How do people expect to learn the shadow clone ninjutsu when it is literally on the forbidden scroll and it would kill us when we just make like one or two clones?
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[X] Plan Generalist
-[x] - Kenjutsu
--[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
-[x] - Iryojutsu
--[x] - Investigate dojutsu specific techniques.
--[x] - Learn the Chakra Scalpel
-[x] - Genjutsu
--[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
-[x] - Fuinjutsu:
--[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.
-[x] - Ninjutsu
--[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.

Fuinjutsu + Ninjutsu
Chakra Storage Seal + Shadow Clone Jutsu seem like a pretty obvious combo. Even if we can't charge up the storage seal with someone else's chakra we can still charge it with whatever excess chakra we generate. Even if we can only afford to sustain one Shadow Clone that still represents potentially massive gains for training* and that's not even mentioning the sheer utility of the technique outside of training.

*If we ignore the memory transfer, which may or may not be nerfed, it gives us a disposable version of ourselves with which to test dangerous seals/techniques. It also gives Hisana a chance to watch herself practice, likely with the Sharingan on, which will make picking out flaws in our style a lot easier.

Mixing wind chakra with our sword would be nice since it should significantly increase the cutting power and potentially allow for things like extending the blade. That being said from what I recall of the anime it's a fairly standard/basic technique, Asuma recommended it to Naruto as a training technique, so it doesn't seem like it would give as much a return as the other options.
What's more I specifically chose training with samurai dude over wind chakra infusing because it's both more urgent, IE: he might leave/die, and because technique is something that is important at all levels of skill while "sharp sword" has more limited applications.

We just witnessed how effective even a weak Sharingan genjutsu can be in Hisana's spar with Ebisu. Now consider the sheer bullshit that took place at the start of the Itachi/Sasuke fight in Shippuudan. Throw in Kakashi's use of it to screw with even an A-Rank ninja (Zabuza) and we see that Sharingan genjutsu is pretty damn amazing.

I honestly think every plan should grab both of these. Understanding the biology/medicine of our Sharingan is the entire reason we started down the path of Iryojutsu and Chakra Scalpel while commonly used as a weapon are a precision surgical tool, exactly the sort of thing you'd want for messing around with someone's eyeballs.​
[x] - Fuinjutsu
[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.
[x] - Genjutsu
[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
[x] - Kenjutsu
[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
[x] - Iryojutsu
[x] - Learn the Chakra Scalpel
[x] - Ninjutsu
[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu
[x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
[x] - Raven
Again, how are we going to learn the Shadow Clone Ninjutsu? If we steal the scroll, we will not get off lightly like naruto did in canon. I also rather not die of chakra exhaustion trying to learn it as well.
Wind? Excellent.
Especially for someone using as many weapons as we are.
Interesting that Hisana gets red chakra, while Sasuke gets purple; I wonder if there's any significance.

Nice to see that Hisana is on the verge of holding her own with Ebisu, at least with some trickery.

I'd lean toward a Raven summon at the moment, but @OverReactionGuy makes a good point.
I think it would be better to wait on the summonings. If we have to pay for a mission to retrieve the scrolls, then we are not strong enough to use the summoning scrolls in the first place.
Don't be blinded by the shiny.
Man makes a good point.
Additionally, I'm not sure we want to let other people know where hidden Uchiha weapons depots happen to lie. Or if there were messages left there.
Our sensei, sure, but not whoever is available to, or selected by the mission desk.

[X] - Fuinjutsu:
-[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.
-[x] - Reverse-engineering the controllable, detonable shuriken.
[X] - Ninjutsu
-[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.
[X] - Genjutsu
-[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
[X] - Kenjutsu
-[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.​
[X] - Iryojutsu
-[x] - Investigate dojutsu specific techniques.

Naruto is unlikely to learn Shadow Clone like he did in canon; we've derailed things that badly.
Best to rectify that.
And we might find it useful ourself.

We have enough Ninjutsu now that running out of chakra is a possibility, especially given how wasteful Hisana describes her Mystic Palm as; time to start working on a basic chakra battery as backup.
More Genjutsu, because as the last update just showed, it allowed us to actually first touch a special jounin, and we're not yet out of the academy.

Iryojutsu because we can investigate eye techniques now that we have the basics available to everyone else; anything that improves our efficiency, or skill at treating Uchiha doujutsu or using it for medical techniques, is a good idea.
Anti-ninja kenjutsu as a surprise for anyone who comes prepped to fight a conventional Uchiha shinobi.

