She also just had her life saved by us, saw Dynamite in a way that is basically impossible to misunderstand, we are clearly opposed to White Hawk who terrifies her, and her bodyguarding charge who she is clearly loyal to basically joined us. Those are fairly important things to contextualize that.
Yes? But I'm not sure how much of a difference that makes?

I don't see people arguing to keep it a secret because they don't trust New Dawn. I definitely don't feel that way and would disagree with it— I think we should give them way more credit than that.

I see the argument that it's not a secret to share in the absence of LL. And that is implicated by the fact that Belle Sabreuse (oh god she has the same abbreviation as Black Swan what do we do) was read in!

Now, maybe there's a difference between Wolong telling the secret and whoever did it for Belle Sabreuse, maybe Ellie or Chaucer or whomever. But eh, less so than I think my initial construal.

I sorta wish we could have Wolong talk to Ellie or Mona about this, or have him ask them to do so. But maybe that's just me not wanting to make a hard decision :V
We are still well behind and trying to catch up, there is no need to build internal tension for no reason, it is not in fact necessary. If you think it won't build it then fine, but we do not need to intentionally set up intra team tension when we are still on a uphill climb.
I'm not thinking any sort of mechanical tension but more like, narrative tension. Maybe tension is the wrong word, it does have negative connotations I'm not going for.

Narrative potential?

The team could be over a dozen people not too long from now. It's not all in Lady Leizi's hands. And that's a lesson that will be learnt soon, one way or the other.
Yes? But I'm not sure how much of a difference that makes?

I see the argument that it's not a secret to share in the absence of LL. And that is implicated by the fact that Belle Sabreuse (oh god she has the same abbreviation as Black Swan what do we do) was read in!
It makes a difference since she joined directly, it is basically impossible to hide what exactly Dynamite does, she has common enemies, and her charge who was looking interested got dragged in. She got forcibly invested by those things while being put in a position where there wasn't that much to read in for the first place.

The circumstances are wildly different enough that trying to apply Belle Sabreuse being read in as undercutting waiting for Leizi to return as a reason is just silly to me.
And while I'm arguing that yeah, waiting for Leizi to be there would be preferable. I also want to wait for us to get through Puella and Third Person first at a minimum. Doing New Dawn missions side by side with them to get more direct interactions with people like Palisade, while also showing that we're following through and putting our money where our mouth is. Get them used to working with us and liking more of our members.

I do think there isn't much time till we should tell them, but this turn is too early.
You know the oxygen trick Doc Silver did makes me wonder if he and Palisade might be able to do something with Abarimon.
The issue lies in where the gas comes from. If it comes from every pore of his skin then it's far harder to seal up compared to just a mouth and nose. I guess he could box in Abarimon, though not sure if a sealed box with gas continually pumping in is a good idea either.
[X] Read them in.
[X] Mystery Box

So many sub-votes is making me nervous, I need to play some craps to relax.
Some_guy_161 threw 15 20-faced dice. Reason: Gambling Break Total: 133
6 6 15 15 2 2 5 5 1 1 12 12 8 8 14 14 4 4 20 20 20 20 1 1 3 3 10 10 12 12
Katie, Childish Copier.
This is a make and you can't tell me different. +1!
Bitter, does Wolong have consent to reveal Prometheus?
This vote is about if the rest of JU is giving him consent. He'll honor your choice either way.
Omake: Brawl in Boca Raton
You have no idea how much I wish I could canonize this. +1!

And while the vote wraps, let's do our favorite rolls: the rewards table!!!

I need three d20. The tables are random except 20 which is special.
Pretty good!

Hopefully it's not some nonsense like "Evens are bad juju", and that higher rolls are generally better though.
Ambrosia Builder 1.0 - Hologram Killer
I've spent the past week or so making a sheet that compiles a lot of the current information regarding Ambrosia and powers in general. The sheet also includes the first version of an Ambrosia Builder for making builds.

Version 2.2 is HERE

Current Features (Last Updated 2/6):
  • List of all known and available DNA profiles (Updated with DNA from Issue #3.8!)
  • List of all known and learned synergies and a worksheet for recording synergy guesses
  • An Ambrosia Builder. Allows for the combination of up to 5 DNA samples. Compiles all used keywords and calculates potency.
    • Synergy Detection! Thanks to spiderhellian for completing this feature!
    • Easier Copy + Paste! Rename your build, copy the cells then shift + ctrl + v to more easily share your builds.
    • More Samples Slots! There are now a total of 13, which is the maximum. By default the rows containing them are hidden, so make sure to Unhide rows 23-54.
Work In Progress Features:
  • An explanation of all keyword types
  • Add all known DNA profiles to Ambrosia Builder
Info I'm Looking for (Last Updated 1/19):
  • Any miscellaneous information about Ambrosia or DNA Profiles not yet in an informational post (please include links)

Google Account Method
If you have a google account you can copy the sheet directly to your drive. Remember to check which account you are signed into and practice safe internet practices. To be safe you may want to use a private or incognito tab.
1. File > Make A Copy
2. Open the Copy on your Google Drive. This version should be editable by you.
Direct Download Method
If you do not have or don't want to use a google account you can also directly download the file.
1. File > Download
2. Download as a Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) or OpenDocument (.ods) file

Once downloaded go to the Ambrosia Builder tab and select the samples you want to use from the drop down. To make a Sample dropdown blank backspace until the cell is empty then select another cell.

I know there are errors so please let me know when you find them by @ing me. For glitches and bugs I will try to solve them to the best of my ability but please be patient- this is not my specialty or something I'm experienced in and I'm just doing this for fun :)
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