Turn 5 was the very last turn I believed that the mission would be avaiable on, with Arc coming along making it easier.
Exactly, you just made my point for me. Because turn 5's the very last turn that Long Night is available and is the first turn Arc is as an active hero, I want to push Long Night to its very last time limit in order to create an interesting narrative. Perhaps it is suboptimal to prioritize optional missions over required ones, but then again, we sorta did the same with Demon Flamez, did we not? Pushing it till turn 4, right before its expiration date, to take it in order for John Henry to have a presence there.
A viper as thick as you are wide drops from the sky and wraps around Man o' War. In the sky, Menagerie Witch, Valiant Gold, and . . . Stockpile descend on Nevermores.

The calvary is here.

Wait, how did the VG, Menagerie Witch and Stockpile know where to find SB?

Exactly, you just made my point for me. Because turn 5's the very last turn that Long Night is available and is the first turn Arc is as an active hero, I want to push Long Night to its very last time limit in order to create an interesting narrative. Perhaps it is suboptimal to prioritize optional missions over required ones, but then again, we sorta did the same with Demon Flamez, did we not? Pushing it till turn 4, right before its expiration date, to take it in order for John Henry to have a presence there.

I want her first mission back in the field to be something she has a connection to.

That would probably be a result of Yara rolling a bad Major Side Effect

Where can I find a list of the Side-Effects we can have?
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Wait, how did the VG, Menagerie Witch and Stockpile know where to find SB?

I want her first mission back in the field to be something she has a connection to.

Where can I find a list of the Side-Effects we can have?
"Keep her talking," Doctor Silver hisses, "I'm working on something. I got a plan."

"Dammit. Just a little more time, just a little more time . . ."

All you were able to do is broadcast your location and pray.
Dreamer From Beyond Our World
DNA Profiles: Seraph (6), Memoria (4), Steadfast (2), Daggermaw (1)
Potency: 13
Keywords: [True Telepathy], [Flight], [Invulnerability], [Telekinesis], [Battle Precognition], [Phasewalking]

So, considering that a lot of people like this plan, I'm going to do some speculation on how this one could go once we Ambrosia Yara.
  • Yara gains the ability to manipulate light through her Phasewalking. This allows her to have a psuedo-telekinesis by solidifying the light around an object and moving that? Similarly, her Invulnerability would come in because of her body being a light construct— like Mona, but without a core to be reduced to. Her presence and physicality would be justified here by some sort of connection to the Stage?
  • Battle Precognition and True Telepathy seem like two sides of the same coin here, ngl? For all we know, Battle Precognition and True Telepathy could be part of a synergy together. True Telepathy is the version of the psychic communication used outside of combat, with Battle Precognition being the brainwaves and gut instincts read in combat.
  • Flight would be something where in exchange for going super fast, maybe she can be reflected by mirrors or some shit? Classical superhero weakness.
  • She might get an Wolong-like ability where she can auto pass either REP or OPS checks.
I was already sold on this build, you don't need to give me an extra cake on top.

Apropos of nothing, I noticed that Apiary, despite being a hivemind and demonstrably having a strong psychic presence, doesn't have a single psychic keyword. She doesn't even have Clairvoyance.

So my wild theory is this:

Matter Conversion isn't just about transforming matter, it's about making it yours, or making it part of yourself. And Apiary's psychic abilities are probably rolled up into Matter Conversion as component keywords.

So with this in mind, on top of likely containing Transmutation and Autobiokinesis, Matter Conversion could also require something like Mental Manipulation or True Telepathy. Possibly Self Enhancement too.
I could definitely see this being the case.
Invulnerability is a part of Phasewalking. So it shouldn't be included seperately
John has Clarivoyance as a separate tag from force fields, and Maddie has both Construct Creation and its Autonomous version. Tags being separate from their synergies has happened before.

Also, I'm not Bitterman, and what I wrote there wasn't official. In the end, it isn't that important.
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I love the contrast of the bright yellow eyes against the cosmic background here. If the other one was a comic book, this one feels more like a manga cover. 👍
my original idea was using a black hole image as the background and make the text curve around the hole but then I realised my Inkscape skills are not up the snuff
also converting svg to png fucked up the font so had to scrap a lot
also your observation is quite astute even if it was not my intention
thank you
Ibis' lab has a bunch of other, non-sapient experiments wandering around anyway, so either way getting the lab back would be a boost for her.
As someone who wants to make an animal based sub-team I am for this
If I am reading this through the haze right, Perhaps, in hindsight, someone who draws their power from animals would get a nice beefy theoretical boost by using creatures suitably beefed up by a mad geneticist, especially when they are capable of boosting said animals to levels that they are not typically capable of.

