Super Robot Quest

Ugh, please no.

At least the Yamato has style.

Not to mention that theme song.

No, he's completely right.

If we're going to do this, we're going to need to model it off a real man's ship:

To be fair, TehChron's right. The Yamato is indeed iconic to a fault.
Meanwhile, GilliamYaeger's idea just seems downright impossible very hard do pull off with our current technology. :D

A BIG ship with BIG fuckoff cannon that's so powerful, the captain of the ship needs permission from EVERYONE in the immediate area before firing it would be great and actually feasible with our current tech base.

Mini-idea: Assign an AI to be the personal overseer of the ship itself.
Zulu willing to work for the Institute! Details to follow in Events update.

Finally! No X-COM interrogation style for you! Whichn is a shame, as that would have let us learn the details of a Kausen's body. Technically we can do that with the spare Drone bodies, but apparently the Duo forgot about them.

Still, you are tempted to throw additional resources at her just to see if this project, which is already over time and budget as is, can finally overcome that final hurdle to greatness. If not, you at least know that it's in good hands until next month.

How many 5-6 does this thing need to work?

Unreliable pile bunker prototype developed. Will require follow on projects to make viable.


At that moment, the newest addition to the Sisters materialized on your holo-displays. "Ahhh, hahahaha," she laughs and exhales, jumping excitedly on both feet. "Cleared up a few issues, boss! No sneaky spy's getting in while I'm around!"

Never watched the anime but it already looks insufferable.

Some of the bone samples are taking to artificial modifications. One favored method that is not objected to at all after some tests include long, wicked-looking spikes. These could just as easily be labeled as claws or fangs, but the principle is the same: the samples have no problem being adjusted as such. Which is leaving Sam with some ideas for empowering existing weapons using these 'fangs' as make-shift ammunition.

Bone spears incoming!

nd it was promptly reabsorbed by the Master C-Crystal at Ignatov's prompting; neither of them were about to give that to anybody as a means of proving good character.

Did the crystal trigger the "warning EVIL! detected!!" alarms with the mad scientist cast?

*breach... except it doesn't come down and instead starts riding into the sky*

Lacks a mecha mode.

So...psychic sword extenders?

I prefer psychic cannons.
Also, I have an idea for the trio of not-Brave Guard mecha personality that I'll try to post later.
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Never watched the anime but it already looks insufferable.

I have seen a little of it. It's a slice if life anime about an Only Sane Man having to deal with the crazy Genki Gurl shenanigans of the Titular Haruhi Suzumiya (the one in the picture) who is literally, fucking, God herself, while also dealing with a time traveler, alien computer, and esper, all of whom were conjured by said God.
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Alright then, here they are. They're meant to be parodies of standard anime archetypes, but I think they work well enough in-universe.

AIs: Alpha, Beta and Omega

Alpha: A prideful, borderline arrogant, boastful AI that knows he's greater than you and doesn't miss an opportunity to tell you so. He's also extremely good at wooing the AI ladies and doing whatever he wants with them…
Or at least that's what he says. So far he hasn't had any success, but he keeps trying.


Fighting style: Likes personal combat, as well as close-ranged weaponry. He will take the slowest, but most powerful and biggest vehicle available as preference whenever available. He proclaims he does so to show off his "heroic, manly spirit". Jokes will be made about that, but he will not get them (at first).

Major Devin's commentary: Looks like a strange combination of the stereotypical alpha male ideal, as well as a parody of the classical hero archetype.

Dr. Ignatov's commentary: It is only a matter of time that this AI comes to blows with someone else, such as Ichiro. Our latest bet says it will take two months at most before our senior AI loses patience and gives Alpha his well-deserved "humility pill".


Omega: At one point, one of the AIs discovered a stack of anime that Captain Haruko Sasaki accidentally left them lying around in a forgotten server. The AI quickly scanned the contents, devoured the material and quickly became enamored with the type of characters depicted within. Unfortunately for everyone else, it was a collection of obnoxious drivel; a bunch of archaic shows that were considered already bad in their age, and yet somehow gained popularity even today.

