Robo AI son is adorable. We must defend him while we can. I propose we have Max look into exotic EMP Xeno Tech at the first chance she gets. Ignatov, our AI expert, should look it defense from hacking.
Robo AI son is adorable. We must defend him while we can. I propose we have Max look into exotic EMP Xeno Tech at the first chance she gets. Ignatov, our AI expert, should look it defense from hacking.

That is certainly something we need.

Also, I kind of wish we could just have Ichiro with Devin on a day to day basis. Build him his own chair and let him sit beside Devin as they both of them stare at their assembled crazy people.

"My son, this is our kingdom."
Now Major Devin knows what Dr. Ignatov feels regarding his AI daughters.

Also, waitasec.

We can't use the "SON, GET IN THE DAMN ROBOT" meme now, can we?
Since the robot IS our sorta-kinda-son? :p
Now Major Devin knows what Dr. Ignatov feels regarding his AI daughters.

Also, waitasec.

We can't use the "SON, GET IN THE DAMN ROBOT" meme now, can we?
Since the robot IS our sorta-kinda-son? :p
We can if he decides not to hop in the mech when we're out of pilots!
But honestly I doubt that we will be doing that. I almost think the opposite might happen.
'Ichigo get out of the robot and let Callaghan drive the Beowulf!'
Also, this might or might not be the name of that "phallic joke hair" kid,

Speaking of: I finished watching GGG. Boy, I thought that destroying the Wall of China was the best they could do, then they do it again with weaponizing the Great Pyramids, then eventually doing the same with entire planets. Crazy awesome, and something that Gurren Laggan took inspiration from.

"Is that why I received a memorandum for record on citizenship?" she asks wryly. "Still, their track records were good enough that the First Minister's office approved it. As long as you keep them under control like everyone else, there shouldn't be any problems." Her face then turned thoughtful over the sat-link for a moment. "Law enforcement for Artificial Intelligence...that's going to drive the poor sods responsible mad."

Noo, why did you give citizen rights to the AIs? Now they'll try to strike all day, randomly stop working due alleged illness and be generally uncooperative! Worse, they don't pay taxes!

s. So you'll excuse me if I've never read comic books from almost a hundred years ago to appreciate you calling me 'Banner.'"

Soudns like Marvel and DC didn't survive to the future. Good, turning Iron Man into a little girl of color with afro and do a similar thing with a Norse God is unforgivable. Also, Hulk is actually 100+ years old by then.

You turn to Sasaki. "I don't sound like I?" you demand. You are not calmed by the enigmatic smile that comes from your executive officer.

We totally have to test Devin's psychic score and then assign him his own mecha for the final battle.

"Congratulations, Major, you are once again the subject matter expert on these things, so you are the front man for this one."

"Ma'am, again!?"

"Oh, you will be fine," Peters says, the shit-eating grin still plastered on her face. "If it makes you feel any better, can you imagine the evaluation records you will get from this?"

If your pained groan through your facepalm is any indication, no, it really isn't.

Why is he surprised anymore? More importantly, how will our cadet look in a combat dress?

Hot Headed: Major Devin's calm nature is normally the personality that's reflected. However, this AI understands rage, and tends to bottle it up until he's had enough. Once every three turns, you may activate "Rage." For one turn, the AI will inflict twice as much damage, but also take twice as much incoming damage.

Does he start with a working "Rage charge"? If it can be used with Finisher Moves, does it mean we can destroy the enemy before they have a chance to consider retreat?

Yay! Our first Yuusha!

He needs a matching robot loosely based in a civilian vehicle that can combine.

Also, I kind of wish we could just have Ichiro with Devin on a day to day basis. Build him his own chair and let him sit beside Devin as they both of them stare at their assembled crazy people.

"My son, this is our kingdom."

That reminds me: Why don't we build an AI for Devin? Every section has one, but the boss should have his own robo-secretary to not be left behind.
By the way @Basarin : Didn't the Shard Processor increase our RP exponentially? Did you take that into account for the following turn's budget?

I was already aware, yes.

Also, no need to bash Marvel for their decisions, no matter how much you may disagree with them.

As a tidbit, DC and Marvel still are around in the 2070s, but aside from a few series (such as Superman or Captain America) not much of it would be recognizable by our standards. They also have other competitors to deal with by this point.

Posts are likely to come later in the day.
Does he start with a working "Rage charge"? If it can be used with Finisher Moves, does it mean we can destroy the enemy before they have a chance to consider retreat?

As a caveat, no, you won't be able to START the fight doing that unless specified otherwise.

And while you can use this to use a Finisher to REALLY hurt something, well, the enemies are also going to have stats and abilities to match yours. Don't expect to be able to circumvent a fight by just one shotting the boss.
As a caveat, no, you won't be able to START the fight doing that unless specified otherwise.

