[x] Reach out to General Li about sending reinforcements. He's close enough that something along the lines of 'Separatist attack' should be within his jurisdiction. There's no guarantee his forces will make it in time, but at least it's something...
Apologies in advance for this being somewhat short. This is just setup for now. I have guests coming in tonight, so I'll be busy with that till Sunday. That should be enough time to discuss a course of action and vote on it.
1730, 27 July A.D. 2072
Outskirts of Arsenal de Brest
Ichiro was having a strange sense of deja vu.
Here he was, the representative of the DFRI, at a pretty major center of Defense Force power. Alone, he noted as his tank form trundled along the eerily empty thoroughfares not far from a once-bustling Naval Defense Force port, against an enemy of unknown capabilities. Only this time, it was a Separatist threat, not a giant scaly kaiju.
At least the authorities here listened and evacuated everything and everyone to a safe distance. No one wanted to be 'that guy' to recreate the incident at San Diego. It also helped that Anna made some not-so-subtle threats by reminding people about said guy's career path being discussed in a disciplinary tribunal. They became very cooperative after that, even if Ichiro thought it wasn't really needed.
Speaking of the devil, her voice chimed in. "We're clear," she said in an innocent, cheerful voice that certainly couldn't have been involved in mafia-style threats. "Non-essential personnel evacuated, and we have additional security assets mobilizing. But they're going to take a bit. Initial show's all yours, Ichiro."
"Fantastic," he muttered. Any additional mirth was cut off as his HUD alerted him to incoming contacts. The lens on the tank's rangefinder zoomed in, to see multiple dust clouds interspersed with flying chips of gravel growing ever-so-closer. "Confirmed contacts. Multiple, grouped in squads, and..." He paused, as the outlines looked really off. "...yeah, those look like Jackals," he confirmed. "If you gave a Jackal to a a gun and chopshop enthusiast."
None of the Jackal ripoffs looked alike. There was no uniformity with them all - Lieutenant Wilde probably would have compared it to an old post-apocalyptic movie he saw back in the day when everyone - for some strange reason that possibly made sense - did battle in cobbled together cars with highly unlikely weaponry. Sure, these 'cars' looked a bit more modern, but they still felt utterly cobbled together compared to the engineers' work.
Not that it let him doubt their efficiency yet. Before the Beowulf was a thing, the Tank-Mobiles were dangerous after all. "What is this, a mark two?" he muttered.
"Moving Shade teams into the area," Anna confirmed. "I'm also going to try and talk with home station about getting something in here, but you're gonna have to hold them off."
"Right." The roar of a growling engine roused to life echoed all around. "No pressure." Yet Ichiro's subroutines couldn't fight off the grin that was forming on his face. The Westphalians were clearly trying to one-up the constant arms race that was now developing between them and the Institute, especially when their cobbled together black market machines were utterly smashed by the Beowulf.
They wanted to try something new? As the new machines began to close into firing distance, Ichiro knew that he would be more than happy to smack them down.
You half expected to hear a call waiting menu. Seventy plus years after the turn of the century, and automated call menus were still a plague on the world. They were 'sophisticated' nowadays, sure, but you shudder at what the early systems must have been like. Probably fit somewhere in Dante's descriptions of the lower hells, you're sure.
Thankfully, you don't get that. Anna had been thoughtful enough to get you a direct line to Mander himself...not that you would discount that the man would put a call waiting menu on his personal phone anyway. The man was apparently about as eccentric as anyone in the Institute, so you wouldn't-
"If this is another telemarketing scheme, I will accidentally-on-purpose fry your bloody holo," an annoyed voice growled. The wizened old face of a man in his sixties appeared on the screen, a scowl marring the otherwise stern look of someone who subconsciously held himself with military bearing. "...hang on. Unless you lot have been getting remarkably clever, you don't look like a telemarketer."
"What gave it away?" you ask dryly.
"The look of murderous intent on your face when I mentioned 'telemarketer,' for one," came the response.
"Fair." Shaking your head, you introduce yourself. "John Devin, Defense Force. Short notice, Mr. Mander, but we have a situation in France, and we're going to need the Valiant."
"Lots of things happening across the Channel that needs the Valiant's attention," Mander pointed out mildly. "I've got Drake sorting out another issue in France already, and unless I'm off the mark, you know these bloody things damned well need maintenance after you use them. I'm going to need a damned good reason beyond 'bloke in fancy uniform told me so.'" Before you can say anything else, he cuts in, "And it's not funding, we've actually been having a good year - damned shame, really - so I'm going to need a really good reason, and something worthwhile. Hate to haggle while you're dangling over the plank, but I have to be careful with how I commit things, you understand."
You can't even throw any of that back at him. In his shoes, you'd absolutely be doing the same. "Separatist attack notwithstanding," you say slowly, mainly to keep a lid on your patience, "what would it take to get the Valiant on station within the next hour or so?"
