the led up to the Dance, The Dance, the aftermath of the Dance & Larys Strong) we going to need to find someone who is very good at intrigue. A witch who could see the future might be good at that.

Hell, we should at least try to recruit anyone who is good at intrigue, who isn't Larys Strong.
Luckily we're going to Harrenhal first so we should meet her very soon
Turn 7: Results I New
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Oct 2, 2024 at 3:55 PM, finished with 196 posts and 48 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Training
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[x] [Action] Train
    --[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
    ---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    [X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    [X] Plan Pregnancy, Poetry and Party
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyman Beesbury
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
    [X] Plan Pregnancy, Music and Party
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[x] [Action] Study Music
    [X] Plan: Sneakery, Songs and Progress
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[x] [Action] Study Music
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    [X] Plan: Progress, City, Training
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[x] [Action] Train
    --[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
    ---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    [X] Plan So Much To Do
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
    -[x] [Action] Train
    --[x] Challenge to a Duel: Gwayne Hightower
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    -[x] [Action] Study Music
    [X] Planning for the Progress and Johanna
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyman Beesbury
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    -[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
    [X] Plan: Progress, Investigation, and Sneakery
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[X] [Action] Investigate the Death of King Aenys
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    [X] Plan Pregnancy, Music and Gwayne
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[x] [Action] Study Music
    [X] Plan: Progress, City, and Training
    [X] Plan Pregnancy, Music, Training and Party
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[x] [Action] Train
    --[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
    ---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[x] [Action] Study Music
    [X] Plan Pregnancy, Poetry and Party
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[x] [Action] Train
    --[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
    ---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry

Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Oct 5, 2024 at 10:26 AM, finished with 275 posts and 48 votes.