And while you can use this to use a Finisher to REALLY hurt something, well, the enemies are also going to have stats and abilities to match yours. Don't expect to be able to circumvent a fight by just one shotting the boss.

Well, its been mentioned hut the Rage doubling serves the same role as the Valor spirit: not allowing enemies to retreat when their health is low by using massive damage to take them from yellow to black.

Oneshotting is probably more of a waste than anything else
Well, its been mentioned hut the Rage doubling serves the same role as the Valor spirit: not allowing enemies to retreat when their health is low by using massive damage to take them from yellow to black.

Oneshotting is probably more of a waste than anything else

Pretty much, but the caveat needed to be said regardless. :)
I was already aware, yes.

Also, no need to bash Marvel for their decisions, no matter how much you may disagree with them.

As a tidbit, DC and Marvel still are around in the 2070s, but aside from a few series (such as Superman or Captain America) not much of it would be recognizable by our standards. They also have other competitors to deal with by this point.

Posts are likely to come later in the day.
Dibs on 2070 comic scene speculations!
Dispatch: Your Eyes Only
From: Peters, Louis, Brigadier General
To: Devin, Johnathan, Major
Subject: DISPATCH - YOUR EYES ONLY - Super Robot Intervention Required
Timestamp: 0419, 28 November, A.D. 2071


We have a set of growing situations, both in your neck of the woods. Thankfully, we look to have some breathing room before it boils over, but I am going to need a response from you soon if the blaring in your quarters didn't provide enough warning.

Pacific Command is detecting what look to be an incoming kaiju bearing down onto the North American District's west coast. At its current heading, it will reach San Diego within six hours. Pacific Command is working with the Yukimura Institute to emergency lift Mercury V over, but they will not make it prior to the kaiju's arrival, and Naval Base San Diego cannot evacuate the vessels still drydocked for repairs.

Unity Station is now receiving reports of firefights erupting in New York City. Initial reports are that the Westphalians have launched an attack en masse from the European District. Mander Security Solutions are being given a temporary expansion to their mandate, but they also aren't going to cross the pond in a timely manner.

The Defense Force Command Staff are going to order the deployment of the Super Robot. You are in an ideal position to respond, I need to make a recommendation of where to send you.

Contact me the moment you receive this.

And don't think about bringing the Legion into this. I already tried; the First Minister's office vetoed it as an official order.


You sigh as you finish reading the dispatch. As soon as you acknowledge receipt of the message, the inbox moves to sanitize the message. "Katarina," you say blearily as you reach for your uniform. "Get the word out."

You then push your alarm clock/coffee maker thoughtfully provided by Ignatov.

It's going to be one of those days.

RESOURCE POINT INCOME: 19 RP + 3 RP (Landing Pad) + 2 RP (Gattai Payout; Last Turn) - 8 RP (Interrogation, Politicking, Pilot Training, Internships, Reaction Force, Variable Configuration, ESP Theory, Kaiju Biotechnology) = 16 RP Total.

You have a decision to make as the DFRI practically jumps to life at 'deployment alert.' As dimmed lights abruptly flare to combat readiness and as maintenance crews clamber out of the barracks towards the maintenance bays, your mind is already at work thinking about where to deploy, even before you'd received counsel from your staff.

The Westphalians attacking the East Coast seems strange, as it's not an area where they've proven to be heavily concentrated. But while you're fairly certain the local garrison would be able to contain them eventually, especially when the Valiant arrives, there's no doubt that NYC is going to see a lot of damage before the day's done, possibly matching the turn of the millennium.

But a kaiju is also something not to scoff at, and you have personal experience seeing the giant monsters up close to back that claim. Again, while Mercury V's pilot has a good track record against the kaiju, he simply can't get there before the kaiju makes landfall. And there's no telling how much damage the Fifth Fleet's drydocked vessels are going to sustain before the kaiju can be driven off.

While it's good you have the ability to respond to either of them, the reality of it is that the Pegasus can only make it to one place at a time to arrive and deploy its cargo properly.

Time to formulate the beginnings of a plan, and time to make a recommendation.

[] Naval Base San Diego. The Naval Defense Force is already hard pressed against the kaiju at the best of days. Not to mention that the Fifth Fleet's casualties and damaged vessels are still drydocked there, and cannot evacuate this deep into the repair cycles. Mercury V arriving is going to help, but it won't beat the kaiju to the punch. The Beowulf, however, can.

[] New York City. The Big Apple seems to draw all sorts of trouble, but its outskirts are being threatened by Westphalian warmachines in their usual eclectic glory. The Valiant is en route, but New York is going to see a lot of damage dealt before it's all said and done. However, you are in a position to at least head off the worst of the damage with the Beowulf.