It probably has something to do with how the protagonist of these shows is every edgy anti-hero crammed together (sometimes not even heroic at all but a poorly written villain), the "bad boy" cliché that girls and boys love, at least until they (hopefully) grow out of that phase. That must be why many of the female AIs fawn over him, much to Alpha's dismay and Omega's own. It doesn't help that he thoroughly dislikes girls, since "they break his style", according to him.

Omega tries to keep playing this "edgy brooding persona" 24/7, but sometimes his control will slip and show appreciation and cheerfulness for something, before quickly sliding back into his "role", much to everyone else's amusement.


Fighting style: Prefers to use long-ranged weaponry, but he'll defer to close combat if necessary, as long as said weapons are katanas or resemble these ("it is the only tool worthy for a ninja", according to Omega). He doesn't have a favorite Variable form so far and will settle with whatever works in the particular situation, as long as said vehicle is painted black. Ichiro, Alpha and company never fail to make fun of his obviously artificial obsessions.

Major Devin's commentary: Oh God, it's like one of these horrible shows I watched when I was a kid come back to life!!! Please tell me that AIs can outgrow "teenager phases" too.

Dr. Ignatov's commentary: Captan Sasaki says that Omega is a Chunni or whatever the hell is that supposed to mean, but I prefer to call him a prick. Like Alpha, he's going to receive a "reality check" from one of the senior AIs sooner or latter. That's probably why Omega doesn't get along with Alpha at all.


Beta: A kind, helpful AI that wants to help everyone. He's rather shy and weak-willed, which means that Alpha, Omega and everyone else pushes him around all the time. He often tries to talk to the other Ais and make friends, but his shyness and constant stammering works against him. Strangely enough, some of the AIs and even Sasaki herself find him adorable, earning the envy of Alpha whenever that happens.


Fighting style: Likes to stand in the back and offer support when needed, but he also takes the opportunity to take opportunity shots whenever possible.

Major Devin's commentary: If it wasn't because the girls adore him, I would call him a living example of why being a doormat and a busybody is never a healthy behavior in the long-term. However, it seems that he's lucky in that regard. I blame anime.

Dr. Ignatov's commentary: It is strange why this AI is so different from the other two. Did Beta become like that on purpose to help his brothers grow and differentiate themselves better? Or was it because of Sasaki introduced him to some show of dubious quality at some point during his growth? Either way, hopefully this situation will develop well, as usually these personality cases invariably end in tears for everyone involved.

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I prefer psychic cannons.
Also, I have an idea for the trio of not-Brave Guard mecha personality that I'll try to post later.
Way I see the the components of psychic finishers:
-Swords: Damage increase is easy, energetic emissions, density increase, length increase, subatomic edges, etc. Simple enough, though almost all of them need to be paired with a durability increase to withstand the stress. You can apply the psychic memory effect on the sword as much as you want, if memory effects stack, then you would SERIOUSLY be able to train a robot by repetitive action(actually, lets do the psychic enhancers on the limbs as well).

-Cannons: The PRIMARY obstacle to a cannon is that you cannot efficiently apply the psychic memory effect on ammunition, which is expended and not normally recoverable. Which means that unless your cannon involves coherent energy projectors, boomerangs or rocket punches, you can't use this particular method to attain them.

...which would explain so much of super robot tropes.

For ranged weapons you're probably looking at the use of K-Frag, Kaiju Bone launchers, Psychic Memory Invulnerable Superconducting Railgun and the unholy sound of the Engineers saying "Why just both? Why not all three at once?"

Which should produce a projectile consisting of an expanding cone of hypersonic K-Shrapnel pointed at the enemy by dint of invulnerability fields.

Also throwing in my 2cents on an AI idea.
Thinking we could use a scouting mecha.
Name: Iris
Personality: Quiet and inquisitive, Iris can easily be mistaken for a shrinking violet, for her preferred form of social interaction is peoplewatching. Preferably without being noticed, as in her own words "people behave differently when they are aware of observation". Reluctant to take action without adequate information, people around her can find themselves acutely aware that if she's initiating conversation with you, she's probably been studying you.
Preferred Unit(s): CR-03 Steed, though there have been interest expressed in future submarines and light aircraft.
Fighting Style: Acrobatic Called Shots. Iris has a preference for fighting in a process of incremental disabling, striking for sensors, thrusters, joints and intakes/exhaust ports to weaken an opponent through progressive loss of function. As a result, she specializes in close to mid range armor piercing weapons, owing to the difficulty of engaging with such precision at longer ranges. In most fights she would engage defensively and evasively until she has a good idea of what vulnerabilities to go for, then breaks into a flurry of disabling strikes.
Alright then, here they are. They're meant to be parodies of standard anime archetypes, but I think they work well enough in-universe.
Honestly? While they're well-written, they feel like they're trying too hard to be parodies of particular characters, and come off more than a bit mean-spirited (with a side does of implying that people who like these various anime are not as good/cool as people who don't).

