Contessa sighed contentedly as she relaxed in the shade under the palm trees. Her normal working clothes were currently in the small changing hut behind her, and she had a cooler filled with refreshing drinks on ice. The bathing suit she wore, picked up on the Path to "reduce stress and relax" three steps ago, was the perfect style to enjoy a day on some tropical beach.
Which was the current step on the aforementioned Path.
The step previous was to ignore the meeting of the rest of Cauldron, currently happening in a seaside house a mile away down the beach.
- - - - - - - - - -
Rebecca Costa-Brown sat back in her chair. "As to actions taken due to Humanity First and Reactive's response to the cell that almost killed his son," she stated, "the only one of significance is that the Georgia Army National Guard commandant is unhappy, but the PRT is paying in part for the repairs to the equipment that was damaged. Finance is listing it as Reactive's signing bonus."
"He agreed to that?" asked David.
"He suggested it."
"With that sense of PR, why wasn't he already in the Protectorate?" mused Paul.
"I don't know; there's nothing in his file like that. But I've added finding out to his evaluation."
Number Man leaned back in his chair, sipping at his iced tea. "Several parties have expressed interest in the suit of 'powered armor' the man used during his operation, but the Department of Defense has claimed precedence."
"That thing weighed almost as much as the tanks," David interjected. "And was more heavily armed. It was overkill for going after some human supremacists."
"And yet it did a very good job," Paul added. "Given that Reactive was doing his best to minimize collateral damage, but also destroy materiel belonging to the H1 group and its sympathizers. What you call 'overkill' looks like deliberate intimidation."
"The man was very good at tracking down the evidence he needed to make sure his citizen's arrests of the individuals stick," Kurt said. "He may have been pointed at some of it by anonymous sources."
"Taking credit for it?" David asked. He had something a little stronger than Kurt's iced tea at hand to drink.
"Hardly," Kurt scoffed. "That local cell was already having a detrimental effect on the regional economy, and was beginning to make things very dangerous for Wards and Independents in the Alabama / Georgia / Tennessee region."
Paul shook his head. "It'd be nice to see that area calm down. I've got three Protectorate members facing hearings for 'use of excessive force.'"
One of Rebecca's eyebrows arched. "I knew about Crush, who are the other two?" she inquired.
"Longshot got involved in an altercation involving a Protectorate Case 53, and Overwatch was drawn into that mess after the fact as well," Paul explained. "Legal says the charges should be dropped, but procedure has to be followed."
David smirked. "Given what I know of the three, they've shown remarkable restraint. After all, the perpetrators are still alive." Any further comment was interrupted by a PRT folder falling through a tear in space-time to land in front of Paul.
"What have we here?" he mused as he read through the initial pages, which became a more hurried reading.
"Well, what is it?" Rebecca asked. "It has to be important for those two to interrupt our meeting."
"Heartbreaker was found outside the Guild's offices in Montreal early this morning," he said while he read. "When found, he was completely unresponsive except for a reaction to Narwhal, which was to curl up into a fetal ball and begin whimpering." Eventually, Paul finished the folder and passed it to Rebecca.
"We all know he's got thralls in government offices in three different countries," David stated. "Why haven't things started coming apart?" Anything further he had to say was interrupted by his phone going off. He looked at who had sent the message, then read it. "Contessa sez check the fifth e-mail in Legend's queue? She's still doing this?"
Paul pulled out his phone and scrolled down through the email to the fifth one. "It's a video file, dated from the fifthteenth of last month."
"So, a couple of weeks ago," Rebecca muttered. "Well, what do they say?"
"I think I'll let the message speak for itself," Paul noted, and swiped the control to connect to the screen mounted on the wall.
There was a collective start as the screen was filled with a very smug copper dragon's face. "Hi! Hlal here, an acquaintance of mine wants to say something. By the way, Legend, I'm still waiting for that autograph. Plenty of time on my end, so no rush. Anyway, here she is."
The field of view shifted, showing a woman. She had luxuriously long dark red hair which framed a face of exquisite beauty. Ruby eyes looked towards the camera recording the message, and while they might have been amused, one could see that it wasn't a pleasant kind of amusement. Her dress was one that left more skin bare than not, cut to allow a pair of bat-like wings to easily be used, and the barbed tail which lazily moved back and forth like a contented cat's.
"Hello," she said, her voice having no discernible accent. "Please allow me to introduce myself, I am a woman of wealth and taste. I am known to mortals as Glasya, and am the current ruler of Malbolge, the sixth circle of the Nine Hells. The man you know as Heartbreaker attempted to persuade me in his own crude way to join his clusterfuck circle. As I am a firm believer in free will – it's a necessary part of my job, you might say – I was highly annoyed with the man.
"Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to properly chastise him. I left instructions with some friends of mine to be creative with his punishment. The one thing I did do myself is make sure that his control over his thralls diminishes over time. I much prefer things to be resolved in a nice, orderly fashion. If things go as planned, starting about three days after he's punished, the thralls under his control the longest should suddenly desire to rip his still beating heart out of his chest. In their haste, they should make enough commotion so you should be able to deal with them.
"Make no mistake, I am an Archfiend. I am not doing this out of the goodness of my heart. I have my reasons for – ugh – doing good. Mainly not getting painfully murdered by someone more powerful than I. I am a creature of Law – and so believe the law is to be used for my own benefit as much as possible. The fact that others also benefit is of no concern to me."
With that, the Archfiend disappeared in a puff of sulfurous smoke. "Aaaand there you have it," Hlal said. "By the time you receive this video, most of his kids should be on the run. Two are already under the auspices of the Protectorate. By the end of the week, most of the thralls who will want to kill him will be making enough noise to be easily found. So, yeah, for the next few months you'll have a steady stream of people coming for Heartbreaker. Seeya!"
