
That'll be possible...when you're no longer classified as a secret project. People know of the name of the DFRI, and that they developed the Jackal, but that's all. The Beowulf and its combination formations have no public visibility.


Looks like a bit of the writeup is missing near the end. But looks good! I'll also see about incorporating this into the turn end sequence.

I will leave voting open until tomorrow morning, give some of our regular voters on different timezones a chance to chime in.
That'll be possible...when you're no longer classified as a secret project. People know of the name of the DFRI, and that they developed the Jackal, but that's all. The Beowulf and its combination formations have no public visibility.
That's fair, do hope it will be an option in the future since doubt the number of threats we will face will decrease, will likely improve themselves as well, and might just face new threats down the line as well.

@Basarin been meaning to ask, will we have more options to explore the Pacific Rim style synchronization from earlier at some point to allow pilots to more effectively use larger mecha, make current mecha fight even more smoothly with multiple minds working together, and make even more complex/larger combination mecha work best?
That's fair, do hope it will be an option in the future since doubt the number of threats we will face will decrease, will likely improve themselves as well, and might just face new threats down the line as well.

@Basarin been meaning to ask, will we have more options to explore the Pacific Rim style synchronization from earlier at some point to allow pilots to more effectively use larger mecha, make current mecha fight even more smoothly with multiple minds working together, and make even more complex/larger combination mecha work best?

Yep yep. It's possible if you decide to pursue the ESP research option.

ESP Theory - There's always room to improve your understanding of ESP Theory, even though by now you've explored a fair amount of territory doing so. Sam wants to push things further, but there's so much to do in there. He is prioritizing the Psychic Choir phenomenon, along with determining if psychic powers can develop any other additional traits.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Advantage (3d6 (Experts), Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in ESP Theory
@Basarin expanded. I promised... Well, Intelligence Super Robot, if they need it and after EUDF gets it's own. Spooky spy ninja robots are cool.
Nah, I'm tapped out right now, and by the time I have a keyboard again, I'll be mostly asleep anyway, so don't wait up on my account.
Hmm, while I realize that super robots are our main focus would it also be to our benefit to develop some support drones type of that that run off of VI and that the base AI's can direct?

You know, to make super robot development and use much easier in the long run. Just add to the list along with power armor and specialized piloting suits.
Speaking of: Mecha-ready AI is a must next-turn.
Eh, while an AI pilot is cool and all, I really don't see the priority. We haven't even finished the Beowulf's transition into a full Super Robot yet, let alone making a second robot ready for piloting (although it's looking like the Buckler might be an option as a core unit for Tellison).

Meanwhile we've got Tellison about to finish his pilot training, Satsuma starting her own pilot training, and we still have the option of screening our forces for new named characters. That's three pilots in various states of readiness already with only one pseudo-Super Robot.

I'd rather use our AI option to fill our last Advisor slot instead of sticking them onto the pilot backlog, since we'll get more out of their bonus. Diana helping the Defense Forces, Ivanna managing the Science department, the new AI helping the Duo, and Katarina acting as the big sister overseeing whatever part of the base needs her help.

[X] Plan: It's Raining Dosh!
If we keep pulling off miracles like this than pretty soon we are going to be targeted by Sheol and the other two factions.

The Westphalians already tried and failed with their leader being killed for their efforts. And with the silence from the other Westphalian cells. They could very well be planning something massive so we need to get prepared for it which means our prototype will probably be sent into combat against them.

We know one of Sheol's Kaiju already attacked the site and another one if not the same one will be back eventually if we don't finish constructing a Super Robot soon.

Then there is the Free Brothers to be concerned about. They have to be searching for the location of the base where the Giant Robot that Bandit encountered came from.

Once they find the bases location they will attack in an attempt to destroy the Robot and anything else they might encounter. Which is another reason why we need to keep beefing up our defenses as we go along.
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Which movie is that. I can think of 2 off the top of my head but the names elude me right now.

Pacific Rim I was joking about. No idea there were more movies with such terminal stupidity.

(although it's looking like the Buckler might be an option as a core unit for Tellison).

I would prefer that tank that appeared at some point rather than a literal black-market bootleg.

If we keep pulling off miracles like this than pretty soon we are going to be targeted by Sheol and the other two factions.

We've been attacked by all factions except Sheol's guys. It's matter of time the latter happens to complete the picture, as well as to show off towards the already existing Super Robots.

Speaking of, the Not-Mazinger guys seems to be okay with our own stuff, but one should double-check them just to be sure.

Random idea: What about using a magnetic catapult to literally shoot support modules into a battlefield?
I would prefer that tank that appeared at some point rather than a literal black-market bootleg.
The Buckler's actually the armored personnel carrier that Sasaki was asking for before. The reason the action's been changed and has a better threshold is because the wrecked Westphalian vehicles are providing a bunch of spare parts for the same model.
At some point we need to make a tank with a mecha mode, basically turn it into a heavily armed and armored bruiser while still agile enough to handle rough terrain. Kinda like Warpath from Transformers series.
Quick tally.

