Project Prometheus (Original Setting Superhero Quest)
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When the Leviathan began to awake, every superhero in the city of Horizon rushed to keep the corpse of the supermassive alien slumbering. The heroes succeed in their mission, but the cost was their lives. Even your beloved Justice Unlimited was not spared the Looming God's wrath.

Now, you're all that's left. But you won't be alone for long. Because, before they died, your team discovered a superpower-granting serum that could give regular people the powers of dead metahumans.

Without its guardians, Horizon is besieged on every sides by supervillains and monsters of all stripes. It's up to you rebuild Justice Unlimited and save the world. It's an impossible task, one you must attempted knowing you are likely doomed to fail.

That's what heroes do, after all.
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This game will run a bastardization of CKII-style quests of my own making. This is my first time designing something this in-depth, so I reserve the right to make tweaks as we go if things aren't working as intended. I'm always open to input on how to improve, so if you see an obvious flaw or just have a thought, please let me know.


You will be tasked with rebuilding Justice Unlimited from scratch. You have virtually no resources, no reputation, and no income. Thankfully, you do have access to the remainder of Justice Unlimited's emergency funds. You have just enough to create, outfit, and train a new metahuman and keep the lights on for a bit. Upkeep costs will be kept on the main character page. As of now, they are zero. If you wish to expand Justice Unlimited, that will change.

Horizon is divided into about a dozen boroughs that all have their own governing apparatus. The primary way to make money in Horizon is to enter into a contract to protect a given borough. You agree to deal with metahuman threats in their borders, and they agree to pay you a fee every turn.

Justice Unlimited used to be contracted to protect, and thus controlled, a number of boroughs in Horizon. The destruction of the organization has called that into question. If you want to keep your old contracts, you're going to have to prove you can do the job.

This will be done via missions. Certain missions may grant a point of control over a given borough as a reward for successfully completing it. Different boroughs will require different amounts of control points to be willing to contract with Justice Unlimited.

Personal Stats:

Personal stats work off the "HERO" system. They are:

HIT - direct combat ability
- instinct, ability to engage in intrigue and otherwise ferret out hidden information
REPUTATION - Leadership, ability to inspire others, how much others trust you
OPERATIONS - ability to plan strategically, technological know-how, run day to day business

Each hero will have an assigned value for each stat. The value is not static and may be increased or decreased depending on events in the story. Stats are primarily increased through training and the administration of doses of Ambrosia, but more on that later. For the purpose of missions, all heroes stats will be added together. During mini-arcs during missions, a hero will roll with their individual stats.


At the start of each turn, players will be presented with a list of missions they may choose to undertake. Multiple missions may be taken, but the amount of missions that may be taken on one turn is determined by Justice Unlimited's Action Points (AP) and overall HERO stats. Accepting a mission begins a mini-arc that will contain one or multiple votes and DCs to determine whether it is completed successfully and to what degree.

Undertaking a mission requires that you have sufficient AP and enough overall HERO. For example:

You select the following missions:

Pick Up Milk. (AP 1, HIT 1, ESPIONAGE 1, OPERATIONS 2)


Final Stat Requirements: (AP 2, HIT 1, ESPIONAGE 3, REPUTATION 1, OPERATIONS 3)

In this example, let's say Justice Unlimited's has the following stats: AP 2, HIT 2, ESPIONAGE 6, REPUTATION 2, OPERATIONS 2

Justice Unlimited would not be able to take on the listed missions because it was lacking one OPERATIONS point, although you have sufficient AP.

Some missions will have special story requirements, while others will only be available for a certain number of turns before auto-resolving without player input. Such missions will be marked.

During mini-arcs, heroes taking actions will roll with their individual stats. All rolls will be done with a D20 with a DC you will know ahead of time. Each DC will also have an associated stat check on it. If a hero has less of a HERO stat than the stat check, they may still attempt the DC. However, there will be a -1 modifier to the roll for every 2 points they are below the requirement. If a hero has more of a HERO stat than is required, the will receive a +1 modifier for every 2 points they have above the requirement.

For example, let's use Radiant Silvergirl. She has the following stats: HIT 9, ESPIONAGE 3, REPUTATION 4, OPERATIONS 6.

During a mini-arc, Radiant Silvergirl encounters the following DC:

[ ] Jump really high. (DC 5, HIT 2).

Radiant Silvergirl has a HIT that is 7 over the requirement. She thus will roll with a +2.

Now, let's say she encounters this DC:

[ ] Call a waiter over. (DC 5, ESPIONAGE 5).

Radiant Silvergirl has an ESPIONAGE that is 2 less than the requirement. She thus will roll with a -1.

Some missions may have an associated Income cost. You cannot begin a turn with a negative Income balance. Any mission requiring Income you do not have will auto-fail.

Action points can be earned by gaining bases or increasing the roster-size of Justice Unlimited. At this point, it will take two new metahumans to gain 1AP.



Dr. Mammoth Ibis has named his power-granting serum "Ambrosia". Yes, really. You will create the dose of Ambrosia by voting on what power sets from various deceased metahumans to include in each dose. There is no guarantee of the power that will be granted by a dose of Ambrosia, but I will take the thread's rationale for making a particular dose into consideration. In other words, if you're trying to make a stealthy hero and include powers for that purpose, I won't give the candidate a power that makes them glow really bright.

Each dose of Ambrosia will have a potency rating from 1 to 10. The higher the potency rating, the more powerful the metahuman power that will be granted by the dose of Ambrosia (and thus the higher the stat increase). However, a higher potency also means there is a higher chance of a mutation with a negative side effect.

The risk of a negative side effect is as follows:


1-3: No chance of a side effect.

4-6: Chance of a minor side effect.

7-8: Chance of a moderate side effect.

9-10: Chance of a major side effect.

To determine if a dose has a side effect, a d100 will be rolled. 1 to 39 and there is no side effect. 40 to 69 and there is a minor side effect. 70 to 89 and there is a moderate side effect. 90 to 99 and there is a major side effect. At 100 something special happens, but that will remain a surprise for now. If a dose only has a chance to cause a lesser side effect but a roll for a higher side effect happens, then only the most serious side effect possible for the dose will take effect. For example:

There is a dose of Ambrosia with a potency of 7. A 95 is rolled. Only a moderate side effect will occur.

You will have the option of decreasing a dose's potency by 1 without making the expressed power weaker. This can be done up to three times. However, each time you do it adds a +5 modifier to the chance of a negative side effect.

I have a table of minor, moderate, and major side effects. I'll roll to determine which one takes effect. I know looking at the odds, there is a low chance of a major side effect ever taking place. Trust me though, they're nasty. Side effects have stat penalties and other factors that have long term ramifications for the candidates. Speaking of which:


You have to have someone to whom to give the Ambrosia. Candidates come with their own HERO stats and an Ambrosia tolerance level. A candidate's tolerance must match or exceed a dose's potency level for them to be able to take it. Dr. Mammoth Ibis' research shows that higher neuroplasticity is correlated with a higher tolerance. Which is to say, candidates with crappier stats can take more potent doses.

Your candidate pool can be expanded through missions or naturally as Justice Unlimited's reputation grows.

Failing a HIT check in a combat situation will result in a character taking one injury level. The levels are as follows:
1 Injury Level -- Superficial Injury (no mechanical change)
2 Injury Levels -- Severe Injury (all HIT checks rolled with a -1)
3 Injury Levels -- Critical Injury, Adrenaline (all Hit checks rolled with +2)
4 Injury Levels -- Death or Incapacity

Injury levels are cumulative per turn. At the end of a turn, all characters heal all injuries. Any character with the tag "invulnerable" cannot take an injury level unless narratively it makes sense for them to do so, and cannot die due to injuries. Any character with the tag "regeneration" will heal an injury level between missions or when the specific conditions of their regeneration are met.

Characters may suffer injury levels from ambushes and other unexpected events, but I will not put a character in a situation where they could die or be incapacitated without a thread vote.

I reserve the right to break any of these rules if it would be cool narratively. Feel free to call me out on it though!
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Character Sheet and Organization Sheet
You are Lady Leizi.

You are the one person in Horizon who knows where all the bodies are buried. The heiress to an organized crime syndicate, being defeated by a nascent Justice Unlimited changed the trajectory of your life. Rather than swear revenge, you offered your services and became one of the most connected spymasters in all of Horizon. You've cultivated contacts on both sides of the law, and a metahuman can't so much as draw breath in the city without word of it reaching your ears. While your team provided the power and resources, you provided them the means to use it effectively and with panache.

A martial arts prodigy, your already formidable hand-to-hand skills became lethal when your powers manifested. You command the power of lighting with every strike of your fist, every kick of your leg, and even in the gentlest touch. You can produce electricity on par with lightning strikes or a subtle as a static shock. Your contact electric blasts make you a master of close-quarter combat that all but the strongest metahumans in Horizon fear. On top of that, a childhood spent evading law enforcement has given you a keen power of observation and an intuitive knowledge of who to trust.

However, your power grants you no defensive capabilities—a bullet would end you as readily as anyone else. Additionally, as powerful as you are behind the scenes, you are not-well known to the public writ-large. Those who are aware of you know you as Justice Unlimited's hatchet-woman, and you are more feared than trusted. Becoming the new "face" of Justice Unlimited will involve significant growing pains.

The Apiary, (8/10 Metahumans)
Other Bases: Unnamed Base on Jacob's Ladder, The Zenith
Current Income: 10,000
Income/Turn: 2500/Turn
Available Action Points: 9
Available Global Actions: 6


You are Lady Leizi, the spymaster of Horizon. As Lady Leizi, you will receive extra intel for every potential metahuman candidate. Additionally, because of your extensive spy-network, you may once per turn mission reduce the difficulty of any ESPIONAGE check for yourself or others by 3.

Name: Black Swan, Mona Merola-Morales
Keywords: Fundamental Force Manipulation, Invulnerability, Regeneration, Flight
Side Effect: Extreme Psychic Field Sensitivity
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Potency: 13
Ibis' Notes:
The subject's power has turned her body into a hyperdense gravity anomaly, not unlike a supermassive black hole and with the density of several galaxies. Her external "body" is an ablative shell of orbiting energy. Subject can control the gravity at her core and reabsorb the energy body into her core body. Doing so creates a massive amount of friction resulting in magnetic fields. Said fields can launch matter from her body at relativistic speeds. Doing so will result in a reduction of her overall body's mass, which can be regenerated by absorbing radiation.
Subject can use control of gravity to fly at supersonic speeds, possibly even relativistic speeds.
Hypernovae Mode

If a sufficient source of radiation exists, Black Swan may spend the scene absorbing said source of radiation. Black Swan will recover injury levels depending on the sufficiency of the source, as well as potentially gaining "shielded" status. If Black Swan can absorb energy beyond that, she will enter Hypernovae Mode, adding +5 to her next HIT check.

Lightspeed Dash
Black Swan may fly at speeds approaching the speed of light. Doing so will trigger atomic fusion and explosions that will not harm Black Swan, but will cause damage to the areas through which she flies. If Black Swan is in Hypernovae Mode, she can absorb the energy of the explosions to continue Hypernovae Mode and prevent any damage, except for damage to what she flies through and where she stops.

Name: Menagerie Witch, Madeline du Marseille
Keywords: Construct Creation, Energy Manipulation, Autonomous Creature Creation
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Dr. Ibis' Notes: Menagerie Witch's powers are exceptionally well-developed for someone her age. Fourteen years old and already she's reached full-maturation as a metahuman.
Clovis Laurent will burn in hell.
Ahem. Regardless of the circumstance, Menagerie Witch's power affords her amazing flexibility, if not direct combat ability. She's able to freely move her shadow and use it to "clone" any non-sapient living creature. Her clones are solid energy constructs that resemble shadows with red eyes. She's able to pour more energy into the creature during creation to make it stronger, larger, faster, more durable, or in any shape she can imagine. Her only limitations are the amount of time she has to create a creature, the energy she can spare, and the energy taken from the cloned subject.
Menagerie Witch should not use her power to the extent she did during the Third North Tower Incident. A physical revealed she is severely malnourished with a bone density only witnessed in those with osteoporosis. Her pets are not doing much better. It will take time for the damage to heal, if it ever fully does.
Once created, her constructs display a shocking degree of autonomy, by all accounts acting the same as their living counterparts including a loyalty to Menagerie Witch. They can understand and follow verbal orders from Menagerie Witch, though she cannot control them directly nor share senses with them. Once created, they appear to be able to persist for several weeks if left unharmed.
The only drawback is the constructs must remain within several hundred yards of Menagerie Witch. Once that threshold is exceeded, they will automatically disperse.


In exchange for taking one injury level, Menagerie Witch may combine the clones of whatever members of her menagerie she has access to in order to create a beast with all of their traits. Said chimera will boost her HIT, ESPIONAGE, REPUTATION, or OPERATIONS stat by one for each member of her menagerie involved in the creation of the chimera. She may only maintain one chimera at a time.

Name: Handyman, Rhys Gardner
Keywords: Autobiokinesis, Enhanced Strength
Side Effect: None
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Potency: 9
Ibis' Notes: Subject's power has changed the composition of his body into an organic compound known as "clay". Subject can manipulate the structure, shape, and composition of his body including being able to make scales, feathers, chitin, bone, bioluminescent sacs, secondary pairs of organs, and so on. Subject can also make constructs in his body as well—for example, the subject made organic pile-bunkers in his elbows that greatly increased the strength of the subject's punches and, after being given a diagram, the subject could create crude crossbows out of his hands.
Subject possesses enhanced regeneration and strength. The subject can also change size. The subject can change into something smaller than his base form with a proportional increase in density. The subject's ability to grow has no limitations except the square-cube law. The subject was able to reliably get to about twenty feet in height before moving required the subject's body to be made of materials too brittle to be of use.

Name: Châtelet, Opale Houdin-Reyes
Keywords: Fundamental Force Manipulation, Construct Creation
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Ibis' Notes:
Châtelet can create tube-shaped barriers in any location she can see, including around objects. The outside of the barrier can withstand strong physical damage, while the area inside the barrier has a gravitational orientation chosen by Châtelet. The barriers are not permeable, but the top and bottoms are not enclosed, allowing Châtelet to fire them like a "beam" if she so chooses. The barriers can be any thickness she wishes, but the gravitational effect occurs in a strength proportional to the size of the barrier. The more barriers she creates at once, the weaker they all become collectively.

Name: Doctor Silver, John Henry Rhodes
Keywords: Force Fields, Ally Empowerment, Clairvoyance
Side Effect: Minor Psychic Field Sensitivity
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Potency: 10
Ibis' Notes: My BFF is soooooo coooooool! He has total spatial awareness of the area around himself within a 100 yard radius! He can sense movement and know what's going on in enclosed spaces within his range! Who cares if he can't technically "see", so his sense is blind to things like papers and screens?!
And he can make force fields! He has a set pool of energy he can spend to make force fields he can spontaneously manifest anywhere in his area of detection, in any shape, attached to a person, object, or just hanging in the air. Sure, the force fields decrease in strength with number or size, but he can make up to three at a time that can stop a bullet. And, and, annnnnnnd he has a second kind of barrier he can place on objects or people. This barrier absorbs part of any physical or energetic impact and then adds it back to his pool of energy. He can keep his 'Hustle' going indefinitely! And he can make three absorbing force fields at a time. He's the best! The bestest friend for the bestest doctor! Ride or die, baby!

The Hustle

John Henry can create shields for himself or allies that will absorb injury levels when struck. He can create three injury levels worth of shields at once. This means he can create one shield that absorbs three injury levels, one shield that can absorb two injury levels and one that can absorb one injury level, or three shields that can each absorb one injury level. These cannot stack with shield generators at the same time, but he can apply a shield to a character who has used their shield generator. If all his shields are deployed, he may only create extremely weak force fields.

John Henry may tag up to three objects or people with a "red barrier". The barrier provides no shielding, but for every injury level that occurs to an object or person with a red barrier, John Henry recharges one injury level's worth of energy to use in other shields or force fields. He may only store three injury levels worth of energy at a time.

Name: Valiant Gold, Noelle "Ellie" Han
Power: The EXCEED-BEYOND Armor
Side Effect: Extreme Psychic Field Sensitivity
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Potency: 13

Notes: Ellie wields the EXCEED-BEYOND armor, which has four modules with different power sets. Modules must be selected for a scene and may be changed between scenes. Using any power in blue will disable the module until the end of a combat encounter. Using module "dynamite" will disable the EXCEED-BEYOND armor until the end of the mission.
Always Active: Anti-gravity, Energy Shielding, Mental Manipulation Immunity
Module "Paper": Pyrokinesis, Energy Blaster, Drones, Targeting Suite, Railgun
Module "Scissors": Psychic Energy Blades, Agility Suite, Telekinesis, Pilebunker
Module "Rock": Enhanced Strength, Advanced Energy Shielding, Power Nullification
Module "Dynamite": O̵̺͓̊͌͊p̵̞͕̔̚ē̵͔͜ņ̵͍͎̊ ̸͎̌̄̌ẗ̶̖͘h̶̝̮͐̋ë̵̺̺́ ̷̺͊S̵͍̊̈̕t̷̮̎͝ą̶̩̞̄g̶̮͘e̶̦̲̟͌

Reach Heaven Through Violence

Ellie's cool head under fire is contagious. Any time there is a HIT check where Justice Unlimited is subject to an ambush or sneak attack, add +3 to the roll if Ellie is present!


It was always meant for two. Qe̵̛̞n̶̫͗j̵̥̾ ̷̫̉ẕ̵̈ḃ̴̪ě̴̤ŗ̷̇ ̵̯͒O̸̭͗ÿ̴̪n̶͙̒p̵̼̚x̸̰̄t̴̪̎b̶͖̂ý̸̘q̶͖̍ ̸̬̆l̶̜̆ḧ̷͈́e̷̝͊v̸̢͛.̶̖̆ ̵̩͐W̸̙̑x̵͖̊,̶͈̎ ̸̥̓w̶̠͝x̷̨̓.̷̮̈ ̸̫̽Ő̸͍h̵̖̉g̶̠̕ ̷̛̱l̷̰̎b̶̖́h̷̻͗ ̶͚̽q̵̌ͅb̸̼̃a̷̡̔'̷͔͆ġ̸̻ ̸̱͑x̵̝́ạ̷̒b̶͕̒j̴͈̾ ̸̗͠ ̵̢̓u̴͍̾b̴̘̑j̷͚͑ ̴̯̍g̵̫̕u̶̖͐v̸̼̇f̴̺͒ ̷̟̃n̴̟̆ǒ̴͉v̴͓̒y̸͎̍v̸̟̍g̵͖̃l̷͎͘ ̷͙͗j̸̭̚b̸͘ͅé̷̢ẋ̴̪f̵͚̆ ̷̼̀l̴͚͛r̴̬̽g̶̠͋!̶̔ͅ

Name: Belle Sabreuse, Beatrice "Triss" Dupont
Keywords: Transmutation, Fitness, Enhanced Senses
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Potency: 9
Ibis' Notes: Belle Sabreuse was reluctant to disclose information during, but my Sarah turned on the ol' Ibis charm! She begged for at least two hours on her hands and knees---just like how I got her mother to marry me! Now, unlike Belle Sabreuse, Margo agreed right away, but I wanted to put in the effort!
Belle Sabreuse can change the density of anything she touches to whatever she wishes. She claimed to be able to make her sword into a singularity, and it wasn't an empty boast. The only object denser that we've recorded is Black Swan's core. This includes clothing, which she can make into nearly impervious armor in the say way King often defends himself. Her touch can be used offensively as well, making objects brittle and easy to shatter. Her ability, however, is limited to inorganic matter. Her clothing is made of all synthetic material for this reason.
Like the Giant Slayer, she can wield her altered objects as if they were at their natural density, but, unlike the Giant Slayer, she does not have enhanced strength. Instead, her senses and reflexes are superhuman, making her a formidable foe with her sabre. Now, she---Sarah, you can stop begging! Only do that for someone you truly love!

Global Stat Modifiers: +1 HIT, -4 REPUTATION, +1 ESPIONAGE, +1 OPERATIONS

Total Available Stats: HIT 58, ESPIONAGE 45, REPUTATION 49, OPERATIONS 47.
Affiliate Members:
Dr. Mammoth Ibis (Head of Research), Joelle Chaucer the "Famine Slayer" (Director of Operations), Dr. Massive Ibis (Chief Research Assistant), Takanashi Chihiro (Director of Communications)

Analytical Precognition
Wolong has a set number of charges for his power for each mission. By expending one charge on a mission where he is present, Wolong can ensure Justice Unlimited will automatically pass any OPERATIONS check.

The No Spin Zone (Now with Spin!)
Once per mission, when Chihiro is present in a scene, or reasonably reachable through remote means, you may re-roll any failed REPUTATION check that relates to public relations. The re-roll is done with advantage and Chihiro adds +3 to the final result.

You Little Shit!
Chihiro has maintained her journalistic integrity in an industry that demands she abandon it, but she's still got hands. Once per mission, if Chihiro is present in a scene, or reasonably reachable by remote means, you may automatically pass any REPUTATION check where you attempt to damage a foe's credibility or reputation in the eyes of the public, so long as your negative claims are factually accurate.

