a glance it seems like the best thing for Starline to do is help us with our infrastruture or maybe an upgrade or two...Badnik factory and Ragnite mine stand out.

He could also fix the Darc Egg though.
Except we can only Brains with Sage next turn.

Im thinking in going either Egg Drone or Improving Rusty Rose
That is a decent one, with Starline Loyalty and Duckbilled Dabbler (+5 to psychology and cybernetics actions) he would add 18 to the roll and Eggman himself add 38 thanks to Eggtronics. The lowest DC is 40 and the full bonus is 56, he can't fail. And a 14 would give a second tier succes wich is 4 upgrade points for Rusty.
Who knows, if he rolls high enough, he might unlock those cybernetics options without the personals.
Egg Drones is probably the best pick, IMO.

They help with searching and make infiltration harder. While it might be too late for it, depending on how much damage Zavok took this turn, also helps with the Conch.
That is a decent one, with Starline Loyalty and Duckbilled Dabbler (+5 to psychology and cybernetics actions) he would add 18 to the roll and Eggman himself add 38 thanks to Eggtronics. The lowest DC is 40 and the full bonus is 56, he can't fail. And a 14 would give a second tier succes wich is 4 upgrade points for Rusty.
Who knows, if he rolls high enough, he might unlock those cybernetics options without the personals.

Or we put him on Logistics, which he has 23 on, higher than his ability to help with Rusty.
I'm inclined to put Starline on Ragnite mine with badniks personally.

Important for a lot of our new upgrades and necessary to keep going down the tech tree. Plus it won't instantly be invalided by taking our stuff back.

Shame about the signal but oh well. Glad we tried at least.

We'll probably also be getting some more important Dark Arms research next turn too. God, we really need another Brain action.

We do have Sage who helps a lot, this turn it's just taken up by the Gene therapy. Otherwise we'd be in pretty good shape.
Every action in Logistics could be useful for us. What if we get another Majima incident?

It is a first come, first serve kind of deal. So I don't think so.

And well you can't say that even losing we get something out if it, argubly even better than Majima since we now have a Mystic researcher, something we really need.
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It is a first come, first serve kind of deal. So I don't think so.

And well you can't say that even losing we get something out if it, argubly even better than Majima since we now have a Mystic researcher, something we really need.
Soberan, we already had this conversation once, and all of my points remain. We tried once with the signal and it failed, a tragedy lets move one.
Well if people want to let go of this easy opportunity that literally does not upset any of our heroes units then it is their problem, but I will keep arguing for it.

I mean even in the description of the actions mentions it could be important.
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Well if people want to let go of this easy opportunity that literally does not upset any of our heroes units then it is their problem, but I will keep arguing for it.
None of our Logistic actions upset any of our heroes. What are you even talking about? Are mixing up quests or something?o_O
I mean this opportunity, the last one upset Piastol because it involve talking to a pirate pirate ship or atatcking it thst was a terrible idea, this one does not involve any of that.

I do actually want to say that the description of the action mentions the signal could be important and I don't think the QMs would word it that way if that was not the case.
As i already said, non of our Logistic actions upset any of our heroes anymore, so it does no matter if that one does not either.
It got worded that way so you knew it would no be useless, as an explanation of why Eggman is bothering with it. In the end, the problem is that we already tried that action, so even if it worth an action, its not worth two.
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None of our Logistic actions upset any of our heroes. What are you even talking about? Are mixing up quests or something?o_O

I mean this opportunity, the last one upset Piastol because it involve talking to a pirate pirate ship or atatcking it that was a terrible idea, this one does not involve any of that.

I do actually want to say that the description of the action mentions the signal could be important and I don't think the QMs would word it that way if that was not the case.
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They said it's an opportunity, as all Mystery Boxes actions are. Yes, it can be good. But it's also an investment.

We need to be able to balance priorities if we want to be the ones to finish off Zavok and get Eggman's stuff back.
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They said it's an opportunity, as all Mystery Boxes actions are. Yes, it can be good. But it's also an investment.

We need to be able to balance priorities if we want to be the ones to finish off Zavok and get Eggman's stuff back.
What would be our Logistics priorities, actually? We need Honey's shop to start making money before Turn 8 for Elizabeth shop, the earlier we build it the more money we can accumulate. Beyond that i think that either the Reactor (to unclock tier 3 badnink and reduce the DC of some actions) or the Ragnite mine (Kingster mentioned that we were starting to run low,enough for some action but not much), but repairing the Darc Egg Robot is also important.
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What would be our Logistics priorities, actually? We need Honey's shop to start making money before Turn 8 for Elizabeth shop, the earlier we build it the more money we can accumulate. Beyond that i think that either the Reactor (to unclock tier 3 badnink and reduce the DC of some actions) or the Ragnite mine (Kingster mentioned that we were starting to run low,enough for some action but not much), but repairing the Darc Egg Robot is also important.

We don't actually need the Darc Egg Robot, the thing even a critical susces it is quite weak conpared to Eggman's later mechs, kinda want to see if we can score the Egg Dragoon or the Egg Emperor in Draw up the Blueprints.

These two, as a example, are leagues above the Detah Egg Robot.

Frankly we get quite lucky in the D6 raid that most of our heroes manage to gang up on Zavok since ot was theorize he has the total Power with his Kaiju form 50-ish and he was not be able to utilize his range attack as a example.
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We don't actually need the Darc Egg Robot, the thing even a critical susces it is quite weak conpared to Eggman's later mechs, kinda want to see if we can score the Egg Dragoon or the Egg Emperor in Draw up the Blueprints.

These two, as a example, are leagues above the Detah Egg Robot.

Frankly we get quiclucky in Zavom fight that most of our heroes manage to gang up on him since ot was theorize he has the total Power woth his Kaiju form 50-ish
It's literally, the only mech we have. Besides, due to Eggman traits, if he is using the Darc Egg Robot, he add +50 to his combat rolls. So yes, while it would be great to just build those stronger mechs, we lack the blueprints and the energy. With no reactor, we are limited in what we can build, we can't even make tier 3 badniks, much less the Egg Emperor. We can't even fix Silver Sonic.
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It's literally, the only mech we have. Besides, due to Eggman traits, if he is using the Darc Egg Robot, he add +50 to his combat rolls. So yes, while it would be great to just build those stronger mechs, we lack the blueprints and the energy. With no reactor, we are limited in what we can build, we can't even make tier 3 badniks, much less the Egg Emperor. We can't even fix Silver Sonic.

Not really?

We just need to unlock the bluprints for them into the PA also according to the QMs we could have unlock better ones than the Death Egg Robot and would be able to build them before the Raid, so I guess it depends what kind of mech you can unlock there.

Either way next turn Starline need to be in action that can really help Eggman and allow him to shine as well and put him into a autosuscess does not work.

Stil.let's wait to see what kind of mech we can unlock in his PA before commiting in rebuilding the Darc-Egg Robot.