With that, the video ended.
"When, exactly," Rebecca bellowed, "did we lose control of this situation?!?" The volume was enough for both David and Paul to lean away from her.
"According to the available data," Dr. Mother said as she walked in from the beach, "sometime shortly after we began." She was silent as she stepped behind the bar and pulled out a couple of chilled beverages, setting one down in front of Rebecca. "A lack of critical thinking, along with failures updating our information or revising the Path."
"But yet you're still planning for an end of the world in the next ten to fifteen years," Paul stated, then something clicked. "It's not Scion, it's something else."
Miriam nodded, then took a pull from her bottle. "Discreet inquiries with Scion and the dragons have yielded a grim picture. However, we have a much better chance of not rendering multiple Earths uninhabitable with this one. Sadly, while the odds are better, the stakes are much higher."
"Higher than the end of the world?" David asked.
"The death of
everything," she stated.
The only sound you could hear was the wind and the water.
The meeting resumed in a more subdued fashion. "Glaistig Uaine is up to something," Paul finally said into the silence. "She appears to be having the Birdcage cleaned from top to bottom, including the prisoners. Dragon is very confused as to why, but is more than happy to send down the cleaning supplies. The Tinkers down there are working on any repairs needed."
"It's almost like she was expecting visitors," David quipped, now into his third bottle of somewhat stronger beverage.
"Dragon recorded a sensor anomaly in Glaistig Uaine's quarters four weeks ago," Paul reported. "Those are fairly common with some of the Powers she's known to use, but there was a slight mass increase in her sleeping area for five minutes. Not unheard of, but not common, either."
"Has anybody asked Dragon to ask her?" David said with a chuckle. "Seems to be the obvious solution, one we've usually gone out of our way to avoid."
There was a slight pop as a knot of tortured space-time spit out a letter. One specifically to Eidolon, Legend and Alexandria, along with a note stating "It's safe – Ciara."
David grabbed it and opened it. "Well, that's unusual," he mused as he read. "She
is expecting a visitor. You remember that Puck character we had drop in on us? He showed up in her sleeping area and announced that another Faerie Queen was going to visit for a chat." He slid the letter across the table to Rebecca.
She read the letter before giving it to Paul. "I'm not sure how to handle this," she said quietly. "Endbringers, Villains, sacrificing any morals and ethics I might have had in the name of the greater good, no problem. The Fae? Dragons? Actual devils and demons?
"I don't know what to do."
The letter had finally made it around to Nate, who had been silent up 'till now. "The Fae are all about roles. Ciara has been playing the role of the Faerie Queen for as long as we've been aware of her. So, this Queen Mab of the Summer Court is paying her respects to the local court, and asking some questions before doing anything else? It would seem to fit, given what she's doing." He then looked at Rebecca. "As for what to do, you could always use Glory Girl's solution: Go find something to punch."
"So," Paul said, leaning back. "In summary: Reactive's going to be under Protectorate oversight for the foreseeable future, while his latest creation goes to the DoD. The location where Heartbreaker is being held is going to be rushed by a mob of his former thralls intent on making an Aztec sacrifice out of him, so he needs to be set out as bait in a trap. The universe is in imminent danger of ending. Glaistig Uaine is expecting a visit from a metaphoric relative. I need to send an autograph to a dragon, and Becky needs to blow off some steam. Did I miss anything?"
David snickered. "Just the motion to adjourn."
Kurt nodded. "Seconded."
"All in favor?" asked Miriam. "Motion passes," she said after seeing everyone's (even the glowering Rebecca's) raised hands. "Meeting is adjourned, we will schedule another in a month."
- - - - - - - - - -
Taylor leaned back in the chair she was currently sitting in, looking at the gold ring she'd completed. For the last couple of days she'd been working on a project, just to see if she could do it. She was following a process outlined in one of her books, and she'd just finished.
It first required that she craft a ring of the highest quality materials. So that meant she needed to learn how to make a ring. Fortunately, failures could be re-melted and used again. It had taken her several tries before she had gotten one that had no internal flaws, and then several more attempts to make one that was acceptable to her magic. The end result was sitting in front of her.
She'd already gifted her father something more potent than the beginner's effort in front of her, so what should she do with it?
For the time being, she placed it on her ring finger on the hand opposite Tiamat's ring. She liked the look of it, and best of all, she had made it herself. She'd even managed to engrave some little shields and scrollwork on the outer surface.
Nodding to herself, the decision made, she got up and began cleaning things up in the Wards workshop she'd borrowed. It was getting late, and as she wasn't scheduled for an evening patrol, she would be heading home.
- - - - - - - - - -
Ciara was a tad nervous. She'd managed to get her costume into shape, using various faeries – really the imprints of previous hosts on their shards – to clean and polish things in her little area of the Birdcage. That it led to sprucing up most of the prison wasn't important.
Her green robes now had a subtle brocade pattern in slightly darker green. She'd forgone the use of a mask, and had her pale blonde hair done in a long braid. She'd fashioned a simple gold circlet from some of Kara's materials. She owed the Tinker a small favor now, but it would be worth it for the role she had to play.
And, as the appointed hour came, there was the sound of a fanfare and a drum roll. There were some sparkles hanging in the air, out of which unrolled a red carpet. When the end of the carpet flopped down at Ciara's feet, a woman, presumably Queen Mab herself, appeared.
The two regarded each other for a moment before the Summer Queen broke the silence.
"Cousin!" Mab joyfully exclaimed, catching Ciara in a warm embrace.
Ciara, known to the world as Glastig Uaine, the Faerie Queen, swore she heard a squeak and she returned the hug.