  • [X] Plan Introducing the Princess-Knight
    -[X] [Purpose] A Reminder of the Throne's Authority
    -[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
    -[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
    -[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
    -[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
    -[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
    -[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
    -[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
    -[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
    -[X] [Companion] Rhea Royce
    -[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
    -[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
    --[X] Kings Landing
    --[X] Harrenhal
    --[X] The Eyrie
    --[X] Gulltown
    --[X] White Harbor (by ship)
    --[X] Winterfell
    --[X] Castle Black
    --[X] The Twins
    --[X] Stone Hedge & Raventree Hall
    --[X] Riverun
    --[X] Lannisport / Casterly Rock
    --[X] Pyke (by ship)
    --[X] Oldtown (by ship)
    --[X] Highgarden
    --[X] Blackhaven
    --[X] Storms End
    --[X] Driftmark (by ship)
    [X] The Beau Ideal Of A Heir
    [X] Plan Tourneys, Judgements and Friendships
    -[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
    -[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
    -[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
    -[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
    -[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
    -[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
    -[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
    --[X] Kings Landing
    --[X] Storms End
    --[X] Rain House
    --[X] ship to Driftmark
    --[X] ship to White Harbor
    --[X] Winterfell
    --[X] Castle Black
    --[X] Deepwood Motte
    --[X] ship to Bear Isle
    --[X] ship to Pyke
    --[X] ship to Seagard
    --[X] detour through the northern Vale along the coast
    --[X] The Eyrie
    --[X] Harrenhal
    --[X] Riverrun
    --[X] Lannisport / Casterly Rock
    --[X] Oldtown (via Ocean Road)
    --[X] Highgarden
    -[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
    -[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
    -[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
    -[X] [Companion] Rhea Royce
    -[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
    [X] The Future Queen
    -[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
    -[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
    -[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
    -[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
    -[X] [Goal] Scout out Prospective Husbands.
    -[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
    -[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
    --[X] ship to White Harbor
    --[X] Winterfell
    --[X] Castle Black
    --[X] Ship to Barrowton
    --[X] Ship to Seaguard
    --[X] The Twins
    --[X] Riverrun
    --[X] Raventree Hall
    --[X] Stone Hedge
    --[X] Harrenhal
    --[X] The Eyrie
    --[X] Runestone
    --[X] Gulltown
    --[X] ship to Rain House
    --[X] Storms End
    --[X] Blackhaven
    --[X] Nightsong
    --[X] Horn Hill
    --[X] Oldtown
    --[X] Highgarden
    --[X] Tumbleton
    --[X] Goldengrove
    --[X] Old Oak
    --[X] Ship to Shield Islands
    --[X] ship to Pyke
    --[X] Ship to Lannisport/Casterly Rock
    --[X] Ashemark
    --[X] Golden Tooth
    --[X] Kings Landing
    -[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
    -[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
    -[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
    -[X] [Companion] Rhaenys Targaryen
    -[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
    [X] The Future Queen
    [X] The Warrior Queen
    [X] The Beau Ideal Of A Heir
    -[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
    -[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
    -[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
    -[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
    -[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
    -[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
    -[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
    -[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
    -[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
    -[X] [Companion] Rhea Royce
    -[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
    -[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
    --[X] Kings Landing
    --[X] Harrenhal
    --[X] The Eyrie
    --[X] Gulltown
    --[X] White Harbor (by ship)
    --[X] Winterfell
    --[X] Castle Black
    --[X] The Twins
    --[X] Stone Hedge & Raventree Hall
    --[X] Riverun
    --[X] Lannisport / Casterly Rock
    --[X] Pyke (by ship)
    --[X] Oldtown (by ship)
    --[X] Highgarden
    --[X] Blackhaven
    --[X] Storms End
    --[X] Driftmark (by ship)
    [X] The Warrior Queen
    -[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
    -[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
    -[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
    -[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
    -[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
    -[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
    -[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
    --[X] ship to White Harbor
    --[X] ship to Winterfell
    --[X] Castle Black
    --[X] Ship to Seaguard
    --[X] Riverrun
    --[X] The Twins
    --[X] Harrenhal
    --[X] Fly to King's Landing (to visit our new sibling & Give Egg)
    --[X] The Eyrie
    --[X] Runestone
    --[X] Gulltown
    --[X] Ship to Tarth
    --[X] Storms End
    --[X] Blackhaven
    --[X] Horn Hill
    --[X] Three Towers
    --[X] Ship to Arbor
    --[X] Ship to Oldtown
    --[X] Highgarden
    --[X] Old Oak
    --[X] ship to Pyke
    --[X] Ship to Lannisport/Casterly Rock
    --[X] Kings Landing
    -[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
    -[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
    -[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
    -[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
    [X] Plan Once and Future King
    -[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
    -[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
    -[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
    -[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
    -[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
    -[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
    -[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
    -[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
    -[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
    -[X] [Companion] Rhaenys Targaryen
    -[X] [Companion] Maester(s) to answer or consult privately any question on local law, as Aegon I did.
    -[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
    --[X] Maidenpool
    --[X] Ship to Wickendon
    --[X] Eyrie
    --[X] Runestone
    --[X] Gulltown
    --[X] ship to White Harbor
    --[X] Winterfell
    --[X] Castle Black
    --[X] The Twins
    --[X] Raventree Hall
    --[X] Riverrun
    --[X] Stone Hedge
    --[X] Harrenhal
    --[X] House Vance (Wayfarer's Rest)
    --[X] Golden Tooth
    --[X] The Crag
    --[X] Casterly Rock/Lannisport
    --[X] ship to Pyke
    --[X] Ship to Arbor
    --[X] Ship to Oldtown
    --[X] Horn Hill
    --[X] Highgarden
    --[X] Long Table
    --[X] Blackhaven
    --[X] Bronzegate
    --[X] Storms End
    --[X] ship to Driftmark
    --[X] Let's go home!
    [X] Plan Respect Our Authority
    -[X] [Purpose] A Reminder of the Throne's Authority
    -[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
    -[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
    -[X] [Goal] Scout out Prospective Husbands.
    -[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
    -[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
    -[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
    -[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Companion] Rhaenys Targaryen
    -[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
    -[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
    -[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
    --[X] Harrenhal
    --[X] The Eyrie
    --[X] Gulltown
    --[X] White Harbor (by ship)
    --[X] Winterfell
    --[X] Castle Black
    --[X] The Twins
    --[X] Stone Hedge & Raventree Hall
    --[X] Riverrun
    --[X] Lannisport / Casterly Rock
    --[X] Pyke (by ship)
    --[X] Oldtown (by ship)
    --[X] Highgarden
    --[X] Blackhaven
    --[X] Storms End
    --[X] Driftmark (by ship)
Turn 7: Results I

