I think it would be better to wait on the summonings. If we have to pay for a mission to retrieve the scrolls, then we are not strong enough to use the summoning scrolls in the first place.


Don't be blinded by the shiny.
I want summons for social. Those were friends and allies of our clan. Likely ones that has been friends of our family for generations. As far as they know everyone in the family is dead (or they don't know anything has happened, and are probably surprised / concerned why they haven't been summoned for years). Learning that some of the kids survived, well, I believe we'll acquire a lot of new family members willing to watch over us and help us, if we sign a summoning scroll. Also access to teachers.
[x] - Fuinjutsu:
-[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.
[x] - Genjutsu
-[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
[x] - Ninjutsu
-[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.
[x] - Kenjutsu
-[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
-[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu
[x] - Iryojutsu
-[x] - Learn the Chakra Scalpel
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I think it would be better to wait on the summonings. If we have to pay for a mission to retrieve the scrolls, then we are not strong enough to use the summoning scrolls in the first place.


Don't be blinded by the shiny.
It's not that it's dangerous (probably), it's that it's menial work and that place is full of dust, cobwebs, and poor organization (Probably).
Personally, I am an advocate for waiting until we can hire our own team for it, but I'm too lethargic right now to make a vote.
[x] - Fuinjutsu:
-[x] - Reverse-engineering the controllable, detonable shuriken.

[x] - Ninjutsu
-[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.
-[x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
--[x] - Crow

[x] - Genjutsu
-[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu

[x] - Kenjutsu
-[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
-[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu
[X] Plan Shadow Clones and Mind Blades

I doubt the Summons are a trap option. Even if we're not pulling out flying taxis for the team it's an investment worth making.
[x] plan Tender Mercy

[x] - Reverse-engineering the controllable, detonable shuriken.
[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu
[x] - Investigate dojutsu specific techniques.
[x] - Learn the Chakra Scalpel

More sword&sorcery with explosives on the side, contract delayed for now.
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I think it would be much, much better if we were actually strong enough to retrieve them ourselves or with Sasuke. Honestly, think of them as along term goal and a bonding exorcise!

Paying non Uchiha ninja to get them for us just cheapens them. Hell, I bet they were put there to be a test of maturity, a rite of passage so to say.

Sure we do. Summons can teach ninjutusu or genjutsu (depending on what is selected) that aren't available to learn anywhere else. That's why I went for Crows.

Summoning takes a shit ton of chakra to do. We do not have a shit ton of chakra.

Thats what the chakra seals can be used for...


I doubt the Summons are a trap option. Even if we're not pulling out flying taxis for the team it's an investment worth making.

I don't think it's a trap, I think it's a completely and utter waste to do right now.

I want summons for social. Those were friends and allies of our clan. Likely ones that has been friends of our family for generations. As far as they know everyone in the family is dead (or they don't know anything has happened, and are probably surprised / concerned why they haven't been summoned for years). Learning that some of the kids survived, well, I believe we'll acquire a lot of new family members willing to watch over us and help us, if we sign a summoning scroll. Also access to teachers.

Maybe, but Itachi also summons them so they know he's alive. And the crows are working for him.
Nah he'll figure it out.

How do you figure? In canon he only got to learn it because he stole the scroll filled with forbidden jutsu because Mizuki told him it was a special test after he failed the normal exam. If Naruto doesn't fail thanks to Hisana's help, then he's not gonna learn it anytime soon.

1) Chakra storage seals + Naruto = chakra battery for everyone involved, meaning more training possible, meaning more growth, meaning more seals made
2) Shadow Clone + Chakra storage seals + Naruto = shadow clone training for everyone. Even if only one or two clones at a time, it's still a giant boost.

Do storage seals work for people other than the maker? Honest question, because I don't remember when they were used in canon.

Cmon, we don't even have the chakra necessary to get any real use out of the summoning scrolls! Stop being blinded by the useless for now shiny!

You're living up to your name right now. Just because we can't summon anything huge doesn't mean summons are useless right now. They can scout, give advice, help us train, give us new techniques, be our friends (useful for mental health, at least), and so on, not counting the fact that even the smaller ones can have uses in battle.

[X] Plan Cat Person

[x] - Fuinjutsu:
[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.

[x] - Ninjutsu
[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.
[x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
[x] - Cat

[x] - Genjutsu
[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu

[x] - Kenjutsu
[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.

[x] - Iryojutsu
[x] - Investigate dojutsu specific techniques.
I do want kitty scroll, but I feel it would be better to get them ourselves rather than hiring someone to get them for us.
I do want kitty scroll, but I feel it would be better to get them ourselves rather than hiring someone to get them for us.