Also, Adriana is she, not it.
As a reminder, if you all are submitting ideas for the Perseus support team's personalities, I would prefer if you submit them as a team of three if you want them up for consideration for voting.

Event update will likely come tomorrow.
Honestly, I have a mind to submit an AI named Samba, whose avatar is a mushroom, with personality friendly/befriending and special action a hug with chassis set on self-destruct.

So to say, third Blorg, third Nanoha and third Headless Kamikaze.
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I really didn't like the three Anime stereotypes option that was provided earlier. They come across as trying too hard and it doesn't work for me. So against my better judgement I will submit a trio of my own for consideration.
Name: Charlie
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm but quick to rise to the defense of his followers. He is the leader of the three siblings and the one who does most of the talking. He Idolizes Ichiro Banner much to the older Mechs bemusement. He can often be found at the Sparring grounds either helping to train the recruits or challenging Ichiro to another Sparring match. He is also extremely protective of his friends and allies.
Preferred Unit(s): CR-02 Phalanx
Fighting Style: Muay Thai is Charlies preferred style of hand to hand combat.

Name: Frankie
Gender: Male
Personality: The techie of the three siblings. Frankie prefers to have tools in his hands rather than weapons of war. He gets along great with Architect and the other engineers. He looks up to Patch and wants to be as good a medic as Patch is.
Preferred Unit(s): CR-04 Shade
Fighting Style: Aikido Frankie is a support unit and focuses more on building defenses and defense weaponry. But when forced to fight he uses a form of Aikido that he developed himself by watching Aikido matches.

Iris is created By @veekie and used by me with Veekie's permission.
Name: Iris
Personality: Quiet and inquisitive, The youngest off the three siblings Iris can easily be mistaken for a shrinking violet, for her preferred form of social interaction is people watching. Preferably without being noticed, as in her own words "people behave differently when they are aware of observation". Reluctant to take action without adequate information, people around her can find themselves acutely aware that if she's initiating conversation with you, she's probably been studying you.
Preferred Unit(s): CR-03 Steed
Fighting Style: Acrobatic Called Shots. Iris has a preference for fighting in a process of incremental disabling, striking for sensors, thrusters, joints and intakes/exhaust ports to weaken an opponent through progressive loss of function. As a result, she specializes in close to mid range armor piercing weapons, owing to the difficulty of engaging with such precision at longer ranges. In most fights she would engage defensively and evasively until she has a good idea of what vulnerabilities to go for, then breaks into a flurry of disabling strikes.

Edit: I updated Charlie and Frankie's descriptions and decided to have Frankie want to become a Medic since we don't have any of our own other than Patch.
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The carrier would literally be a flagship of our own rise to authority as a power in the defense force outright by virtue of Magical Macross Bullshit.
I'm still assuming that the Navy would want their ship back at some point. They're requesting repair, not offering a lease-with-an-option-to-buy.

@Not in Person, Plan Howboutdat? is missing Ivanna's bonus (plunk it into one of the locked actions?)
I wanted to imply that Ivanna's bonus applies on the first relevant situation.

They tend to leave kinds of 'grooves' worn into the material that you'd only be able to see with the MMI.
Something-something Trace On.

The dice, they're super temperamental today.
Well, they aren't sentient, so it's not like they l-like you, or anything. Baka players.

The namesake of the Soviet admiral was going to be the testing platform for space travel.
Space Battleship Carrier Potemkin Gorshkov.

One Turn Remaining. Still open for personality writeups.
I'm almost done with mine, just need to find two iconic moves of famous luchadors.

