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1021: Through The Mirror.
[X] "Just malding lol"

"I'm just wondering how much is different between our two lives." You answer honestly, "According to Yuki, my dad... Died in his world. Not only that, but a bunch of our early shenanigans just never happened. We were in the middle of comparing stories before you came in, Kohaku!"

"Really?" Kohaku tilts her head, "Would it bother you guys if I sat in?"

"...I won't stop you." Yuki hastily says, not looking up.

"If it's fine with him, it's fine with me!" You smile as you pat her on the back, "But, on a more serious note, you being here means that something bypassed Homura's power, which isn't exactly a comforting thought."

"It didn't "bypass Akemi's power", it killed her before she could use it." Yuki clarifies with a growl, "That's all it takes to "bypass Akemi's power". If she dies, she can't use it."

"So, what killed her in your world?" Kohaku asks, then immediately backpedals, "Oh, um, I'm sorry to reopen that wound! I spoke too carelessly--!"

"Shimizu." Yuki answers calmly, "Shoji Shimizu personally killed Homura Akemi. And that's all I wish to divulge about that."

Kohaku's eyes widen in shock, "Shoji...? He wouldn't hurt her, they're friends!"

"Maybe here." Yuki unintentionally snaps.

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1022: The One Where I Skip The Recap Again
[X] "Moving on."

You stare at him for a moment. "...I guess we'll get to that when we get you comparing stories."

Yuki freezes for a moment, "Wait, should I even be talking about possible futures? Isn't that, like, bad?"

"Eh, we'll find out later. Anyhow..."


>YUMI (1): Stuff happened last night. Long story short, there's a blue-haired genderbent version of me running around. If you find him, direct towards me.

You stare at your phone, completely dumbfounded. How could you possibly respond to this? How could anyone? This scenario, this text message was such a foreign concept to you that you had never even bothered to think of it. And yet, here it is.

...Maybe Yumi's just joking? No, she wouldn't joke about this, would she? She's apparently done something like this before if that soldier was anything to go by. What would this "Reverse-Yumi" even be like? Are they frie--

>YUMI: Also, try sleeping with this knowledge bomb: I think I met an alternate Madoka who is a god.

Your eyes widen as you deal with the shock of what Yumi just sent into the chat. Another you...? A god?!

You're incredibly thankful that there's no school today. There's no way you'd be able to focus on anything other than this...!


"...Which brings us up to the present." You finish, "Any questions?"

Yuki stares at you, blinking slowly. "...I think I got the jist of it."

You smile, "Okay! Now, what about you?"

The door opens again, and Yuma shuffles into the room, still sleepy.

"...Good morning, Sayaka..." She mumbles at Yuki before climbing up into her seat.

Yuki looks mildly offended.

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1023: Breakfast...?
[X] "HAHAHAHA--!" SrPelo

You can't help but snicker a little at Yuki as he stares at Yuma, disappointed. Kohaku is barely keeping it together herself.

Yuma rubs her eyes, blinking twice. She looks at Yuki again. Yuki looks at her.

"Why is Sayaka a boy?" Yuma asks you after a little pause.

"That's not Sayaka, Yuma." You pat her on the head, "That's Yuki, he's--?"

"I'm her cousin. From her Pop's side." Yuki hastily lies, "I'm visiting from... Far away."

Yuma just stares at him.

"He's from another world." Kohaku says, "And he's their version of Yumi."

Yuki throws up his arms, "Why would you--?! She's not gonna understand what you--!!"

"Oh, okay! There's two Big Sis Yumis, but one's a boy!" Yuma answers, "Yuma understands!"

Kohaku smugly grins at Yuki, while he crosses his arms in frustration.

"Actually, now that I'm thinking about it..." You take your phone out, "...I should probably let everyone else know that I found you. I brought you up in a group chat!"

"...You guys have a group chat?" Yuki seems...

(INT ROLL: 18+10)

...Impressed, as if the thought never came to him despite how mundane it was.

"Yeah!" You smile, "It's called MAGE, which is short for Magical Adolescent Group Exchange!"

Yuki immediately seems less impressed.

You snap a quick picture, and send it to MAGE with the message...

