Voting is open
One: it is 1979 ma guy.
Two: it is neither before, after, or during the IHC, 'cause it never happened, or will happen.

Hold up. I thought we sent people to Afghanistan, not Iran? We butterflied the IHA away entirely?

Also shouldn't we absolutely do all of the Dragon Rail reduction projects?

0/64 is *crazy*. Just absolutely unacceptably big as a task.

Absolutely. That's why we couldn't do it this turn. :(

My plan right now is to do all those reduction projects around Turn 3 of the next plan, as well as Universal Building Code, Western Heavy Machinery, Labour Army, Hydrothermal Carbonization, and Industrial IT-Exoskeleton. Then I want to merge Dragon Rail and Das Kapital Planned City and expand it into a general national infrastructural buildup megaproject ("The Dragon's Den"?). That way we can lay our a national transit network and a national urban renewal project at once, and we make sure we give enough carrots to our factions to get autocomplete points so that it doesn't detract from our action economy too badly and can just run in the background.

It also does good things to our healthcare because a lot of preventable health-issues stem from poor quality of housing, and it means it will be easier for people to access hospitals once we start building them.
One: it is 1979 ma guy.
Two: it is neither before, after, or during the IHC, 'cause it never happened, or will happen.
I mean, it could still happen later. After all, revolutionary fervor will still be running high for a few years, and the gradual escalation that caused the crisis remains more than possible.

It would make for a decent choice too. Side with the Iranians and the global revolution or side with America and international diplomatic norms.

Also the Iranian Embassy Siege which happens in 1980 if the Kuzestan thing isn't resolved in a manner satisfactory to the Kuzestan Iranian Arabs.
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Have some IT modules, without good names because I suck at those. And with only rudimentary descriptions since I just wanted to get the ideas across so someone more versed in military tech can make a better version if they want to.
[]Plane B gone SAM launcher
A simple upgrade on paper, some homegrown SAM rockets attached to the back of an IT along with the sensors to aim them and a computer system designed to flag incoming planes for rapid response from the pilot. Its role is simple, while we can never really fully protect our ITs and tanks from enemy air strikes, we can make the enemy pay for each attempt. By attaching some SAMs to a mobile IT platform they are now able to follow along with our IT units and go places the enemy probably doesn't expect vehicle transported SAMs to be launched from.
[]Far Eye sensor package
A bunch of advanced sensors and coms systems designed to be slapped onto an IT to allow it to serve as a scout, or for officer units to let them see the battlefield and coordinate their forces across it more easily.
[] Big guns artillery
A large artillery cannon designed to be mounted to the Back of an IT and swing up when needed.
[] Tiger's grip anchoring system
A set of extending spikes and braces designed to anchor an IT to the ground and absorb the recoil from heavy weapons said IT fires.
[] Itami class rocket battery
A box of disposable artillery rockets designed to allow ITs to be outfitted for a Rocket Artillery role. Might also have an AT missile option for general use since I imagine having our infantry support ITs able to pack some emergency missiles to unload into hard targets would be very useful.
[] Infantry B gone Air-Shrapnel Ratio Alteration device
A massive fully automatic shotgun, designed to hose an area down with enough shrapnel to turn any infantry in the area into ground beef. The massive number of projectiles also makes this weapon somewhat effective against just about anything with components that are vulnerable to small arms fire, fire enough projectiles and one is bound to hit something important after all. Alternatively an IT scale not automatic shotgun would also be good, for urban/close quarters fighting.
[] Long hand of Justice
IT scale sniper rifle. Designed to take out hard targets with precision
[] Fortress class mobile cover provider
A massive hunk of armor attached to the arms of an IT, functioning as a IT scale riot shield. Able to survive a lot of punishment, and able to be used to provide cover for vehicles, infantry, and other ITs. Good defensively and in close quarters.
Edit: Forgot a rather fundamental one.
IT scale hands for manipulating objects with some degree of delicacy and precision. The first step toward IT combat engineers.
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I mean, it could still happen later. After all, revolutionary fervor will still be running high for a few years, and the gradual escalation that caused the crisis remains more than possible.

