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[X] "…We never did get around to figuring out your story did we? Of course, you don't have to, but it would probably make things easier since you know how events have played out here so far."
-[X] "Granted, things won't be 1-to-1 exactly, but I'm curious about the other Fiends."
[X] "…We never did get around to figuring out your story did we? Of course, you don't have to, but it would probably make things easier since you know how events have played out here so far."
-[X] "Granted, things won't be 1-to-1 exactly, but I'm curious about the other Fiends."
[X] "…We never did get around to figuring out your story did we? Of course, you don't have to, but it would probably make things easier since you know how events have played out here so far."
-[X] "Granted, things won't be 1-to-1 exactly, but I'm curious about the other Fiends."
[X] "…We never did get around to figuring out your story did we? Of course, you don't have to, but it would probably make things easier since you know how events have played out here so far."
-[X] "Granted, things won't be 1-to-1 exactly, but I'm curious about the other Fiends."
Vergil, sitting down in the grass: Those Sailor "Guardians" are idiots! All they do in battle is bumble around until someone shows up to save them, they rely on the exact same tactic for every fight, they make me flinch when they get hurt, they-- Oh, God. I care about them.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 11, 2024 at 9:37 PM, finished with 12 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "…We never did get around to figuring out your story did we? Of course, you don't have to, but it would probably make things easier since you know how events have played out here so far."
    -[X] "Granted, things won't be 1-to-1 exactly, but I'm curious about the other Fiends."
    [X] "i didn't even knew the dude was my uncle till recently."
    [X] Stare blankly and in possibly-not-mild horror. You have no idea how to respond to that
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1035: "The Who?"
[X] "Backstory." ~Yuki. "Why did you just say "Backstory"?" ~Yumi

"...Y'know, we never did get around to figuring your story out." You cross your arms, "Of course, you don't have to if--!"

"I'm not going to." Yuki cuts you off, "Every loop was different for me. It's pointless to go over all of them. From what I've gathered, this series of events is completely new to me."

"Still!" You try again, putting your hand on Yuki's shoulder, "I know things aren't going to be one-to-one, but any info is good info! Plus, I want to hear your strategies for dealing with the Fiends!"

"The who?" Yuki asks, a little confused.

"The Fiends!" You clarify as best you can, "You know, the skeleton guys who keep showing up to kill us?"

"I repeat, the who?!" Yuki asks louder, "I've never fought skeletons! I was hunted by other dark summoners!"

"What's a dark summoner?" Shoji asks as he turns his attention from Dawn to Yuki.

"Oh, it's a demon summoner who uses their powers and demons to cause chaos and bolster themselves. You were one once, and Akemi never stopped being one." Yuki explains casually, "Sakura was labeled as one for a while, but I helped Miki clear her name. Man, Uncle was pissed that I went behind his back like I did...!"

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
[X] Plan Namedrop Convos
-[X] "Well, some of that happened here. Madoka, Homura, and Sayaka are all Demon Summoners over here, though they got their Demon Summoner Apps from Stephen after I met them. Uncle got pissed at me too since he thought I was trying to build an army when I started trying to show them how to protect themselves. You should probably talk to my Homura since you guys both remember loops."
-[X] "I do gotta ask though, how did you get your Magatsuhi Form if you never fought the Fiends? I only got the idea after trying to copy what Matador did."
-[X] "Uncle Raido got concerned when I told him about the Fiends, so he knows who they are. So does Dante apparently. You can ask them if you want to know more."
-[X] "But I think this probably means our universes are different enough that we may have different threats coming than you're used to. Like did you have to deal with Eris, Athena and whoever else gunning for True Godhood? We've got good reason to believe that Athena needs someone from our group to become a Nahobino, and Eris probably needs to turn that psycho MG Victoria into a human."
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I don't think Yumi is aware then Homura is looping. She do know she have time power. Thought, there so much going in this quest. It hard to keep track.
I don't think Yumi is aware then Homura is looping. She do know she have time power. Thought, there so much going in this quest. It hard to keep track.
Lucifer made her confess about looping iirc. I just don't remember who was in that room, but Yumi has already brought it up here since we mentioned how Yumi thought Yuki's world ended via bypassing Homura's ability.

Edit: Thinking about it, he should know about the people who never showed up in his world cause of the two recaps if we covered everything.
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[X] "Yeah... We haven't seen any of those yet unless both of Kohaku's parents counted. At least I think so, don't know enough about Kazuya and Hitonari to know if either of them are. Doubt it though. And the girls are using a derivative of the program in my Gauntlet that works on cellphones."
-[X] "But I think this probably means our universes are different enough that we may have different threats comming than you're used to. Like did you have to deal with Eris, Athena and whoever else gunning for True Godhood? We've got good reason to believe that Athena needs someone from our group to become a Nahobino, and Eris probably needs to turn that psycho MG Victoria into a human."

