[] Plan Street Fighter
-[] Daggermaw 1
-[] Mr Hunch 1
-[] Adamant 3
-[] Soldier X 1
-[] Hydrocity 1
-[] Potency Reduction 3
-[] Total Potency 4

Keywords: Autobiokinesis, Enhanced Strength, Battle Precognition, Telekinesis

A Build That gives Song a Great Body thats vital for a Martial Artist, Battle Precog to enhance Fighting Skills & Telekinesis for Ki Blast. Enhanced Strenght is I'm unsure off but as X2 good chance of it appearing and its also another power great for MA. Lastly Based on Wulong Precog powers strains the Brain from needing to analyze so much data to make accurate prediction so a Decent Regen should mitigate the risk of Song burning out his brain from using Battle Precog.

It does need 1 Potency boost but pretty easy to give him

Edit; Basically this plan turns SOng into a Fighting Game Character ;v
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Hey @Bitterman
With more keywords does that mean Yara's power would be less powerful word for word?
Also does Mona count as dysmorphia?
Also for those who think Mona is less powerful because she only has one synergy her keywords for lack of a better word synergize well enough that she is a powerful wrecking ball
Yup, we've been skating by with reward money
....So how do we actually go about boosting our income. Is that these missions
Making the Rounds (AP 1, HIT 2, REPUTATION 3): The Worker's Mitt is a series of "blue-collar" neighborhoods in Horizon, and the former territory of Justice Unlimited. The strife there is not as bad as in other parts of the city—perfect for a rookie hero on her first patrol. Go show the flag and remind everyone Justice Unlimited is still here.
Lady Leizi: Reports are limited, but there's been some rumors of two Silver Rank Behemoths being sighted in the area. It's nothing our current Justice Unlimited can't handle, and it isn't immediately pressing. However, the bounties would be nice for our coffers as well as being seen taking appropriately heroic actions. Rumors also abound of local vigilante metahumans protecting the area. It might be good to make contact with some.
(Chance of permanent global +1 to REPUTATION, Income +1500, Random event off the events table)

Pest Control (AP 1, HIT 3, REPUTATION 2): Odd monsters called Behemoths live in the QZ. It's a fact of life in Horizon, but, since the Leviathan stirred, they've been more active than normal. A few have even tried to get into the city proper, which would be very bad. A general call has gone out to anyone willing to help thin their numbers near the border. It might be good training for a newly-revived Justice Unlimited.
Lady Leizi: Again, routine work for us and we will never complain about filling our coffers. More interesting is the potential to scout the QZ for possible routes to retrieve goldnine, as well as the possibility of making contact with the vanguard of the R-Train. It may help us establish a foothold for further contact.
(Income +2000, Chance of +1 to HIT, Intel about current state of QZ, Encounter with Gold-Rank Behemoth, Chance of Encounter with R-Train)
Or are those one time boosts per action taken.

Otherwise, what are the methods to boost income? Getting an area under control?
[] Plan Street Fighter
That could end up pretty cool - his Autobiokinesis would probably be much weaker than Rhys' since he has other tags going on, and probably more geared towards combat given his personality, but it might be enough to hide his identity.

Though... I don't know. Personally, I really want him to have Invulnerability, for him to be our tank. And... I really wanna find out whether there's a low-enough Invulnerability synergy that we might be capable of squeezing in there alongside Battle Precognition and Telekinesis.

Scarlet Maturity's Invulnerability seems to be based on how he's holding his atoms together. Tactile telekinesis, I think someone called it. So I wonder if that's possible for Song too - if Telekinesis + Invulnerability + ??? make something. It might be worth burning a Wolong question on it, given that the Dreamer From Another World build is currently looking super solid?
That could end up pretty cool - his Autobiokinesis would probably be much weaker than Rhys' since he has other tags going on, and probably more geared towards combat given his personality, but it might be enough to hide his identity.