Which I don't get. It's like saying Naruto shouldn't have signed the toad scroll when Jiraiya offered it to him. It just reeks of shonen nonsense, IMO. And not the good kind of shonen nonsense, either.
Cmon, we don't even have the chakra necessary to get any real use out of the summoning scrolls! Stop being blinded by the useless for now shiny!
Summons can summon themselves, and do reverse summoning as they wish. With their own chakra. They can teach. They can send and receive messages. They were allies of our clan, likely for generations. Right now they think all of Uchihas are dead. Uchihas they were likely friends with, or at least loyal to. Even if we can't summon anyone important, and with Naruto + Chakra storage seals it's very arguable if that's the case (Because sharing chakra for a jutsu? Is not actually that strange of a concept in canon, actually), we can summon someone who can then relay a message to the important people in the summon's clan. From there on, I expect us to soon get a responsible adult who would look after us.
Maybe, but Itachi also summons them so they know he's alive. And the crows are working for him.
Itachi summons crows in shippuden. Even if he has already signed the scroll (not a given), it's still one clan out of four who knows any Uchiha is alive, and might know (only might) what happened.

Do storage seals work for people other than the maker? Honest question, because I don't remember when they were used in canon.
As far as I know, they weren't, ever, used in canon, but sharing chakra for jutsu was done on several occasions with no prep or specialized training (Gamabunta gave Naruto his chakra so Naruto could do a henge and turn Gamabunta into a kyuubi look-alike).

Also, a plan modification. I'll go with ravens, they are more wind associated in my mind, and hawks are Sasuke's thing.

[x] Plan Quadratic Sword Wizard

[x] - Fuinjutsu:
-[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.

[x] - Ninjutsu
-[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.

[x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
-[x] - Raven
[x] - Kenjutsu
-[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
-[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu

[x] - Iryojutsu
-[x] - Investigate dojutsu specific techniques.​
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[x] - Fuinjutsu:
-[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.

[x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
-[x] - Cat

[x] - Ninjutsu
-[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.

[x] - Iryojutsu
-[x] - Investigate dojutsu specific techniques.

[x] - Kenjutsu
-[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu

[x] - Genjutsu
-[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
You're living up to your name right now. Just because we can't summon anything huge doesn't mean summons are useless right now. They can scout, give advice, help us train, give us new techniques, be our friends (useful for mental health, at least), and so on, not counting the fact that even the smaller ones can have uses in battle.

Not really, I'm making a perfectly reasonable point and not overreacting. You're just using my name to cheapen my argument as nothing but the ravings of a mad man like a few others before. That's okay since it's my fault I have the name, but if you must choose a summoning, go with a bird as the character herself showed inclination towards them.

Which I don't get. It's like saying Naruto shouldn't have signed the toad scroll when Jiraiya offered it to him. It just reeks of shonen nonsense, IMO. And not the good kind of shonen nonsense, either.

There is a reason why they are locked up and trapped in a way it would be A-rank mission just to retrieve them. Besides you are advocating that we pay strangers to break into the Uchiha archive filled with jutsu and all sorts of things to retrieve them. That in itself is a bad idea because ninja.

If this happens I rather we get a team we could trust to do it or take care of it ourselves in the future. Less chance of missing things we could have otherwise had later since we do not know what all is there to report something being stolen.

As far as I know, they weren't, ever, used in canon, but sharing chakra for jutsu was done on several occasions with no prep or specialized training (Gamabunta gave Naruto his chakra so Naruto could do a henge and turn Gamabunta into a kyuubi look-alike).

Why did you quote me for that last one... actually how did my name end up there? I didn't ask about storage seals. The hell just happened?

Summons can summon themselves, and do reverse summoning as they wish. With their own chakra. They can teach. They can send and receive messages. They were allies of our clan, likely for generations. Right now they think all of Uchihas are dead. Uchihas they were likely friends with, or at least loyal to. Even if we can't summon anyone important, and with Naruto + Chakra storage seals it's very arguable if that's the case (Because sharing chakra for a jutsu? Is not actually that strange of a concept in canon, actually), we can summon someone who can then relay a message to the important people in the summon's clan. From there on, I expect us to soon get a responsible adult who would look after us.

Honestly, I like your reasons but I still don't like the idea of paying someone to get them. That probably wont change but I wont be all butthurt if it wins and leads to interesting character interaction.

The only absolutely crucial one is making sure Naruto learns Shadow Clone, as that's the basis he builds everything else on.

Considering we've been training him he probably would pass the genin exam and Mizuki would probably have to choose another patsy to steal the scroll or wait another year or so.

I think we effectively derailed that part of canon with our butterflies.

Also, I hate when I'm writing a response and then there's over 2 more that I need to respond to when I'm just finishing writing my first response. Fucking hell, and people wonder why I rarely participate in discussions.
[x] - Fuinjutsu
[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.
[x] - Genjutsu
[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
[x] - Kenjutsu
[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
[x] - Iryojutsu
[x] - Learn the Chakra Scalpel
[x] - Ninjutsu
[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.
[x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
[x] - Raven