I don't think Yumi is aware then Homura is looping. She do know she have time power. Thought, there so much going in this quest. It hard to keep track.
Iirc Louis made her spill it to Yumi and Kohaku.
-[X] "But I think this probably means our universes are different enough that we may have different threats comming than you're used to. Like did you have to deal with Eris, Athena and whoever else gunning for True Godhood? We've got good reason to believe that Athena needs someone from our group to become a Nahobino, and Eris probably needs to turn that psycho MG Victoria into a human."
Gonna take this vote for mine to replace the stuff about Dante and Vergil.

I want to ask him about his Magatsuhi form since he never met the Fiends.
[X] Plan Namedrop Convos
-[X] "Well, some of that happened here. Madoka, Homura, and Sayaka are all Demon Summoners over here, though they got their Demon Summoner Apps from Stephen after I met them. Uncle got pissed at me too since he thought I was trying to build an army when I started trying to show them how to protect themselves. You should probably talk to my Homura since you guys both remember loops."
-[X] "I do gotta ask though, how did you get your Magatsuhi Form if you never fought the Fiends? I only got the idea after trying to copy what Matador did."
-[X] "Uncle Raido got concerned when I told him about the Fiends, so he knows who they are. So does Dante apparently. You can ask them if you want to know more."
-[X] "I should introduce you to Dante and Vergil. I'll warn you though, they're both leagues above me, even when I'm swinging at full strength. Apparently, they also have experience with half-demons, but they're usually either neutral or willing to help out if they're randomly in the area. They've both helped out Yuma when I was stuck elsewhere, so they're good people in my book."
-[X] "I should introduce you to Dante and Vergil. I'll warn you though, they're both leagues above me, even when I'm swinging at full strength. Apparently, they also have experience with half-demons, but they're usually either neutral or willing to help out if they're randomly in the area. They've both helped out Yuma when I was stuck elsewhere, so they're good people in my book."
I edited this part out for the 2nd part of @Isiri Pudireach's vote btw.

The recap should've covered this part iirc, so we don't really need descriptors of the DMC Bros.
Gonna take this vote for mine to replace the stuff about Dante and Vergil.

I want to ask him about his Magatsuhi form since he never met the Fiends.
Sounds fair.

[X] Plan Namedrop Convos

[X] Plan Namedrop Convos
-[X] "Well, some of that happened here. Madoka, Homura, and Sayaka are all Demon Summoners over here, though they got their Demon Summoner Apps from Stephen after I met them. Uncle got pissed at me too since he thought I was trying to build an army when I started trying to show them how to protect themselves. You should probably talk to my Homura since you guys both remember loops."
-[X] "I do gotta ask though, how did you get your Magatsuhi Form if you never fought the Fiends? I only got the idea after trying to copy what Matador did."
-[X] "Uncle Raido got concerned when I told him about the Fiends, so he knows who they are. So does Dante apparently. You can ask them if you want to know more."
-[X] "I should introduce you to Dante and Vergil. I'll warn you though, they're both leagues above me, even when I'm swinging at full strength. Apparently, they also have experience with half-demons, but they're usually either neutral or willing to help out if they're randomly in the area. They've both helped out Yuma when I was stuck elsewhere, so they're good people in my book."
Heads up for a few things:
1) The plan was edited
2) You don't need to copy the full thing to vote for Plan Votes, you only need the first line.
Plus, I want to hear your strategies for dealing with the Fiends!"

"The who?" Yuki asks, a little confused.

"The Fiends!" You clarify as best you can, "You know, the skeleton guys who keep showing up to kill us?"

"I repeat, the who?!" Yuki asks louder, "I've never fought skeletons! I was hunted by other dark summoners!"
Shouldn't we have covered this when we were giving Yuki the recap in Updates 1017-1022?

[X] "Wait, 'other Dark Summoners'? When you say it like that, it sounds like…" Like he's one of them

May or may not change this into part of a longer plan vote, but this is something that I feel needs addressing.
May or may not change this into part of a longer plan vote, but this is something that I feel needs addressing.
Considering his personality and how hard he would be on himself, I'm willing to wave that away as low self esteem.

Y'know, considering his whole thing. He likely sees it as him using his powers for his own ends, damn the rest of the world which he thinks classifies him as such.

Honestly, it sounds more like how you would call someone a criminal or a bad person. Sort of as a state of mind/title rather than an actual condition.
Shouldn't we have covered this when we were giving Yuki the recap in Updates 1017-1022?
Actually yeah. @TremendousMilk3 what's up with this?
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