After a lot of consideration and back and forth with Lord Beesbury, you finalized your plans for your royal progress. It was to be no less than a full year, having you spend most if not all of Autumn on the roads of the Seven Kingdoms, going from the Wall in the North all the way to Oldtown. Lord Lyonel Strong was honored to be the first castle to host you and left for Harrenhal soon after learning of this to begin preparations.

Likewise, a lot of work was put into your progress in the capital too. Maesters were assembled to provide you guidance on matters of history and law, large numbers of horses were trained and prepared for the long journey, supplies were stockpiled, and carriages were brought out of storage or built for the occasion. Slowly but surely, your traveling court began to take shape.

Your father took the news of your plans with a mix of melancholy and pride. He did not say it, but the sorrow in his eyes made it clear he did not expect you to be gone for so long. Despite his misgivings, he praised you for taking your duty so seriously, particularly with your intent on acting as his proxy in legal matters. There was some worry in his voice when he talked to you about it, making it clear that you needed to have a deft hand with these matters. A poor ruling could make you look weak and create enemies where you had none before.

Gwayne Hightower agreed to come along without hesitation. You couldn't help but notice he looked particularly pleased when you came to him with the offer, though he wouldn't quite say why, simply saying he wished to take in the sights.

Rhea Royce replied quickly to your letter too. She was surprised by the invitation, but accepted the offer to travel with you, remarking that she was looking forward to hunting in the Stormlands. She arrived a few weeks later, wearing her bronze armor and supported by a small retinue of her own.

Despite being closer, your letter to Laenor at Driftmark took far longer to get a reply, and even then it came from your cousin Rhaenys. She apologized but says that they had to insist for Laenor to remain on Driftmark for the time being, saying he had too many lessons and training that he needed to attend to. The excuses felt hollow and you got the vague sense that this came more from Lord Corlys than his wife, but you had nothing to back that up. Princess Rhaenys did promise that both of her children would be at Driftmark to greet you at the end of your Progress, so that was something at least.

Alicent and your Sworn shield agreed to go of course. They had duties that would make staying effectively impossible. Alicent seemed eager to travel while Ser Tarly admitted the thought of being on the road for so long made his stomach turn.

All things come together eventually, though between arranging the Royal Progress and all your other efforts, you nearly ran yourself ragged for weeks at a time, leaving you rather exhausted.

The final thing of note decided was that you would leave a fortnight after your sixteenth nameday, a way of marking your transition into adulthood.

+3 Stress

You Will Depart on Your Royal Progress Next Turn

When you walk into Johanna's room your first sight is that black cat of hers, Lancel, glaring at you in annoyance, like your arrival was some grave insult to his very being. Or perhaps you simply interrupted his sleep. Whatever the case, you did your best to side step around the cat as you approached Johanna Westerling.

She did not look pregnant at the moment, still cutting a fit and trim figure, but she did look unwell, a queasy expression across her face as she rested in an oversized chair.

"They warned me," Johanna declared as she stared at you. "All my aunts and cousins told me this would be a challenge. But I, in my foolishness, thought they meant in the latter months, when my stomach has swelled up and I can no longer see my feet. I didn't know they would mean the entire godsdamned time!"

"Every pregnancy I have seen has been a struggle," you replied. "I've yet to met a woman who's had an easy time carrying their child."