So you're looking at another deployment, and you simply won't be able to react to both at once. But before you all make a decision, I want to at least hit on a few things.

I have updated the mecha and pilot roster. So refer to this when thinking about your deployment plan.

Secondly: thanks to your rolls and the upgrades to the Pegasus, you can effectively deploy the entire Beowulf weapons system without extra cost (this is thanks to the spacious hangars and the Logistician background for Major Devin, empowered by caffeine). You can also bring one support unit for free.

However, none of your other Core Units are really up to snuff just yet. While I will allow you to bring ONE Core Unit, you are paying half of its build cost just to get it battle ready. If you choose to do this, I will let you purchase one Upgrade and one Finisher (think of it as an emergency installation). If you choose to do that and pursue eventual full-scale production of that model, I will waive those upgrade/finisher costs in the future.

Just keep in mind: you're not swimming in RP right now.

Hit me up if you have questions.

Don't vote on the mecha plans just yet. That will come in the morning, but it's good to brainstorm it now.
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[X] Naval Base San Diego.

Well, as expected, a simultaneous attack. What was not expected was two separate fronts.

But looking at the realities, A Kaiju Attack has no conventional response, a Westphalian cell has conventional options, especially with the FRC having Jackals.

And Valiant is closer than Mercury V.

The real kicker though is the Westphalians attacking a civilian target, and of course, they undoubtedly managed to slip military hardware in too.


Still, lots of people are at risk regardless, shame that responding to both is impossible. Know that I have zero compunction against protecting NYC either, vote with your hearts everyone. It's certainly a Heroic act, even if we're getting dunked on either way.
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I hate to say it but we probably should bail on doing the Kaiju fight.
Beowulf isn't necessarily at the correct size/scale to fight a Kaiju and could get stomped. Sure, we'd be clearly buying time heroically for Mercury to arrive...But we'd also probably get trashed in the process. And I'm sure the Westphalians can capitalize MUCH harder on us being beaten back then Sheol can- propaganda showing the Beowulf getting kicked through a building, calling out the EUDF as toothless and weak, and all sorts of fun stuff.

So I'd rather hit the Westphalians, and just brace for when the brass points out a town got half-way wiped off the map thanks to us not deploying to the Kaiju fight.

[X] New York City. The Big Apple seems to draw all sorts of trouble, but its outskirts are being threatened by Westphalian warmachines in their usual eclectic glory. The Valiant is en route, but New York is going to see a lot of damage dealt before it's all said and done. However, you are in a position to at least head off the worst of the damage with the Beowulf.
[X] Naval Base San Diego. The Naval Defense Force is already hard pressed against the kaiju at the best of days. Not to mention that the Fifth Fleet's casualties and damaged vessels are still drydocked there, and cannot evacuate this deep into the repair cycles. Mercury V arriving is going to help, but it won't beat the kaiju to the punch. The Beowulf, however, can.

1 - support the Navy

2 - afterward let's see if we can get some of the naval guns off of ships that will be scarped so we can get a headstart on super heavy weapon research for our mecha.
Actually, can we do both? We have the Beowulf, which is the obvious core super robot, but could we also deploy the Perseus or the Gunship to the other target? I know we have the Pegasus, but if the Yuri Gagarin is still available in the area, we could use that to deploy a different robot elsewhere.
The naval base would be my first choice except that the Attack on New York is bothering me for some reason. I think we should focus on New York and let the dice fall where they may with the Naval Base.

[X] New York City
[X] Naval Base San Diego.

We are closer to Sand Diego than we are New York, local forces are much less capable of holding off Kaiju than Westphalian, and it will take longer for another super robot to cross Pacific than Atlantic.
Actually, can we do both? We have the Beowulf, which is the obvious core super robot, but could we also deploy the Perseus or the Gunship to the other target? I know we have the Pegasus, but if the Yuri Gagarin is still available in the area, we could use that to deploy a different robot elsewhere.

You will get the option to try and develop a damage control response of some kind after this vote, but this is where the BULK of your resources are going to go. Whatever simultaneous response you try to develop on top that is going to be much weaker and drain additional resources, but it will be possible.

That will get expanded on next vote.
[X] Naval Base San Diego

This one's pretty simple, Kaiju require a super robot, whereas Westphalians are likely using conventional forces and can probably be responded to by local conventional forces.
[X] Naval Base San Diego. The Naval Defense Force is already hard pressed against the kaiju at the best of days. Not to mention that the Fifth Fleet's casualties and damaged vessels are still drydocked there, and cannot evacuate this deep into the repair cycles. Mercury V arriving is going to help, but it won't beat the kaiju to the punch. The Beowulf, however, can.