Allies: Mendicant, Alice Lawson; Wolong, Gabriel Kwan; New Dawn
Assets Ronin, Egawa Akane; White Tiger
Name: Gentleman James, Andre Machado
Faction: New Dawn
Ibis' Notes:
Gentleman James can connect two points in space that he can see with unbreakable chains. He is able to shrink the chains at will bringing the points together, or extend the length of the chain as he so chooses. The weight of the objects does not affect the strength of the retraction, although it can be resisted by very heavy objects or objects fixed to the ground.

Name: Dreamcatcher, Juan Castellanos
Faction: New Dawn
Stats: HIT 3-9 (variable), ESPIONAGE 2, REPUTATION 4, OPERATIONS 4
Ibis' Notes:
Dreamcatcher is able to manifest one object or creature from the dream he had last night into reality. The object maintains its characteristics from the dream, but the more Dreamcatcher himself begins to question the underlying logic of the item the less effective it becomes. Unfortunately, he has no ability to control what he dreams about and firmly believes that lucid dreaming is "total bullshit". (Mechanics: Roll a d20 on any mission with Dreamcatcher to determine the strength of his dream item)

Name: Palisade, Renee Mathews
Faction: New Dawn
Ibis' Notes:
Palisade has an invisible forcefield around her body that she can freely reposition in any share or location within a thirty foot radius of herself. The barrier becomes visible when damaged, and is a dark, transparent shade of purple. If her barrier is broken, it takes approximately an hour to return to full strength, though she can use it in a diminished form before then.

Name: Miss Naught, Virginia Cunningham
Faction: New Dawn
Ibis' Notes:
Miss Naught can "mark" a target that she can see. The mark is physical and can be seen when placed. Any objects fired by her or her allies at the target will home in on the mark. To facilitate the most effective use of her powers, she carries a quiver of "trick" arrows with various effects.

Wolong's Insight—Once per mission where New Dawn is involved, Wolong can use his power to autocrit any OPERATIONS check.
Controlled Territory: Worker's Mitt
Available Territory: Old Industrial District (0/5) (+2000 Income/turn) The Worker's Mitt and OID pay their Income/per turn immediately upon being retaken in the form of a penalty clause)
Resources: 1 personal shield generators, 2 Ambrosia doses worth of goldnine
Available Candidates:
Candidate #1
: Song Yu-Jin
Age: 61
Tolerance: 3
Chaucer's Notes: Mr. Song originally hails from the Old Industrial District, where he ran a small martial arts studio. He's since relocated to the Apiary following his home's destruction. A widower with a college-age son abroad, Yu-Jin has become something of a pillar of the community in his golden years. He runs a small daycare that caters to working-class families, he teaches a Tai Chi class in the morning, and he's reportedly still quite the martial artist. Rumors hold that he was the instructor of Counterstrike, a popular vigilante working out of the OID. If he's truly skilled enough to teach even metahumans, he may be a welcome addition to Justice Unlimited.
Lady Leizi: My shīfù once told me there are only two kinds of aged warriors: those who abandon the fight altogether and age gracefully into infirmary, and those who bitterly resent time's theft of their prowess and train relentlessly to not give up one iota of their skill. That kind is all the more dangerous for their experience along with their ability. Mr. Song reminds me of the latter. He plays the role of the kindly grandfather, but I have a feeling that still waters run deep. The true problem presented by his age is what to do about his cover. We either give him a subtle power that could have plausibly remained hidden, conceal his identity, or somehow find a way to reverse aging.

Candidate #2
Soraia Del Rosario
Age: 31
Tolerance: 5
Chaucer's Notes: One of the refugees who settled in the Apiary after the Movement, she quickly became one of the group's leaders. She helped distribute resources to those that most needed them, organized events to boost morale, and kept the refugees from devolving into infighting while under siege by Floating Venom Morpheme. She actually already works for us as a member of our administrative staff. She has something of a reputation as a firecracker—she has her beliefs and is not shy about sharing them. Thankfully, her beliefs seem to be of a heroic disposition: most often she voices disagreement when she is concerned that the refugees—now residents of the Apiary—are not being well-cared for or treated fairly.
Lady Leizi: Nora would have loved her immediately and then found her deeply frustrating, partially because she reminds me of Yazmin. Soraia has a history of involvement in local and workplace politics, notably helping found an union in her previous workplace. It was successful until their jobs were outsourced to cheaper suppliers, after which she started a semi-legal cooperative dedicated to producing licensed medicine to distribute either for free or at very low prices. She's well-known and well-loved around the Worker's Mitt, and would certainly help differentiate us from other, more corporate hero organizations. However, she would also certainly object to some of our more . . . questionable methods if she felt they were not adequately considered or justified.

Candidate #3
Shelley Marie
Age: 27
Tolerance: 6
Chaucer's Notes: Ms. Marie originally hails from the Worker's Mitt, where she worked as a music teacher. She gained a reputation for her advocacy for strong unions and fair pay for those employed in the music industry in the Mitt. She eventually found her way to us with the refugees after her home was destroyed, and she was one of the people sheltering from Floating Venom Morpheme when we retook the Apiary. She is by all means pleasant and charming, but she has a habit of finding herself in places she doesn't belong. She claims she is merely "unlucky", but I believe Ms. Marie may have more of a nose for trouble than she lets on.
Lady Leizi: I've heard of Shelley before— she used to occasionally make large donations to reconstruction efforts in the Mitt wherever it was damaged by metahuman combat. I know she's involved in multiple unions, and is a fixture at town hall meetings. I would say she's unremarkable, except for uncanny knack of being at the right place at the right time to do the most good. I've not been able to find hard proof, but I'm fairly certain she was the one to agitate the protests against DeLeon after we rescued Menagerie Witch. Useful to have on our side, though I'd keep a close eye on her.

Candidate #4
Simão Cruzes da Silva Neto, alias "Cain"
Age: 30
Tolerance: 7
Chaucer's Notes: What is this submission doing here? Has someone taken leave of their senses? Why in the world have we taken the time to screen this man?
For any enterprising soul who finds this file by accident, let me be very clear: "Cain" is a spree killer, a non-powered "vigilante" who was active in Brazil and infamous for his crimes. He is perhaps the most dangerous non-metahuman on the continent! It is rumored his first kill happened when he was twelve, and for years afterwards he waged a one-man war against the cartels. He killed anyone he believed to be a member without pause, despite being involved in the drug trade himself. He has an estimated murder count in the triple digits, including his own father!
I cannot fathom why this man would ever be considered for Project Prometheus.

Lady Leizi: I was the one who submitted Cain for screening. Cain's life has been unbearably tragic, and it has shaped him to the hardened killer he is today. By all accounts, his father was an abusive monster responsible for the death of his mother—I am in no position to judge what one does in that situation.
My reasoning for his consideration is simple—his abnormal, natural tolerance is too high to simply disregard outright, and there is something to be said for having disposable assets. He's currently on parole, and is in Horizon to help raise his sister, Fernanda, raise her son, Afonso, following the death of her husband. The strings controlling Cain are easy to spot—we will ensure his family will always be taken care of, and he will participate on any assignment we send him on without question.
I just don't ever expect him to be a team player. No doubt his mere presence would offend some of our current members. Some may even refuse to work with him. And if his inclusion on Justice Unlimited's roster were ever made public, there would be severe consequences for us. One can only imagine what Crusade would do with that information. It is an extreme risk, but one I believe is at least worth discussing.

Available Ambrosia Samples:

[Energy Manipulation] + [Elemental Manipulation] + [Solar Absorption] = [Fundamental Force Manipulation]

[Transformation] + [Transformation] + [Regeneration] + [Regeneration] + [Fitness] = [Autobiokinesis]

[Clairvoyance] + [Clairvoyance] + [Energy Manipulation] + [Energy Manipulation] + [Ally Empowerment] = [Force Fields]

[Invulnerability] + [Teleportation] + [Transformation] + [Clairvoyance] + [Clairvoyance] = [Phasewalking]

[Enhanced Senses] + [Enhanced Strength] + [Clairvoyance] = [Battle Precognition]

[Enhanced Strength] + [Elemental/Energy Manipulation] + [Clairvoyance] = [Telekinesis]

[Transformation] + [Invisibility] + [Energy Manipulation] + [Clairvoyance] + [Clairvoyance] = [Intangibility]

C-Class Powers

Name: Soldier X, True Name Unknown
Keywords: Fitness, Regeneration
Faction: The Defiance Unit
Potency: 1
Ibis' Notes: I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Justice Unlimited would have samples of The Defiance Unit's DNA on file. They were the first villain organization defeated by Justice Unlimited. Soldier X was a Jane Doe, thought to be from the Democratic Republic of Congo based on her accent. Regardless, she acted as the field commander of The Defiance Unit.
It was a matter of debate whether she had powers at all—a debate now put to bed by Dr. Mammoth Ibis! She possessed peak human physical capabilities—fitness, coordinate, agility, eyesight, etc. It appears her body naturally maintained this state without upkeep, although she did not have a healing factor.

Name: Mister Hunch, Remy Deniau
Power: Clairvoyance
Faction: Independent
Potency: 1
Ibis' Notes: ~Mister Hunch! Mister Hunch! Work with him to save a bunch!~ Ah, I remember that blasted commercial jingle well. It's taking up precious space in my brain!
Mister Hunch was a private detective who was known for being psychometric. He could touch an inanimate object and then "watch" everything that happened within a five-foot radius of the object in the last 24 hours. He was particularly beloved by those suing corporations and was a frequent collaborator with Lady Leizi. Unfortunately, his talents brought him the wrong kind of attention and he was murdered in an attack by the Demon Flamez.

Name: Daggermaw, Christian Soler
Power: Transformation, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Senses
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 1
Ibis' Notes: Daggermaw was an auxiliary hero of New Dawn. He was one of the better-known dysmorphic metahumans in Horizon—a metahuman whose power has caused some sort of permanent transformation or physical mutation. Many are uncomfortable with dysmorphic metahumans—lesser minds unable to appreciate the beauty of science.
While alive, Daggermaw resembled a bipedal reptile. He was something like a mix between a crocodile and an iguana, I would say. He had enhanced strength, though nothing extraordinary, and stronger senses than the average human. In particular, he could sense vibrations through his skin from great distances away.

Name: Multiplex, Ahn Jin Soo
Power: Transformation
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 1
Ibis' Notes: Multiplex had the somewhat underwhelming power to change his form to a copy of any inanimate object who did not exceed his body's mass. He kept himself overweight as a result. He was more of an infiltration specialist, but did stop a robbery by turning into a particularly vicious roomba on one memorable occasion. He was well-loved in the community for his jolly nature and commitment to the kayfabe of being a hero.
"Kayfabe". Ha! I've been getting into professional wrestling lately! I've become such a well-rounded person.

Name: Millions Minefield, Russel Whitney
Power: Energy Manipulation
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 1
Ibis' Notes: Millions Minefield was a member of New's Dawn's first-response team for metahuman attacks, Denial, and was something of a one-trick pony. Note to self: create a one-trick pony. Preferably with fangs.
Millions Minefield was usually the first member to respond to a scene. He could redirect and absorb energy that he then could store in orbs and deploy over an area like, well, a minefield. His job was to arrive at a fight and immediately take control of the battlefield while suppressing enemy attacks. The orbs would detonate if physical contact was made with them or Millions Minefield chose to have them explode. He could change the size of the mines, but the force of the blast was in proportion to its relative size. So, often he would hide larger orbs and then deploy smaller, harder to see orbs that could chain react and trigger their larger counterparts.

Name: Hydrocity, LaTrell Johnsmith
Power: Elemental Manipulation
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 1
Ibis' Notes: Hydrocity was a case of hyperhidrosis gone wrong. His body was always emitting fresh water from various . . . places. He could control where it came out of, but it had to come out of somewhere or the build up would cause it immense pain. He could not manipulate the water once it was produced, and, while the water was potable, there was nothing special about it.
That is how metahuman powers work. Sometimes you get the ability to level mountains and fly. Sometimes powers are intrusive and horrifying. And sometimes they're just weird and uncomfortable. Hydrocity would have been a joke if Wolong hadn't hand picked him to serve on Denial. While Hydrocity himself was no fighter, Denial's leader, Umibōzu, was a powerful hydrokinetic but one who could not produce water ex nihilo. Hydrocity's synergy with Umibōzu became an iconic feature of Denial and won him many accolades. His sense of duty prevented him from staying out of the QZ when the Leviathan awoke.

Name: Eastwood, Charlotte Martin
Power: Mental Manipulation, Construct Creation
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 2
Ibis' Notes: Ever have a good day and say to yourself, "Wish I could bottle this feeling?" Well, Dr. Mammoth Ibis has been saying that more often! I'm considering dating again! Wait. Then John Henry, Sandra, myself, and my paramor could double date! Genius!
Anyway, that was essentially Eastwood's power. She was another member of Denial and could "store" an emotion for later in a physical form and then deploy it. She could even mix more "volatile" emotions together and create explosions. She was most commonly used in a non-lethal context, causing enemies to surrender with bombs made of apathy and despair.
Now, to set up my dating profile . . . name? THE Dr. Emeril "Mammoth" Ibis. Sex? Sure, why not? Ha! I'm hilarious.

Name: Crimson Soprano, Balduína "Bidu" Rios Barroso
Power: Flight, Solar Absorption, Energy Manipulation
Faction: The Defiance Unit
Potency: 2
Ibis' Notes: Another member of the Defiance Unit, this was one of their heavy strikers. Crimson Soprana was the rare metahuman who could fly. That coupled with her devastating energy blasts made her a feared presence on the battlefield. However, her power relied on her absorbing solar radiation—too long without sunlight and her powers waned. It explains why they only ever struck on sunny days, I suppose. Her name referred to her tendency to "announce" each Defiance Unit attack with an operatic serenade—she was a failed opera singer as it were.
Ironically enough, she was contralto.

Name: Steadfast, Lamar Thompson
Power: Invulnerability
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 2
Ibis' Notes: One of the founding members of New Dawn, later turned lackey for Global Justice, I was surprised to see his DNA on file. It only made sense when I learned he was the father of Adamant. I suppose that was something they kept quiet. Steadfast was in every way a baseline human except in one regard: he had the most potent form of invulnerability on record. He simply could not be injured in any way. He could not be stabbed, struck, crushed, or burned; he couldn't even starve or drown. To be honest, if his death wasn't confirmed multiple times over from direct goldnine exposure, I wouldn't believe he was dead.

Name: Trail Chaser, Kione Ele
Powers: Fitness, Enhanced Speed
Faction: The Guardian Wave
Potency: 2
Author: EternalObserver
Ibis Jr.'s Notes: I did cross-county in high school! I wasn't very good at it, but that's a fun fact about me, Dr. Massive Ibis! I also enjoy rock-climbing and the works of P.G. Wodehouse. I'm a well-rounded individual!
Trail Chaser was a former Olympic competitor who washed out after they began screening for metahuman powers. He maintained he had no idea he was a metahuman, but they stripped him of his medals and struck him from the record books nonetheless. His power manifested as the ability to run at ever increasing speed so long as he did not stop. He began at the speed of a normal, slow-footed human, and could eventually equal a galloping horse. His power provided him with the ability to stay in peak physical condition while running, and, thus, he tired very slowly.
Records show he briefly turned to crime after losing everything. He specialized in purse-snatching where he would literally outrun the authorities, but at some point he met Fantastic Metal and joined The Guardian Wave. He died in the QZ with the rest of them.

Name: Adamant, Rakeem Wade
Power: Transformation, Enhanced Strength, Regeneration
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Potency: 3
Ibis' Notes: One of founders of Justice Unlimited and the day-to-day commander. I suppose I owe the man my life. Honestly, I'm surprised at the lack of potency of his power—a testament to a keen mind over a superior might, I suppose.
Justice Unlimited's internal notes describe Adamant as less a person who could turn their body to metal and more of an endless fount of liquid metal wrapped in human skin. Adamant's body, when he transformed, was made of hereto-unknown metal "creatively" called adamantium. It was non-ferrous, had a melting point greater than tungsten, and was extremely durable. When Adamant touched or extruded adamantium it took the property of liquid and hardened at his command. He was able to slowly heal injuries over time by remaining in his metal form and replacing the damaged parts of his body with new metal. Upon transforming back, it would revert to uninjured flesh.

Name: Dragonsteeth, Rebecca Wade
Power: Energy Manipulation, Construct Creation
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 3
Ibis' Notes: Another original member of New Dawn and the other parent of Adamant. I'm beginning to sense nepotism. Dragonsteeth had retired from life as a public hero after the Susurration, but apparently she came to stop the Leviathan's awakening nonetheless. Pity.
Like in the myth of the Argonauts, Dragonsteeth could seed the ground around her with energy, which would slowly grow into solid-light constructs. The constructs were not under her direct command, but were capable of following limited orders. She had a set energy "limit" she could spend at once. She could concentrate it all into one powerful construct, or spread it out around many different ones. While she most commonly made armored soldiers, the shapes her autonomous constructs could take could be as varied as her imagination.

Name: Miss Conception, Park Myung-Hee
Power: Energy Manipulation, Invisibility
Faction: Independent
Potency: 3
Ibis' Notes: Ah, the unfortunately named Miss Conception was a thief who made a name for herself with a string of high-profile burglaries from secure facilities including New Dawn's Zenith and Dominion Security Concerns HQ. She eventually tried to break into the Apiary where she was caught and placed on parole—which she immediately violated trying again. Rumor has it that she was imprisoned for seven days and mended her ways after an intense "chat" with Lady Leizi. Have I mentioned how, um, "fashion-forward" her glasses are? They're not impractical indoors at all!
Miss Conception could create illusions that would persist for several days if left undisturbed. An odd quirk of her power is that it could fool three of the five traditional senses, but not all five at once. An object could be seen, smelt, and touched but not tasted or heard, for example. It was very confusing! She could also render herself invisible by putting an illusion around herself.
. . . I never did get those baseball cards she stole from my lab back.

Name: Wild Speaker, Inmaculada Ruiz
Power: Mental Manipulation, Ally Empowerment
Faction: SLAYERS
Potency: 3
Ibis' Notes: The history of SLAYERS is somewhat convoluted and tedious. But Chaucer has become a regular at our "boys-night" poker games and he agreed to not tell everyone I was counting cards if I "made a reasonable attempt at being respectful". Note to self: Edit out recorded admission that I cheat at cards.
SLAYERS began as a three person team with an "edgy" theme. The Bloody Slayer, The Shadow Slayer, and our own Chaucer, the Thunder Slayer. Abigail Reyes would later join as The Giant Slayer. Shortly after Chacuer left to go into business, The Bloody Slayer and Shadow Slayer would split over creative disagreements about the direction of the team. SLAYERS seemed doomed to fall apart until The Giant Slayer recruited the team's now-iconic roster and slew Hundred-Hands Hecatoncheires.
Wild Speaker had the ability to talk to animals. When she did, the animal's intelligence was raised to humanesque levels. It sounds like an idyllic power, but apparently animals are terrible conversation partners. Birds mostly discuss wind-speeds and the location of seeds, dogs and cats swear like sailors, and bugs are apparently uniformly "total jerkwads". Still, Wild Speaker could order them to fight, which they often did if only for the novelty of committing violence with a purpose.

Name: Sewer Rat, ???
Power: Transformation, Enhanced Senses, Self-Enhancement
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 3
Ibis' Notes: Sewer Rat was a mammalian, dysmorphic metahuman whose body resembled, well, a large bipedal rat. His head was entirely human however, making his appearance all the more upsetting to the feeble-minded. He was an affiliate member of New Dawn, no doubt too "unmarketable" to allow him onto the team proper.
His primary abilities were his incredibly sensitive hearing and smell, as well as his ability to control his hair like a prehensile limb and harden it until it was more durable than steel. However, his most frequently used trick was his ability to shrink himself down to the size of an actual rat with the strength of a human, making him a potent infiltration specialist.

Name: Antaeus, Doug Matthews
Power: Invulnerability, Energy Manipulation
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 3
Ibis' Notes: Following his defeat at the hands of Adamant, Antaeus tried to join New Dawn. He never got past probationary status, likely because he insisted on not changing his name.
Antaeus was invincible with the ability to generate earthquakes from where he stood, but with the condition that he was touching the ground. Why he chose the name of a mythological figure with the exact same weakness is a mystery not even the great Dr. Mammoth Ibis can solve. His earthquakes grew in magnitude the longer he stood still, eventually reaching the upper limits of the Richter scale. He could generate similar forces in substances like concrete, but to a lesser effect.

Name: Fast Track, David Rhodes
Keywords: Self-Enhancement, Ally Empowerment, Enhanced Speed
Faction: Independent hero.
Potency: 3
Creator: SaberFail
Ibis' Notes: Fast Track was a relatively unknown figure, mostly due to the fact he had only been active for a few weeks before the Movement. He could project an invisible, two-foot tall and long field around himself, which would rob anything that entered it of its "speed". The "speed" would be transferred to Fast Track, who could in turn use it to increase the speed of himself or allies and objects he could touch.
His power kept him safe from the effects of his increased movement, but nothing else. If he struck someone at sonic speeds, his hand would shatter and so forth. Hence why he mostly sped himself up to escape rather than attack.
In order to steal the speed of an object, that object had to be fully inside of the field. If any part remained outside of it of the field, then it would continue as normal. This limitation led to his death as he died during the Movement when a Behemoth ran him through with its arm—the creature was too large to fit inside the field.
There is no relationship between him and my best friend, John Henry. I checked!

