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1040: Interrupting Uncle
[X] "He's worth one corn chip."

"Believe it or not, he's another world's version of me. Think Kazuya's situation, but more directly connected to us." You try to explain, "...Speaking of which, I should probably tell him before too long."

"...Oh." Kyoko crosses her arms, "That explains why he kinda pissed me off." She speaks casually, (probably) not meaning to offend.

"Never change, Sakura. Never change." Yuki rolls his eyes.

"I already told everyone else in the group chat, so they should all be in-the-know now!" You smile at Kyoko, "Long story short, he's here to stay!"

Kyoko scowls, "...I'm serious about the room thing."

"I don't want your crumby room." Yuki sneers right back, "Just give me Uncle's old room, and I'm a happy camper."

"Wait, does Uncle Raido even know you--?"

Your phone rings.

"...Speak of the devil." You answer your Uncle's call, "Hello?"

"So." Raido begins, the fatigue clearly audible in his voice, "A second you."

"...Yeah?" You nod, despite this conversation being over the phone.

"A... Boy you." He elaborates a little.

"Yes...?" You can't help but feel like you're being interrogated.

"Is he still with you?"

"Yeah, he's sitting right across from me." You glance at Yuki, mouthing the word "Uncle" to him.

Yuki nods, currently plotting the next smart comment to say to Kyoko.

"Good. I'm swinging by."

You sigh, "I really don't want to have to explain again."

"You don't have to. I want to talk to him privately." Raido reveals.

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
[X] "Alright, I'll let him know. I'll let him tell you his story himself. Just uh... You should probably know your counterpart was a fair bit more involved in his life, so there's definitely some baggage."
-[X] "Where are you anyway?"
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[X] "Alright, I'll let him know. I'll let him tell you his story himself. Just uh... You should probably know your counterpart was a fair bit more involved in his life, so there's definitely some baggage."
-[X] "Where are you anyway?"

Added a bit more to @Herofox 's vote.
[X] "Alright, I'll let him know. I'll let him tell you his story himself. Just uh... You should probably know your counterpart was a fair bit more involved in his life, so there's definitely some baggage."
-[X] "Where are you anyway?"
[X] "Alright, I'll let him know. I'll let him tell you his story himself. Just uh... You should probably know your counterpart was a fair bit more involved in his life, so there's definitely some baggage."
-[X] "Where are you anyway?"
[X] "Alright, I'll let him know. I'll let him tell you his story himself. Just uh... You should probably know your counterpart was a fair bit more involved in his life, so there's definitely some baggage."
-[X] "Where are you anyway?"
[X] "Alright, I'll let him know. I'll let him tell you his story himself. Just uh... You should probably know your counterpart was a fair bit more involved in his life, so there's definitely some baggage."
-[X] "Where are you anyway?"
Yumi, beating the brakes off of Prince Demande in dead silence:

Kohaku, cheering her on: Get his ass! Get his ass!!

Yuki, cracking his knuckles as he approaches: Let him get up. I want my turn.

Shoji, standing behind him: I'm after you, then?

Usagi, not sure how to respond to this rescue:
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 25, 2024 at 9:54 PM, finished with 9 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] "Alright, I'll let him know. I'll let him tell you his story himself. Just uh... You should probably know your counterpart was a fair bit more involved in his life, so there's definitely some baggage."
    -[X] "Where are you anyway?"
1041: Zinger!
[X] "I'll call the crisis counselor."

"Alright, I'll let him know!" You say, "Just be sure to let him tell his story at his own pace."

"...Him." Raido repeats, "Another you, but male. I don't think I'll ever get used to it."

"Yeah, and that's only the beginning of the differences!" You tell him before glancing at Yuki, "No offense."

"None taken, my life is a Goddamn mess." He cracks his back on the chair he's sitting in, "Oh, shit! That one was loud!"

"...And besides that, his you was a lot more involved in his life than you were with me. So, uh, expect baggage there." You try to give him a fair warning, "...Where are you, anyhow?"

"In the area." He tells you, "I'll be there soon." Like clockwork, he hangs up on you.

You really have to have a conversation with him about that.

"So, uh, Uncle's coming around to talk to you." You tell Yuki, "In case you wanted to prepare."

Yuki sighs, "Of course he is. Thanks for the heads-up." He doesn't seem thrilled about the idea of speaking with Raido, only accepting the inevitability of the conversation.

Kyoko grins for a moment, "Someone's cranky!"

"Nah, just tired." He admits, "Like I am with you."

"Man, you're good with come backs." After crossing her arms, Kyoko nods a little.