It would make for a decent choice too. Side with the Iranians and the global revolution or side with America and international diplomatic norms.

Option C: Use your experience at ransoming back Americans to act as a mediator and reassure the Americans that their people are being treated well while helping the Iranians fleece the Americans dry in terms of concessions. :V
Option C: Use your experience at ransoming back Americans to act as a mediator and reassure the Americans that their people are being treated well while helping the Iranians fleece the Americans dry in terms of concessions. :V
What are you? A dirty centrist? Your lack of revolutionary fervor is concerning. Mayhap you may have reactionary thoughts on your head?
I don't think that is a required goal? My notes say nothing about that, and the one that is, is to propagandize the Dragon Rail.

X] Plan Name: The Worker's Plan for Eliminating Homelessness and Ensuring the Security and Prosperity of the Glorious People of Guangchou Through Technological Supremacy
--[X] Modernize and expand the military to a degree capable of securing Guangchou against invasion.
--[X] Modernize the military-industrial manufacturing sector as a precursor for broader deployment of these techniques in the civilian economy.
--[X] Construct enough housing and transport infrastructure to keep up with economic and population growth.
-[X] Focus: Development of computing and automation.
-[X] Concrete Promises:
--[X] Complete two units of electrification within the first year.
--[X] Complete Education Reform
--[X] Complete Airy Modernization & Deployment
--[X] Modernize Army Logistical Backbone
--[X] Begin Deployment of Cybernetic Planning
--[X] Establish diplomatic and trade ties with at least one non-aligned nation.
--[X] Begin the Dragon's Rail
--[X] Begin a housing Mega-Project.
--[X] Have a super-duper dope parade to celebrate the (hopeful) success of the plan. (Hint hint, nudge nudge, dramatic wink to your generals who know about ITs.)

See the underlined at the bottom.

Also shouldn't we absolutely do all of the Dragon Rail reduction projects?

0/64 is *crazy*. Just absolutely unacceptably big as a task.

Our plan goal just says *begin* the Dragon's Rail. Obviously, come the next 5YP, we will be doing all the Dragon Rail reductions for sure.
Option C: Use your experience at ransoming back Americans to act as a mediator and reassure the Americans that their people are being treated well while helping the Iranians fleece the Americans dry in terms of concessions. :V
One issue we might have, is thatthe situation is more clear-cut.

In our case, mother nature marooned a military ship's crew on our island, meaning we were just dealing with uninvited guests while trying to negotiate a return home.

That case was...
they are hostages plain and simple, what with a bunch of people coming in and capturing people at the embassy. And the location isn't as handy keeping them from deciding to escape, because Iran isn't a middle of nowhere island with near zero importance outside the nervous breakdowns they produce in the intelligence community.
[X] Commiewood: Universal War

This is a mecha show. No. Strike that. This is THE mecha show. It's not the most well animated. Nor the best acted. Nor the most competently written. But it is the mecha show that came out from Guangchou at the same time as they unveiled real mecha to the world, so it is the most well known because everyone was watching it out of curiosity.

It follows an anti-imperial struggle by a group of rebels on a distant planet (it's basically a synthesis of a lot of South American anti-US conflicts in a sci-fi setting) with a low gravity, thin atmosphere, and difficult terrain borne of the world's geological youth. In this environment, the most prominent weapon of war is the Universal Soldier - a bipedal mechanical humanoid used ubiquitously in the military, as well as select civilian applications.

A lot of fucked up Japanese and America mecha designs can trace their roots to this anime, because the Guangchou Army extensively consulted on how these mecha should be depicted, and the references and advice they gave the animators and show-runners were all for engineering dead ends and really bad solutions that had been discovered during the ITs development process.

[X] Plan: Red Star Rising

-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] Create New Housing (Helpful)
---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 Popular Desire)

All according to keikaku.

-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] Construct The 'Dragon Rail'

I was overly ambitious and bit off more than we can chew, so now we have to do a little finagling. This is basically a rail expansion project that will complete one trunk rail line to the north of the country.