"And not at full capacity," Mander adds, "Not without post-battle maintenance, but yes I can rush the lot over. I'm going to want, in writing, a favor from the Research Institute. Because if it's this damned important to make me even consider risking the Valiant to further damage, I want some kind of guarantee from you that I can make good on it. Otherwise I'm afraid we don't have much else to discuss. I'm not risking any nonsense with overloading Dinym Currents, and that's my final word on it."
Well. Worse than you were hoping for, but better than you were worrying about as well.
What's your decision?
[] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
[] Turn down his offer. Ichiro will have to make do without the Valiant's support rushed ahead of time. Valiant unlikely to arrive before the end of battle.
[] Write-In (Subject to QM approval)
Additionally, how will you proceed?
- 16 Heavy Weapons:
- Can mount the basic Heavy Weapons Pack at no cost. Equipping later models will incur an additional RP Cost during deployment. Arm Cannon:
- Has an arm cannon as part of his chassis. Can make a Heavy Weapon Strike as a free action at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6, damage depends on package) every three turns. Strikes:
- Counts as One Action (Notable Bonus may apply).
- Roll 2d6, Threshold of 5-6, inflicts 1 HP on success. Relentless:
- If about to take a mortal strike, roll 1d6. A 4-6 will negate that damage. Upgrade Slots:
- 1 (Unslotted at this time)
SAI-01 Ichiro Banner
Actions per Turn:
- 1 Notable Character:
- Can make two attacks per turn at 2d6 for 1 HP each. Counts as a single Action. Hot Headed:
- Major Devin's calm nature is normally the personality that's reflected. However, this AI understands rage, and tends to bottle it up until he's had enough. Once every three turns, you may activate "Rage." For one turn, the AI will inflict twice as much damage, but also take twice as much incoming damage.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
No reason why we shouldn't.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on May 11, 2019 at 6:29 AM, finished with 9 posts and 8 votes.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
[X] Turn down his offer. Ichiro will have to make do without the Valiant's support rushed ahead of time. Valiant unlikely to arrive before the end of battle.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on May 11, 2019 at 8:57 AM, finished with 12 posts and 11 votes.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
[X] Turn down his offer. Ichiro will have to make do without the Valiant's support rushed ahead of time. Valiant unlikely to arrive before the end of battle.
[X] Turn down his offer. Ichiro will have to make do without the Valiant's support rushed ahead of time. Valiant unlikely to arrive before the end of battle.
[X] Turn down his offer. Ichiro will have to make do without the Valiant's support rushed ahead of time. Valiant unlikely to arrive before the end of battle.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
Favor trading is a traditional method of building rapport, and I'd rather have him and not need the help than need the help and not have it.
The fact that we'd need to owe him a favor was outright stated in the last vote, and people picked it anyway. Backing out now is a complete waste of time that accomplishes nothing. Anyone who doesn't want to do this should've voted for the other mundane support option that wouldn't have cost anything.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
pologies in advance for this being somewhat short. This is just setup for now. I have guests coming in tonight, so I'll be busy with that till Sunday. That should be enough time to discuss a course of action and vote on it.
The fact that we'd need to owe him a favor was outright stated in the last vote, and people picked it anyway. Backing out now is a complete waste of time that accomplishes nothing. Anyone who doesn't want to do this should've voted for the other mundane support option that wouldn't have cost anything.
[X] Turn down his offer. Ichiro will have to make do without the Valiant's support rushed ahead of time. Valiant unlikely to arrive before the end of battle.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
Favor swaps make the world go round. Organizations WANT lots of favors passed around.
Keeps em invested
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
Even if Valiant isn't useful, it's worth it just to tie humanity's defenders closer.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
Let's accept his offer, there's no way it's going to bite us in the ass later!
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
[X] Accept his offer. You owe one favor to Mander Security Solutions, to be cashed in at a later date. Valiant will arrive anywhere between Turns #6 and #9, to be subject to 1d6 test, and will lend support to Ichiro.
[X] Turn down his offer. Ichiro will have to make do without the Valiant's support rushed ahead of time. Valiant unlikely to arrive before the end of battle.
I realize this post comes about a year and some change since the last post. I'm not dead, but I'm also not likely to continue SRQ for awhile yet - but for anyone who was keeping track of this quest, I wanted to at least leave an explanation.
My job recently took me to some fairly remote places with little to no internet access, and was fairly busy atop of that. I've since come back, but I need some time to collect my notes and plan things out. But I also think I need a break to reconsider the systems and the direction the quest was going, and just to get back into the mindset of the quest in general.
For anyone who was following SRQ, this probably wasn't the news you wanted to hear. But the quest will be on Hiatus for now. I may start a new quest as a palate cleanser on the side and to get back into the questing mindset, but I have nothing concrete on that just yet. Until then, please take care of yourselves all.
Nice to know that this has not been abandoned @Basarin. you do what you have to do and we will look forward to your return and the resumption of the work on building another Super Robot.