>YUMI: The manhunt is over, the boy has been located.

After you hit "send", you look at the time. It's... 5:57.

The door opens once again, only this time, Grandma and Grandpa enter.

"Good morning, everyone." Grandma smiles, holding a plate of waffles, "There are hash browns still on the stove if someone can...?" Both of their gazes fall onto Yuki.

"It's a little early to bring friends over, Yumi." Grandpa says.

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1024: "I Understand."
[X] "It's just me!"

"Even alternate versions of myself?" You ask, "'Cause that's who he is."

Grandpa stares at you, then at Yuki. "...Well, now that you mention it, he does look like Takeshi..."

"Whereas Yumi looks strikingly like her mother..." Grandma adds thoughtfully.

"Yeah, he's basically just the brother I never had!" You smile at Yuki...

...Who looks saddened beyond words. They're his grandparents too, so this must be difficult for him.

"...And he, um, doesn't really have anywhere else to go back to." You add, your tone falling back down, "It's a long story, but--?"

"Don't." Yuki growls, "Just... Don't." He puts his head in his hands, "Not now."

You nod, respecting your bro-- Yuki's wishes.

"Yumi, you said this boy was an alternate version of you?" Grandma asks, eyeing the unfamiliar boy, "How did he appear here?"

"Oh, I met him last night!" You state casually.

"...Where?" Grandpa asks.

"My dreamland training grounds." You answer again, infuriatingly casual, "An alternate version of Madoka brought him in."

Grandpa nods, putting his hands on his hips, "...Hm. Y'know, I think I've actually heard about something like this happening."

Everyone looks to Grandpa.

"It's all old stories and rumors now, but I think I can find something about it." Grandpa nods to himself, "...If I can take a trip to Tokyo. That's where the Kuzunoha Clan keeps its records, but I don't think they're too keen on just handing that out."

Grandma frowns, "Travelling like that in our age simply isn't feasible, Haruki. Perhaps we should ask Raido, if he isn't too busy..."

[] ?????????????
1025: Late Arrival
[X] "You're not THAT old! But yeah-I'll ask Raido later."

"Oh, we're not that old just yet, Mei!" Grandpa nudges Grandma lightly as he sets down a bottle of syrup.

"I mean, I could talk to Uncle Raido the next time I see him!" You suggest.

"Hey, I could tag along, make a thing out of it." Yuki adds, "Go introduce myself to everyone again."

"That's not a bad idea, Yuki!" Kohaku agrees, helping your grandparents set the table with you, "That could give Yumi and I time to get our pizza, too!"

"You've got a pizza joint around here?" Yuki asks, "All I had was delivery, and it sucked."

"Oh, yeah! There's this big, American style place here in Kazamino, and a hole-in-the-wall place in Mitakihara! They're pretty good spots!" You smile at your brot-- Yuki, "And, if you're in the mood for a buffet--?"

Grandpa is snickering, "Man, what is with you and food? It's like you already sampled the entire city's menu!"

"Thaaat's Yumi, folks!" Shoji adds as he enters the dining room, "Sorry I took so long, had to--?"

Yuki is locked onto Shoji like a hawk. Neither of them speak for a moment.

"...H-Hey, Yumi? Is it just me, or does this guy look like your Dad?" Shoji asks, his eyes darting between you and Yuki.

[] ?????????????????????????????????
1026: Breakfast (Finally)!
[X] "He's my new brother (not by his choice)!"

"Hey Shoji!" You wave, "Meet my alternate universe twin!"

"...Is that who the group chat is currently theorizing over?" Shoji takes a seat, "Uh, good to meet you...?"

"Yuki." He forces out.

"...Yuki." Shoji extends his hand for a handshake.

Yuki glares at his hand, then looks to you...

...Before hesitantly taking Shoji's hand.

"Well, now that we're all introduced," Grandpa sits down in his spot, "Let's eat before it gets cold!"


There's two of them.

There are now two Yumi Konishis.

As if one wasn't enough of a headache.

After checking your phone, you made the executive decision to stay home today. Honestly, the only reason you've even bothered getting out of bed is because you wanted tea.