Your mother always struggled hard with her pregnancies from you recalled, even beyond how her life ended and the miscarriages from her pregnancies before that. It seemed like the entire experince was a painful struggle. Your mother had often been taking long baths to soothe her pains, septas and other women attending to her needs in an effort to ease her burdens during a trying time.

The uncomfortable memories bring a frown to your face. You wanted love and you knew you had to get married, but the idea of having a kid still terrified you.

"I'm sure you will handle it well," Johanna reassured you with a broad smile. "You're far more used to pain then most women are age."

"Thank you," you nodded, "but I imagine training is a different kind of pain entirely."

You couldn't imagine the pain of blunt sword striking you or falling off a horse really compared to the pain of shoving an entire person out of your body, but the sentiment was nice.

Johanna was trying to be friendly still it seemed, despite the obvious complications her pregnancy now poised to your relationship.

"I hope it's a girl," she said as she rubbed her belly. "I want my first to be someone I can understand. Someone who can wear my mother's jewelry and knit with me."

You smiled, though it vanished as you quickly realized you were smiling more because Johanna having a daughter would be less trouble for you politically then a son. Shame hit you as you realized Johanna was speaking earnestly while your mind was on politics.

"Not all girls are easy," you said softly. "I know I gave my own mother plenty of trouble."

"I doubt she felt like that way," Johanna assured you, wincing slightly from an upset stomach.

"I thank you, my Queen," you nodded, a smile returning to your face. "That is most kind for you to say."

You knew things would become complicated once Johanna had a son. Perhaps even a daughter might even change things, but right now she seemed earnestly like she was simply trying to be friendly.

"Have you thought of a name?" you asked in an effort to make friendly conversation.

"Your father had some suggestions," Johanna's expression turned downcast for but a moment before she smiled again. "Though I must admit I'm not particularly fond of most Targaryen names."

"Rhaenyra's fine don't get me wrong," she added quickly, "but whoever told the Old King that Vaegon was an acceptable name for a child was clearly not of sound mind. Personally, I'm fond of Aelora, Helaena, and Daena at the moment."

"Those seem like good names," you were even in tone, not quite sure how you felt about any of the three names.

Something shifted in Johanna's expression as she looked at you, a subtle shift as she wiped her brow free of sweat. One moment she seemed like just another woman your age going throw something life changing, but now she seemed older somehow. More adult. Sterner.

"Rhaenyra, since you're here," she began, "there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. It concerns your actions at the wedding."

Part of you was surprised she even remembered that. At first you had intended to talk with her about it, but months passed and you figured the topic was forgotten.

"I hope I did not cause any offense," you said carefully. "It was never my intention to upstage you at your own wedding. I assure you, my queen."

Had you wanted a scene? Mayhaps. But you didn't want Johanna to feel completely overshadowed at her own wedding. That was a swift way to make an enemy.

"No offense was done, Princess," she replied. "My issue is not what you did, but who you did it with."

Now, that surprised you. What could a lady from the seven Kingdoms have against the ruler of the Vale?

"Lady Jeyne?" you raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with dancing with her? She is my cousin after all."

Johanna leaned forward, a serious expression on her face.

"You know the rumors about her," Johanna said flatly.

"There are many rumors about Jeyne. Many of them contradict each other," you replied, annoyed that you had to have this kind of conversation again.

"You know which rumors I speak of," Johanna's expression was serious as the grave. "The woman is overly fond of girls."

"That was not my intent when I sought her out to dance," not strictly a lie. You had no interest in anything romantic with Jeyne that night. That you sought out her advice for how to romance other women was a detail you didn't see the need to bring up just yet.

"Yes but rumors will spread and you don't want those kinds of rumors attached to you, princess," Johanna cautioned.

"I know plenty spread rumors about me as is," you were dismissive. "I hardly see how it matters."

"I know you have desire to one day be seen as a knight, yes?" she asked rhetorically. "Do you think the High Septon will allow you to become a knight if people think you are touching little girls?"

