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Sweet Jesus… who was captain of that ship who would be stupid enough to get lost in waters Of a sovereign nation?
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I use lost because Misplaced sounds like someone diliberatly put it there without thinking of the consequences!
I know, but I am having too much fun dropping cryptic hints and making jokes about what happened.

Also, depending on what mode of thought you subscribe to, you hit the issue on the head with that sentence! :D

(And it is nearly 23:00 here, about 3 hours after I should be in be, I have a shift at 4. So... night!)
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You know something that I think nobody's brought up?

What if it's not us that took the Carrier? What if it was the NVA? Imagine the Propaganda coup that would be for their fight, and the demoralizing effect it would have on the US Military.

This isn't even getting into the fact that you can't bluster your way through the loss of a Carrier, (And its taskforce, because they're Flags, so you need to get rid of the ships protecting it.)

Imagine what the NVA would do with a captured US Carrier?
I know, but I am having too much fun dropping cryptic hints and making jokes about what happened.
Yes, Drop the Cryptic hints, Make the goose worry like they do on there quests. For they will only feel a portion of what they've done within the pages of their stories.

(seriously, the quests i follow from them, I'll decide to read a non-chapter page, and they'll have been dropping criptic hints for 2-3 pages by then, because of their rolls)
You know something that I think nobody's brought up?

What if it's not us that took the Carrier? What if it was the NVA? Imagine the Propaganda coup that would be for their fight, and the demoralizing effect it would have on the US Military.
No. But here's a tip for the upcoming Crisis Turns:

Waterdamage, Carrier, "Git off ma lawn!"

Unfortunately, your military was way too gobsmacked with what happened to deploy the Iron Tiger Prototypes you have before you managed to take full control over the situation.
We do know that our army was too gobsmacked by apparent suprise invasion to decide to just toss our mechs at the problem. Now why the hell it went to our little island....
Maybe we were a bit too successful in our media campaign?
I wonder if the carrier was carrying nukes or top secret stuff.
Nukes, doubtful, USN has always been a bit.... quiet about if they have carrier based nuclear weapons. But Google says there's a decent chance of, well, the ship would be qualified and have the people and spaces for nukes, but whether or not they had anything is another thing altogther.

Top Secret though, oh yeah, loads of that shit.

The problem is, we do not want it. If we have a carrier, the US is gonna very quickly decide to open a new theater in the war, IE, us. And then Linebacker us into oblivion.
Can't remember who it was but I am thinking about that middle personal action. I intended it as a good roll she's becomes fine with some nanny cams. A bad roll means she breaks out the XXXXXX tonight and plays the punishment game on him.
But maybe it'll actually be a bad relationship rocking argument?
Does anyone want me to change it to teaching the kids to walk and talk?
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I still can't belive you made me roll the dice here @HeroCooky

I can only wonder why you dragged me into this, and made thing go Bannanas.
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