Name: Frostbite, Randolph Lindstrom
Power: Elemental Manipulation, Enhanced Strength, Invulnerability
Faction: Independent
Potency: 3
Author: ScorpioSting
Ibis's Notes: I must say, this one does not surprise me in the slightest. Frostbite was a prickly hero at the best of times. One could say he had a cold heart, even! Hahahaha!
. . .I digress. Frostbite was a cryokinetic, able to create ice with a thought. An odd facet of his power was that it was self-focused. He had quite a bit of range, but attacks had to extend out from him. For example, a ranged attack would cause a slick of ice to slide along the ground before spiking upwards. He was unable to freeze anything without some point of contact back to himself. Frostbite was also stronger than average, though nothing to write home about. He used his strength to wield a blade of ice he created as a melee weapon, and he'd often stab it into the ground to freeze things at range. He also used it to create an armor of ice around his body, which was more resistant to cold than average.

B-Class Powers

Name: iSpy, Iolanda Guedes Bosco
Power: Clairvoyance, Invisibility
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 4
Ibis' Notes: iSpy was one of New Dawn's espionage specialists. Unlike many samples in our system, her death did not occur in the QZ, but rather was the result of her cover being blown. iSpy could "tag" up to a dozen people and then, at will, perceive the world through their senses. She would hear what they heard, feel what they felt, smell what they smelled . . . if she wanted to for some reason. That, coupled with her ability to turn invisible, put her on the top of the hit list for all clandestine criminal elements. Unfortunately, it seems one caught up to her.

Name: Chatroom, Yolando Gibbons
Power: Clairvoyance, Ally Empowerment
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 4
Ibis' Notes: Chatroom was a support type metahuman, who never was on the frontlines. Unfortunately, her power was necessary at the QZ and she was killed by a rough Named-Behemoth, Frigg of the Dancing Mistletoe. Chatroom could link an unlimited number of allies together telepathically, allowing them to instantaneously communicate and share images and feelings with one another. She had to be within several hundred yards to maintain the effect, but it was invaluable in the heat of battle. I just wish she didn't insist on solely communicating through metal "emojis". I can't even use them on my screen, let alone in reality!

Name: Memoria, Marcos Medeiros de Canto
Power: Teleportation, Clairvoyance
Faction: The Defiance Unit
Potency: 4
Ibis' Notes: Memoria's death marked the downfall of The Defiance Unit, so imagine my surprise to learn that he was very much alive until recently. It seems Uiara spared him and Lady Leizi helped him disappear. He was working as a "free agent" until his (real) demise in the QZ.
Memoria had the ability to take pictures of a location that would display what was happening in that location in real-time, like a fixed video feed. He could then freely teleport himself and others to any location of which he had a photograph. His file shows he could only maintain five such photographs at once. An extremely useful utility power, even if he himself was vulnerable to attack.
As an aside, I don't see DNA profiles for Nox Esurientem or Zeno—the heavy-hitters of The Defiance Unit—so I have to assume they either don't exist or are kept in the Apiary on Horizon.

Name: Bulwark, Robin McIntrye
Power: Energy Manipulation, Ally Empowerment
Faction: Independant
Potency: 4
Ibis' Notes: Is that lawsuit still pending? Everyone is well aware of the facts. Bulwark came to the Apiary attempting to sell his services to Justice Unlimited in a mercenary capacity. He had the useful ability to shroud any person or object he could hit with a beam in a forcefield that would disperse after enough impact damage or over a period of time. However, Valiant Silver immediately recognized how his power worked and managed to replicate it mechanically.
Not gonna lie. Hell of a power move. Dr. Mammoth Ibis respects the hustle!
Bulwark grew so furious that he tried to sue Valiant Silver for "copyright infringement", but, since he had never thought to patent his powers, it went nowhere. Didn't mean he gave up though; he refiled the lawsuit in every jurisdiction he could. As far as I know, a few are still hanging around.

Name: The Outsider, Kwame Davis
Power: Transformation, Energy Manipulation, Invisibility
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 4
Ibis' Notes: I'm honestly not certain how DNA could be acquired for The Outsider. They were an affiliate hero of New Dawn—known more for their social advocacy than any heroics. Their power turned them into a spherical biological nucleus surrounded by an energy "body" they could freely shape and control. This included the ability to turn invisible, change their relative size and mass, and shoot blasts of energy. The Outsider was something of a spook for New Dawn and a frequent collaborator with Lady Leizi. I just . . . where did the sample come from? Their nucleus? How? Why? Why do I only get to know this after they have died?! Think of what I could have done with this knowledge!

Name: Solferina, Linh Nguyen
Power: Energy Manipulation, Ally Empowerment, Mental Manipulation
Faction: Independent
Potency: 4
Author: Kermie
Ibis' Notes: This is an interesting one—a metahuman who did the opposite of most. Unlike the average metahuman, who might find a normal job after their hero career (like Chaucer! Hey, I remembered that!) she became a metahuman after 10 years of being a successful street and stage performer. Even so, she and Crimson Soprano weirdly never held any enmity towards one another— they were even seen having a friendly coffee with each other once. She perished in the QZ, fighting a Behemoth and punching it in the eye while she was on her way out.
During her short time—5 years—as a metahuman, she proved how well a weak power could do in the hands of the right person. She could either weaken someone and make them depressed or apathetic, or strengthen someone and lift their spirits. If only I had gotten her expertise on my serotonin implant… ahem. These effects would be implanted based on the mood of whatever she was singing, as long as any person she was aiming to affect was within hearing distance and as long as they could understand the words. Notably, anyone who would hear her song would be affected unconditionally, so she used her services to hunt down a few Behemoths as an independent hire, and managed to get both of her kids full rides to their preferred universities before her death.

Name: XTreme, Matteo Porter
Keywords: Teleportation, Regeneration
Faction: The Guardian Wave
Potency: 4
Author: StarSingerBlue
Ibis Jr.'s Notes: XTreme was another "hero" who originally led a life of crime before reforming to join The Guardian Wave. I'm sensing a theme! Perhaps I should try crime before becoming a hero, just like my father!
UPDATE: I cut in line in the cafeteria and felt so guilty I cried for forty minutes in a broom closet. Father has also pointed out that he was less "criminal" before joining Justice Unlimited than "criminally negligent". Truly crime does not pay!
XTreme was a standard teleporter who could move to anywhere in his line of sight and within one hundred meters. However, upon joining The Guardian Wave, his power displayed an unusual quirk: he partially regenerated his wounds whenever he teleported. The exact mechanism by which it worked is unknown, but gave him a natural advantage at "hit-and-run" tactics where he would strike, take injuries, and retreat while simultaneously healing them.

Name: Tenebrism, Zende Listman
Power: Construct Creation, Energy Manipulation, Solar Absorption, Enhanced Strength
Faction: Independent
Potency: 4
Author: Hologram Killer
Ibis Jr.'s Notes: Tenebrism was able to create four shadowy duplicates of herself. These constructs copied her movements exactly with a slight delay that she could change the duration of. With clever application she was able to stagger her shadows to create off-angle attacks and difficult to block attack patterns. Her shadows were stronger during the day becoming larger and more durable based on the intensity of the illumination that created them. Tenebrism herself exhibited signs of super-strength, which her constructs also possessed.
Not much is known about her personal life, but Dr. Massive Ibis likes to think she could put on a mean puppet show! I'm something of a stygian puppeteer myself! Watch, as I recreate the monster Scylla from myth, a maiden with heads of several wolves emerging from her waist!
. . . Dr. Massive Ibis will include a picture for the file.

Name: Deadman, Richard Michaels
Power: Elemental Manipulation, Regeneration
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 5
Ibis' Notes: Deadman dressed like a noir detective and apparently smoked like one. I'm glad I never met him; he sounds exhausting and I despise smoking! He was a probationary member of New Dawn—probationary because he did not trust their leadership and constantly had them under investigation. It appears he was feeding information to Justice Unlimited. He's noted to have been an excellent detective, his commitment to questionable gimmicks notwithstanding, but that had nothing to do with his power.
Speaking of which, his power didn't activate until his biological functions ceased. Upon "death" his body would self-immolate and then reform itself. During that time, his blood appeared to turn to magma which he could manipulate and control. Likewise, he could summon magma from the ground, even if there was no source of such near him. Like Adamant and Steadfast, his power met its match surrounded by goldnine, and Deadman met his end.

Name: Bullet Proof, True Name Unknown
Keywords: Teleportation, Enhanced Senses, Intangibility
Faction: The Guardian Wave
Potency: 5
Author: LucidProp
Ibis Jr.'s Notes: I, the great Dr. Massive Ibis, have been the opportunity to record the findings of the Ibis clan for, as my father has put it, I have had 'little screen time'. Whatever that means! The world may thank me for my genius and worship at my feet!
. . . I have been informed that 'worshiping at my feet' is a sex-thing for many perverts. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Anyway, Bullet Proof was in many ways emblematic of how The Guardian Wave was different from other hero teams. Originally, she was a killer employed by a small-time Red Mantis Triad—one of the many early competitors to the Ghost Dragon who eventually fell by the wayside. Her name came from the fact that, for the longest time, the bullet she left at the scene of the crime was the only proof of her existence. Tacky names aside, Bullet Proof had the curious ability to teleport her gun's bullets through phone or TV screens to the camera broadcasting a live feed as if it were a window to whatever said screen depicted. Her bullets also had an unusual penetrating quality, able to "phase" into objects and material that should otherwise repel them.
Eventually she fled from the Red Mantis Triad and sought sanctuary among The Guardian Wave. They were one of the few organizations willing to take her in and risk the triad's wrath, and it's speculated that the Red Mantis Triad was who leaked The Guardian Wave's location to the bounty-poachers on the day they perished. They were eventually destroyed by Scarlet Maturity, lending credence to this rumor.

Name: Wind Rose, Vanessa Almeida
Keywords: Telekinesis, Construct Creation, Clairvoyance
Potency: 5
Author: ArgentThyme
Ibis Jr.'s Notes: Wind Rose's power manifested as a set of twenty metal "needles" that were each approximately two feet in length, which she could control telekinetically. She could move each needle independently and with a high degree of precision, and they were sharp and strong enough to pierce metal. The needles were extremely durable, although not indestructible, and, if damaged in any way, would violently explode into shrapnel. She could slowly recreate them out of mundane metals, and they would be enhanced depending on what metal was used in their creation. One wonders what she could do with something like Adamantium!
Wind Rose was second-in-command of The Guardian Wave and their primary tracker due to her power's other quirk: she had both perfect awareness of her needles' location and orientation at all times. She was especially useful at hunting Behemoths, being able to tag and track them in real time.
She was also mildly dysmorphic, with vine-like thorns for hair. Hmm, Dr. Massive Ibis could rock this look! I will consult my paramor, Natalie Rhodes, for her opinion! After our third date, she agreed to go steady so long as "neither of our fathers ever, ever find out."
Note-self: delete that last part later.

Name: Nephthys, Hana Antar
Power: Construct Creation, Ally Empowerment, Energy Manipulation
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 5
Ibis' Notes: Nephthys was another member of Denial, and had an "Egyptian necromancer" theme to her which Madeline has told me was "Archmage as hell". I don't know what that means and I'm too scared to ask. Madeline acts demure in front of Lady Leizi, but she's a clear social alpha in the Apiary and I'm going to respect that!
Nephthys could revive the bodies of deceased animals and command them to do her bidding. The control only lasted a few days, and it's my understanding Denial had their own industrial freezer marked "Animal Corpses, Do Not Eat". She denied being able to manipulate human bodies, but her records clearly indicate that she could, though metahuman puppets did not retain their powers. She mostly contributed to Denial with hordes of disposable shock troopers.
Wait, someone with an Egyptian goddess theme on "Denial"? I just got that! Hilarious! Hey, Madeline, listen to this joke—!

Name: Epoxy, Chung Hye-Jin
Power: Fundamental Force Manipulation
Faction: SLAYERS
Potency: 5
Ibis' Notes: Epoxy, also known as "The Last Nail in the Coffin" was the second-in-command of SLAYERS and a member of Powers in her individual capacity. Her power allowed her to stick objects together on a molecular level through a subtle manipulation of the strong nuclear force. The objects she stuck together could only be released by her, and apparently she charged double to unstick things than stick them together.
Her nickname comes from her uncanny ability to place enemies in positions where she could stick them to objects that would completely immobilize them. Deadman famously broke his own neck to escape from her during one fight, and revived with his head facing the wrong direction. This gave her a bloodthirsty reputation that appears to have "ruined her dating life". She and The Giant Slayer were often at metahuman mixers and speed dating events, though it appears Epoxy was usually there against her will.
It was something of an irony that a group named "SLAYERS" and who was famous for killing a Named-Ranked Behemoth would make most of their money doing non-combat civilian work. Epoxy and Vulcan were popular in construction, Wild Speaker in pest control, and even The Giant Slayer mostly did bodyguard work. They had their moments of combat as all metahumans do, but if you wanted a "blue-collar" team, SLAYERS was as close as you were going to get.

Name: Golem, Samson Road
Keywords: Elemental Manipulation, Invulnerability, Enhanced Strength
Faction: Independent
Potency: 5
Author: wing101r
Ibis' Notes: Ah, Behemoth Hunter Golem. Golem primarily specialized in hunting the odd Behemoth that escaped the QZ. He tended to avoid contracts within boroughs, although, like all heroically-inclined metahumans, he could not resist combating villainy when he happened upon it. In any case, he debuted shortly before The Susurration occurred and survived the events in the QZ, though it appears to have soured him enough on New Dawn that he remained independent throughout his whole career.
Golem's power allowed him to cover himself in an armor of earth and rocks. Doing so granted him a level of enhanced strength and invulnerability, and the more material he used in the creation of the armor the more powerful he became. He could also separate from his armor and remotely control it. While Golem could freely control any earthen material he could touch, he could not produce it ex nihilo. Thus his preference for contracts outside of Horizon proper. He died at the QZ taking down the Named-Rank Behemoth Endlessly Explosive Armordillo, sacrificing himself to use his armor to contain the explosion when it turned its entire body into a bomb.

Name: Printemps, Jean-Luc Villeneuve
Power: Construct Creation, Energy Manipulation, Transmutation
Faction: The Four Seasons
Potency: 6
Ibis' Notes: We are well familiar with Printemps and his powers. But . . . there is something wrong with this sample. There is still an energy in it.

Name: Seraph, Shiloh Stetson
Keywords: True Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Flight, Elemental Manipulation
Faction: Hoare Guard
Potency: 6
Ibis Jr.'s Notes: Seraph is a 'true telepath' as opposed to a 'false telepathy'. The distinction is narrow, but important. False telepaths, like Chatroom, possess telepathy that has limited applications and activation conditions. True telepaths have telepathy that is akin to an extra limb. Rather than be limited to sending messages, Seraph could read minds, manipulate emotions, scan memories, and even perform psionic attacks. That, coupled with her natural wings and photon blasts, made her a flexible and formidable foe.
Unless you are a Mesoamerican god. Zing! Gottem! Dr. Massive Ibis with the zinger!

Name: The Red Huntress, Harper English
Power: Transformation, Enhanced Senses, Fitness, Enhanced Speed, Invisibility, Energy Manipulation, Clairvoyance
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Potency: 6
Ibis' Notes: Well. It seems Justice Unlimited had its own secrets. The Red Huntress always seemed something like a legacy admission to me—she was an ally of Uiara and Valiant Silver before they formed Justice Unlimited. She had a great number of powers, all loosely organized around the concept of "predation", but none were particularly powerful. She had keener sense than the average person, but not that much keener. She could run faster than a non-metahuman, but not as fast as, say, a car. She could turn invisible, but it was an imperfect optical camouflage. She was a true "jack of all trades, master of none."
Or that's how it appeared. The Red Huntress had one more power that was not publicly known—she could place a "mark" on any living creature that was unremovable. The mark would let her know where the marked creature was at all times, and her body and powers would "scale up" to match the threat posed by the marked creature. She would get faster, stronger, her invisibility would improve, and so forth. How a creature's level was quantified is unknown, but the file shows The Red Huntress undergoing some dramatic transformations into a feline creature to combat particularly strong metahumans. In that form, she would gain the ability to extend blades of energy that would grow stronger to injure her prey.
Her power is . . . frightening. The Red Huntress was always the smiling face of Justice Unlimited along with Uiara, so it is disturbing to know her true capability as an assassin.

Name: Nox Esurientem, Gaspard Girardot
Power: Mental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Transformation, Regeneration, Teleportation, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed
Faction: The Defiance Unit
Potency: 6
Ibis' Notes: Nox Esurientem was one of the heavy-hitters of The Defiance Unit. Once Crimson Soprano softened up a target, he would arrive to engage any defenders. He dressed like a vampire, complete with cravat and breeches. This was likely a nod to his primary power: emotional vampirism—he would gain strength by draining the emotions of nearby people which would give him a suit of powers based on what emotion his victims were feeling at the time. The breakdown was:
  • Fear = enhanced strength
  • Anger = increased size
  • Happiness = healing factor
  • Sadness = energy blasts
  • Disgust = teleportation
  • Surprise = enhanced speed
He was something a provocateur to ensure he could elicit the correct emotion from a person to gain the power he sought. His victims would be rendered insensate for a period of a day or so before recovering without any memory of the incident.

Name: Féth Fíada, Saoirse Brennan
Power: Elemental Manipulation, Clairvoyance, Invisibility, Ally Empowerment, Mental Manipulation
Faction: Independent
Potency: 6
Author: Suleverf
Ibis' Notes: Féth Fíada was a fairly free-spirited metahuman who chose to do hero work or petty crime on a whim rather than for any specific goal. Her refusal to join any metahuman organizations or stay firmly in the civilian world was well-known, though it left her with few friends in the end.
She had fine control over fog in a wide area, though what exactly qualified had a hazy definition, including mist and even smoke at times. Ha! Get it? Hazy. Dr. Mammoth Ibis is truly a great mind and wit.
Anyway, for sunny days she was capable of generating a special fog that shrouded her and slowly filled her zone of control. Unlike natural fog controlled by her, this shroud couldn't be dissipated by external forces like strong winds or hydrokinetics.
Inside her fog, she could turn herself and others invisible to light, including infrared and radar. Scents and sounds coming from them could also be masked selectively, and other clairvoyant abilities trying to peer in the fog became fuzzy. On the flip side, she could perceive anything inside her fog, but couldn't bestow that power to allies.
It was rumored that she could also turn into mist to dodge attacks, but, as you can clearly see in this report, that is not the case. The rumors were likely the result of her most bizarre ability: she could "curse" those in her fog, causing torpor and hallucinations the longer they spent in it. It wore off outside her fog, and she mostly only cared to use it to terrorize tourists in accordance with urban myths.

Name: Lightstep, Lloyd Morgan
Power: Enhanced Speed, Invulnerability, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Strength
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 7
Ibis' Notes: I know about him now! I do! I watched a boxing match with John Henry and he told me all about "Lightstep Morgan"! Former professional heavyweight boxer and world champion. Well, okay, his championships were stripped from him after his status as a metahuman became public, but there's never been proof he cheated! He retired because he had nothing left to prove and wished to help New Dawn recover after the Susurration. By all accounts he saved their public image, but many claim he was to blame for the change in organizational ethos afterward.
Lightstep was able to accelerate his movements to supersonic speeds for brief moments. When he did, his body grew invulnerable and his senses became stronger to compensate. He could devastate opponents with just one jab—in and out of the ring! No one could survive a lightspeed punch from the Lightstep!

Name: Umibōzu, Shishiro Ami
Power: Elemental Manipulation, Construct Creation, Enhanced Senses
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 7
Ibis' Notes: Umibōzu was the leader of New Dawn's task-force, Denial, and was an extremely potent hydrokinetic. She and Uiara had a famous rivalry; for some reasons hydrokinetics never seem to get along. Such unnecessary competitiveness! Dr. Mammoth Ibis would never have a petty rivalry with a peer merely because we shared the same power, believe that!
Umibōzu differed from Uiara in that she needed a source of water to control, and her control was finer, if not capable of feats on the same scale. Her preferred method of attack was to fire narrow streams of water at extremely high speeds that could pierce opponents and cut metal like paper. She could create "sentries" of water that could also fire jet streams of water and through which she could see. She was a tactical genius and staunch supporter of Wolong, which is likely why her career stalled out. She, along with Uiara, fought most of the aquatic Behemoths in the QZ before meeting her end.