--[X] Construct A (Iron Tiger Derived) Electronics Factory (+3 Reputation) (Harmful) (Highly Suspicious) (Steel Foundry Needed) (Bonus: +2 Electronics)

Our plan for SSR is to dangle electronics in front of the USSR and PRC. Having electronics on hand to actually do so is… kind of necessary.

-[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[] Develop Fish Ranching (-1 Reputation)

We've developed a lot of aquaculture infrastructure, making it more efficient by integrating fish aquaculture is a neat way to both fertilize our kelp forests and increase our protein output.

--[X] Farmer's Councils (-20 Reputation) (Gain Another Faction)

Honestly, it's expensive but we can afford it, and I'd rather not wait one more turn and have the RP cost rise again.

-[X] Military
--[] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
---[X] (3 Actions) Design Modular Skateboard Vehicle Chassis (Mega Project - 3/3 Actions) (-2 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 Skateboard)
--[X] Construct Military Building/Factory (What) (Harmful) (-? PO)
---[X] Construct MSV Factory (Harmful) (-? Rep)

So, I moved this from the civilian category to the military one because the first thing we're going to use these for is to outfit our logistical core for the army, which is long overdue. Eventually we'll start making civilian versions as well - kind of like how Hummers were just civilianized Humvees.

HC, could I get updated costs for these actions?

-[X] Social
--[X] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
---[X] The 'Dragon Rail'

We need to throw a little spin on the Dragon Rail to make it count for our plan commitment.

-[X] Political
--[X] Leader Pushed Developments
---[X] Clean Out The Statistics Bureau: The Special Tasks Group (???) (Bonus: +1 Spy Action?)

I'm leery of making some sort of other oversight body when what we need is surgical intervention. Jungmin can put together a team of trusted spies and accountants, whose authority is backed up by his personal protective detail (our version of the Secret Service). This is a temporary body that's designed to root out the corruption around the statistical planning bureau and replace corrupt officials with trustworthy, honest ones - even if that means personal fiefs get overturned and bad things are reported.

The truth will out, and ancestors help anyone who stands in its way.

--[X] Oversee The USSR-CCP Talks

We're going to invite delegation from both the USSR and PRC a few months before the big parade, we're going to give them tours of our nice tractor factories, our nice automated plane factories, we're going to show off our Anattas and our Mechs and tell them about the extreme rises in productivity we attained with cyberdization. Then we're going to bring them together and negotiate a deal that (hopefully) leaves everyone satisfied, so that we can announce the new Sino-Soviet-Guang alliance when we do our big parade, presenting a united front to the capitalist powers.

I kind of expect this to turn into a treaty sub vote (or even two, as we iterate) where we have actions that give +/- approval to each the USSR and CCP and we have to balance their desires to create a treaty both sides are good with, but there's my initial plan:

Guangchou supplies the USSR with electronics and cybernetic planning systems to revive their stagnant economy, the USSR uses that newly revived economy to aid the industrialization and development of China, and in exchange both the USSR and PRC agree to adopt a cooperative anti-imperialist and developmentalist foreign policy as well provide us industrial and agricultural aid to help us with our standard of living.

The reason we're very set on the bolded part is that we're one of the countries that tends to get stuck in the middle when the two major powers like China and the USSR fight, and we'd prefer to secure both outselves, and others like us from that sort of tug of war because it's very bad for internal stability and prosperity - this part we've very open about with both parties.

The good thing is that the Soviet leadership has started to realize how fucked things are getting with their economy, and offering a silver bullet to their economic woes should be very, very tempting.
China is more of a black box, but we did burn some CO and we have two more CO if we really, really need to use it. Plus we have MSR reactors to dangle if they're really obstinate - though those are secret for now. By and large this sort of industrialization should appeal for Hua Guaofeng, but who knows.

What Is Done Cannot Be Undone

--[X] Armed Solidarity (+7 Reputation) (+5 People's Opinion) (International (Read: West) Anger) (Repeatable)
---[X] The Kurdish Insurance Policy

Right now the revolution in Iran has kicked off, but Islamic Fundamentalist forces are already starting to make moves. We will provide weapons and training to a broad front of Iranian Socialists and Kurds, as well as more gifts of industrial equipment to bribe swing factions, so that the revolution is not co-opted by reactionary elements like ours was. We'll also provide radio equipment for progressive Imams to get their message out and erode support for the fundamentalists.