Though... I don't know. Personally, I really want him to have Invulnerability, for him to be our tank. And... I really wanna find out whether there's a low-enough Invulnerability synergy that we might be capable of squeezing in there alongside Battle Precognition and Telekinesis.

Scarlet Maturity's Invulnerability seems to be based on how he's holding his atoms together. Tactile telekinesis, I think someone called it. So I wonder if that's possible for Song too - if Telekinesis + Invulnerability + ??? make something. It might be worth burning a Wolong question on it, given that the Dreamer From Another World build is currently looking super solid?
Autobio should give Song his youth back since thats an option that profile pointed out and something the synergy could give easily. It Could be a regen focused power like Wolverines instead of shapeshigting.
Autobio should give Song his youth back since thats an option that profile pointed out and something the synergy could give easily. It Could be a regen focused power like Wolverines instead of shapeshigting.
That sounds very cool and I wouldn't be opposed to that, I'm just expressing a preference for having a true tank. Someone you could stick the Hustle on and who would constantly recharge Henry's shields, and which you wouldn't need to shield yourself. It's a spot we're really missing in our roster, thus far.
That sounds very cool and I wouldn't be opposed to that, I'm just expressing a preference for having a true tank. Someone you could stick the Hustle on and who would constantly recharge Henry's shields, and which you wouldn't need to shield yourself. It's a spot we're really missing in our roster, thus far.
A True Tank really isnt something we can give a Low Potency liek Song. Since youd need not only Powerful Invulnerabilty but also a way to force enemies to focus on you like GJ chains.
That could end up pretty cool - his Autobiokinesis would probably be much weaker than Rhys' since he has other tags going on, and probably more geared towards combat given his personality, but it might be enough to hide his identity.

Though... I don't know. Personally, I really want him to have Invulnerability, for him to be our tank. And... I really wanna find out whether there's a low-enough Invulnerability synergy that we might be capable of squeezing in there alongside Battle Precognition and Telekinesis.

Scarlet Maturity's Invulnerability seems to be based on how he's holding his atoms together. Tactile telekinesis, I think someone called it. So I wonder if that's possible for Song too - if Telekinesis + Invulnerability + ??? make something. It might be worth burning a Wolong question on it, given that the Dreamer From Another World build is currently looking super solid?

The Low-Key Bruiser
Soldier X (1)
Daggermaw (1)
Mr. Hunch (1)
Steadfast (2)
Millions Minefield/Hydrocity (1)

Does that sound good? If you wanted to be more efficient and include something stronger, Steadfast and the MM/H could be rolled together and put Frostbite in.
Original source of Black Swan: bknk.shop

Here is a poster for the night
now the text is a bit off the border but
what can you do
Nice! +1! You should really read the rest of the story; you stop right when it got going!
Hey @Bitterman
With more keywords does that mean Yara's power would be less powerful word for word?
Also does Mona count as dysmorphia?
Also for those who think Mona is less powerful because she only has one synergy her keywords for lack of a better word synergize well enough that she is a powerful wrecking ball
1) No. Though some powers might dominate for flavor's sake.
2) Mona can pass as a normal human, so no.

Scarlet Maturity's Invulnerability seems to be based on how he's holding his atoms together. Tactile telekinesis, I think someone called it
...a thought occurs.

SB managed to touch both Nox and Crimson Soprano.

But because of how Zeno's power works, was he off-limits simply because he couldn't get touched even if the Whaaa field was over her?
The Low-Key Bruiser
Soldier X (1)
Daggermaw (1)
Mr. Hunch (1)
Steadfast (2)
Millions Minefield/Hydrocity (1)

Does that sound good? If you wanted to be more efficient and include something stronger, Steadfast and the MM/H could be rolled together and put Frostbite in.
Yeah, I was thinking something along those lines. Though I'll note that the Street Fighter was potency 4 after reductions, whereas this is still 3.

Presumably Low-Key Bruiser at potency 4 would be

It's amazing how ominous a single emoji can be. Should I be concerned? Is this a simple "are you sure?"