A-Class Powers

Name: Automne, Ophélie du Arceneaux
Power: Elemental Manipulation, Flight
Faction: The Four Seasons
Potency: 8
Ibis' Notes: Ah. Automne. I actually liked her. She and Radiant Silvergirl. They were . . . dating? Best friends? It was a weird little relationship. But the two of them are some of the only other people with the ability to appreciate the art of my children. They would make sure to take every job that would impact my work, and, even when they opposed me, they showed due respect. They even invited me to participate in their competitive beetle-fighting league! I was disqualified for creating a bipedal stag beetle the size of a housecat, but I appreciated being included.
Automne was too young for how powerful she was. She was an aerokinetic, one of the most powerful in the world. She could create tornadoes, generate hurricane-force winds, move the clouds themselves, and so forth. She was always present at every major crisis on Horizon, often trying to prevent collateral damage. Despite all that, her favorite thing to do was to just fly freely on the winds.
I . . . I actually think I will miss her. Goodness. I need to fix my implant immediately.

Name: Novalight, Yelena Sokolov
Power: Elemental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Flight
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 8
Ibis' Notes: Now, this is explosive. Novalight was the leader of New Dawn and a hard woman to say the least. Some would say paranoid, but I always respected refusal to compromise her beliefs. She was the architect behind Wonderland—the detention facility for metahumans too dangerous to allow to go free. She controlled New Dawn's territory in Horizon with an iron fist, but the University District was among the city's safest for it.
Her relationship with Justice Unlimited was strained. Both Justice Unlimited and New Dawn were heroic organizations, but they were bitter rivals. Justice Unlimited started as a junior team under New Dawn, and Novalight never forgave them for going independent. She would have taken them keeping her DNA profile as an act of war.
Novalight was one of the three strongest metahumans in the city. She was photokinetic, radiokinetic, and capable of supersonic flight. Her energy blasts were capable of leveling the city, and nearly did during the Susurration. She would end many a fight simply by appearing and glowing too brightly for anyone to be able to see. With her radiokinesis, she could generate heat intense enough to melt even adamantium. Her weakness, if she truly even had one, was that her power gave her no defensive capabilities. But she ended fights quickly and decisively enough that it didn't matter.
I can think of several reasons why her DNA is here, and none of them are charitable. It's not my concern, but perhaps we should keep this one quiet.

Name: Man o' War, Julio Câmara Meireles
Power: Autonomous Creature Creation, Self-Enhancement, Invulnerability, Enhanced Strength
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 8
Ibis' Notes: Man o' War was a violent brute who somehow found himself gaining membership in New Dawn proper. I say "somehow", but it's very clear why: he was happy to follow orders and restrain himself so long as he could harm others to his heart's content when the time came. His powerset matches that of a famous villain who terrorized the Corporate Playground, and said villain disappeared around the same time Man o' War first debuted. Rumor has it he cut a deal to keep himself out of Wonderland, and I believe it. He was firmly in Novalight's faction, which only adds further evidence to the pile.
Man o' War could manifest extra limbs from his body that appeared with a melee weapon chosen at random—swords, axes, spears, nets, tridents, a golf club once, what have you. The arms moved autonomously and were masters of their chosen weapon. The more arms Man o' War manifested, the stronger and more durable he became. Pfft, growing extra arms? That's nothing! Dr. Mammoth Ibis could give you all the extra arms you could want!
. . . is that anything? I'm working on my flirtatious small talk. I'm not very good at it!

Name: The Giant Slayer, Abigail Reyes
Power: Transmutation, Enhanced Strength
Faction: SLAYERS
Potency: 8
Ibis' Notes: The Giant Slayer was the former leader of SLAYERS and the paramour of Ms. Opale. Before she and Opale started dating, her desperation to get married was something of a running joke in the metahuman community. She, famously, is one of the only people to make King flee a battle, if only because her constant flirting made him uncomfortable.
Perhaps The Giant Slayer was merely waiting for Opale, or perhaps her hyper-competence and destructive power frightened any potential partner. The Giant Slayer had the power to increase an object's size and mass to exponential levels, and then be able to swing the object as if it were its regular size. The Giant Slayer had immense strength, so this could result in her swinging swords the size of skyscrapers. This power let her become a regular hunter of Gold-Rank Behemoths and even Named-Rank on occasion.

Name: Zeno, Camdyn Poole
Power: Space-Time Manipulation, Invulnerability
Faction: The Defiance Unit
Potency: 9
Ibis' Notes: Zeno was the final member of The Defiance Unit and was their ace in the hole. If any heroes responded to an attack, if it got too dangerous for the unit, Zeno was their ticket out of the situation. Zeno's power came in threes, and matched his namesake's paradoxes.
First, was the impossibility of motion. To advance any distance, a person must first walk halfway there, to get halfway there, they must move halfway of that distance, and so on to infinity. This manifested in his ability to arrest the motion of anything in his light of sight, including technically non-visible things like air molecules.
Next, was the similar, but distinct, impossibility of distance. If one object was following another moving object, then by the time the first object has caught up to the second object, the second object has also moved and the first object must travel further to catch up, in which time the second object will travel further. Thus, the first object can never catch up. This manifested in an inability of any object to actually touch Zeno without his consent. Anything attempting to hit him would have to travel an infinite distance to do so. This power was exclusive and automatic.
Finally, was the impossibility of time. If time was made of infinite moments, then at any particular movement a moving object would be stationary, neither moving to where it is, nor to where it is not. It cannot move to where it is not, because no time elapses for it to move there; it cannot move to where it is, because it is already there. In other words, at every instant of time there is no motion occurring. This was his final ability—the power to lock any one person in temporal stasis for 24 hours. There was no defense to this attack, and it only worked on one person at a time.
Zeno's weakness was his lack of offensive power. He relied on conventional weapons like firearms to deal damage, which proved ineffective against more robust metahumans.

Name: Vulcan, Augustus "Gus" Schulte
Power: Algernon-type
Faction: SLAYERS
Potency: 13
Ibis' Notes: It seems doomed love and SLAYERS are inextricably intertwined, because Vulcan is the former lover of our Handyman.
He was an Algernon-type, specialized in metallurgy. He made all of the weapons and armor used by SLAYERS and often sold his creations to clients such as Steelheart and Valiant Silver.
He never pushed his power too far. He was too afraid of the Rebound. There is a certain wisdom in that, perhaps.

Name: Fantastic Metal, Tatiana Menezes Padilha
Keywords: Algernon-type, True Telepathy
Potency: 13
Ibis Jr.'s Notes: I don't understand. I've run the test three times, and the results have remained the same. But it's impossible. Fantastic Metal has never demonstrated any telepathic ability whatsoever in any capacity. Yet, I see the ability for it in her DNA.
But . . . beyond that. Her medical records show no sign of the Rebound. At all. We know she made frequent use of her power, but she seems to have suffered no ill effects from it. Even my father, who is as judicious about the usage of his Algernon-type as one advancing their field can be, shows early signs of degeneration. Yet, she does not.


Name: Apiary, Rosemary Ward
Power: Transformation, Matter Conversion, Construct Creation
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Potency: 14, Major Side Effect Guaranteed - Permanent Dysmorphic Transformation
Ibis' Notes: Apiary was one of the original members of Justice Unlimited, back when they were known as NuGen, and she perished at the conclusion of The Defiance Unit saga. I never met her myself, but by all accounts she was very much beloved by her team. I know multiple memorials to her exist and they named their headquarters in Horizon after her.
Apiary was a dysmorphic metahuman—she resembled a large, four-armed, bipedal insect, not unlike a honeybee. She had vestigial wings and a full insectoid abdomen. If that was the extent of her power, I wouldn't blink twice. That's a Tuesday for Dr. Mammoth Ibis! No, the true terror of Apiary was her ability to consume and convert living matter. She would ingest organic matter and then extrude into a plasticine-like substance she could control. She often would create drones, including large combat forms. Her mind was like a hive—each body was as much her as any other. Those bodies in turn could convert matter, and now the terror should be obvious. She was living goldnine or, more accurately, a proto-Leviathan.
I will never let Lady Leizi know this, but Scarlet Maturity may have done the world a favor by cutting Apiary's life short. No matter how well-intentioned, she could have been an extinction-level threat.
We should only use her profile with great caution. Her DNA is extremely unstable, and adding it to a dose of goldnine will certainly produce a major side effect.
Lady Leizi: Doctor. My office. Now.
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Kermie’s Corkboard
Kermie's Corkboard:
Alright. We've seen a lot of things so far, and in the span of ONE ISSUE, we've seen some top tier worldbuilding. Like seriously, I wish I could do foreshadowing this well.

However, we've also seen a lot of things that we and anybody who we might team up with will have to solve. Call them "spinning plates" or "running problems." Since we've got to make a plan (and soon) we've got to have somebody to say what's important and what isn't.

So here I am. Think of this as a conspiracy board, for everything that we've seen so far. And if you see anything missing, make sure to comment so I can fix it. I'll be updating this every issue start.


Non-Starry Crusaders
  • Also known as Crusade.
  • An opposing hero team made up of four factions: Dominion and AGL (Mentioned Below) Qsanyin, and some of the Horae Guard, who are the metahumans from up in Elysium.
  • Currently waging a PR campaign against us, saying that Valiant Silver caused the Movement.
  • Will show up on Wonderland Missions.
(This list was made by @ScorpioSting. Thanks!)

-Gertrude Von Goethe. Acting CEO of Powers. Almost certainly Christopher Mason/Faust in a funny hat trying to lay low.
-Jair Oliviera. Osayin's son. Yazmin/Uiara and Yara's father. Slimy and ambitious, desperate to control Osayin. Needs Yara's shares to do so.
-General Oliver Bringham. CEO of Allied Global Logistics. Former Brigadier General of the US Army.

Powers Hires:
-Anansi. Algneron, computer specialist, brainwashed/mind controlled/hypnotized.
-Ete. Lethal Anodyne addict. Transphobia makes her PR weak link. Opale can open up about her abuse to try and get her banned.
-Ronin. Absorbs combat skill of people she kills, reason why there's no yakuza in Horizon.
-she's also our double agent, and extremely cool. The people in her head are also just… still there. Somehow.
-Brass Shield. Power armor user, makes hard light constructs. Stole his armor from a company, was forced to hero to pay it off.

Horae Guard Drafts:
-Seraph. Photokinetic of some sort, can send telepathic messages, has wings. Now dead and replaced by Socialite Butterfly.
-Sunlight Knight. Construct creator/photokinetic. Down horrendous for Opale, lovable and chivalrous idiot.
-White Hawk. Nepo baby from Elysium. Seems to be second in command, or at least in charge of the PR of Crusade. Unsure if naive and (figuratively) brainwashed, or knows what Crusade will do and just charming enough to hide it.
NEW ISSUE EDIT: May have been Ladder "rung trash" before rising up to become Horae Guard.

Global Justice Hires:
-Plasticity. Support hero.
-Perspective. Support hero.
-Joules. Coward. Sex pest. Got bullied by Chihiro into growing a beard.
-Stockpile/Valiant RWB/Valiant Justice. Algernon. Used scraps of Nora's EXCEED to build a new suit, PREVAIL. Has been fed doctored information that convinced him that Nora was tapping the Leviathan for a power source, and not The Stage. Leader. Emotionally immature and unstable.
(See EXCEED section for more on him.)

Steps Towards Solving:
Complete Wonderland questline. Fight them a lot more, PR-wise and physically. Clear Valiant Silver's name.

POWERS/Dominion (Or, Why Scarlet Maturity Is A Huge MOFO)
  • Man, fuck Scarlet Maturity. He killed Apiary, and POWERS is mostly just his personal squad of body shields.
  • And he's working under Dominion Security Enterprises, who are a bunch of annoying bastards that will save you… if you're rich.
  • And Dominion's lead by this guy named Faust, who can sucker you into unbeatable contracts (unless you sign with a deadname). There's also Scarlet Maturity (see his entry in Anomalies below) And don't fucking get me started on Hero For Hire, the mercenary/tabloid bullshit thats going on. (Which is also a chatroom, becuase of course.)
  • We managed to save Opale from them, but we found out something else: they're connected to Hand, the organization that Towarri was under, and they're planning some nefarious things. Also, SM is the Metahuman power-up guy for them.
  • Currently under Gertrude Goethe (Faust in a funny hat) and laying low by laying off SM… for now.
Faust, Scarlet Maturity. (See their entries in Anomalies.)

The Giant Slayer. The leader of SLAYERS. Could shrink or grow objects while personally treating them as the same weight and size. Died in the QZ.

Epoxy. Member of SLAYERS. Could permanently stick two objects together on the molecular level, only capable of being separated by her. Also died during the Movement.

Earthen Owl. Could move through soil like water. Prehensile vines growing from his body. New ability to create clones of himself out of vines.

Blue Skies. Hydrokinetic specialized in the ability to manipulate water vapor. Could create and move clouds.

Marrow Spider. Osteokinetic assassin. Most commonly killed targets by firing shards of his own bones out of his body.

Lethal Anodyne. Algernon-type specializing in chemicals that affected the human body. Glorified drug dealer, tended to use neurotoxins in combat.

QUICK GORILLA. A literal orangutan named Peaches. The only non-human example of metahuman powers ever observed. Unparalleled speedster, capable of breaking the sound barrier. (OOC info: Not any smarter than the average orangutan.)

Ronin. Blademaster who gained the martial skills of whoever she killed. Personally destroyed the entire Yakuza presence in Horizon. Generally a pacifist, but recently has seemed to have returned to her previous violent ways. (Also our current double agent.)

The Brass Shield. Some sort of power-armor user. No idea if they made the suit themselves or not. Commonly employed hard-light constructs.

Shell Game. Con artist who could swap the positions of two small objects roughly equivalent in mass so long as they were not being directly observed by a living creature.

pHarreit. Capable of extruding acidic and alkaline compounds from her body at will. Arrested for attacking several of her classmates at Stonehaven College, now seemingly free.

The Bloody Slayer. Original leader of SLAYERS who left after disagreeing with the direction of the team. Made weapons out of his own blood.

Anansi. Algernon-type hero who specialized in "computers". Was a friendly rival to Moon River, and former member of New Dawn. Her defection to Powers shocked everyone.
Steps to Solving:
Slander them into the floor, and watch out for any other mercenaries.

The Hand Of Mysteries and Other Bullshit
(Partially contributed to by @Potato12345.)
  • A strange militaristic cult.
  • Related to Towarri.
  • Identifiable by their tattooed "marks" on various places.
  • Related to Leviathan???
- Not willingly working with them, is affected by Star / Hand through an 'improved' method (likely some form of brainwashing or mental alteration)
- State is deteriorating over time, not that we can do anything about it.
- Might be Uiara???

- Female
- Is apparently responsible for Fish and Sun.
- Had a predecessor who was ignorant, who is probably now out of the picture.

- Male
- Probably toast beyond our recovery, likely requires the ultimate form of micromanagement to utilize.

- Female
- Eusocial. "Society should be organized in a strict caste system organized around the needs of the reproducer"
-Socialite Butterfly?

- Male
- Has access to LA
- Social darwinist. "The strong become stronger or they are left behind."
- Intends to go somewhat loud, and to consolidate / ally with our opponents America & Allied Global Logistics in order to do so.
- Wants Worthy Opponents (up to a certain extent)
- Faust.

- Female, probably young
- Impulsive, likely another of the Voices and can be detected by Black Swan / Apiary.
-Likely the childish voice/spy

- Female, Japanese; possibly one of the Voices?
- OIC of the group?
- Speaks on behalf of Hand?
-Has calmed down from her crazy phase that got her locked up, if her meeting with Ellie is any indication.
-Knows things about the Stage and is worried about the effects of E-B, and does not like other Valiants, owing to her relationship with Takeshi/Valiant Red.
NEW ISSUE EDIT: Named Kyoko Shirayuki
-Has a connection to the Woman In Blue, via her memory. Was "unresponsive" after whatever Theodore pulled.
-Might be possessed by something. That, or whatever happened to her warped her personality.
-Believes that the existence of decay means that free will doesn't matter.
-Uses technology to track psychic phenomenon.

-'Blesses' people with something, and the method has been improved recently. (The blessing and the method may be distinct things)
- Psychologically cannot tolerate unknown factors
- Likely the 'disgusting' Voice?
Unknowns: Do they have more ways of effectively enslaving people than LA?
- They will be doing something major soon, but what?

Note: King is probably aware of something being really weird in the background, and now has help (Valkyrie?).

Interlocutor is an opponent of this group, took someone from the QZ?

Steps Towards Solving:
Probably just take mission Wider Than A Mile, since this organization mentioned that they're hunting down Moon River rn.

Global (In?)Justice
The Americans on Horizon. Run by Allied Global Logistics (American Feds), and currently all dead except for Stockpile and two other metahumans.
  • They ordered Justiciar to the QZ, for currently unknown reasons.
  • Stockpile is working with them, and has access to a piece of EXCEED armor from Nora.
  • Thanks to a call from the Hand, we knew that that we had a double whammy coming up. Stockpile's had been suckered into evil, and we'd have to face the consequences later.
  • And now, EXCEED will have a rival, piloted by Stockpile. EXCEED-BEYOND, meet PREVAIL Valiant Red, White, and Blue. (Which is a stupid name, btw.)
Steps Towards Solving:
See Crusade section.

Four Three Two One Season
(Partially contributed to by @ScorpioSting.)
  • A superhero team filled with the members of one family. They are each themed after one of the seasons.
Ophélie = Automne = Autumn
Gwendolyn = Été = Summer
Jean-Luc = Printemps = Spring
Harrier = Hiver = Winter
  • Their best member, Automne, is dead. Meanwhile, their other best member (morally) Hiver, might die.
  • The Four Seasons are at the very least, somewhat associated with POWERS/Dominion. Scarlet Maturity's involvement is likely one of the reasons why Hiver's scared for his life. They invited us to a meeting (which was clearly a trap).
  • NEW ISSUE EDIT: Hiver has come out as a trans woman named Opale! Gwen turned out to be a transphobe. (Boo)
  • Opale has been saved! She's a part of the team now.
  • Gwen is alive, still under Faust contract, and will probably seek revenge. A joke about adapting Majima Everywhere from Yakuza has been made about her.
  • Gwen is currently working under Crusade. She doesn't seem too healthy.
  • Jean-Luc was absorbed by Scarlet Maturity, and Maddie nabbed his corpse. His power is still usable in Project Prometheus, but it still seems to be connected to SM.
Since they're all dead/on our side now, we can consider this team dead and SOLVED.

A New (Old) Dawn
(Partially contributed to by @ScorpioSting.)
The old people that JU came from.
  • They really did want our help, but they think we're as screwed as they are. We had to reveal Prometheus.
  • Also, if we didn't do them, everyone in the university district would have died to Wonderland Criminals. And then those criminals are our problem.
  • Wolong has agreed to work with us on Project Prometheus. He's given us the Uni District, the Zenith (their base) and New Dawn's heroes as summons per mission. When we wish, he's also willing to dissolve the whole New Dawn organization. He can also help us figure out Ambrosia synergies.
  • However, he wants us to help out with the problem of Monarch. (See Anomalies for my reports on her)
  • One of the higher-ups from New Dawn, allied with Lightstep before his passing.
  • Capable of 'reflecting' any attack, including insults. Made someone cry once through that.
  • This does not stop the effects of goldnine, or at least didn't do her much good against it, however.
  • Has lost both legs, one arm, and a few fingers on the remaining one.
  • Medicant treated her, and she's currently recovering.
  • Analytical metahuman, capable of processing vast amounts of information. Probably the world's best accountant.
  • Can auto-crit OPERATIONS checks.
  • Weakness: overuse gives him migranes.
  • Is officially a consultant for Project Prometheus, and will be assisting Ibis with his processing to find synergies.
  • Very grateful for what we've given him.
Gentleman James:
  • Wears a tribly, and has developed a Cool Hat Club with Maddie because of it.
  • Sociable and polite. Likes cool cars.
  • Power: Can connect two objects, including people, with an unbreakable chain, which he can also shrink or grow as he pleases.
  • Good for restraining targets nonlethally.
  • Power: Can use weapons from his dreams. Cannot control what he dreamed of.
  • Also a trans dude! Cool!
  • Icy. Rakeem's ex. Not the best with Leizi because of that.
  • Power: Creates a barrier around herself, can extend it around others.
Miss Naught:
  • Archer. Power: Can call out a target, and then give her projectiles a homing capacity.
  • Currently mentoring Maddie in the arts of snark.
Steps to Solving:
Work with them on stopping Monarch. Missions Long Shadows of Night, The Air in The Valley, and Grand Theft Person take down her weaker lieutenants and push her back in time for us to gain more metahumans, and LL can run espionage on her. Fighting the Ghost Dragon Triad also ruins her funding.

Legacy of Trilogy
worked on by @ScorpioSting)

A trio of heroes who want to take Monarch down, but like, in a much more chill and subtle way than Crusade.

Marvelous Shine
-Male, Japanese, in his 50s
-An oldhead with experience. Was considered a peer of King and Novalight in his day.
-Power: Basically an Ultraman-he absorbed energy and used it to transform into a hard-light body that could fly, was strong, and big.
-Disappeared after the Sussaration because he didn't like the way heroism was transitioning. Ready to get back into the game.

-Female, 20s, Indian? (off name and skin color)
-Marvelous Shine's step-niece
-Power unknown. Possibly related to spinning. Maybe psychic?

-Female, 30s????
-Kidnapped by Marie Marionette and then became a victim of Stitches, which left her face malformed or ugly and her body scarred.
-A hydrokinetic. Owing to her gear, probably cannot create water ex nihilo.
-Owing to her name, can probably walk on water?