No to summoning, because it involves revealing the location of a hidden family cache.
The people we hire may be trustworthy, but they have to get the mission through the village, and like I pointed out, too many holes in Konoha security.
Besides, we don't yet have the chakra capacity to make use of it properly; when we do, we'll simply take our team.​
Again, how are we going to learn the Shadow Clone Ninjutsu? If we steal the scroll, we will not get off lightly like naruto did in canon. I also rather not die of chakra exhaustion trying to learn it as well.
Shadow Clone is not a forbidden technique; it's a B-ranked technique and one we've seen a genin, someone who was probably most the way to chunin, perform:
The Mist genin hit what would have to have been the real Leaf ninja, but he was apparently better at ninjutsu than he lead on - the "real" him amongst the illusionary clones was a shadow clone.

The forbidden technique Naruto learned was Multi Shadow Clone which is both A-ranked and forbidden.
@uju32 - Why did you go with explodable shuriken over Chakra Scalpels? Chakra Scalpels are almost certainly needed to actually do anything to the Sharigan.
[X] Plan Swords, Seal and Shadow

[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.
[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.

These synergy with each other wonderfully, with the chakra seal allowing us to improve our maximum chakra output enabling longer engagements or more costly jutsu, and the Shadow Clone is frankly just amazing given the time efficiency of it. The fact that Naruto is taught it is a bonus, as even without that it's amazing.

[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
[x] - Investigate dojutsu specific techniques.

Both of these let us use our bloodline more effectively. The instantaneous genjutsu is phenomenal as to avoid it you either look away or constantly surge your chakra, either way it should give debuffs when fighting us. The doujutsu techniques can lead anywhere so I'll take it.

[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu

These again work wonderfully for obvious reasons, and it may be the last time to learn these techniques or at least much harder later on. Sharigan + Samurai ninja fighting + Wind Release + Instantanious Genjutsu = horrifying opponent.

Notably I've not gone with a summon option as I want to do the mission ourselves with Sasuke.
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[X] Plan Swords, Seal and Shadow

I'm pretty sure we are not anywhere near being able to mess with our eyes and rather than spending the actions I would just get Sakura's help if we want to actually start messing with our eyes.

As for summons. I feel we could probably just get it next year. Really wish we could ask Sasuke to take that particular action for us. He is meant to be jointly running the clan.:V
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[X] Plan Quadratic Sword Wizard

Ravens are the wizard birds, @Yog. Being a wizard is awesome.

Also, @OverReactionGuy, consider that the longer we spend with the animal clans, the better our summoning skills will be, regardless of how much chakra we can pour into the actual techniques. Every year we train is a year closer to BURD-SAGE mode.
Getting the summoning scroll is very important, as it, if nothing else, potentially gives us access to a lot of trainers.
@uju32 - Why did you go with explodable shuriken over Chakra Scalpels? Chakra Scalpels are almost certainly needed to actually do anything to the Sharigan.

Likely because our chakra control sucks and we waste a lot on mystic palm so chakra scaples probably would be a lot more wasteful. So work on chakra control first.

Also, @OverReactionGuy, consider that the longer we spend with the animal clans, the better our summoning skills will be, regardless of how much chakra we can pour into the actual techniques. Every year we train is a year closer to BURD-SAGE mode.

Not worth having unknowns break in and go through our clan's secure storage facility.


Also, I do not see us getting sage mode at all.
[X] Plan Cat Person
Itachi summons crows in shippuden. Even if he has already signed the scroll (not a given), it's still one clan out of four who knows any Uchiha is alive, and might know (only might) what happened.
Crows/Ravens would be a bad choice then. It might alert Itachi that maybe he missed just one more.
Likely because our chakra control sucks and we waste a lot on mystic palm so chakra scaples probably would be a lot more wasteful. So work on chakra control first.
Hisana's chakra control by no means sucks. She has solid chunin level control and will likely be at Jonin level in the not too distant future. Besides how do you think we train control besides selecting learning paths that require great control?
Crows/Ravens would be a bad choice then. It might alert Itachi that maybe he missed just one more.
Crows and Ravens are two separate scrolls, though. Itachi uses (if he is using one of them right now) crows. Which is why I chose ravens, and not them. I am amicable to hawks. Not cats though - I want something with flight.