A team attack of a Valiant Bug Faced Rider and Valiant Kaiju will surely be completely fine and have no consequences for anyone.
Do I have news about plan wild hunt
Imagine a Maddie with a gorilla and Valiant Kabuto in her menagerie...

Now granted, we don't have the space to do the Quick Gorilla mission here but we can take control of OID this turn and get on the road to having a Kabuto ally for Maddie.
Side note
Quick gorilla is in fact, not a gorilla but an orangutan
If 3-tag combos can be boosted, then...

Okay, let's look at a basic Song set involving Mr. Hunch, Daggermaw, and one of Millions Minefield or Hydrocity. That's already got the ingredients for Telekinesis and Battle Precognition.

Now, we don't have enough room for an extra Clairvoyance. But we do have the room for extra of the other 4 tags.

Frostbite provides extra Strength and Elemental Manipulation, if we do Hydrocity. Strength is used in both, so it might boost both.

Sewer Rat has extra Transformation for the one thing Daggermaw isn't using in a combo, plus extra Senses for Precog.

If we go Millions Minefield, Miss Conception can boost the Energy Manipulation, though Invisibility might be dropped.

Adamant also boosts Transformation and Strength.
Honesrly just buff him to 4 to get autobiokinesus and enhanced strenght. Along with telekinesis and battle precog

As a Martial artist a strong body is pretty important so ignoring that for psychic powers seems misplaced to me. Battle Precog fits a martial artist but telekonesis doesnt telly vibe with it.
If 3-tag combos can be boosted, then...

Okay, let's look at a basic Song set involving Mr. Hunch, Daggermaw, and one of Millions Minefield or Hydrocity. That's already got the ingredients for Telekinesis and Battle Precognition.

Now, we don't have enough room for an extra Clairvoyance. But we do have the room for extra of the other 4 tags.

Frostbite provides extra Strength and Elemental Manipulation, if we do Hydrocity. Strength is used in both, so it might boost both.

Sewer Rat has extra Transformation for the one thing Daggermaw isn't using in a combo, plus extra Senses for Precog.

If we go Millions Minefield, Miss Conception can boost the Energy Manipulation, though Invisibility might be dropped.

Adamant also boosts Transformation and Strength.
Remember we still need Soldier X for the Fitness/Regeneration considering Song's age, so we've got 3 potency left if not doing boosts for Song. This leads to the 6 potential permutations below, though its missing any unknown synergies obviously (If any, it'd be Sewer Rat).

Adamant: Battle Precog (extra strength), ABO
Sewer Rat: Battle Precog (extra senses)
Frostbite: Battle Precog (extra strength), Telekinesis
(Hydrocity or Millions) + Steadfast: Battle Precog, Telekinesis (Invuln)
Hydrocity + Crimson Soprano: Battle Precog, Telekinesis, FFM

Still off of what we know Sewer Rat provides no extra synergies and Crimson Soprano's flying/blaster ends feel completely incogruent. So pick your poison for Adamant, Frostbite, and Steadfast based on synergies and potential covers in the non booster world.
Battle precog is especially good for Song since it's one of those abilities that is completely invisible and comes across as pure skill if you use it right.

Easy enough to explain as him always having had it and just never realizing it wasn't just a normal part of his training until he got to talking to JU.

Fun thing: This is also going to continue to feed Crusade's belief we are messing with some kind of power booster to take what they will assume was a potency 1 Song and make him Potency 6 or whatever.
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Autobiokinesis is a lot of investment for a Song build without room for a lot else. I'd rather do something else, personally.
not really Adamant, Solider X and Daggermaw are needed for Autobio and can easy give Battle Precog too with Mr Hunch.

I don't know if we can really afford to be doing potency boosts on anyone except Yara next turn. Money is pretty tight.
Sugar is cheaper now and only 1K we still have chance to roll for money from Personal Actions. too
I mean, we could also gamble on how much we're getting from Frigg of Drifting Mistletoe :V

It's not like it's the first time we're betting on a mission to get money to make up for our cost (i.e. Break the Glass for Spoonful and PP on Dr. Silver). It's just this time we're relying on something uncertain :V

What even is our Income?

Are there a lack of income per turn actions or have we been skating buy on reward money?
Yup, we've been skating by with reward money