Hearing Four Voices
  • Thanks to multiple reliable sources (Dr. Ibis, Valiant SIlver, a glimpse from Mona's perspective) we have knowledge that there is something that all sentient beings's minds are connected to. It's called "The Stage". On the Stage during The Movement, four different voices (and Valiant Silver) were identified by Dr. Ibis, louder than the rest of everyone.
  • It's reasonable to assume that they're connected to the Leviathan metaplot.
  • We only know a few things about these voices: they're all evil as fuck, and they're all connected to the Leviathan.
The Leviathan
Four voices. One unfathomably large and low; a crushing pressure who would erase them all without noticing.
Directly confirmed by QM.
Extremely, extremely old. Came from outer space and died (but also lived)
Described in Nora's Fill-In Issue as a "blind idiot god".
It's blood, goldnine, instant kills people, spawns Behemoths, and can be used in Ambrosia.
Awoken by the Woman In Blue's team(???)

Another, high and sweet and full of rage.
The most powerful psychic in the world. For reference, she's more powerful than EXCEED Valiant Silver.
Tried to throw a crap ton of goldnine on the world in order to kill everyone and shut down Jacob's Ladder.
Currently escaped from Wonderland and missing.
Capable of telepathy and telekinesis.
Mad because of Princess being taken?
S-Lister metahuman. Top 1 psychic. Went insane a few years back, causing the Susurration.
May currently be working with King.
Somehow affected by the Ladder, Princess's mom?
NEW ISSUE EDIT: Has calmed down from her crazy phase that got her locked up, if her meeting with Ellie is any indication.
Knows things about the Stage and is worried about the effects of E-B, and does not like other Valiants, owing to her relationship with Takeshi/Valiant Red.
May have had some sort of miscarriage?

Rotting Man
A third, deluded and cunning, begging for all, unearned.
-Clearly some sort of weird shadow manipulator dude. Described as a sack of fetid meat or something like that by the Lady in Blue.
-The… parent(?) to the next voice.
-Really into voyerism (I have a feeling I misspelled that) which is considerably bad considering that our whole thing is being the group with the intel.
-was blasted by Mona, currently MIA.
-Motives and goals completely unknown.
-Probably a relative to the Leviathan in some way.
-Almost certainly in Hand, or at least a client to them.

The Unseen Child/Lantern
A fourth, confused and hurt and trying to still troubled waters the way you smoothed out wrinkles on a sheet.
-Seen right at the beginning of the story, when Mona
-It's childish, and doesn't want to be seen.
-Like some sort of living spy drone.
-Also probably a Leviathan relative.
-AKA Lantern (see Hand section).

Steps Towards Solving:
Take the mission to save Moon River when that's available, as that unlocks a set of missions that are currently all question marks and may be connected to this.
Have more encounters with the R-Train, who is deeply connected with the Leviathan.
Progress the story.

EXCEEDing And It's Consequences


  • The first iteration of this advanced form for Valiant Silver.
  • Caused Nora to have to use her Algernon powers at full intensity, shaving off a year of her life per second used.
  • Demonstrated a variety of powers, which seemed to be imagination based. Red Huntress's energy blades, and a facsimile of a water Uiara were highlights.
  • Able to keep up with the Catch-22. At 13 members. Had a pulse that totally negated all metahuman powers.
  • Allowed Nora to have a direct connection to the stage, and reach Backstage.
  • The sequel to EXCEED. Created by Nora as a version of EXCEED that wouldn't kill the user within a few minutes.
  • Found in the Apiary, along with Nora's second-to-last message.
  • Has all the powers of the first one. Just like EXCEED at base, the powers are separated into three modules, plus an extra one that allows for Opening The Stage (read: likely reality warping)
  • To be used, someone has to take a modified version of Nora's DNA (which is 13 Potency, so we need a max Tolerance candidate), which will guarantee them the side effect Psychic Field Senstivity. However, unlike Mona, the user will only suffer the side effect out of the protective suit.
  • Almost certainly broken as fuck, and likely necessary to deal with certain Leviathan things.
  • Piloted by Noelle "Ellie" Han, the daughter of Heavenly Astrologian. AKA Valiant Gold.
  • Nora mixed up the instruction manual for it with… her VS/Uiara lesbian fanfic. Yay.
  • Transported Ellie to the Stage, but we didn't get much info on how.
  • Protects against psychic attacks while the user is inside it.
  • Also known as Valiant Red, White, and Blue. (Stupid name.)
  • Piloted by Silvio, formerly known as the Algernon Stockpile.
  • Seems to have taken bits and pieces from the original EXCEED.
  • Powers unknown, but QM has compared it as the "Vergil to EXCEED's Dante". Likely has one really good mode instead of multiple modules.
  • in possession of Telekinesis focused of slashing, Power Null, and Teleportation. Again, not beating the Vergil allegations.
  • Also seemed to trigger warnings of Psychic Interference in EXCEED-BEYOND. Making Silvio angrier???
  • NEW ISSUE EDIT: Works by absorbing psychic fields of others. Big danger to anybody with Psychic Sensitivity.
  • Silvio's gotten better at using his teleportation. Like, he's really good at teleporting now.
Steps Towards Solving:
Try out Open The Stage. Kick Silvio's ass. Train up Ellie.

A Lady In Blue, A Man With Clarivoyance(?)

The Woman In Blue

  • A mysterious woman, who lies Backstage. She runs a bar filled not just with food, but with experiences. Comes in such flavors as "your father's bedtime stories" and "your first kiss". Scrumptious.
  • Doesn't do too much, because she doesn't want Augur to find her.
  • She gave Nora instructions to find two of the Four Voices. Nora never did, but we don't know. After all, we still haven't seen what lies in the deepest part of the Apiary.
  • Also, is apparently Nora Kim?!?! Or at the very least, has her face. Weird…
  • Nora's "counterpart", whatever that means. It has been theorized that Algernon types need a partner to safely use their power, similar to Pacific Rim's Jaegers… but take that with a grain of salt!
  • Was part of a team that awoke the Leviathan???
  • Also referred to herself as the "mother of psytech" despite the fact that Nora invented psitech.
  • Alternate Universe Nora, Zero Escape Style? Time Traveler???
  • A complete enigma.
The Stage
  • The "collective consciousness" of all sentient beings.
  • It's likely that the Susurration affected it somehow, but we don't know enough to confirm.
  • Just like Backstage, which is where the Woman in Blue resides, it runs on non-linear time. Mona was pulled back in time to when EXCEED activated, which helped Nora beat the Catch-22, which in turn likely inspired Project Prometheus.
  • currently very fucked up thanks to the Leviathan's awakening.
  • The Woman in Blue told Nora this:
"That's not how this works. I can hide here because they don't know to look for me. Telling you too much will let Augur know he's not alone."

". . . so you can see the future?"

She laughs again. It's really ugly, you think, like she's gargled sandpaper. "No. No one can see the future."
  • Augur's power is almost certainly not just some future sight. That's one thing we can be sure about.
  • the Woman In Blue seems to be opposed to him.
  • Also a time traveler/AU refugee??? Assuming that he's "Oscar", who took "a device" and "ran away". Whatever that means.
  • NEW ISSUE EDIT: Related to Theo, whoever that is.
  • Searching for a "Golden Route". Time looper/Zero Escape style SHIFTer highly likely. Perfectionist streak?
Steps Towards Solving:
(Take leads on Hand? Idk.)

Blood Of The Leviathan
  • We gotta get more Ambrosia.
  • And to get more Ambrosia, we need more Goldnine.
  • And to get more Goldnine…
  • New issue edit: we can pay Yellow Qilin for Goldnine. It's expensive though, and gets into Monarch's coffers.
Steps Towards Solving:
Take missions Train Kept Rolling.

Kingdom of Thieves
(Partially contributed to by @ScorpioSting)
  • Most of the Wonderland escapees, who have unified around Monarch.
  • Have taken over the NID. Nobody allowed in or out.
  • Unified around Princess, Monarch adoptive daughter.
-A petty thief, who was unjustly thrown into Wonderland due to her power making it extremely easy for her be an escape artist. Now she's out, and she's slowly starting to organize the Wonderland escapees.
-Can create "gates" which allow for teleportation to anywhere, conserving momentum as well.
-Bitterman has stated OOC that she would have linked the Uni District with the QZ, where the Leviathan is, if we had let the New Dawn mission expire. This would have turned Uni District into goldnine hell. Let's not have that happen, shall we?
-Trying to take control of NID to give Princess a safe place to live.

-Monarch's adoptive daughter. Extremely, extremely dysmorphic. On her back she has two head-like lumps, one of which looks like Scarlet Maturity, the other, a woman's face.
-May be boosting others powers. Power copier? SM power copied?
-All Wonderland villains are (apparently) unified in making sure that she stays safe.
-The Horae Guard want her for some reason.
-Born in Wonderland, mother and father unknown. Confirmed by Bitterman not the result of rape/sexual assault.
-Loves her mom, but also really likes Mona and the deceased Apiary.
-10-12 ish in age.

-Monarch Lieutenant.
-Strong and durable. Notably, completely immune to ranged, energy-based attacks, and elemental attacks, vulnerable to only physical damage from close quarters.
-Current best counters: Ellie (Rock), Rhys, Mona's Lightspeed Dash

-Monarch Lieutenant, serial killer.
-Dysmorphic appearance, a black outline with jagged edges who moves like he's being fast forwarded and rewound.
-Shockingly affable personality.
-Power: Strong, can teleport parts of his body anywhere he can see, making him hard to pin down and adept at attacking from unexpected angles quickly.
-NEW ISSUE EDIT: also apparently a Chihiro fan.

Acid Rain
-Monarch Lieutenant.
-Algernon-type. Specialization: Acids, bases, dispersion methods. Mass casualty event waiting to happen.
-Has not said a single word out loud yet.

Marie Marionette
-Monarch Lieutenant.
-Hydrokinetic, specialization in manipulation of bodily fluids, aka Bloodbending.
-Got an arm torn off by Warpstar, as one of Monarch's "punishments".
-now basically has a blood arm. Fun.

-Monarch Lieutenant
-Algernon-type. Has a toys/childhood aesthetic sense.

Currently Arrested:
(Note; all these guys are going to The Brig, the Wonderland replacement Silvio whipped up.)

-Former Monarch subordinate
-Actual Nazi
-Flying, dropped energy bombs below him (hence the name, the German air force responsible for the Blitz in England during WW2)

-Former Monarch subordinate
-Political prisoner/vigilante, killed guy that sold off NID food stores.
-"Punches your organs". Telekinetic, speciality in piercing through into the body?

Two Rich Families, 11% In Stocks
  • Qsanyin was the first metahuman and first Algernon. He revolutionized medicine, funded Wikipedia and Ao3 (now Ao2) forever, created Horizon, and created the Ladder. (See below)
  • Now that he and Uiara are dead, exactly 11% of his corporation's stocks are given to her kid sister, Yara. Just enough for her father, Jair the nepo baby, to take control of Qsanyin, which is the company founded by Qsanyin and the biggest megacorp in the world. Belle Sabreuse, a Ladder-born but down to earth mercenary is currently protecting Yara out of goodwill.
  • On an unrelated note, Harper English (Red Huntress of old JU) had a sister 12 years older than her. Socialite Butterfly, who could create metahuman clones via touch forever. These clones kept their powers. They were part of Mc-Leod-English Construction, another megacorp. Now, Socialite Butterfly is gunning for Yara. We don't know why— perhaps to get those stocks. She may or may not (leaning towards latter) be hired by Jair. Or maybe she's a Philosopher.
  • May have cloned all of New Dawn during Crusade Fill-In.
Steps Towards Solving: Finish Eidolon, and then see what comes of it.

One Way Ladder
  • The Ladder. Megastructure created by Qsanyin as world's first space elevator. Qsanyin died before it finished.
  • Elysium, one of the top most stations, is a rich people haven.
  • All the orphaned kids living in the empty spaces in the middle are called "rung-trash", relegated to being grunt workers for the Elysiumites. Belle was one, implied that White Hawk may have been one before betraying them for Horae Guard.
  • Horae Guard comes from here, they're bodyguards for Elysiumites.
  • There's some sort of space port being constructed, but it's currently unfinished.
  • Ladder itself some sort of psychic amplifier? Boosting powers? Made Valkyrie go insane?
  • NEW ISSUE EDIT: Seems whatever went on up there had something to do with the Defiance Unit. Defiance Unit prob made contact with rung trash but got sold out.
Steps Towards Solving: Take "Beach Episode" global action to actually go up there. Kick White Hawk's stupid ass. Take either Sussuration or Defiance Unit fill-in.

All the weird individual figures who are super powerful and super mysterious.

CEO of Dominion. Is bankrolling some really bad things.
Has the power to sucker people into psychologically unbreakable contracts.
Said contracts can be beaten… if you sign with your deadname or deadname equivalent. Unfortunately, most of our characters are not trans or NB.
Also Moon-Over-Crown from the Hand.

Top 1 Metahuman. Always MIA.
May have the power to control nuclear forces (the strong and weak forces) and deatomize people.
Fought SM once, but stopped because of reasons mentioned below.
Hunting the Interlocutor.

The Intelocutor:
A child (???) of the Leviathan.
Gave Yellow Qilin the piece of the Frozen Throne.
Does not have a name.
Associated with both the Leviathan and the FT???
NEW ISSUE EDIT: Sees the world in "Me" and "not-me" terms.
-Body hijacker seems likely. Using Nora's body at the moment? Felt Nora's pride in Ellie inside themselves.

The Frozen Throne:
A mind controlling entity, who can warp and change space within its domain. It's perimeter is increasing by 1-2 inches per year. It's also somewhat sentient.
Apocalyptic Powers.
Wolong is thinking of putting a Second Wonderland on its perimeter.
Thanks to Noelle, we saw OOC that goldnine counters its freezing effects.

22 idiots. Put just four together, and we're already screwed. Don't put them all in one place.
One in the Apiary, one in Frozen Throne, others in non-Horizon locations.

Makes sure the Goldnine doesn't get out. A fleet of giant robots, drones, and Terminators. Uber-powerful. Also may be negotiable with???
Probably Valiant Red's creation.
-Brain is split in two: a purely logical robotic mind that only cares about it's designated zone/Goldnine detection, and a snarkier, more human one who sees the bigger picture.

Best healer in the world, using symbiotic creatures to heal. Uses they/them pronouns.
Currently holed up in the Apiary. While not formally associated with Justice Unlimited, they're selling their extremely powerful symbiotes to us for a cheap price of 3000 Income. That's an extra life for a character, btw.

Scarlet Maturity:
(This entry was contributed by @ScorpioSting!)
  • Real name: Christian Marlow.
  • Power: Can increase the abilities and strength of others through some sort of agreement. Can often come with new tricks.
  • However, whenever Scarlet Maturity is killed with sufficient enough force (which is quite hard at this point), he can collect on anyone he's loaned power to, killing them in order to regenerate his body, stronger than before.
  • His own body uses tactile telekinesis to hold his own atoms in place, has extreme regeneration and strength, and is very tall, growing taller for each collection.
  • Known enhanced allies: Ete, Earthen Owl, Shell Game
  • Maybe enhanced list: Blue Skies
  • Collected on and killed: Pritemps
Socialite Butterfly
  • Harper (Red Huntress's) sister. A power copier, which is terrifying in this setting.
  • Can make copies of anybody on touch. If they were a metahuman, the powers carry over.
  • Clones die quickly, but the clones can be cloned. Clones are also terribly bad at acting.
  • Possibly working with Wonderland Inmates, as the supplier of Power Enhancement for them.
  • Also targeting Yara. Likely to kill and replace her.
  • Vain and likes to monologue.
  • NEW ISSUE EDIT: Was abused by her parents who wanted the family fortune, absolutely snapped.
  • Has clones of many top tier metahumans that aren't psychic. Justiciar+Scarlet Maturity is a notable instant-win combo.
Yellow Qilin
-Leizi's half-sister.
-Has the power to imbue small powers into certain objects. Limits increase based on the "quality" of the material.
-Used chunks of the Frozen Throne to power up herself and a group of "magical girls", at the cost of needing goldnine to stay not frozen-throned.
-funding Monarch.

A Tally Of The Dead
A lot of people died in the battle against the Leviathan during the Movement. Here are some of them.
  • Everyone whose DNA profiles we have. (They will not be named, but note that anybody who we're considering to use in Ambrosia must be dead)
(The Original) Justice Unlimited:
  • Valiant Silver (?)
  • Radiant Silvergirl
  • Uiara
  • Literally every single hero except for Lady Leizhi and Moon River.
New Dawn:
  • Steelheart (Algernon Type, Wonderland is open now since he's gone)
  • Heavenly Astrologian (One of the Top 5 Metahumans, could control a fundamental force, inertia, Ellie's mom)
  • Lightstep
  • Cisma
  • A lot of others.
Global Justice:
  • Like, literally everyone except for Plasticity, Perspective, Joules, and Stockpile. Which is bad, because the first three are completely garbage, and Stockpile was genuinely willing to put up his life savings.
  • Jean-Luc, Gwen's husband. Lmao get deaded bozo.
  • Seraph, after a run-in with Socialite Butterfly.
  • The old boss of the Worker's Mitt, Lucien Tossaint. (Died in a riot a few days afterwards, Name may be spelled wrong)
  • Natasha (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH NATALIE), John Henry's oldest daughter. (Died in attack from Demon Flamez after Movement)
  • A lot of Socialite Butterfly clones.
Steps Towards Solving:
Just wait for more of the story to be revealed to us.

Well, we've got some ideas for Ambrosia later. Here's a easy way for you to find them.

@Arcus also has a list that's more up to date, right here.

  • Keywords:
    • 3x Transformation (Daggermaw, Adamant, Red Huntress)
    • 2x Fitness (Soldier X, Red Huntress)
    • 2x Regeneration (Soldier X, Adamant)
    • 2x Enhanced Strength (Daggermaw, Adamant)
    • 2x Enhanced Senses (Daggermaw, Red Huntress)
    • 2x Energy Manipulation (Crimson Soprano, Red Huntress)
    • 1x Flight (Crimson Soprano)
    • 1x Solar Absorption (Crimson Soprano)
    • 1x Speed (Red Huntress)
    • 1x Invisibility (Red Huntress)
    • 1x Clairvoyance (Red Huntress)
  • Side Effect Chance:
    • Major Side Effect: 99-75
    • Moderate Side Effect: 74-55
    • Minor Side Effect: 54-25
    • No Side Effect: 24-1
It was a choice between adding Steadfast or Crimson Soprano to Chimera, and I ultimately ended up deciding to go with the latter. Steadfast's Invincibility would be very strong, but we already have Adamant's Regeneration so it would be a bit redundant. Instead, I opted to guarantee a more versatile set of powers that has an answer for every situation.

With Crimson Soprano and Red Huntress' Energy Manipulation, Mona has options for melee and range combat, and we guarantee her some form of much needed mobility by having both Flight and Speed at 1x. We're unlikely to get both, but chances are high that we'll get at least one of them. Enhanced Strength is self-explanatory, but it's a much-needed addition to make Mona even deadlier in melee, while Enhanced Senses makes sure that she can spot ambushes and any surprises in advance.

The star here, however, is Transformation. We need someone iconic to carry the legacy of Justice Unlimited, and there's little more iconic than being able to turn into a dragon whose breath are beams of energy and whose scales actively grow back. The stat boost is nice too.

[X] Plan Metamorph
-[X] [The Outsider] (Potency 4)
-[X] [Adamant] (Potency 3)
-[X] [Steadfast] (Potency 2)
-[X] [Crimson Soprano] (Potency 2)
-[X] [Daggermaw] (Potency 1)
-[X] [Soldier X] (Potency 1)
-[X] Potency Reduction (-3 Potency)
-[X] Total Potency of Dose: 10

A very... ambitious plan. The hope is a powerset that's both highly flexible and highly powerful. Tags are:

Transformation x3
Energy Manipulation x2
Enhanced Strength x2
Regeneration x2
Enhanced Senses x1
Fitness x1
Flight x1
Invisibility x1
Invulnerability x1
Solar Absorption x1

Sir Suffering
Deadman (5) + Adamant (3)

Adamant was explicitly described as "a fount of Liquid Metal in human skin". Deadman could turn himself into magma, (edit: his blood, close enough) which can be the result of overheating metal. There are our clues, but what about our powers?

With this combo, our poor, poor candidate can:
  • Transform themselves into walking magma (try and punch this, villains)
  • Immediately kill themselves with the metal in order to trigger the Deadman powers.
  • Heat up almost any metal in their vicinity. (This includes themselves!)
  • Make some sort of… liquid admantanium. Oh god.
Edit: this is just the "make 5 Tolerance and up candidate suffer" plan.
After further deliberation, when we get our next character for this plan, the plan will be called… "Sir Suffering".

Sir=Man, like in "Deadman"

The suffering part is self-explanatory. But Rhys got zero votes in that candidate vote, he can just get used to it.