...I guess I could see the possibility of him not actually having Invulnerability and he just has the strongest form of Regeneration possible, or something. I guess maybe he could 'just' have Autobiokinesis, Enhanced Strength, and Ally Enhancement, in the same way Swan 'just' has FFM, Flight, Invulnerability and Regeneration?
actually, now that I think about it, Frostbite (even putting aside the whole "I made the guy" thing) would be interesting if we use it to make Telekinesis.

It could end up as the cheap version of Zeno's second ability, a suit of armor made of telekinetic force that also makes Song stronger. Sure, Song probably wouldn't have as much range as if we went with Steadfast and Hydrocity, because of the whole "need point of contact back to self" limitation I gave him, but if we're making a melee bruiser, we don't really need ranged attacks aside from just, like, throwing something.
...I guess I could see the possibility of him not actually having Invulnerability and he just has the strongest form of Regeneration possible, or something. I guess maybe he could 'just' have Autobiokinesis, Enhanced Strength, and Ally Enhancement, in the same way Swan 'just' has FFM, Flight, Invulnerability and Regeneration?
Considering way guys powers seem to work, in addition to the transformations and such, plus the similarity to Mona in the way he has a core, it's probable whats going on with him is something along the lines of

Biokinesis and Ally Enhancement at minimum (enhancement of powers that is by all indications permanent)
Something Psychicy, probably telekinesis given his powers function at range and are capable of being called and recalled back...and honestly given the way he reforms bigger and badder autobiokinesis as well?

Like at absolute minimum, Ally Enhancement, Telekinesis and Biokenisis I think are part of his power set simply because whatever his power does to HIMSELF seems to be something somewhat separate from what he's doing to others. Given powers in this setting seem to be tied as much to the body as they are to a psychic signature of sorts...and maybe some vampirism. Which makes me think of the only vampire we've got confirmed

Name: Nox Esurientem, Gaspard Girardot
Power: Mental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Transformation, Regeneration, Teleportation, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed

And the generic Energy Manipulation and Transformation? Like raw simplest form possible (Discounting power interactions/synergies etc)

Scarlet Maturity: Ally Enhancement, Telekinessis, Transformation, Energy Manipulation, Biokenesis.

Regeneration would SEEM like a requirement given what we've seen of him, but really if he's more an energy being than something flesh and blood it wouldn't necessarily be the case. would make SM some kind of psychic...symbiote/parasite thing?

Hell, Given powers ALSO have the heavy psychic power, he might be a hard and fast super caked up psychic rather than anything else.
...I guess I could see the possibility of him not actually having Invulnerability and he just has the strongest form of Regeneration possible, or something. I guess maybe he could 'just' have Autobiokinesis, Enhanced Strength, and Ally Enhancement, in the same way Swan 'just' has FFM, Flight, Invulnerability and Regeneration?
Frankly I suspect SM has only one power. Some strange synergy between Ally Empowerment and something else.

The end result, though, is I think SM is really just that one tag, and every time he eats someone to revive he adds a potency level.

Regardless SM doesn't seem to actually have any form of regeneration. He's literally pulling his molecules back together. And he's so skilled and fast at it that it seems like regeneration when it's… not, really.

But yeah, I think SM is an example of what happens when a potency X candidate gets a single keyword ramped to X.
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I think along with Invulnerability (to his core), he likely has Ally Empowerment and Self-Enhancement. Everything else is probably a consequence of him powering up. I do think there's a basis to him having tactile Telekinesis.

I don't know how I missed it, but it turns out there's another synergy you don't know about with super-Ellie. I somehow didn't put it together until I double checked my list until now. So, uh, whoops lol.

I'm done spotting you guys synergies for a while!
So Something in the Justiciar, Red Huntress and Heavenly Astrologian gives a unique Sinergy?
I wondet what it is...
Eh its 12 am where im at, so Im gone. Good night to everyone.
Also, if you haven't voted in the Winterfest polls, I just want to point out that we're 5 votes behind best original work. If you are so inclined, every vote is appreciated!