Hmm. This is so overwhelmingly in @Alectai's plan's favor that I really don't see momentum going the other way. Think I'll call it here.

...rolling will take place after I've conducted Culinary Science.

Adhoc vote count started by Basarin on Jun 3, 2018 at 6:15 PM, finished with 68 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan: It's Raining Dosh!
    -[X] Construct Legionary Enclave (3 RP)
    -[X] Mander Security Solutions (1 RP)
    -[X] Aviation – Eye in the Sky (3 RP)
    -[X] Pilot Training - Cadet Satsuma (2 RP)
    --[X] Diana's Support
    -[X] Upgraded Equipment (3 RP)
    -[x] Submit both as a package deal, designed to work in tandem with one another
    --[x] Katarina's Support
    -[X] Buckler IFV (2 RP)
    -[x] Increased Exposure to Individuals
    -[X] ESP Theory (2 RP)
    -[X] Anti-Gravity (2 RP)
    [x]Plan Laughing Madly
    -[x] Construct Legionary Enclave
    -[x] First Response Corps
    -[x] Aviation
    -[x] Pilot Training - Cadet Satsuma
    --[X] Diana's Support
    -[x] Automated Laboratory
    -[x] Submit both as a package deal, designed to work in tandem with one another
    -[x] Enemy Wreckage
    -[x] Increased Exposure to Individuals
    -[x] ESP Theory
    -[x] Dispersion Field Plans
    --[x] Katarina's Support
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Construct Legionary Enclave – One of the Legion's engineers, Architect, has arrived as part of the advance party. Once he links up with Wilde and Henry, the three of them will put their heads together to begin discussions on where and how the Enclave is going to take shape. Both sides seem to be agreeable with each other so far, and the fact you're helping build a new permanent home for them is only improving the situation.

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Chance for Greater Success (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Duration: 3 Turns

No outstanding success, building begins normally.

Pilot Training – Tellison – Tellison has already proven himself in the defense of the Institute. Perhaps it's time to begin testing him more fully to take to an MMI-based machine?

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Additional Traits (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Success! Leader trait will be more strictly defined in results.

Pilot Training - Cadet Satsuma - Though her primary job in the base is liaising with the Legion, there is no reason not to test CDT Satsuma's aptitude for piloting. She might actually be more talented than you realize, but you won't know until you try.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Additional Traits (2d6, Threshold of 4-6 (Diana's Creative bonus applied))

Greater Success! Initial results to be unveiled in results.

Submit both as a package deal, designed to work in tandem with one another. The Shade can operate as the field Command-and-Control vehicle, with subordinate units operating in multiple Steeds.

Or failing that, let them make the decision on which they want.

Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for greater permanent RP income (2d6 (+1d6 thanks to Katarina's Support), unknown threshold)
Can gain up to +3 RP permanent income

Results to follow, but early impressions look decent thanks to @NHO's and @HeavyBane's pitches.

Buckler IFV – Combined with the broken remains of the Westphalian versions, you now have a giant armored vehicle in plentiful supply. Why not make use of it and make this the subject of configuration into a mecha?

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough at ADVANTAGE (3d6, Threshold of 4-6 (Excess parts!))


Critical Success then. Also, cool numbers.

Joint Operations - Sam has noticed something about the K-Class Materials. It reacts to outside stimuli, but reactions to machines operated by the MMI or exposure to directed psychic signals are inconsistent. This lack of consistency offends Sam. He wants to know why this is happening.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6); Chance to Discover New Actions

Let Ivanna double check that.

Sadly no additional breakthroughs. But you have enough to go on.

Energy Blast – With the study on Bandit's rifle, Max has a good grasp of how to replicate the Kaus energy blasts. However, she flat out tells you that putting it into a 'handheld' package for the Beowulf is right out. She can, however, turn it into a Heavy Weapons package. One that promises to be much more potent than the rocket launcher you've set aside for the Beowulf.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

A physicist and his students are crying. Quota met.

ESP Theory - There's always room to improve your understanding of ESP Theory, even though by now you've explored a fair amount of territory doing so. Sam wants to push things further, but there's so much to do in there. He is prioritizing the Psychic Choir phenomenon, along with determining if psychic powers can develop any other additional traits.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Advantage (3d6 (Experts), Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in ESP Theory

Finally started digging up some clues into the Psychic Choir...

Anti-Gravity – Max honestly isn't sure what to make of this one. Though it is not the classic sci-fi portrayal of anti-gravity, it certainly has the potential to greatly lower the weight of classic metal materials. But Max can't really give a professional opinion until she takes a closer look, but she doesn't expect it to take very long.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

Is my equipment supposed to float like that? No significant breakthrough this turn.