Sir Suffering (Revised)
[ ] Plan Sir Suffering (Revised)
-[X] [Deadman] (5 POTENCY)
-[X] [Adamant] (3 POTENCY)
-[X] [Daggermaw] (1 POTENCY)



(Daggermaw was added for more transformation and enhanced senses. Henshin!)

Wade Family Combo
This is a very good one, not gonna lie.

Also, I'll say it now since the front runners are pretty well decided, there is an absolutely *busted* combination for only 8 in here that I left clues for. I wonder if anyone saw them?
Wade Family
  • Potency 2 (Steadfast) + Potency 3 (Adamant) + Potency 3 (Dragonsteeth) = 8 Potency
    • 1x Invulnerability (Steadfast)
    • 1x Transformation (Adamant)
    • 1x Enhanced Strength (Adamant)
    • 1x Regeneration (Adamant)
    • 1x Energy Manipulation (Dragonsteeth)
    • 1x Construct Creation (Dragonsteeth)
As we can see, it defies what we thought would make for a good build since there's no overlapping keywords that guarantee the appearance of a superpower. Only Invulnerabilty from Steadfast is guaranteed since it's his only keyword, but perhaps since we're using DNA as a basis for our superheroes, the familial connection makes all of these powers appear?

If so, supers who're part of the same family tree just became real important assets for us.

If we use this for Rhys, we have to reduce the Potency by 2, but we can also fit Daggermaw into this to 2x Enhanced Strength and Transformation. Though, doing so is probably inadvisable since if the key here is the genetic connection, then adding someone unrelated may spoil the entire bunch.
I would say you're focusing too much on keywords and not enough on what the powers actually do. Dragonsteeth made minions but was limited by the energy she had. Adamant was a endless source of a regenerating super metal. Steadfast was unkillable. Even with a lack of overlapping keywords, the nature of those powers synergizes really well.

[X] Bulletproof, Math Right Edition
-[X] [Adamant] (3 POTENCY)
-[X] [Steadfast] (2 POTENCY)
-[X] [Daggermaw] (1 POTENCY)
-[X] [Soldier X] (1 POTENCY)
-1 Potency Reduction
-Total Dose Potency: 6
My explanation for Bulletproof is simple: As said, we need a guy who Punches Good.

Punching Good does require a degree of durability, certainly, to get in close and not get blown away. But Punching Good also needs you to, you know, punch GOOD. Aka, Strength.

Daggermaw and Adamant provide Strength, which we don't have in any other profiles. Fitness from Soldier X will also provide a minor boost in all attributes, Steadfast and Adamant provide the defense to get in close, Daggermaw might also add in some extra utility via a sensory ability.

Astral Chains
Wanted to go for something like E-123 Omega or Emerl from the Sonic series (might need more DNA samples before we reach that point) so i went with a more unknown switch game astetic, Astral Chain (fighting off aliens with Chained Aliens as a a Anime Cop is just a mood)
[X] Plan Astral Chains
-[X] [The Red Huntress] (6 POTENCY)
-[X] [Adamant] (3 POTENCY)
-[X] [Dragonsteeth] (3 POTENCY)
Looking at this plan, keywords are:
  • 2x Transformation (Red Huntress, Adamant)
  • 2x Energy Manipulation (Red Huntress, Dragonsteeth)
  • 1x Enhanced Strength (Adamant)
  • 1x Enhanced Senses (Red Huntress)
  • 1x Fitness (Red Huntress)
  • 1x Speed (Red Huntress)
  • 1x Invisibility (Red Huntress)
  • 1x Regeneration (Adamant)
  • 1x Construct Creation (Dragonsteeth)
This does run into the same problem most Red Huntress plans do. In that Red Huntress requires a very specific combination of powers to work well, and this really only guarantees Transformation and Energy Manipulation. The rest will be up to the roll of the dice.

Any plans with the Red Huntress probably need to be like Chimera, in that you want more than 2 of her Keywords at 2x to make the most use out of that 6 Potency cost.

If I had to do something like those pictures you provided (Transformation into Energy Being, with Metal Constructs for minions), it'd probably look like this:

Astral Chains:
  • Potency 4 (Outsider) + Potency 3 (Dragonsteeth) + Potency 3 (Adamant) + Potency 1 (Daggermaw) + Potency 1 (Soldier X) - 2 Potency = 10 Potency
    • 3x Transformation (Outsider, Adamant, Daggermaw)
    • 2x Energy Manipulation (Outsider, Dragonsteeth)
    • 2x Enhanced Strength (Adamant, Daggermaw)
    • 2x Regeneration (Adamant, Soldier X)
    • 1x Invisibility (Outsider)
    • 1x Construct Creation (Dragonsteeth)
    • 1x Enhanced Senses (Daggermaw)
    • 1x Fitness (Soldier X)
The key component for fighting with a Stand is Construct Creation and Energy Manipulation, but since we have no other supers with Construct Creation, we can't guarantee we'll get it. That said, you'll definitely get your energy being transformation at least, along with some very likely powers that will allow for frontline face punching such as regen and enhanced strength.

Being From Star X
[X] Plan The Being From Star X
-[X] [The Outsider] (Potency 4)
-[X] [Novalight] (Potency 8)
-[X] [Soldier X] (Potency 1)

The Being From Star X would be fucking Ultraman because Energy+Energy Body=bigger energy body. Merola would be able to manipulate its form and constitution to exciting degrees, all from the safety of her nucleus. Said nucleus would be improved by Soldier X's power of Fitness, tho whether that'll mean a hardier nucleus or a better projection is anyone's guess.

Multiple of My Own Combos
Mad/Sad/Glad/Rad Bomber
Nox(6)+Eastwood(2)+Millions Minefield(1)=(9)

Millions Minefield and Eastwood both allow for energy explosions of different sorts. Nox nudges the explosions towards emotional blasts. Assuming that I'm right, this could allow the user to give nerfs to anyone hit by the explosions, or even buff allies.

This is my prefered powerset for Shelley Marie, btw. It just seems cool and fitting, and assuming that she stays at 6 tolerance, she'll be able to get this immediately.

Uiara 2

This one's competing with Wade Family for John's power. Pretty self explanatory. Next!

2000/20 VISION
Memoria(4)+Chatroom(4)+iSpy(4)+Mr. Hunch(1)=(13)


Memoria allows for keeping track of pictures and teleporting to them.

ISpy can tag people, so then the people could teleport to each other. She also allows for sense sharing; which could be transferred to being able to turn the photos into dioramas.

Chatroom brings the 5 and 12 limit for the previous two up to UNLIMITED PEOPLE, as long as they're in range. She also combos well with iSpy, allowing for the chatroom to be a mini-Stage.

And Mister Hunch would allow anything to be transformed into a way to connect to the instantaneous psychic network. Awesome.

Underdog Boxer
Lightspeed (7)+Sewer Rat (3)=(10)

The goal of this combo is to make someone who can consistently do this.

Basically, since Sewer Rat can transform part of himself into steel; it's likely that the candidate would be able to transform themselves into something aerodynamic, for better punches. Also, makes for really good David vs Goliath scenes.
Iron Sights
Iron Sights
  • Potency 3 (Antaeus) + Potency 2 (Steadfast) + Potency 2 (Crimson Soprano) + Potency 1 (Mister Hunch) - Potency 3 = Potency 5
    • 2x Invulnerability (Antaeus, Steadfast)
      • Antaeus is invincible.
      • Steadfast has the most potent form of invulnerability on record. He cannot be injured in any way.
    • 2x Energy Manipulation (Antaeus, Crimson Soprano)
      • Antaeus can generate earthquakes so long as he's in contact with the ground. The longer he stands still, the stronger it is.
      • Crimson Soprano is able to use devastating energy blasts, fueled by solar radiation.
    • 1x Clairvoyance (Mister Hunch)
      • By touching an inanimate object, Mister Hunch can see everything that happened around said object in the last 24 hours.
    • 1x Flight (Crimson Soprano)
      • Crimson Soprano can fly by using solar radiation as fuel.
    • 1x Solar Absorption (Crimson Soprano)
      • Crimson Soprano uses solar radiation as fuel for her powers.
Unlike Helicopter Parent, which is a pure support build that's meant to operate away from the fight, Iron Sights is a hybrid build between investigation and direct combat.

To explain the latter first, this build is focused entirely on the concept of Resonance Disasters. We know that Antaeus caused earthquakes by causing vibrations in the ground, but Iron Sights is more versatile in that he can apply it directly on other surfaces thanks to Crimson Soprano giving more versatility to Iron Sight's use of energy manipulation. The energy blasts are great and so is coating his hands with energy to augment his punches, but what about laying hands on someone to vibrate them apart after finding their natural frequency?

His hands can be a vibroblade straight out of sci-fi! Cut through things he has no business cutting with his bare hands.

But wouldn't using vibrations this way also harm him since vibrations go two ways? That's why we have 2x Invulnerability! Iron Sights will potentially be our tankiest hero this way.

Then there's how Antaeus interacts with Mister Hunch. Iron Sights is potentially our greatest detective, because by imbuing his energy around an area like Antaeus does with his earthquakes, he can see everything that happened in that area in the past 24 hours. Potentially, he can go even further back or increase his range by staying still for longer.

There's an alternative build here where we replace Crimson Soprano with Millions Minefield which frees us up to use another Potency 1 DNA profile, but I think Crimson Soprano with her higher potency energy manipulation is better to augment Iron Sight's strengths.
Defy Together
Plan Defy Together
  • Potency 6 (Nox) + Potency 4 (Memoria) + Potency 2 (Crimson Soprano) + Potency 1 (Mister Hunch) - Potency 3 = Potency 13
    • 2x Teleportation (Nox, Memoria)
      • Nox can teleport decent distances when he's absorbed the emotion of disgust.
      • Memoria could keep five photos active, and then teleport to the locations shown in those photos. Notably, this was enough to get him out of the Frozen Throne.
    • 2x Energy Manipulation (Nox, Crimson Soprano)
      • Nox Esurientem could shoot energy blasts when he absorbed the emotion of sadness.
      • Crimson Soprano is able to use devastating energy blasts, fueled by solar radiation.
    • 2x Clairvoyance (Mister Hunch, Memoria)
      • By touching an inanimate object, Mister Hunch can see everything that happened around said object in the last 24 hours.
      • Memoria could constantly view a live feed of what was happening at the locations he photographed.
    • 1x Flight (Crimson Soprano)
      • Crimson Soprano can fly by using solar radiation as fuel.
    • 1x Solar Absorption (Crimson Soprano)
      • Crimson Soprano uses solar radiation as fuel for her powers.
    • 1x Transformation, Mental Manipulation, Regeneration, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed (Nox)
      • A grab bag of Nox Esurientem's possible powers. These are extremely likely to give out some sort of synergy.
The goal of this build is to make some sort of power copier. Failing that, the second goal of this build is to make Taskmaster. On steroids. Let me explain.

Teleportation and these specific forms of Clarivoyance work together really well. Memoria's five photo limit will both be scaled up to 8-15 thanks to potency, and it could be likely that since Mr. Hunch is in there, we no longer need to have Memoria's teleport waypoint be eyes anymore. So if we conveniently mailed a letter to Dominion that conveniently happened to have this candidate's mark on it… well, it's Dominion's problem that we're in Faust's private room now.

And the energy blasts are likely even better. Aside from powering up in sun (which the marked objects could absorb for the candidate) while they'd lose out in power, they'd make up in precision. Our enemies will be losing sniper battles.

To clocks/letters/photos/basic household objects shooting fireballs. While our candidate is still. At. Home.

And that hasn't even gotten into the best part. With Mr. Hunch's power focusing on the past, we have some terrifying options as to how that can affect Nox and Memoria's powers. For some examples…
  1. When Nox's powers absorb emotions, the candidate can do so to whoever was pictured in Memoria's "cameras". This automatically gives us incredible control over the battle situation if we manage to take a quick pic of say, SM or Faust. Nice complex powers, now go to sleep.
  2. Whoever is in the picture can have any of their emotions retroactively applied and absorbed, from up to 24 hours ago. This completely ditches any problems with Nox's "grab bag" powers; similar to Chimera, they are now an extremely offensive multitool.
  3. The best yet: The user can copy the fighting styles and possibly even some of the powers of whoever's in the picture. Nice idea going for the teleporter idiot, they're as good as Lady Leizi in hand to hand combat.
And yes, this may not be the most "optimized" build. But thematically…

On one hand, it would be easy to get a Fundamental Force Manipulation with this, by swapping out Mr. Hunch for Hydrocity. But that would just add more HIT (as a reminder, that's more HIT when we have Mona and EXCEED-BEYOND) in exchange for possible completely losing an incredible ESPIONAGE/OPERATIONS power. Now Lady Leizi's espionage network can be anywhere! Fear!

And Mr. Hunch fits in very well with the rag tag revolutionaries of the Defiance Unit. The Defiance Unit attacked the rich, while he helped people sue corporations. Meanwhile, from what we've heard, Hydrocity was just… a decent man. And if we want a decent man, Admant and Steadfast are right there.

And I don't need to tell you why putting 3/4 of the Defiance Unit into one candidate to partner with our Zeno candidate on missions would be cool.
More Kermie Plans
Plan Bat…singer?
Solferina (Potency 4)
Nox Esurientem (Potency 6)
Potency 10

Focused On: Mental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation

Possibly could get: Transformation, Ally Empowerment, Enhanced Senses Equivalent???

When I submitted Solferina to Bitterman, he described sound as something that fits into Energy Manipulation. Do you know who else uses sound? Bats, with their echolocation! And do you know who transform into bats? Vampires!!!

This combo aims to get someone who can both manipulate emotions overtly, while also sending secret messages to be picked up with our own [Enhanced Senses] people. Also, emotion based
(Don't ask how that works!!!)

Plan All The Homies
Eastwood (Potency 2)
Dragonsteeth (Potency 3)
Nephthtys (Potency 5)
Potency 10
Focused On: Construct Creation, Energy Manipulation

Possibly could get: Autonomous Construct Creation??? Ally Empowerment? Clarivoyance Equivalent?

The goal of this build is to smush together three types of soldiers into our personal army.

We can make ghostly and armed to the teeth soldiers, all with the ability to have and control emotions! No way this goes wrong! Heck, for all we know, these infinite and easily regenerate soldiers may even be connected mentally to our candidate! We could even add Adamant for extra efficiency!
Wild Speaker

Potency: 9
Keywords: Mental Manipulation x3, Energy Manipulation x2, Ally Empowerment x2, Construct Creation

Yeah, this one just allows Shelley to buff up and talk to animals. Eastwood might allow her to create instruments, like say, trumpets! (Reference to the weapon she used in Space Oddity) This would allow her to focus Solferina's AoE effects, or perhaps boost them to reach all the animals in an area.

I'm willing to also swap out wild speaker for a Steadfast+Mr. Hunch combo, to make her tankier and get a telepathy synergy. [Clarivoyance]+[MMx3]+[Ally Empowerment]. Of course, that might not work since there's only one Clarivoyance instance, so it's a backup plan.

Plan Courageous Carmilla
Nox Esurientem

Millions Minefield

Potency: 10-13
Keywords: Mental Manipulation x2, Transformation x3, Energy Manipulation x3, Enhanced Strength x2, Construct Creation, Invulnerability, all those other ones from Nox (Hopefully Regeneration)

I'm making Shelley into a Kamen Rider and none of you can stop me. Here's how.

Nox allows for the consumption of emotions. The hope is that the Millions/Eastwood combo allows said emotions to be stored in the form of consumable transformation items— think like Gotchizos from Kamen Rider Gavv.

Daggermaw and Multiplex are where I'm hoping to get the Kamen Rider influence from. Crocodile scales for armor, and Multiplex to allow for size based shapeshifting. Which combos weirdly well with Nox, since his Transformation tag comes from him growing in size. Steadfast is there to do the obvious Invuln.

The name comes from the famous lesbian vampire novel (see what I did there? ;) ) and a synonym for "Valiant". (Only Ellie has a right to that title, but I feel Nora and Takeda would be ok with something close.) I'm willing to cut one of Daggermaw or Multiplex to account for Tolerance restrictions, but I'm insistent on the Nox/Eastwood/Millions core. (It was another 9 Tolerance plan of mine, you see).

I'm willing to downscale for Tolerance, but the goal of the build is a bruiser that can also take advantage of the Mental Manipulation tag and Transformation's inherent stealth options, for a Shelley specializing in HIT, ESP, and a sub-specialty in REP.
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On Fanworks pt. 1
Alright, it feels like there's some confusion with some newer users, so I should clear a few things up before somebody else asks a question that I, Bitterman, or any of the questers that have been here since Month 1 really don't want to answer for the hundredth time.

In this quest, there are multiple types of fan content. They range from small to extremely comprehensive, and all of them get rewards from Bitterman if they're good. (Which they usually are) There's a few.

Candidate Sheets
Started by me, but I think at least ten users have submitted theirs. These are sheets that echo what a candidate to receive Ambrosia would be in this quest (which are then subject to change by Bitterman, of course). Then, if we take the Global Action Justice Unlimited Wants You or any other candidate gaining actions, there's a chance that they'll appear from the random table.

You can put in your OCs, or characters from one of your own Quests. Just please don't have them be characters from established mainstream or somewhat well known media. (RPG characters that you played are fair game, however.) Also, they should max out at 7 Tolerance, and get worse stats the more you up Tolerance, and vice versa.

Rewards: Possible side character in Justice Unlimited, assuming the dice roll right.

Recruit Sheets
Different, but similar to candidate sheets. These are closer to Maddie or Opale— fully fledged metahumans that could join Project Prometheus in the future. So far, there's been two: my Jun Akimitsu (who I need to rewrite when I get the time) and @chickenbouillon's Franz, who I think is currently a Wonderland villain.

Rewards: Possible character that'll join Justice Unlimited or be an independent metahuman.

Ambrosia Builds
During hero creation, multiple plans are posted for what we want to put in the sample of Ambrosia that we wish to inject a candidate with. (Refer to the Ambrosia section of Mechanics for the exact details). As a hobby of sorts, whenever you see the conversation turn to goldnine or new DNA samples, you see people putting up hypothetical combos of those DNA samples.

Iron Sights
Know-It-All/ 2000/20 Vision

Rewards: Mechanically, none. But it's good to hypothesize on how the DNA we combine will be interpreted by Bitterman. Also, I put some of the ones I like on the Corkboard. (See below)

@Arcus has also made a more up to date collection of builds here.

Omakes, also known as "fanfiction of this quest". These either fall into either Canon, Somewhat Canon, or Not Canon. Depends on the QM's judgement.

Omakes can be as long as you want (we had a 3k Omake once) or as short as you want. (@ScorpioSting wrote a 320 word Omake once.) The only condition is that you have to make it:
  • Make at least a bit of sense.
  • Actually try. Don't try and cheese the system with five different 200 word Omakes. You're not funny if you try that.
  • ABSOLUTELY DO NOT USE AI. If you don't care enough to write something yourself, then we won't care enough to read it.
Non Canon (But Still Really Really Good):
A Number Greater Than Zero
Corporate Greed

Canon (And Extremely Well-Written):
Potential Energy (If you only want to read one Omake, read this!)
SolarGemX's Behind The Hero Series (Pt 2, Pt 3)

Rewards: A plus one to any roll, which is stackable and storable, and which we the voters can choose to apply before the update drops.

The Corkboard
Made by yours truly. Essentially, this is a big conspiracy board which I update when I've got the time. I also store some combos there for easy reference. If you've got something you think that I should add, DM me and I'll copy-paste it in.

On a side note, a confusion of the type of post which was right to use was why I didn't really like this candidate…

Armed with a pistol that can transform into a photon blade, hover boots, and a camouflage device on his blue coat.

Since he already has all that crazy tech despite being… just a dude. With a wife and a kid, no other backstory given. It would make more sense for him to be a psychic Metahuman that we can hire, like some sort of budget Valiant Silver. A Recruit Sheet instead of a Candidate Sheet.
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On Fanworks pt. 2 (second half of post)
Hm idle thought. If trying to do a Zeno set, we probably want some form of offensive power that costs 4 or less to compensate and help overcome the baseline weakness of needing to rely on firearms due to a lack of offensive power that was laid out in the profile. Doesn't Antaeus actually have really good synergy there?
Antaeus is an interesting choice for the double invulnerability. But Zeno's power set is already very defensive and has an unconditional invulnerability, so buffing that doesn't seem as important as the offense. For the same 3 potency we have access to a budget Fundamental Force Manipulation synergy that I feel will be better for offense than Energy Manipulation 1x or 2x. For example (the final 1 potency hero can be swapped out to taste):
Zeno + Hydrocity + Crimson Soprano + Multiplex (Potency 13)
Components: Space-Time Manipulation, Invulnerability, Flight, Solar Absorption, Energy Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Transformation
After known synergies are applied: Space-Time Manipulation, Invulnerability, Flight, Fundamental Force Manipulation, Transformation

You missed one more type of submission:
DNA Profiles
These describe the power sets and possibly the stories of dead metahumans to be used in hero creation. See our existing Ambrosia DNA Samples section in the organization sheet for examples. They are submitted to Bitterman privately through DMs and are not guaranteed to be added. Unlike other submissions, they are limited to 1 per person. Regardless, you can feature your submission in a public omake.

