oh shit i picked the worst time ever to post that LMAO
edit: phew rolls are already over. and its the fun kind of rolls where we get dna and money yipee
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Sounds to me like we might be hit one of the dna samples. I'm hoping one of mine gets taken, if only so we could have an easier time on making plans around certain builds

Project Prometheus (Original Setting Superhero Quest)

When the Leviathan began to awake, every superhero in the city of Horizon rushed to keep the corpse of the supermassive alien slumbering. The ensuing battle could have gone better. Now, it's up to you to use a superpower-granting serum to replenish the city's hero population, rebuild Justice...
DNA Profiles
These describe the power sets and possibly the stories of dead metahumans to be used in hero creation. See our existing Ambrosia DNA Samples section in the organization sheet for examples. They are submitted to Bitterman privately through DMs and are not guaranteed to be added. Unlike other submissions, they are limited to 1 per person. Regardless, you can feature your submission in a public omake.

Rewards: Possible DNA sample for the Prometheus Project.
DNA rules for those curious
More random thoughts from the update and current circumstances:
1) Man is it a good thing that Project Prometheus requires an living Algernon to work properly, and that Silvio will not be helping them.
Otherwise, if/when it gets leaked it'd be trivial to use it as an assassination* tool** if you were inclined to doing so?

2) Hopefully LL shared the whole Lantern business with Wolong, and he the ND team, or agreeing would be an pretty quick leak (I'm more ok with sharing once LL gets back to hash out scenarios, but not sure if we get to relitigate then).

3) I see Biokinesis / Reality Warping at sufficient Potency can alter the Power Expression of a person, if not necessarily the keywords?
This vote is about if the rest of JU is giving him consent. He'll honor your choice either way.
Ah, in this framing it makes much more sense to agree so even with the theoretical leak risk so...

[X] Read them in.

Hopefully this doesn't end with our enemies deciding to come back and cooperate to pummel JU into the ground after the next Issue finishes..
I've spent the past week or so making a sheet that compiles a lot of the current information regarding Ambrosia and powers in general. The sheet also includes the first version of an Ambrosia Builder (if someone has a better name I will pivot to that immediately lol) for making builds.
This is awesome, thank you! Wow, it must have been a lot of work, and it seems so useful.

  • Synergy detection for the Ambrosia Builder (HELP)
Hmmmm. I think one way to do it would be to have a table where columns are all known tags, and rows are all known synergies, with the entries corresponding to how much of a given tag is necessary for a given synergy.

Then you have a row where you use the info you already have to build the corresponding row for the powers selected: ie how many of each keywords it provides.

Then you can do AND(ARRAYFORMULA(power_range >= synergy_range)) for each synergy to check whether the power is eligible for it?

From there probably easiest to join the synergy names where the it's TRUE into one string and just display that on the first page…

Actually replacing the keywords might be feasible if you've got a consistent ordering on them, you could maybe have hard coded bits that find the relevant keywords removes them and adds the synergy name at the end?

But runs into challenges if multiple synergies are possible but exclusive.
That sheet will make fooling around with build ideas much more satisfying and easy to do.

I already have something cute/interesting!

The Inescapable Blur
Red Huntress + Miss Conception + Fast Track + Mr. Hunch

This gets us Intangibility, but it's also a speedy, invisible type. Imagine being hit by a Homer you can't see going at Mach Fuck.
That sheet will make fooling around with build ideas much more satisfying and easy to do.

I already have something cute/interesting!

The Inescapable Blur
Red Huntress + Miss Conception + Fast Track + Mr. Hunch

This gets us Intangibility, but it's also a speedy, invisible type. Imagine being hit by a Homer you can't see going at Mach Fuck.
Huh Intangiblity would be a good way to bypass Fast Track lack of Invulnerabilty when moving at High speeds. Theres the question of how to attack but still an amazing esp hero.
Does anyone have invincibility/Immortailty builds for ambrosia yet? Or perhaps a Build that includes 4 expressions of invulnerability?

Because I got one:
Steadfast + Frostbite + Antaeus + Golem

Maybe we could go for something like Resurrective Immortality, combining Invulnerability with Regen?