[] ???????????????????????????????????????????????
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Unearthing Light, Chapter 13.
"Naru... Stop here." The former General Nephrite pleads, "I need to... Regather my strength..."

The brown haired girl, Naru, complies with a short nod, trying to set Nephrite down as gently as she can. Seeing as you're carrying him as well, you assist her (not that you have much choice).

"You mentioned assassins. Plural." Without a moment to spare, you begin to gather information about your enemy, "How many did your colleagues send?"

"Vergil, can't you see he's hurt?!" Naru whines at you, "He needs to--!!"

"Do you want to end up like him?" You ask sternly, "We need to know numbers, tactics, weaponry, and we need it now."

Naru furrows her brow like a child who just heard the word "no" for the first time, "How can you be so--?!"

"There are three." Nephrite interrupts, "Plant based. They fire thorns," he huffs between breaths, "...And they're fast."

"Can they track you precisely?" You hound him for anything useful, why do you care if he lives or dies?

"The traitor Nephrite has been located!" You hear a woman's voice from above you--

"Naru!!" Nephrite shouts as he covers the young girl with his body, "Urk...!"

You were too focused on defending yourself. Why do you care? Swatting another thorn to the ground, you dash upwards and cleave one of your assailants in two.

You fall to the ground, and find yourself being shot at on the way down. One annoyingly strikes you in the shoulder, another cuts your leg.

You huff in frustration, prepared to--

"Fire Soul!!" You hear an aggravating voice call out. As if tonight couldn't get any worse for you. At least she can aim, as you see one of the Youma assassins go up in flames and turn to ash.

The Sailor Guardians have arrived. Sailor Mars rushes in to defend Nephrite and Naru, which honestly surprises you. He was their enemy, no? Why do you care?

Your momentary lapse in concentration causes the Youma to make a bold move, wrapping your uninjured leg in a thorny vine. She smiles at this, like she's just won the day.

"Moon Tiara...!" You hear her before you see her (as usual), "...Action!" The bright light of a thrown tiara collides with the Youma, smiting it in an instant.

"Forgive me... Lord Zoisite!" She cries as she turns to dust.

The vine around your leg withers and dies, and you shake off what's left of it. Turning your head to see what has happened, you see the Sailor Guardians crowding around Naru and...


You quickly join the small crowd, why do you care so much?, and kneel down beside Nephrite. Naru is grabbing his hand as he weakly turns to her, life quickly fading from his face.

They are speaking, but you don't register it. To you, it looks like they're just opening their mouths without any sound.

She must be begging for him to hold on, for the Sailors to do something, but to no avail. It's much too late for him.

It was too late for him once he met Naru.

When you don't see anyone else talking, you feel something bubbling up in your throat, and before you can even think...

"...Be proud. You were strong enough to protect her." ...You speak.

...So that's why you care.

Nephrite weakly smiles at all of you before closing his eyes...

...And fading away into light.

Naru begs for Nephrite to return, but he has already passed on. She cries in futility, in sorrow...

...And, truth be told, there's not a dry eye amongst the Sailor Guardians.

You stand up, and turn away from everyone.

You're sure Mercury or Mars is calling for you to stay, but you dare not turn back to look.

Devils never cry.
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"So." Raido begins, the fatigue clearly audible in his voice, "A second you."

"...Yeah?" You nod, despite this conversation being over the phone.

"A... Boy you." He elaborates a little.

"Yes...?" You can't help but feel like you're being interrogated.

"Is he still with you?"

"Alright, I'll let him know!" You say, "Just be sure to let him tell his story at his own pace."

"...Him?" Raido repeats, "Your counterpart is male?"

"Yeah, and that's only the beginning of the differences!" You tell him before glancing at Yuki, "No offense."

I'm confused. Did Raido just forget that he already knows that Yuki is a boy? Was he supposed to not know yet? I guess it doesn't matter much, but still.
I can't think of anything else to cover with or about Yuki while we wait, so I guess
[ ] Timeskip to Uncle Raido's arrival

[X] "So Yuki... Do you have any ideas on places of interest that may be around town? The ones I know of are the Jack Bros shop near my apartment, a fairy village set up in the park near there, a Dwarf blacksmith, and the base of the demon gang I took over."
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[X] "So Yuki... Do you have any ideas on places of interest that may be around town? The ones I know of are the Jack Bros shop near my apartment, a fairy village set up in the park near there, a Dwarf blacksmith, and the base of the demon gang I took over."
[X] "So Yuki... Do you have any ideas on places of interest that may be around town? The ones I know of are the Jack Bros shop near my apartment, a fairy village set up in the park near there, a Dwarf blacksmith, and the base of the demon gang I took over."
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