[X] Plan Give him a bit
It takes you a moment to remember that this was
supposed to be a spar. Your victorious pride gives way to slight dread and major embarrassment.
Yuki's breathing finally slows as he sits up, glaring daggers at you.
"Sorry about that!" You sheepishly look away, "I guess I got too into the fight. It was just kind of a reaction, honest!" You offer your hand to him.
Hesitantly, Yuki grabs your hand, and pulls himself to his feet, "You're a cruel opponent, even by
demon standards."
"Really?" You ask, "I mean, isn't going for weak points the entire--?"
"Yeah, but not like
that!" He snarls at you, "Have some class!"
"Ironic, coming from me." He mumbles.
"What's that?" You tilt your head.
"N-Nothing." Yuki looks away from you, "I'm just surprised no demons have called you out for fighting dirty like that."
"Well, I only fought people up until last week, so..." You shrug.
Yuki shakes his head, "Oh, right. No demons until a week-ish ago."
"So, wanna keep goi--?"
Hell no." Yuki cuts you off.
"Fair enough." You nod, "So, about that question? About your--?"
Yuki reaches over as he walks past, and--!
...Bonks you right on the forehead with the side of his hand.
"Ow!" You wince.
"Good enough?" He chuckles, "Anyhow, keep that abomination of a sword
away from me. I don't want
any more groin checks."
Oh." Dawn mutters, "
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