Rewards: Possible DNA sample for the Prometheus Project.
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List of Known Heroes in Horizon
So who are all the curent Heroes in Horizon Currently?

Justice Unlimited
  1. Lady Leizi (Founding Member) (Leader) Inside Frozen Throne
  2. Black Swan (Promethean)
  3. Menagerie Witch
  4. Handyman (Promethean)
  5. Chatelet (Former Four Seasons Hiver) Inside Frozen Throne
  6. Doctor Silver (Promethean)
  7. Valiant Gold [Daughter of Heavenly Astrologian] THE TRUE VALIANT (Promethean) [Exceed-Beyond Armor]
  8. Belle Sabreuse
  • Dr. Mammoth Ibis (Director of Project Prometheus) (Officially Deceased) (Algernon-Type)
  • Dr. Massive Ibis, Daughter of Dr. Mammoth Ibis [Humie Genius] [Chief Research Assistant]
  • Famine Slayer (Director of Operations)
  • Takanashi Chihiro (Director of Communications)
  • Mendicant [World's Greatest Healer] (Ally)
  • Moon River (MIA)
New Dawn (Subordinate to JU)
  1. Wolong (Leader)
  2. Gentleman James
  3. Palisade
  4. Miss Naught
  5. Dreamcatcher
  6. Arc (In Recovery)

  1. Marvelous Shine (Leader) (Old Timer)
  2. Samsara [Niece of Marvelous Shine]
  3. Gerridae

Crusade (Villains In Disguise)
  1. White Hawk (Leader of Crusade) (Horae Guard - 3rd Hour)
  2. Plasticity (Former Global Justice)
  3. Perspective (Former Global Justice)
  4. Joules (Former Global Justice)
  5. Ronin (Powers) [Justice Unlimited Asset - Spy]
  6. The Brass Shield (Powers)
  7. Anansi (Powers) (Former New Dawn) (Mind Controlled/Drugged) (Algernon-Type)
  8. Sunlight Knight/Simon MacAllister (Horae Guard)
Silvio's Renegades?
  1. Silvio/Stockpile (Pretender Valiant Red, White and Blue/Valiant Justice) [Leader] (Former Leader of Crusade) (Algernon-Type) (Former Leader of Global Justice)
  2. Été (Former Crusade) (Former Powers) (Former Leader of Four Seasons)
  3. Edgar [Alt-Guts]
  4. Radiant Silvergirl [Former Justice Unlimited]

Powers (Dominion)
  1. Scarlet Maturity (Leader) (Former Guardian Wave)
  2. Blue Skies
  3. Earthen Owl
  4. Shell Game
  5. Marrow Spider [Assassin]
  6. Lethal Anodyne (Algernon-Type) [Drug Lord] [Supplies Wonderland] [And Dominion Calls Him a Hero]
  7. pHarreit
  8. The Bloody Slayer [OG Leader of SLAYERS]
  • QUICK GORILLA - On the Run from Powers
  • Unknown Worker's Mitt Vigilantes
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List of Known Villains in Horizon
All Current KNOWN Villains in Horizon are?

  1. Monarch [Overall Leader]
  2. Princess [Monarch's Daughter??] [Dysmorphic] [Power Booster??]
  3. Marie Marionette
  4. Dollman [Algernon-Type]
  5. Acid Rain [Algernon-Type]
  6. Stitches
  7. Warpstar
  8. Heracles
  9. Luftwaffe
Demon Flamez
  1. Phlogiston [Leader]
  2. Sparksurfer [Wants Out]
  3. Jorogumo [Dysmorphic]
  4. Phlegethon
  5. Evard
  6. Hotstep
  • See Heroes
Court Of Loons?
  1. Le Petit Prince [Leader]
  2. Ash Knight
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???
Ghost Dragon Triad
  1. Yellow Qilin [Leader]
  2. Azure Dragon
  3. White Tiger [Justice Unlimited Asset - Spy]
  4. Vermilion Bird
  5. Black Tortoise/Foxglove
  6. Magical Girls Elizabeth I-Infinity
    • Pretty Soldier Cyan
    • Pretty Soldier Navy
    • Pretty Soldier Teal
Yōulíngshé Industries [Asset]
Philosophers/Hand of Mysteries
  1. The Hand - Trismegistus [Tumor of the World] [Leader]
  2. The Speaker of The Hand of the Mysteries - Kyoko Shirayuki
  3. The Lantern - Lilith
  4. The Moon-Over-Crown - Faust [CEO of Dominion- Owner of Powers]
    • Allied to Scarlet Maturity
  5. The Star - ???
  6. The Fish - ???
  7. The Sun - ???
The Hours - The Horae Guard
  1. 12th Hour - ??? [Possible Leader?]
  2. 11th Hour - The Man with a Boyish Smile
  3. 10th Hour - ???
  4. 9th Hour - ???
  5. 8th Hour - The Penitent Scholar
  6. 7th Hour - ??? [Probability Manipulator?] [Precog]
  7. 6th Hour - ???
  8. 5th Hour - ???
  9. 4th Hour - ??? [Psychic]
  10. 3rd Hour - Octavius The White Hawk [Leader of Crusade]
  11. 2nd Hour - ???
  12. 1st Hour - ???
  13. Minute - Sunlight Knight/Simon McAllister [In Crusade]
  • Cordelia Reed/Valkyrie [World's Strongest Psychic] [Former New Dawn Founder] [Wild Card/Possibly with King]
  • The Interlocutor [Unknown Man] [Possible Spawn of Leviathan??] [Philosopher Target of Interest] [Possibly Captured Valiant Silver's Mind?]
  • Shroud
  • Third Person (Psychic Parasite)
  • Abarimon (Not A Real Villain) (Cursed Power)
  • Enforcer
  • Augur?
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Possible Ambrosia Builds
In the interests of slightly better recordkeeping. I don't think I've compiled everything but let me know if you want to add something to the list.

[Transformation] + [Invisibility] + [Energy Manipulation] + [Clairvoyance] + [Clairvoyance] = [Intangibility]
[Invulnerability] + [Teleportation] + [Transformation] + [Clairvoyance] + [Clairvoyance] = [Phasewalking]
[Enhanced Senses] + [Enhanced Strength] + [Clairvoyance] = [Battle Precognition]
[Enhanced Strength] + [Elemental/Energy Manipulation] + [Clairvoyance] = [Telekinesis]
[Energy Manipulation] + [Elemental Manipulation] + [Solar Absorption] = [Fundamental Force Manipulation]
[Transformation] + [Transformation] + [Regeneration] + [Regeneration] + [Fitness] = [Autobiokinesis]
[Clairvoyance] + [Clairvoyance] + [Energy Manipulation] + [Energy Manipulation] + [Ally Empowerment] = [Force Fields]

[Biokinesis] + [Fundamental Force Manipulation] + [Space-Time Manipulation] + [Phasewalking] + [Transmutation] = [Reality Warping]


Black Swan
DNA Profiles: Novalight (8), Crimson Soprano (2), Steadfast (2), Soldier X (1)
Potency: 13
Expressed Keywords: [Fundamental Force Manipulation], [Invulnerability], [Regeneration], [Flight]
Administered to: Mona Merola-Morales

DNA Profiles: Soldier X (1), Adamant (3), The Outsider (4), Daggermaw (1)
Potency: 9
Expressed Keywords: [Autobiokinesis], [Enhanced Strength]
Administered to: Rhys Gardner

Doctor Silver
DNA Profiles: Bulwark (4), Chatroom (4), Mister Hunch (1), Millions Minefield (1)
Potency: 10
Expressed Keywords: [Force Fields], [Ally Empowerment], [Clairvoyance]
Administered to: John Henry Rhodes


Oracle of the Hunt
DNA Profiles: Memoria (4), Red Huntress (6)
Potency: 10
Donor Keywords: [Clairvoyance] x 2, [Teleportation], [Transformation], [Enhanced Senses], [Fitness], [Speed], [Invisibility], [Energy Manipulation]
Notes: Powers may manifest as teleportation, target tracking, ability to teleport to targets/teleport marked targets? Teleporting assassin/hunter powerset.
Oracle of the Hunt

  • 4 Potency (Memoria) + 6 Potency (Red Huntress) = 10 Potency​
    • 2x Clairvoyance​
    • 1x Teleportation​
    • 1x Transformation​
    • 1x Enhanced Senses​
    • 1x Fitness​
    • 1x Speed​
    • 1x Invisibility​
    • 1x Energy Manipulation​
  • Chance of Major Side Effect (Roll of 90-99), Moderate Side Effect (Roll of 70-89), Minor Side Effect (40-69), or No Side Effect (1-39)​
Though, looking at it mapped out, it's a terrible combination since with only 2x Clairvoyance. We can't guarantee it'll appear and while Red Huntress' motley collection of powers is very synergistic, we'll likely miss parts of it making for an overall weaker super.

For now, we'll have to put our dreams of clairvoyance on the backburner.

Punchy Scaling Teleporting
DNA Profiles: Memoria (4), Red Huntress (6), Millions Minefield (1), Daggermaw (1), Mister Hunch (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Clairvoyance] x 3, [Teleportation], [Transformation] x 2, [Enhanced Senses] x 2, [Fitness], [Speed], [Invisibility], [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Enhanced Strength]
Notes: More augmented version of the above build.

Build Goal: Expanding on the idea of Red Huntress + Memoria build, with Millions there for helping with Red Huntress' scaling from the energy conversion ideally, Hunch helping with the teleporting targeting, and Daggermaw for Strength and more senses. This basically functions as a scaling punchy Nightcrawler build and there is a non zero chance this build would fulfill the synergy Wolong has half confirmed as well with what's here.

DNA Profiles: Soldier X (1), Daggermaw (1), Adamant (3), Red Huntress (6)
Potency: 11
Donor Keywords: [Fitness] x 2, [Regeneration] x 2, [Transformation] x 3, [Enhanced Strength] x 2, [Enhanced Senses] x 2, [Speed], [Invisibility], [Energy Manipulation], [Clairvoyance]
Notes: Expressed power would probably involve transformation, likely into some sort of combat form. Transforming into a dragon?

Firebreathing Lizard V.1
DNA Profiles: Soldier X (1), Daggermaw (1), Crimson Soprano (2), Dragonsteeth (3), Adamant (3)
Potency: 10
Donor Keywords: [Transformation] x 2, [Enhanced Strength] x 2, [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Regeneration] x 2, [Fitness], [Enhanced Senses], [Flight], [Solar Absorption], [Construct Creation]
Notes: Transform into a dragon. With firebreathing and flight.
This one nearly guarantees Transformation and Energy Manipulation, but there's no guarantee we get Flight. It's basicallhy a worse Chimera since that has 2x Enhances Senses and Fitness while also having the possibility of Energy Manipulation. Its only advantage is 2x Energy Manipulation. I suppose we could top up Chimera with Crimson Soprano for a total of Potency 10 and a chance of Flight and making Energy Manipulation more likely, but that's gambling with a very likely Major Side Effect since at Potency 13, Major Side Effects can be rolled at 99-75. We really don't want to risk extreme body dysmorphia for our first new superheroine.

The only way to get 2x Flight is with the Spirit Bomb build with Crimson Soprano and Novalight. That gives us 2x Energy Manipulation and 2x Flight at the cost of 10 Potency, but getting 2x Transformation will require Daggermaw and Adamant together for Potency 4, totaling at Potency 14. The highest we can go is Potency 13.

Invisible Space Cat
DNA Profiles: Red Huntress (6), The Outsider (4), Soldier X (1)
Potency: 11
Donor Keywords: [Transformation] x 2, [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Invisibility] x 2, [Fitness] x 2, [Enhanced Senses], [Speed], [Clairvoyance], [Regeneration]
Notes: Likely assassin powerset with invisibility and disguise capabilities.
With this, we're looking at someone who can go invisible, is always at peak human performance, and can freely manipulate their flesh and shoot energy beams and create energy blades or shields. Maybe they can even turn their flesh into energy? That would be pretty rad.

DNA Profiles: The Outsider (4), Adamant (3), Steadfast (2), Crimson Soprano (2), Daggermaw (1), Soldier X (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Transformation] x 3, [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Enhanced Strength] x 2, [Regeneration] x 2, [Enhanced Senses], [Fitness], [Flight], [Invisibility], [Invulnerability], [Solar Absorption]

Soft Element/Power of the Storm
DNA Profiles: Crimson Soprano (2), Automne (8), Hydrocity (1)
Potency: 11
Donor Keywords: [Elemental Manipulation] x 2, [Flight] x 2, [Solar Absorption], [Energy Manipulation]
Known Synergies: [Fundamental Force Manipulation]
Notes: Wind + Water (Rain) + Sunlight > possible weather related power + Fundamental Force Manipulation = Lightning Controller (Electromagnetism)?

Astral Chains
DNA Profiles: Red Huntress (6), Adamant (3), Dragonsteeth (3)
Potency: 12
Donor Keywords: [Transformation] x 2, [Enhanced Senses], [Fitness], [Enhanced Speed], [Invisibility], [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Clairvoyance], [Regeneration] x 2, [Enhanced Strength], [Construct Creation]
The bus hasnt stopped so ill do this one too:

Merola would create her own custom metamaterial with some sort of miraculous property to it. More importantly, it'll become a vector for her powers.

Astral Merola's metal has 2 modes: Egg and Shell. Shell acts like Adamant, Egg creates golems. These golems can be modified with Trait Yolks(tm) that go inside the eggs(which I like to think are spheroids orbiting around her)and modify the golem's form and function. Trait Yolks are provided by Red Huntress's power and can be spread across golems or stacked onto one. This means Astral merola can make tons of golems or one really, really good golem and then some lesser ones. Her only instinsic "weakness"(more of a limit really) is that she can't give yolks to golems that already hatched. Maybe more complex golems take longer to hatch.

Dynamic Bionicle
DNA Profiles: The Outsider (4), Red Huntress (6), Dragonsteeth (3)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Transformation] x 2, [Enhanced Senses], [Fitness], [Enhanced Speed], [Invisibility] x 2, [Energy Manipulation] x 3, [Clairvoyance], [Construct Creation]
Dynamic Bionicle will combine the Outsider's flexibile energy body with Dragonsteeth's versitle constructs to create a modular energy mecha surrounding merola(who will morph into spherical a bio-nucleus). DB-Merola can swap out parts of her energy body to fit any given situation.

Her "parts" will be supplied by Red Huntress's Targeting Element. They'll generally be limbs with exotic weapons

She can also force parts together to make dumber sub-mechas, like how power rangers can make slightly-less-megazords from a single zord. These mechas as smarter than Dragonsteeth's constructs, but still pretty dumb. Probably on par with a trained hunting animal

This gives her flexibility, delegation, and the ability to specialize for multiple things

The Being From Star X
DNA Profiles: The Outsider (4), Novalight (8), Soldier X (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Transformation], [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Invisibility], [Flight], [Regeneration], [Fitness], [Elemental Manipulation]
Notes: Transformation into an energy being?
The Being From Star X would be fucking Ultraman because Energy+Energy Body=bigger energy body. Merola would be able to manipulate its form and constitution to exciting degrees, all from the safety of her nucleus. Said nucleus would be improved by Soldier X's power of Fitness, tho whether that'll mean a hardier nucleus or a better projection is anyone's guess.

Sir Suffering
DNA Profiles: Deadman (5), Adamant (3), Daggermaw (1)
Potency: 9
Donor Keywords: [Transformation] x 2, [Regeneration] x 3, [Enhanced Strength] x 2, [Elemental Manipulation], [Enhanced Senses]
Notes: Magma person, Extreme regeneration and durability
Adamant was explicitly described as "a fount of Liquid Metal in human skin". Deadman could turn himself into magma, (edit: his blood, close enough) which can be the result of overheating metal. There are our clues, but what about our powers?

With this combo, our poor, poor candidate can:

  • Transform themselves into walking magma (try and punch this, villains)​
  • Immediately kill themselves with the metal in order to trigger the Deadman powers.​
  • Heat up almost any metal in their vicinity. (This includes themselves!)​
  • Make some sort of… liquid admantanium. Oh god.​
Edit: this is just the "make 5 Tolerance and up candidate suffer" plan.
Pros: Sir Suffering is really, really hard to kill. We're talking about a guy who when enough trauma is applied to his body, can come back from a puddle of liquid metal to reform his body. Unless someone can vaporize every single piece of regenerating metal liquid, there's no way to put him down, and even then he can probably just come back from nothing like Deadman. The only way to kill Sir Suffering is to dump him in Goldnine, and that speaks volumes of how tough he is as he breaks every bone in your body with superstrength.

Unlimited Energy Works
DNA Profiles: The Outsider (4), Crimson Soprano (2), Dragonsteeth (3)
Potency: 9
Donor Keywords: [Transformation], [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Flight], [Solar Absorption], [Invisibility], [Regeneration], [Construct Creation]
Notes: Creation of energy constructs with ability to recharge off ambient radiation? Extreme energy manipulation?

Wade Family Combo
DNA Profiles: Dragonsteeth (3), Steadfast (2), Adamant (3)
Potency: 8
Donor Keywords: [Invulnerability], [Energy Manipulation], [Regeneration], [Construct Creation], [Enhanced Strength], [Transformation]
Notes: Extreme durability

Monster Mash
DNA Profiles: Red Huntress (6), Crimson Soprano (2), Daggermaw (1)
Potency: 9
Donor Keywords: [Transformation] x 2, [Enhanced Senses] x2, [Enhanced Senses], [Fitness], [Enhanced Speed], [Invisibility], [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Clairvoyance]. [Solar Absorption], [Flight]

DNA Profiles: Adamant (3), Red Huntress (6)
Potency: 9
Donor Keywords: [Transformation] x 2, [Enhanced Senses], [Enhanced Strength], [Fitness], [Regeneration], [Enhanced Speed], [Invisibility], [Energy Manipulation], [Clairvoyance]

DNA Profiles: Adamant (3), Steadfast (2), Daggermaw (1), Soldier X (1)
Potency: 7
Donor Keywords: [Invulnerability], [Transformation] x 2, [Regeneration] x 2. [Enhanced Strength] x 2, [Fitness], [Enhanced Senses]
Notes: Stacking of multiple durability related powers

Invincible Chimera
DNA Profiles: Red Huntress (6), Steadfast (2), Daggermaw (1)
Potency: 9
Donor Keywords: [Invulnerability], [Transformation] x 2, [Enhanced Strength], [Enhanced Senses] x 2, [Fitness], [Enhanced Speed], [Invisibility], [Energy Manipulation], [Clairvoyance]

Esoteric Utility
DNA Profiles: Memoria (4), The Outsider (4)
Potency: 8
Donor Keywords: [Clairvoyance], [Teleportation], [Energy Manipulation], [Invisibility], [Transformation]

Mad/Sad/Glad/Rad Bomber
DNA Profiles: Nox Esurientem (6), Eastwood (2), Millions Minefield (1)
Potency: 9
Donor Keywords: [Mental Manipulation] x 2, [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Transformation], [Regeneration], [Teleportation], [Enhanced Strength], [Enhanced Speed], [Construct Creation]
Millions Minefield and Eastwood both allow for energy explosions of different sorts. Nox nudges the explosions towards emotional blasts. Assuming that I'm right, this could allow the user to give nerfs to anyone hit by the explosions, or even buff allies.

Uiara 2
DNA Profiles: Umibozu (7), Hydrocity (1)
Potency: 8
Donor Keywords: [Elemental Manipulation] x 2, [Construct Creation], [Enhanced Senses]
Notes: Hydrokinetic powerset

2000/20 Vision
DNA Profiles: Memoria (4), Chatroom (4), iSpy (4), Mister Hunch (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Clairvoyance] x 4, [Teleportation], [Invisibility], [Ally Empowerment]
Memoria allows for keeping track of pictures and teleporting to them.

ISpy can tag people, so then the people could teleport to each other. She also allows for sense sharing; which could be transferred to being able to turn the photos into dioramas.

Chatroom brings the 5 and 12 limit for the previous two up to UNLIMITED PEOPLE, as long as they're in range. She also combos well with iSpy, allowing for the chatroom to be a mini-Stage.

And Mister Hunch would allow anything to be transformed into a way to connect to the instantaneous psychic network. Awesome.

Tag Team
DNA Profiles: Memoria (4), Chatroom (4), Mister Hunch
Potency: 9
Donor Keywords: [Teleportation], [Clairvoyance] x 3, [Ally Empowerment]
Notes: Non-combat teleporter/utility build.
This plan Is focused in creating a Teleporting Telepath for Battlefield Coordination and Movement.

X3 Keywords are auto Lock in and Memoria main Power is Teleportation with Clairvoyance as jsut a way to target his teleports so its also a Lock in. Ally Empowerment I'm unsure if ti will be included but with a X3 Clairvoyance I'm pretty confident its gonna be there too since its part of what allows Chatrooms telepathy to connect with others.

This Plan will let us test how a X3 Keyword Powers ends up especialyly since all the Clairvoyance have similarites but also differences.
Memoria- Location Based and shows present
Chatroom- Targets people and shows shares thoghts and images.
Mr. Hunch- Targets objects and shows the past

In terms of how I think this Power will end in. My Goal is a Teleporter I able to port other people connected through telepathy instead of needing to touch them like memoria had too.
The real question is if this powersets can create other Teleport Zone or if people can only teleport beside other people connected to the network.