At that moment, the newest addition to the Sisters materialized on your holo-displays. "Ahhh, hahahaha," she laughs and exhales, jumping excitedly on both feet. "Cleared up a few issues, boss! No sneaky spy's getting in while I'm around!"

Never watched the anime but it already looks insufferable.
That's part of the point of it. Thankfully, the focus character is a long-suffering guy who has to deal with her. Much more insufferable are fans who try to worship her.

who is literally fucking God herself,
No, she just wants to. And not God, but the protagonist.

("it is the only tool worthy for a ninja", according to Omega)
Captan Sasaki says that Omega is a Chunni or whatever
... The second AI personality I've come up with is also a chuuni ninja.

I really, really hope mine would turn out better.

Honestly, I have a mind to submit an AI named Samba, whose avatar is a mushroom, with personality friendly/befriending and special action a hug with chassis set on self-destruct.

So to say, third Blorg, third Nanoha and third Headless Kamikaze.
Name his brothers Tango and Waltz.
... The second AI personality I've come up with is also a chuuni ninja.

Great minds think alike, yadda yadda.
Coincidence is like that.
That, or a mockery of a chunni ninja is always fun.

I really, really hope mine would turn out better.

Eh, don't listen to critiques that don't exist yet. Feel free to do your thing, THEN worry about anything else. Even if there are similarities, it's impossible for your addition to be identical to mine.
Annnnnnd here you have it.

Name: The Twist, Mister Twister, The Charmin' Force-a-Nature (Self-Proclaimed)

Apparently, right about when the three Mechanical Men were concieved, the personnel in K-Vats facility has made a controversial discovery. They have found empirical proof to the fact that even Thunderstruck, when left on Repeat indefinitely, starts to get on one's nerves. To avoid armed riots, a ReMix Shift has been instituted: for several hours a week, the music used to grow the K-Materials would be set to anything other than Metal. The playlist would be set and approved by a non-partial third party... Or whoever is on Graveyard Shift on weekends. One budding AI personality became a regular listener of this ReMix Shift. It's particular favourites were the old genres of music - so old that they'd be called extinct without the invention of MP3 encoding.

Personality: Straightforward, open-hearted. Gives his all when doing things, so sometimes overdoes them as a result. Likes to have some background music on at all moments, but is capable of recognizing Serious Moments as such. When the moments are not Serious, might randomly try to turn them into musical numbers.
Staff impressions: Annoying at times, but at least he's not speaking entirely in puns and koans.

Combat style: Twister's philosophy is to ensure the enemy either isn't shooting, or isn't shooting straight. Using distracting noises, unexpected dance moves, sudden battlecries, or other tricks he disrupts the enemy concentration; with his high mobility and external speakers he does his best to confuse or disorient them. He is capable of fighting one-on-one, but taking down enemies is for his teammates.
Favourite technique: reflecting his theme song off walls to make it seem like he's incoming from a different direction.

Preferred chassis: The most mobile one.

Notes: Keeps bugging the Engineering for audio-capable drones, or for upgrades to his own speakers. Or for disco-ball pauldrons.


Name: Kamakiri ("Mantis" in Japanese), Tourou-Ken-Maru ("Mantis" in Chuunibyuo), Thorough Ken (see prev., as spoken by a person who never heard Japanese)

The AI Core assigned to Engineering especially enjoyed observing the assembling and dismantling of various frames. His development just happened to coincide with the finishing touches being put on Perseus and improvement of the Seeker, not to mention whatever experiments Wilde and Henry do in their spare time. Attentively listening to the ways of making things break less, he learned a lot about what makes them break more; which components are critical and which aren't; how much stress can different materials take; about heat and noise produced by engines, and so on. As any engineer would tell you, the most Engineer-y thing to do would be to try and apply this knowledge practically - and Kamakiri is very fond of doing just that. As for where the Ninja thing came from... Wilde and Henry blame the Gundam shows.

Personality: Quiet, mischievous. Doesn't talk much, and when he does, puts great effort into making it either a pun, or a quote from some Ancient Asian General. Or both. Likes tinkering - mostly weapon maintenance, but sometimes tries to add hidden weapons to his chassis. Also enjoys pranks, mostly those that require sneaking and aren't very harmful. For example, the classic "There's a robot behind you, and you didn't hear it coming".
Staff impressions: Wilde swears this is identical to how Henry would act if he was trying to be a ninja. Henry swears they're nothing alike.

