"It's okay, Dawn." You mutter to her as you pat her pommel, "I just hurt his pride alongside his... Uh, "weak point"."
"But exploiting vulnerabilities is how battles are won...?" Dawn replies, confusion evident in her tone, "Shouldn't he be content with the duel now that such a glaring issue has been revealed, and in turn can be corrected?"
You almost respond, but you catch a glimpse of Yuki staring at you out of the corner of your eye. Saying that he's confused would be putting it mildly.
"Oh, my sword is alive." You explain a little, "And she's got thoughts and feelings."
"...I'm sure she's a great gal." Yuki replies, thoroughly unconvinced.
"She is, but that's beside the point," You brush past that remark, "I actually found her where we first met! Pulled her right out of the ground, and it was smooth sailing from there! ...Although, I've got no idea where the sheath came from."
You take Dawn and her sheath into your hands, and inspect them both.
...Wait, were there always so much graffiti on her scabbard?
No, it was always jet black. Why has it got a bunch of drawings all over it? For example, there's an eye that looks suspiciously like your own near the top of it, there's a patch of plaid smack dab in the middle, and Dawn's name in big cartoony letters near the bottom.
You blink, staring at the new paint job that seems to react to your touch.
[] ???????????????????????????????????
"It's okay, Dawn." You mutter to her as you pat her pommel, "I just hurt his pride alongside his... Uh, "weak point"."
"But exploiting vulnerabilities is how battles are won...?" Dawn replies, confusion evident in her tone, "Shouldn't he be content with the duel now that such a glaring issue has been revealed, and in turn can be corrected?"
You almost respond, but you catch a glimpse of Yuki staring at you out of the corner of your eye. Saying that he's confused would be putting it mildly.
"Oh, my sword is alive." You explain a little, "And she's got thoughts and feelings."
"...I'm sure she's a great gal." Yuki replies, thoroughly unconvinced.
"She is, but that's beside the point," You brush past that remark, "I actually found her where we first met! Pulled her right out of the ground, and it was smooth sailing from there! ...Although, I've got no idea where the sheath came from."
You take Dawn and her sheath into your hands, and inspect them both.
...Wait, were there always so much graffiti on her scabbard?
No, it was always jet black. Why has it got a bunch of drawings all over it? For example, there's an eye that looks suspiciously like your own near the top of it, there's a patch of plaid smack dab in the middle, and Dawn's name in big cartoony letters near the bottom.
You blink, staring at the new paint job that seems to react to your touch.
[] ???????????????????????????????????