Hopefully the reality of facing well armed, supplied, and trained progressives will make the fundamentalists think twice. If not, they might at least manage to carve out a slice of the country for themselves along its western border.

-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Personal Action: Personal attention on the SSR negotiations.

--[X] Personal Action: The family tree; Looking past our father

We don't know anything about our extended family, or Wei Mai's. Do we have any cousins, or even aunts/uncles? What about our in-laws? We have eight tiny terrors that I'm sure our family would love to meet and spoil rotten!

--[X] Lover Action: Education is more than classrooms

Wei Mai is highly trained, incredibly fit, and outdoorsy. Who better to champion a movement to create local Young Pioneer troops? The "Michelle Obama" approach, lead by example and tv appearances, make something worthy of our kids joining when they get older. (Plus, she gets experience wrangling groups of tweens that will definitely come in handy later)
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[] Commiewood: Greeting Dish

Not a movie per say, but rather a first attempt at a professionally done documentary series from Guangchou. The world is divided because no one sees other people as people. And what brings people together better than food? Interviews with elderly grandmothers and the best professional cooks in the country, about who they are, what they do and what food means to them, as they exhibit the traditional cuisine of Guangchou. Intended for international consumption.
Pretty sure that's what Overseeing the USSR-CCP Talks is.

No, we need a followup action. That was just laying the stage.
Edit: RIP reading comprehension. Changed the plan.

Having it gobble up Jungmin's personal time is just RP.

[] Commiewood: Greeting Dish

Not a movie per say, but rather a first attempt at a professionally done documentary series from Guangchou. The world is divided because no one sees other people as people. And what brings people together better than food? Interviews with elderly grandmothers and the best professional cooks in the country, about who they are, what they do and what food means to them, as they exhibit the traditional cuisine of Guangchou. Intended for international consumption.

Oh I like that.
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[] Commiewood: Universal War

This is a mecha show. No. Strike that. This is THE mecha show. It's not the most well animated. Nor the best acted. Nor the most competently written. But it is the mecha show that came out from Guangchou at the same time as they unveiled real mecha to the world, so it is the most well known because everyone was watching it out of curiosity.

It follows an anti-imperial struggle by a group of rebels on a distant planet (it's basically a synthesis of a lot of South American anti-US conflicts in a sci-fi setting) with a low gravity, thin atmosphere, and difficult terrain borne of the world's geological youth. In this environment, the most prominent weapon of war is the Universal Soldier - a bipedal mechanical humanoid used ubiquitously in the military, as well as select civilian applications.

A lot of fucked up Japanese and America mecha designs can trace their roots to this anime, because the Guangchou Army extensively consulted on how these mecha should be depicted, and the references and advice they gave the animators and show-runners were all for engineering dead ends and really bad solutions that had been discovered during the ITs development process.

[] Plan: Red Star Rising

-[] Infrastructure
--[] Create New Housing (Helpful)
---[] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 Popular Desire)

All according to keikaku.

-[] Heavy Industry
--[] Construct The 'Dragon Rail'

I was overly ambitious and bit off more than we can chew, so now we have to do a little finagling. This is basically a rail expansion project that will complete one trunk rail line to the north of the country.

--[] Construct A (Iron Tiger Derived) Electronics Factory (+3 Reputation) (Harmful) (Highly Suspicious) (Steel Foundry Needed) (Bonus: +2 Electronics)

Our plan for SSR is to dangle electronics in front of the USSR and PRC. Having electronics on hand to actually do so is… kind of necessary.

-[] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[] Develop Fish Ranching (-1 Reputation)

We've developed a lot of aquaculture infrastructure, making it more efficient by integrating fish aquaculture is a neat way to both fertilize our kelp forests and increase our protein output.