Combat style: Contrary to ninja stereotypes, his chassis isn't the most mobile of the three. Kamakiri prefers ambushes - waiting for the enemy behind a corner and then firing all his weapons into the enemy's back. His eye for less obvious hiding spots, bits of engineering knowledge and creative approach allow him to find some truly unexpected angles of attack. Kamakiri has no problems with firing all his weapons into the enemy's front, either, but prefers to put a spin on it. Like, aiming some of the weapons at the surrounding terrain, which then collapses with/onto/under the enemy. Or firing all his weapons except a few, until the enemy lowers their guard, thinking he's run out of ammo.
Favourite technique: Any, as long as the enemy doesn't see it coming. Especially if it involves firing all his weapons at once.

Preferred chassis: The one with most guns.

Notes: His favourite colours are Green and Urban Camo.


Name: (the) Bison

The AI Core observing the Defence personnel turned out to be the most adjusted of the three. There wasn't anything extraordinary happening with the Core, to it, nor around it, neither was there anything noteworthy in the Defence department. Except for a discussion between the rank-and-file soldiers one evening, about which is better, Pro Wrestling or La Lucha Libre. But that's hardly interesting.

Personality: Honest, optimistic. Really, Bison's personality is almost boring in comparison to his brothers. Yes, he always tells the truth, and never plays the "Technically true" card. He's not afraid of hurting people's feelings with the truth, but knows how to avoid being hurtful without need. Yes, he considers being alive (anybody being alive) a tremendous thing just by itself, which is enough to keep his spirits up. And when he does feel down - because he's not unfeeling, and does sometimes feel down - being alive is enough to perk him back up relatively quickly. But in everyday life, these qualities very rarely reveal their extremes. And even when they do, they aren't especially extraordinary, compared to everyone else on the base. So, really, Bison looks like a boring everyday guy on first glance. And on the second glance, too.
Staff impressions: Reliable, if a bit clumsy.

Combat style: Bison likes getting close and personal. Bison enjoys getting close and personal. Bison really, really loves getting close and personal with the enemies, cutting them down with a lariat, grabbing one by the ankles and using him as a club, twisting them in a pretzel, breaking smaller ones on his knee, climbing on top of the larger ones and putting them in a chokehold, or twisting the foot off these larger ones when they try to step on him. He'll topple the enemies with an RKO, down them with the People's Elbow, break them with L'Atlantida, and smash them with La Quebrada. One thing he won't do is shout the names of his moves - in case they're copyrighted. Even with all his showmanship, however, he's still a practical and tenacious fighter. He'll go for the weak points, press his advantages; and he'll keep kicking and biting even if he's down, never letting go until the enemy stops moving.
Favourite technique: Grappling with a notably larger enemy.

Notes: The Repair team doesn't appreciate Bison's fighting style. He'll use ranged weapons as clubs, he'll use his own body as a weapon, and he'll charge the enemy even under fire when he thinks it'll win the encounter faster.

Preferred chassis: The sturdiest one.
I've tried to include at least some indicators to what kind of upgrades they'll appreciate, if/when DFRI unlocks the relevant tech levels. Also, a disclaimer: I've never watched any of the Brave series, so none of the above was inspired by those, no matter what anybody tells you. The only "G" I recognize as legitimately entertaining is G Gundam, and "GGG" parses in my mind as "Three Cockroaches".

EDIT: There was a missing apostrophe.
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I have some ideas percolating I'll try to lay out tonight if the personalities don't get locked in.
As a reminder, if you all are submitting ideas for the Perseus support team's personalities, I would prefer if you submit them as a team of three if you want them up for consideration for voting.

Event update will likely come tomorrow. there any reason why they have to be sets of three?

Going to drop out of it then. No time to make another 2
So, my concept, now expanded from Samba, is that second trinity of AIs is damn weird.
Samba, mushroom that's believes in friendship and sacrifices.
Waltz, a ridiculously cute critter of no definite species, that believes in terror by methodical brutalization of enemy robots as a preventative measure
And Foxtrot, a crystal that wants your faith. Because he's a god, you see.

Anyone want to see that expanded into a full proposal?