The Night Is Young, an Omake by ScorpioSting
Horizon, City of Leviathan's Rest — North OID, Hazel Evan's Apartment Building— February 14th, 2068
The text had just said, "I'm outside." But the date had given Hazel an idea of what to expect, so when she came out with her coat on and saw Keith standing by his bike with a box of chocolates and a bouquet of roses in hand, all she could do was smile.
"Happy Valentine's, Haze."
Hazel moved closer to Keith and gave him a kiss as she took the two items in hand. "Thanks, Keith. That's really sweet."
"Ah-bah-bah. This isn't all." Keith fished in his pockets before pulling out a pair o tickets, which Hazel read.
"…the boardwalk in the south docks? How much did this cost you?"
"My aunt and uncle were willing to pay. I'll pay them back, Lifelink is trying to round up a group to go on a Bronze and Silver-hunting trip, and my share should be enough to pay them back."
Hazel frowned. "You didn't have to do that for me. I'd have been fine just… going to a movie or seeing a band or something."
"You deserve something nice. Something better than a cheap romcom or a crappy basement band."
like crappy basement bands! I've seen your CD collection."
That joke breaks the tension, and Keith laughs.
"I'm not… mad. I just… anything would have been fine, if I'm doing it with you."
"Well, I can't get refunds, so… take it or leave it."
Hazel sighs, but then gives a faint smile as she moves to grab the spare helmet and store the flowers and chocolate away in the motorcycle's carrying area.
"Lead the way, Prince Charming."
Keith put his helmet on and started the motorcycle, heading down the roads to the South Docks.
As they walked up to the small carnival set up on the boardwalk, Hazel found herself smiling.
"Alright, maybe this will be worth it."
The two flash their tickets to the automated stalls and get them punched as they head in, and right away, Keith is distracted.
fuck yes they have churros."
He practically sprints to the stall, pulling out his wallet. "Hey, wait up!" Hazel shouted as she ran to the stall, a giggle escaping her.
"Cup of minis, with chocolate dipping sauce." Keith spoke as he slammed down the cash.
"And here I thought we were going to do the Lady and the Tramp thing with one long one."
"Nah, better value, plus, it means we can just divide it evenly instead of having to try and fraction out one big thing."
"It's not that hard to cut one thing in half!"
"I don't trust you to do it evenly."
"Bullshit!" Hazel couldn't help but laugh out loud at that statement. "You're so mean, Keith." She punched him idly, and that got him laughing too.
The man at the stall had finished and handed Keith the paper cup full of churro bites and the sauce cup, and they wandered over to the nearest bench to eat.
The sun was setting over the ocean, and the water and sky were turning pink and purple. Hazel had to take out her screen and snap a picture.
As they ate, sharing jokes and goofy questions (Who would you rather fight in a one on one: Hydrocity, or Mr. Hunch? Fuck/Marry/Kill: Lady Leizi, Red Huntress, Uiara?), Keith coughed and then asked something.
"Are you ever scared I'm going to die doing something heroic?"
Hazel practically choked on her churro bite, but after a swallow and a few back pats, she sighed.
"Obviously I get worried every time you get a nasty injury or only narrowly scrape out of a situation. But… I trust you, and Mr. Song's teaching. And I wouldn't be standing by you if I didn't want to support you. I'm always the one with the first aid kit after all."
"I do really appreciate that."
"Besides, I'm studying journalism. I like being the girl with the camera, documenting your successes and gathering the intel. April O'Neil doesn't have any ninja skills and she still manages to help get the dope on what Shredder's doing every week."
"You do have red hair like her, heh. Though I'm no ninja turtle."
"Oh please. I've seen you. You should wear a red bandana and get a pair of sai, you hothead."
Keith let out a
pfffft at that, then rolled his eyes. "And here I thought I was clearly the Leonardo."
"In your dreams. Ravi's more of a leader than you."
"You wound me. You wound me!" Keith mimed getting his heart pierced by an arrow.
There was a break for laughter, and then Hazel looked Keith.
"Look, I worry for you. I'm pretty sure all non-metahumans who date metahumans probably worry about it, too." Keith nodded at that assessment, looking to the side. "But I wouldn't have fallen for someone who wasn't as altrustic and brave as you. That's why I started dating you. You're strong and sweet and fun and you work so hard because you love your family and your neighborhood and everyone you interact with."
Keith blushed and looked away. Hazel grabbed his chin, turned it back, and gave Keith a kiss.
"I love you, Keith."
Keith looked Hazel in the eyes and smiled. "I love you too, Haze."
"Alrighty, that's enough mushy gushy for the night. What're we doing next?"
Keith looked around at various games and stands. "Well, I think I could win you a big ass stuffed bear at that milk bottle knock down game. And then there's the ferris wheel after that…
By the night's end, Hazel had proven she was better at a Street Fighter 2 arcade cabinet, Keith had rammed Hazel in the butt several times over at the bumper carts, they had tied at mini golf, and Hazel had laid her head in Keith's lap at the height of the ferris wheel's point, staring out at the night sky over the ocean, moon and stars reflected in the water.
Alien gods and peerless beings might not have felt it. But in Counterstrike and Hazel Evan's hearts, love existed, as did it in many other's hearts.
And love, along with courage, would save Horizon many times over before the year was over.
Slides to home plate before the ball of midnight in my time can touch me
Enjoy this cute bit of Valentines fluff with everyone's favorite kinetic energy absorber and his PR manager-in-training GF.