-[] Military
--[] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
---[] (3 Actions) Design Modular Skateboard Vehicle Chassis (Mega Project - 3/3 Actions) (-2 Reputation)
--[] Construct Military Building/Factory (What) (Harmful) (-? PO)
---[] Construct MSV Factory (Harmful) (-? Rep)

So, I moved this from the civilian category to the military one because the first thing we're going to use these for is to outfit our logistical core for the army, which is long overdue. Eventually we'll start making civilian versions as well - kind of like how Hummers were just civilianized Humvees.

HC, could I get updated costs for these actions?

-[] Social
--[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
---[] The 'Dragon Rail'

We need to throw a little spin on the Dragon Rail to make it count for our plan commitment.

-[] Political
--[] Leader Pushed Developments
---[] Clean Out The Statistics Bureau: The Special Tasks Group (???) (Bonus: +1 Spy Action?)

I'm leery of making some sort of other oversight body when what we need is surgical intervention. Jungmin can put together a team of trusted spies and accountants, whose authority is backed up by his personal protective detail (our version of the Secret Service). This is a temporary body that's designed to root out the corruption around the statistical planning bureau and replace corrupt officials with trustworthy, honest ones - even if that means personal fiefs get overturned and bad things are reported.

The truth will out, and ancestors help anyone who stands in its way.

--[] Sino-Soviet Rapprochement (Sub-Vote?)

We're going to invite delegation from both the USSR and PRC a few months before the big parade, we're going to give them tours of our nice tractor factories, our nice automated plane factories, we're going to show off our Anattas and our Mechs and tell them about the extreme rises in productivity we attained with cyberdization. Then we're going to bring them together and negotiate a deal that (hopefully) leaves everyone satisfied, so that we can announce the new Sino-Soviet-Guang alliance when we do our big parade, presenting a united front to the capitalist powers.

I kind of expect this to turn into a treaty sub vote (or even two, as we iterate) where we have actions that give +/- approval to each the USSR and CCP and we have to balance their desires to create a treaty both sides are good with, but there's my initial plan:

Guangchou supplies the USSR with electronics and cybernetic planning systems to revive their stagnant economy, the USSR uses that newly revived economy to aid the industrialization and development of China, and in exchange both the USSR and PRC agree to adopt a cooperative anti-imperialist and developmentalist foreign policy as well provide us industrial and agricultural aid to help us with our standard of living.

The good thing is that the Soviet leadership has started to realize how fucked things are getting with their economy, and offering a silver bullet to their economic woes should be very, very tempting.
China is more of a black box, but we did burn some CO and we have two more CO if we really, really need to use it. Plus we have MSR reactors to dangle if they're really obstinate - though those are secret for now. By and large this sort of industrialization should appeal for Hua Guaofeng, but who knows.

What Is Done Cannot Be Undone

--[] Armed Solidarity (+7 Reputation) (+5 People's Opinion) (International (Read: West) Anger) (Repeatable)
---[] The Kurdish Insurance Policy

Right now the revolutionaries are hunky dory, but Islamic Fundamentalist forces are already starting to make moves. We will provide weapons and training to a broad front of Iranian Socialists and Kurds, as well as more gifts of industrial equipment to bribe swing factions, so that the revolution is not co-opted by reactionary elements like ours was.

Hopefully the reality of facing well armed, supplied, and trained progressives will make the fundamentalists think twice.

-[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[] Personal Action: Too busy gladhanding the Soviet delegation.
--[] Personal Action: Too busy gladhanding the Chinese delegation.
--[] Lover Action: Spend time with your kids and wife.

Jungmin will probably be too tired to do much, so Mai will have to take point, but just being there with them is going to be good.
Can't we put off the Statistics Bureau for a turn? Seems like doing it while we're hosting big foreign powers might backfire. Plus we could put the action on Dragon Rail for a little extra oof in our propaganda.
[] Commiewood: Greeting Dish

Not a movie per say, but rather a first attempt at a professionally done documentary series from Guangchou. The world is divided because no one sees other people as people. And what brings people together better than food? Interviews with elderly grandmothers and the best professional cooks in the country, about who they are, what they do and what food means to them, as they exhibit the traditional cuisine of Guangchou. Intended for international consumption.