Underdog Boxer
DNA Profiles: Lightstep (7), Sewer Rat (3)
Potency: 10
Donor Keywords: [Enhanced Speed], [Invulnerability], [Enhanced Senses] x 2, [Enhanced Strength], [Self-Enhancement], [Transformation]
Notes: Would probably punch good.

Iron Sights
DNA Profiles: Antaeus (3), Steadfast (2), Crimson Soprano (2), Mister Hunch (1)
Potency: 8
Donor Keywords: [Invulnerability] x 2, [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Clairvoyance], [Flight], [Solar Absorption]
I really like the power creation system so I'm back with another potential build for Potency 5 John Henry.

Iron Sights

  • Potency 3 (Antaeus) + Potency 2 (Steadfast) + Potency 2 (Crimson Soprano) + Potency 1 (Mister Hunch) - Potency 3 = Potency 5​
    • 2x Invulnerability (Antaeus, Steadfast)​
      • Antaeus is invincible.​
      • Steadfast has the most potent form of invulnerability on record. He cannot be injured in any way.​
    • 2x Energy Manipulation (Antaeus, Crimson Soprano)​
      • Antaeus can generate earthquakes so long as he's in contact with the ground. The longer he stands still, the stronger it is.​
      • Crimson Soprano is able to use devastating energy blasts, fueled by solar radiation.​
    • 1x Clairvoyance (Mister Hunch)​
      • By touching an inanimate object, Mister Hunch can see everything that happened around said object in the last 24 hours.​
    • 1x Flight (Crimson Soprano)​
      • Crimson Soprano can fly by using solar radiation as fuel.​
    • 1x Solar Absorption (Crimson Soprano)​
      • Crimson Soprano uses solar radiation as fuel for her powers.​
Unlike Helicopter Parent, which is a pure support build that's meant to operate away from the fight, Iron Sights is a hybrid build between investigation and direct combat.

To explain the latter first, this build is focused entirely on the concept of Resonance Disasters. We know that Antaeus caused earthquakes by causing vibrations in the ground, but Iron Sights is more versatile in that he can apply it directly on other surfaces thanks to Crimson Soprano giving more versatility to Iron Sight's use of energy manipulation. The energy blasts are great and so is coating his hands with energy to augment his punches, but what about laying hands on someone to vibrate them apart after finding their natural frequency?

His hands can be a vibroblade straight out of sci-fi! Cut through things he has no business cutting with his bare hands.

But wouldn't using vibrations this way also harm him since vibrations go two ways? That's why we have 2x Invulnerability! Iron Sights will potentially be our tankiest hero this way.

Then there's how Antaeus interacts with Mister Hunch. Iron Sights is potentially our greatest detective, because by imbuing his energy around an area like Antaeus does with his earthquakes, he can see everything that happened in that area in the past 24 hours. Potentially, he can go even further back or increase his range by staying still for longer.

There's an alternative build here where we replace Crimson Soprano with Millions Minefield which frees us up to use another Potency 1 DNA profile, but I think Crimson Soprano with her higher potency energy manipulation is better to augment Iron Sight's offensive capabilities.

Defy Together
DNA Profiles: Nox Esurientem (6), Memoria (4), Crimson Soprano (2), Mister Hunch (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Teleportation] x 2, [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Clairvoyance] x 2, [Flight], [Solar Absorption], [Transformation], [Mental Manipulation], [Regeneration], [Enhanced Strength], [Enhanced Speed]

The goal of this build is to make some sort of power copier. Failing that, the second goal of this build is to make Taskmaster. On steroids. Let me explain.

Teleportation and these specific forms of Clairvoyance work together really well. Memoria's five photo limit will both be scaled up to 8-15 thanks to potency, and it could be likely that since Mr. Hunch is in there, we no longer need to have Memoria's teleport waypoint be eyes anymore. So if we conveniently mailed a letter to Dominion that conveniently happened to have this candidate's mark on it… well, it's Dominion's problem that we're in Faust's private room now.

And the energy blasts are likely even better. Aside from powering up in sun (which the marked objects could absorb for the candidate) while they'd lose out in power, they'd make up in precision. Our enemies will be losing sniper battles.

To clocks/letters/photos/basic household objects shooting fireballs. While our candidate is still. At. Home.

And that hasn't even gotten into the best part. With Mr. Hunch's power focusing on the past, we have some terrifying options as to how that can affect Nox and Memoria's powers. For some examples…

  1. When Nox's powers absorb emotions, the candidate can do so to whoever was pictured in Memoria's "cameras". This automatically gives us incredible control over the battle situation if we manage to take a quick pic of say, SM or Faust. Nice complex powers, now go to sleep.​
  2. Whoever is in the picture can have any of their emotions retroactively applied and absorbed, from up to 24 hours ago. This completely ditches any problems with Nox's "grab bag" powers; similar to Chimera, they are now an extremely offensive multitool.​
  3. The best yet: The user can copy the fighting styles and possibly even some of the powers of whoever's in the picture. Nice idea going for the teleporter idiot, they're as good as Lady Leizi in hand to hand combat.​
And yes, this may not be the most "optimized" build. But thematically…


On one hand, it would be easy to get a Fundamental Force Manipulation with this, by swapping out Mr. Hunch for Hydrocity. But that would just add more HIT (as a reminder, that's more HIT when we have Mona and EXCEED-BEYOND) in exchange for possible completely losing an incredible ESPIONAGE/OPERATIONS power. Now Lady Leizi's espionage network can be anywhere! Fear!

And Mr. Hunch fits in very well with the rag tag revolutionaries of the Defiance Unit. The Defiance Unit attacked the rich, while he helped people sue corporations. Meanwhile, from what we've heard, Hydrocity was just… a decent man. And if we want a decent man, Admant and Steadfast are right there.

And I don't need to tell you why putting 3/4 of the Defiance Unit into one candidate to partner with our Zeno candidate on missions would be cool.

DNA Profiles: Zeno (9), Bulwark (4)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Space-Time Manipulation], [Invulnerability], [Ally Empowerment], [Energy Manipulation]
Notes: Combining space-time manipulation with a barrier power would ideally result in the ability to create barriers that can isolate targets/areas temporally/spatially, i.e. an absolute defensive power.

DNA Profiles: Chatroom (4), Mister Hunch (1), Multiplex (1), Dragonsteeth (3)
Potency: 9
Donor Keywords: [Clairvoyance] x 2, [Transformation], [Energy Manipulation], [Construct Creation], [Ally Empowerment]
Notes: Clairvoyance but focused on the idea of inanimate objects would potentially allow for perfect structural analysis/interfacing with inanimate objects/technology? Combine that with Chatroom's remote linking and Dragonsteeth's construct creation to allow for possible expression of technopathy/remote manipulation of robotic constructs. Hacker/engineer/mechanic/summoner powerset?

DNA Profiles: Zeno (9), Hydrocity (1), Crimson Soprano (2), Multiplex (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Space-Time Manipulation], [Energy Manipulation], [Elemental Manipulation], [Invulnerability], [Solar Absorption], Transformation], [Flight]
Known Synergies: [Fundamental Force Manipulation]
Basically it's a prayer that we can combine 2 big synergy powers into an even more obscenely broken synergy. And even if that doesn't work, FFM will still be a great offensive complement to Zeno's bag of tricks. It would probably be gravity again though given its intimate relationship with spacetime.

Why transformation and not some other 1 potency energy power like Millions Minefield? First is to fish for more weird synergies, and second is a nod to the theming. Eigen is a mathy word usually related to something that can keep transforming but have some essential part of itself remain the same. Many of Zeno's paradoxes have something take an infinite number of steps but not get anywhere, which is somewhat similar. Maybe we'll get a hero who can revert their body to any past state through selective control of spacetime, or something else weird and philosophical.

Wild Hunt
DNA Profiles: Wild Speaker (3), Red Huntress (6)
Potency: 9
Donor Keywords: [Mental Manipulation], [Ally Empowerment], [Transformation], [Enhanced Senses], [Fitness], [Enhanced Speed], [Invisibility], [Energy Manipulation], [Clairvoyance]
Oh that? Lemme see…

Name: Wild Speaker, Inmaculada Ruiz
Power: Mental Manipulation, Ally Empowerment

Name: The Red Huntress, Harper English
Power: Transformation, Enhanced Senses, Fitness, Enhanced Speed, Invisibility, Energy Manipulation, Clairvoyance

This plan, which I am tentatively calling Plan Wild Hunt (if you know you know) could have a synergy, thanks to RH's smorgasbord of powers. However, most synergy combos are very unknown to us rn, so there's also a chance that we don't have any synergies.

Mental Manipulation, Ally Empowerment and Clarivoyance have however been theorized to give us a good psychic synergy, and Invisibility probably slots in well with MM+Something Else for something terrifying.

All in all, it's decent, but we're at risk of losing powerful keywords like Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed, and Transformation from RH. It's pretty cheap however, at 6 at min. So we could get a candidate like Rhys and give it to them without many Spoonfuls Of Sugar.

RH's powers scaled her up to become more predator-like against other people depending on her powerful they were. Wild Speaker allowed the user to talk to animals, but the animals were mostly just committing violence for shits and giggles.

So narratively, this could have ally empowerment become focused on animals specifically— the user could place a mark on a person and then have both mutant beasts and any natural predators in the area target that one person. And also power up animals with claws and stuff. So it could be pretty good, all things considered!

Giant Transformer
DNA Profiles: The Giant Slayer (8), Adamant (3), Multiplex (1), Soldier X (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Enhanced Strength] x 2, [Transformation] x 2, [Regeneration] x 2, [Transmutation], [Fitness]
Known Synergies: [Autobiokinesis]
Build Goal: Allow Giant Slayer to abuse Adamant's liquid metal generation for mass to fuel Multiplex for ABO. At which point so that this power would allow for growing to match the big transmuted weapons they make while having some defense.

Elemental Tank Squared
DNA Profiles: Golem (5), Frostbite (3)
Potency: 8
Donor Keywords: [Elemental Manipulation] x 2, [Enhanced Strength] x 2, [Invulnerability] x 2
Build Goal: Just a little mid cost build core of a fairly strong elemental armor user. Its not synergy fishing but it seems like a very solid baseline that is self sufficient

Self-Enhance Ice Beast
DNA Profiles: Fast Track (3), Sewer Rat (3), Daggermaw (1), Frostbite (3)
Potency: 10
Donor Keywords: [Self-Enhancement] x 2, [Enhanced Senses] x 2, [Transformation] x 2, [Enhanced Strength] x 2, [Ally Enhancement], [Enhanced Speed], [Invulnerability], [Elemental Manipulation]
Build Goal: Mid cost core that is meant to be a solid close range build, Frostbite and Sewer Rat are there to compensate for Fast Track's lack of durability, while having the elements to try and push for a theoretical self enhancement synergy.

Level 5 Thermal Hand
DNA Profiles: Zeno (9), Frostbite (3), Millions Minefield (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Space-Time Manipulation], [Invulnerability] x 2, [Energy Manipulation], [Elemental Manipulation], [Enhanced Strength]
Notes: Absolute zero is defined as the complete absence of heat and motion; Impossibility of motion + energy manipulation + cryokinesis to create a powerset that allows for the user to lock down molecular movement. Complete manipulation of temperature down to absolute zero. Invulnerability could manifest as being able to lock molecules in place to create barriers or simply will projectiles/attacks to a halt? May also just be the requisite secondary power to be immune to extreme environments?

Godspeed Core
DNA profiles: Memoria (4), Fast Track (3)
Potency: 7
Donor Keywords: [Teleportation], [Clairvoyance], [Self-Enhancement], [Ally Enhancement]
With this combo, one person could;

-Steal speed from anything fully in the frame of the photo. (You could steal speed from Named Behemoths if you take a picture at the right angle.)
-Give not only speed, but a one-time teleport to anybody within the range.
-And also theoretically take away teleportation. This could be our Monarch counter.
Master of Water
DNA Profiles: Hydrocity (1), Frostbite (3), Féth Fíada (6)
Potency: 10
Keywords: [Elemental Manipulation x3], [Enhanced Strength], [Invulnerability], [Clairvoyance], [Invisibility], [Ally Empowerment], [Mental Manipulation]
Realm's Notes!: These three samples all have powers that relate to Water- as in the three states water can be in. Normal water as a liquid, Ice as a Solid, and Fog as a Gas. This synergy has the potential to create someone who has unrivaled flexibility when it comes to manipulating H2O. Not only that but taking a look into the established notes of the donors, Hydrocity's power is a unending stream of water which may synergize with Frostbite's ability to make Ice on command, potentially allowing us to turn a potential weakness into a strength.

Realm theorizes that due to Feth Fiada being added, the potential result of this ability will... create a controllable version of the Frozen Throne, yet with not just ice but with Water and Mist. A field in which the user may create any form of water they wish- not only that but... the mental manipulation would allow them to go even further. They may be able to create entire places inside of their range composed of Water, Ice, and Mist, and be able to use the Illusion aspect to trick people's minds to thinking it's real.

Accel Artificer
DNA Profiles: Dragonsteeth (3), Fast Track (3), Steadfast (2), Multiplex (1), Mister Hunch (1)
Potency: 10
Donor Keywords: [Transformation], [Construct Creation], [Energy Manipulation], [Clairvoyance], [Invulnerability], [Ally Enhancement], [Self-Enhancement], [Enhanced Speed]
Notes: Construct Creation + Invulnerability + Acceleration/Momentum transfer?
Some notes:
-Multiplex could probably be cut for Millions Minefield or Daggermaw, so that we can either hit more synergies or go for extra consistency. I believe that [Enhanced Senses] probably combos with [Construct Creation] for [Autonomous Construct Creation], so that's interesting. We could also replace Mister Hunch, since we already have enough ESPIONAGE with Rhys and Lady Leizi. However at that point it's a different build, so no.
-However, if Multiplex is kept, there's a good chance that this build swings more towards Self-Enhancement over Ally Empowerment.
-The intent is to make a crap-ton of constructs, which we can then speed up (Ally Empowerment) at will. Ultra-fast Self-Enhancement dude (with ultra-fast weapons, to boot) is more likely however, since Bitterman has said that he doesn't want too much overlap with Maddie. A powerful speedster, that can start running immediately using Dragonsteeth's energy instead of having to absorb speed.
It could also be the other way: Dragonsteeth + Fast Track makes constructs using other people's speed.
-Mister Hunch could allow John to chart out a path before running, which prevents any accidental run-ins. Also good in case we can make those constructs.
-Fast Track + Steadfast is just good. No explanation needed.

Flash Step
DNA Profiles: Memoria (4), Lightstep (7), Soldier X (1), Daggermaw (1), Mister Hunch (1)
Potency: 13
Keywords: [Clairvoyance] x 2, [Enhanced Strength] x 2, [Enhanced Senses] x 2, [Enhanced Speed], [Teleportation], [Fitness], [Regeneration], [Invulnerability], [Transformation]
Possibly Synergies: [Phasewalking]
Notes: The aim here is to combine teleportation + super speed to get a teleporting bruiser build. Daggermaw and Soldier X are secondary, but are tacked on to add a bit of extra juice. This is also trying to fish for the synergy hinted at between Clairvoyance and Enhanced Strength.
EDIT: Soldier X is dropped for Mister Hunch in order to get all the tags required for [Phasewalking].

DNA Profiles: Memoria (4), Miss Conception (3)
Potency: 7
Keywords: [Clairvoyance], [Invisibility], [Teleportation], [Energy Manipulation]
Notes: Illusions + teleportation. Teleportation of any allies shrouded by the user's illusions? Probably wouldn't allow for long-range teleportation but could be very useful on the tactical level. There is also a variant that replaces Miss Conception (3) with Feth Fiada (6) for teleporting fog.

Red Rush Redux
DNA Profiles: Bulwark (4), Fast Track (3), Steadfast (2), Millions Minefield (1)
Potency: 10
Keywords: [Ally Empowerment] x 2, [Enhanced Speed], [Invulnerability], [Self-Enhancement], [Energy Manipulation] x 2
Build Goal: Fast Track is here to provide speed to allies and siphoning from enemies to make our squishies more mobile to avoid hits where the personal speed allies for easy Bulwark shield targeting, Steadfast is there to remove Fast Track's personal squishiness so they can withstand the interaction with their own speed, Bulwark is here to give shields to our allies for general protection while helping give people protection against being moved at a fast speed if necessary, Millions is here to convert energy for shifting Fast Track's siphon method and to help bolster Bulwark's shields.

If you know the thing my plan name is referencing, this is meant to be doing that job but much better due to Steadfast and Bulwark. It is a supporting defensive specialist who is inherently extremely flexible but should do the core job very well. The battlefield control should allow for Operations boosting to help with covering the hole here.

Catch These Hands
DNA Profiles: Soldier X (1), Multiplex (1), Daggermaw (1), Fast Track (3), Lightstep (7)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Invulnerability], [Enhanced Speed] x 2, [Enhanced Strength] x 2, [Enhanced Senses] x 2, [Transformation] x 2, [Self-Enhancement], [Ally Empowerment], [Fitness], [Regeneration]
Notes: Lightning Bruiser build

Fairy Lullaby
DNA Profiles: Féth Fíada (6), Solferina (4), Steadfast (2), Multiplex (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Ally Empowerment] x 2, [Mental Manipulation] x 2, [Invulnerability], [Transformation], [Clairvoyance], [Energy Manipulation], [Elemental Manipulation], [Invisibility]
Specializes in AOE buffs/debuffs through enchanting fairy music (and ominous fog). The same power that can shield allies from hostile psychic influences can be turned toward debilitating enemies into uselessness. Steadfast and Multiplex are my best attempt at making the mythical intangible mist body into reality. If successful, would be an extremely frustrating hero to fight. Either Solferina or Steadfast + Multiplex can be dropped to make the build cheaper and focus on only a single aspect.

DNA Profiles: Zeno (9), Antaeus (3), Millions Minefield (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Invulnerability] x 2, [Space-Time Manipulation], [Energy Manipulation] x 2
Notes: Extreme AoE and battlefield control, likely spatial warping abilities, quakes that can fracture the fabric of space?
Build Goal: Ultimate battlefield control between Space Time Manipulation and Antaneus' earthquakes. Millions and Antaneus are for offensive prowess to make up for the issue Zeno had, Millions and Zeno are used to prevent anyone from getting close and using the manipulation to send people into the mines potentially. It also would pair very well with Black Swan, someone mounted on a Nevermore, or any other flier teammates like an Automne or Crimson Soprano build due to being able to fly over the earthquakes, so it would help work in some teams very well once we reach that point. There is also the chance of being able to literally fracture space if we really wanna have fun with it.

DNA Profiles: Solferina (4), Nox Esurientem (6)
Potency: 10
Donor Keywords: [Mental Manipulation] x 2, [Energy Manipulation] x 2, [Ally Empowerment], [Transformation], [Regeneration], [Teleportation], [Enhanced Strength], [Enhanced Speed]
Focused On: Mental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation

Possibly could get: Transformation, Ally Empowerment, Enhanced Senses Equivalent???

When I submitted Solferina to Bitterman, he described sound as something that fits into Energy Manipulation. Do you know who else uses sound? Bats, with their echolocation! And do you know who transform into bats? Vampires!!!

This combo aims to get someone who can both manipulate emotions overtly, while also sending secret messages to be picked up with our own [Enhanced Senses] people. Also, emotion based echolocation!!! (Don't ask how that works!!!)

Dreamer From Beyond Our World
DNA Profiles: Seraph (6), Memoria (4), Steadfast (2), Daggermaw (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [True Telepathy], [Flight], [Elemental Manipulation], [Enhanced Senses], [Enhanced Strength], [Invulnerability], [Teleportation], [Transformation], [Clairvoyance] x 2
Known Synergies: [Phasewalking], [Battle Precognition], [Telekinesis]

Misty Spectre
DNA Profiles: Féth Fíada (6), Nox Esurientem (6), Mister Hunch (1)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: Elemental Manipulation, Clairvoyance x 2, Invisibility, Ally Empowerment, Mental Manipulation x 2, Energy Manipulation, Transformation, Regeneration, Teleportation, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed
Known Synergies: [Phasewalking]/[Intangibility?], [Battle Precognition], [Telekinesis]
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On User-Submitted Candidates
So, coming up we have Cenotaph, which is the first time you guys have chosen an action that can result in new candidates. Depending on your rolls, you can get between 2-5 candidates. In that pool will be user submitted characters.

A quick note on that: by letting me use your submitted character, you are giving total control over them in this story. That means I will write in the way that fits the story best. I will try to honor the spirit of the character, but events can change people. Also, I won't be able to treat anyone with kid gloves. You have a sense of where this story can go and what can possibly be included (body horror, psychological torment) and what I will not be writing (sexual violence).

Bad things might happen to your character. They could die.

If this makes you uncomfortable, please let me know. You can DM me. No judgement, I totally get it. I feel like I need to give this warning, given that some of these characters are from other works and near and dear to people's hearts. Again, I will do my best to do them justice, but you will have no special voting power or ability to decide what happens with your submitted character in this story.
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