You hear glass shatter from somewhere in the house. It's slowed down now, but your home will still get the occasional vandal from time to time. That's the price you pay for being your father's child.

Kirika bounds into the kitchen, claws at the ready. "Oriko, are you okay?! I heard--!!"

"Relax, dear. Just a passing ruffian, I'm sure." The only reason you gasped like you did is because you were too focused on making tea, "I'll just clean up the glass and put some boards up later."

"I could kill him for you." Kirika offers, "I-If you want, that is! I'd never do anything without your approval!"

"I know, dear," You reply, "But it's not worth it. Better to let it go."

...You may have glanced into the future to see the consequences of that vandal's death and then decided against it, but you didn't kill him. Go you.


Breakfast went extremely quickly, especially with Yuma wolfing down two whole waffles all by herself. Despite this, you saved one for Kyoko.

...Whenever she wakes up. Yuma went to check on her, and found her "drooling on a pillow mumbling in her sleep". You'll just take her word for it.

Yuki has wandered into the backyard for whatever reason, leaving you and Kohaku to clean up the dishes. Shoji offered to help...

[] ...And you accepted his offer.
[] ...But you didn't want the kitchen to get crowded.
[] ...Write in?
-[] After that, ???????????????????????????????
1027: "Dishes" A Very Bad Joke
[X] "Get over here!" - Scorpion, Mortal Kombat

...Which you immediately accepted.

Kohaku is washing them, you're on rinsing duty, and Shoji dries them. You'll be able to knock 'em all out in record time!

"Hey, Yumi?" Shoji nudges you while he dries a plate, "Do you know why Yuki doesn't like me?"

"I-- Uh, it's a bit of a long story, but..." You begin, hesitant to tell him what Yuki told you, "...Apparently, his version of you got possessed or something and maybe destroyed his whole world."

Shoji whips his head over to you, "Woah woah, wait, what?!"

"I mean," Kohaku tries to help, "It's not really you who did it, it was a different person entirely."

"I killed his whole planet?!" Shoji puts the plate down, "No wonder he doesn't like me!"

"That Shoji was possessed!" You argue, "And he wasn't you! His decisions and actions don't reflect on you."

"I get that, but I'm still me!" Shoji argues right back, "And he's, like, my twin! So when he looks at me, he sees--!"

"Ugh, this is so confusing!" You place the last dish on the rack, "Why does this have to happen right after we wake up?!"

"Shoji, you can't control another person's actions." Kohaku says, draining the sink, "But you can control your own. Focus on that, on you. That other world's Shoji and you are separate."

Shoji opens his mouth to argue further, but refrains. You glance over at Kohaku...

(INT ROLL: 19+10)

...Oh. She must be thinking about what happened yesterday and the day before. About her parents.

It honestly sounds like she's trying to convince herself that she did all she could to avoid their deaths instead of reassuring Shoji.

You should probably talk to her about that soon.

But for now, you could at least distract them.

"Hey, wanna watch me spar with Yuki?" You ask suddenly, "I wanna see where I stack up."

Shoji sighs, grinning a little, "Oh, boy. I was waiting for you to ask that."

"I honestly don't know why I'm surprised...!" Kohaku shakes her head.

Mission Success!

With your victory already attained, you march out to the backyard, and find Yuki standing over the pond.

"Wanna spar?" You both ask in unison.

"...I guess so." Yuki claps his hands, "Okay, you two head off to the side, and--?"

"Okay, no demons, no magic, just swordsmanship!" You lay out the rules, "Sound good?"

"Sure." He hefts the large sword off of his back, "Go ahead and make the first move."

[] ???????????????????????????????????????????
1028: Drip, Drip...
[X] Plan Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object

"Heh, your mistake!" You grin, launching yourself forward. You don't go as fast as you can, as you're seeing how his reaction time is compared to your's--


Yuki grabs you by the throat and pushes you away, causing you to stumble back.

"I said first hit," He repeats, his face unreadable, "Not first ram."

"Oh, good!" You smile, giving Yuki a thumbs up, "I don't need to hold myself back!"

Yuki huffs, "That explains it."