I like it, especially the pun.
I also want to see if we can get an action to invite David Attenborough to look at our wildlife on a tour guided by us.
Civilian Conservation Corps as part of our Infrastructure Labo(u)r Army? Oh yes. Yes please.

We'll see if I can steal an action away from CyberEnby to get the surveying corps to actually develop a few National Park type things and then taking David Attenborough to them? Beautiful.
BTW. The Soviet-Afghan war should be starting soon. What happened?

We did:

--[X] Populists & Internationalists
---[X] Send Enbies To Establish A Formal Relationship
----[X] Afghanistan
-----[X] Gifts From the East
(6 - Optimal)

Allamah Hazim el-Mahdi stood within the Mosque where he had once grown up with a small smile as his hand trailed over the wall where he had, oh so long ago, spent hours upon hours standing in penance after acting up during schooling. This whole place brought peace and solace to his weary body and soul in a way that rest simply could not, especially as people began to murmur, as unrest grew, and talks with his fellows stagnated or grew in places he could have never foreseen. But, then, a short cough brought him out of his brief indulgence in the past, his eyes sharpening upon the group of men currently standing within these sacred halls.

"We accept," he spoke, a slight glance at the opened crates of guns and pictures promising material assistance to the people stashed in the corner betraying the purpose of the meeting to those who'd like to have it never happen in the first place at all.

We sent Lib Theo trained Immam and industrial gifts to quell the rural insurgency.

Civilian Conservation Corps as part of our Infrastructure Labo(u)r Army? Oh yes. Yes please.

We'll see if I can steal an action away from CyberEnby to get the surveying corps to actually develop a few National Park type things and then taking David Attenborough to them? Beautiful.

I can swap out Fish Ranching if people would prefer Survey Corps?

edit: We can also afford Agricultural Councils, if that makes more sense. I wanted to have rep in reserve in case we needed some for the SSR, but it looks like we're good.
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We sent Lib Theo trained Immam and industrial gifts to quell the rural insurgency.
Or at least keep the bloodshed far from Kabul. That's fair enough I suppose.

Though that doesn't change the fact that the place is still a powderkeg. The root of the problem lies in the deep systematic flaws of the DRA. It's gonna be a problem we're gonna need to revisit later.
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[] Commiewood: Universal War

This is a mecha show. No. Strike that. This is THE mecha show. It's not the most well animated. Nor the best acted. Nor the most competently written. But it is the mecha show that came out from Guangchou at the same time as they unveiled real mecha to the world, so it is the most well known because everyone was watching it out of curiosity.

It follows an anti-imperial struggle by a group of rebels on a distant planet (it's basically a synthesis of a lot of South American anti-US conflicts in a sci-fi setting) with a low gravity, thin atmosphere, and difficult terrain borne of the world's geological youth. In this environment, the most prominent weapon of war is the Universal Soldier - a bipedal mechanical humanoid used ubiquitously in the military, as well as select civilian applications.

A lot of fucked up Japanese and America mecha designs can trace their roots to this anime, because the Guangchou Army extensively consulted on how these mecha should be depicted, and the references and advice they gave the animators and show-runners were all for engineering dead ends and really bad solutions that had been discovered during the ITs development process.
To be clear, I am laughing at the idea that we are about to give everyone else terrible ideas for mecha development, and I can't wait to see how that all pans our for them. I like the actual plans you came up with tho.
I'm all for plan Red Star Rising, but personal actions aren't just a thing to do when tensions are low.

I'm going to suggest the same actions as last time on that front.
--[X] Personal Action: The family tree; Looking past our father

We don't know anything about our extended family, or Wei Mai's. Do we have any cousins, or even aunts/uncles? What about our in-laws? We have eight tiny terrors that I'm sure our family would love to meet and spoil rotten!

--[X] Lover Action: Education is more than classrooms

Wei Mai is highly trained, incredibly fit, and outdoorsy. Who better to champion a movement to create local Young Pioneer troops? The "Michelle Obama" approach, lead by example and tv appearances, make something worthy of our kids joining when they get older. (Plus, she gets experience wrangling groups of tweens that will definitely come in handy later)
Voting is open