What if they're 18 years old and are actually willing to pilot the robots?

As long as they are of age and agree to enlist officially than that's fine. I am not a fan of the fall into the cockpit trope since its giving weapons of war into the hands of children who don't know what they are doing and are not trained for it.
Yep. That feeling of the other Union robot guys working on a "Real Robot" angle compared our "Super Robot" angle just got stronger.

As long as they keep teenagers and/or hijackers away from their prototype robots, we'll play nice with them.
Especially if the teenagers they come up with have social/psychological trauma or disorders.

We don't need something like a Kamille Bidan or a Shinn Asuka running around and kicking ass on anyone else's team.

thats boring

we can make a laminate shell of retractable plates that fold out and link together while doing a dive bomb or other rocket-assisted maneuver to turn them into a Giga Drill Breaker instead!
I of course have no objection to going there eventually. I was just thinking in terms of potential intermediary steps on the way there.
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Speaking of Getter, I read that WIll of Evolution anthology where the Getter Emperor fights "God".

...Is it strange that the only thing that I found weird about it was that the Getter created an entire race of Catgirls that all pilot Getter Robos?
Fair warning: I'm mostly in a no reception/wifi zone for my job, and my time here is indefinite up to the end of next week. If I can sneak something in I will, but it's not looking likely.
As the title says.

So with my job constantly having me out and about more and more often, I've been debating more and more if I can continue updating the quest in a reasonable timeframe. I extended it out to a weekly basis as it was, but as you likely noticed, even that fell through due to the requirements my job unexpectedly sprung up on me. And from what I'm seeing, this is going to be the norm rather than the exception, meaning that updates are going to be incredibly sparse at this rate.

Compounding the issue is, well, the updates have become something of a monster to modify and track. This quest isn't complicated by SV standards for sure, but you all still point out things I miss (which I'm appreciative of!), and it's becoming more and more unwieldy. If I had the spare time that I did from when I started this quest, this wouldn't be an issue. But I'm probably not going to get that free time anytime soon.

So I pose to you, the followers of this quest, the question. How would you prefer to move on? I have a few thoughts, and here's what I have:

Indefinite Hiatus: if you're willing to let this slumber for however long it takes, I'm willing to do that. However, this is not exactly the preferred method, as while you guys are amazing with your patience, I'm not going to assume you're that patient.

Modify: another option is to drastically alter the way the quest is conducted. This would require a radical re-think of just how the systems work, but I also am worried that by doing this, this would lead to dumbing it down further (and I still consider this hodgepodge system of mine relatively simple compared to what you'll find in other quests). Not terrible in itself, but that could lead to losing the narrative flow of battles that have resulted - and I genuinely enjoyed writing out the stories told by the numbers and rolls.

Epilogue: we're far enough into the story that we have, in effect, created a setting. A tiny little section of the wider multiverse where anyone could launch a story from. Using the analogues from before, we have created a setting where a wider, shared SRW-style setting could theoretically flourish. As it stands, you've already created the launchpoint from which several 'season premiers' of new stories can take place. You've created the backstory and the source material through which they could begin.

And I'm perfectly willing to write out an 'epilogue' sort of thing which caps off the two and a half years of effort that the DFRI has undergone.

That's what I've got. I know this is probably not what you were wanting to hear, but I'd rather deal with this now rather than leaving you all hanging. And if we have to cut it, let's cut it on a good note, yeah?
[X] Indefinite Hiatus

Definitely this. An epilogue now would make this feel unfinished. Modifying the system would just take more time. I'd have gone with monthly updates or something like that, but an indefinite hiatus is fine. I read BAHHSCQ, this won't even compare to that :D
[X] Indefinite Hiatus
...So here's the thing, and why I voted for both-I'm cool with either.
The former sounds as if it basically opens the playpen for everyone to do fun things with- And I'm certainly not against that! Besides, it's a nice baseline system I think, and one that works well for what it's meant to do.
Though the Indefinite holds out hope we can expand upon and further this quest, which I'm also in favor of-since as is 1. There's the fact that we're only really getting started, in a sense- yes we're established, but the various villians seem like they're starting to share notes given we've done the same. Furthermore? It feels like the tech trees have, in even the best of cases, only gotten to about mid-tier in terms of powerlevel, and as far as story progression goes probably the closest one to completion MIGHT be the Kausen, and even then...Yeah, there's alot of fun to be had.
[X] Epilogue

I'd rather you feel like you at least somewhat completed this, and in the future you can pick it up with a fresh eye and touch.
[X] Epilogue
+Let it die with dignity rather than to drag it kicking and screaming to the lab like it is lately done with the Sonic franchise. If you take so long to continue, it's not too different from starting over.
I don't think I have any real thing to say about whether or not you end this Quest here. However, I will give at least slight explanations to my votes.

[X] Indefinite Hiatus

I've done this one. I've brought my Raising a Monster Quest back from the grave twice now. I don't get the same amount of voters I used to. I know I've lost quite a lot. But I loved writing it. I'm interested in seeing where the story goes. I want to keep doing it, and those who stay with me I thank with all my heart.

If that's what you want to do, choose the hiatus.

[X] Epilogue

On the other hand, if you don't like the idea of dragging ideas out or losing voters, go for the epilogue. The first quest I ever did on SB ended in an impromptu epilogue cause I didn't know where to go from there. So, don't be ashamed if you feel you made it far enough.
[x] Modify

Writing more than 5 actions per turn (with the same number carried over from the previous turn) leads to having to split updates into more manageable chunks, then writing up interludes after interludes. It's fun to read, but it slows the pacing down to a crawl. I think the problem was that the system that worked fine when the quest started didn't scale well to mid/end-game when we have five times the resourses to work with.

I do think that a new system is in order if the game is ever to be resumed.

Edit: that's actually surprisingly common. Another very popular and fun quest ("You are: a sector admiral in a strained Imperium") died the moment a system designed for a ship-on-ship combat got tasked with solving fleet-on-fleet battles. The QM just didn't know what to do with it as the number of details to keep track of skyrocketed to unmanageable levels.
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[x] LinkOnScepter

I've never been a big participant in the voting or discussion for this question, but I'm fine waiting ages between updates if that's what it takes.

I follow BAHHSCQ, and I still hold out hope that Avalanche will update again this year.

A long Hiatus between every update is fine so long as you want to keep writing this, but if you want a sense of closure, feel free to end it.