You take a moment to analyze your opponent. Yuki's sword is longer than Dawn, so you should keep close so he can't use that advantage. Other than the obvious, you should keep your eyes open for any nasty tricks he may have.

Yuki takes a step to the left, and you step to the right. You're now circling each other.

Yuki says nothing as he moves, watching you like a hawk would watch its prey. The air is tense...

(AGL CHECK: 15+10)

Yuki tries to catch you in the same way as last time, but you duck under his grasp. You take Dawn and her scabbard off of your hip, and strike him!

You catch him right across the face! He grunts as he--!


His sword makes contact with you, and you find yourself backing off. Your chest...?

Are you bleeding?


"Yumi!!" Kohaku yelps as she sees the blood on the grass.

Yuki flicks his blade, spreading your blood to the side. "You've got a pretty tough hide." He admits.

[] ???????????????????????????????????????
1029: 'Tis The Season.
[X] Plan We're Already As Real As We Can Get Without Trying To Kill

"Gah, my shirt!" You shout, looking down at your wound, "I liked that shirt, damnit!"

Shoji rolls his eyes, "Great priorities." He mumbles as he shakes his head.

You sigh, quickly recovering from the blow, "Not bad, dude! So, you know I gotta ask, how did you get past my... Unstabability? Was that a sword thing, a charm thing, or a you thing?"

"Wh-- We're in the middle of a fight!" Yuki shouts back, "Save the interview for when--?!"

You pull Dawn's trigger, and she is launched forward.


Dawn strikes him square in the chest!


"Ah! You little--!!" Yuki bites back some choice words.

Before Dawn has even hit the ground, she's right back in her sheath. You grin at Yuki.

"You think you've got a strategy now, don't you?" Yuki sneers, "Well, go ahead and try--!!"

You rush him again, full speed.

(AGL CHECK: 10+10)

You manage to close the gap before Yuki can react, and smack him across the face again.


Yuki tries to counterattack...


...But you're much too nimble. At this rate, you'll be able to easily get him to overcommit to an attack and leave himself wide open!

Of course, that's easier said than done...!


You hit him right on the back, and he responds with--!!


You duck under his arcing swing, and decide to use the opportunity.

(YUMI ATTACKS...?: 15+2)

You pull Dawn's trigger again.

But this time, you're actually aiming for something specific.

Shoji looks horrified at your strategy, and actually almost warns Yuki, but it's too late.

Blunt object, meet weak point.


Yuki topples to the ground, nearly falling onto you. You click Dawn back into her scabbard as you stand up, victorious.

Yuki bites back a scream as he writhes in pain in the grass.

Shoji looks... Uncomfortable, and that's putting it lightly.

"Um... Good job?" Kohaku cheers(?) for you.

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Last edited:
1030: After The Battle.
[X] Plan Give him a bit

It takes you a moment to remember that this was supposed to be a spar. Your victorious pride gives way to slight dread and major embarrassment.


Yuki's breathing finally slows as he sits up, glaring daggers at you.

"Sorry about that!" You sheepishly look away, "I guess I got too into the fight. It was just kind of a reaction, honest!" You offer your hand to him.

Hesitantly, Yuki grabs your hand, and pulls himself to his feet, "You're a cruel opponent, even by demon standards."

"Really?" You ask, "I mean, isn't going for weak points the entire--?"

"Yeah, but not like that!" He snarls at you, "Have some class!"

"Ironic, coming from me." He mumbles.
"What's that?" You tilt your head.

"N-Nothing." Yuki looks away from you, "I'm just surprised no demons have called you out for fighting dirty like that."

"Well, I only fought people up until last week, so..." You shrug.

Yuki shakes his head, "Oh, right. No demons until a week-ish ago."

"So, wanna keep goi--?"

"Hell no." Yuki cuts you off.

"Fair enough." You nod, "So, about that question? About your--?"

Yuki reaches over as he walks past, and--!


...Bonks you right on the forehead with the side of his hand.

"Ow!" You wince.


"Good enough?" He chuckles, "Anyhow, keep that abomination of a sword away from me. I don't want any more groin checks."

"...Oh." Dawn mutters, "I..."

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