"What?" You blurted out, too bewildered to form a proper response.

"That's what people will think if they believe you are overfond of Lady Arryn."

"People think she likes other women," she retorted. "Not that she molests children."

"She's a deviant and a sinner," Johanna declared coldly, her expression growing harder, "and all deviants like that inevitably prey on the most vulnerable. Make no mistake, Lady Jeyne has every intention of turning the Eyrie into the worst sort of whorehouse, if she has not done so already. If the gods justice was brought upon he, she would be forbidden from interacting with any women save her own kin. You should not stain your own reputation by associating with her."

After the odd acceptance your father had given and Ser Tarly's seeming indifference, you had to admit you were downright stunned by what you were hearing. Johanna had seemed so nice so far. To hear her so casually and crassly insult your cousin was shocking. To say nothing of the indirect insults towards you and Alicent.

"That's an absurdity," you replied. "Even if the rumors about Jeyne were true, I know her. She's a good person. Unusual interests don't change that. My father says such behavior is not common, but hardly worth condemning"

"It pains me to say this, but my good husband is wrong on this matter," Johanna declared. "The Gods made men and women to be together. That is how things are meant to be. When men bugger other men, it's out of desperation for companionship after a long time at sea or at war. Still a sin, but one that can be understood. What would drive a normal woman to seek companionship in another? What excuse do they have? These women are deviants and must be treated as such. You would do well to avoid your cousin."

Of all the reactions you expected from Johanna over the dance at the wedding, the Queen revealing a wellspring of hatred for women like Jeyne left you downright confused. You knew from Alicent's deep seated conflicted feelings over her own affection for you that such interest was far from accepted by the nobility and you were pretty sure there may have been one or two things about in the Seven-Pointed Star, but you couldn't be certain. But this? This was beyond just seeing the behavior as childish or a simple dislike. Johanna's hatred ran deep, and she had clearly spent time and effort to justify it to herself. You weren't sure how to react.

Part of your mind immediately screamed at you to declare you had similar interests to Jeyne. Not to reveal your relationship with Alicent of course, you weren't stupid, but to make it clear to Johanna just how foolish she was by making your own interest in women clear. You knew your father didn't care what your interests were, so whatever her reaction, it wouldn't hurt you. It would make it impossible for you two to maintain a friendly relationship though. You knew full well that if you challenged her hatred, you both would say things that could never be unsaid. But did you even want to be friends with Johanna Westerling at this point?

Would it help in any meaningful way to rub it in her face? Probably not, but it would feel so good.

You could also switch topics entirely, give your opinions on some of her name options, talk about her cats like before, or walk into an entirely different awkward conversation all together and talk about what would happen if she had a boy.

Your Reply to Johanna

[] [Defiant] Declare you share your cousin's interest in women

[] Make your excuses and leave
[] Give your support to one the names she suggested
-[] Aelora
-[] Daena
-[] Helaena
-[] Write-in
[] Ask how her cats are doing
[] Talk about what will happen if she has a boy, matters of sucession and such.
[] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval

QM's Note: So, yeah. Johanna Westerling is horrificially homophobic, which is part of why she wasn't a dance option at the Wedding. The other marriage options wouldn't have been homophobic, but would have had their own challenges. Sorry this one is a bit short. Been under the weather and have only just now started to feel better.

Who hurt that woman? Perhaps she has had some experience with a female paedofile.
Or not. Not all terrible behaviour needs to be grounded in fear and personal experience. But perhaps it is worth investigating?
[X] Ask how her cats are doing

As satisfying as it might be making an enemy of our Stepmother would be a terrible idea. Especially since we need to be able to build a relationship with our half-siblings and she won't let us anywhere near them if she thinks that we might abuse them.
Hooo boy, that escalated quickly.

Still, feel like it would be a waste to choose two Westerling socialising choices just to antagonize them.

Prefer to just relax the conversation with baby name talk or about what Rhaenyra can expect at some of the Progress locations.