However here it seems Belle triggered a recharge but did not gain an injury level. Does this mean taking a physical attack that would cause an injury level to an unarmored human is consider sufficient for The Hustle, even if there is ultimately no injury due to existing armor or invulnerability?
It needs to be equivalent of an injury levels, but they need not take one. Otherwise it would be useless on invulnerable characters.
Then in the event a red barrier absorbs 1 attack, does it dissipate and have to be reapplied through another touch? Because if it continues to persist, then this sequence with Belle taking 3 injury levels would have refunded all 3 charges to Doctor Silver and then he would have been able to shield Belle and steal Yara's thunder.
Each application of the Hustle can only absorb 3 charges before needing to be reapplied. That barrage Belle endured was 3+ injury levels, but DS only needed one more to get back to full charge.
Since the implemented plan did not mention this wall, is it correct to presume that nothing happened to it? And if it is untouched does it have Hustle still or did it dissipate for some reason?
The wall was opposite of where VG railgunned, if my mental mapping is right. Nothing happened to it, and he can dissipate it at will.
If this a Metaphor: ReFantazio reference, then I salute you for excellent taste.
It was always going to be a library, but:

He is.
But... it sounds wrong...

It is a challenge against the evil that just dares it to take a wrong step so it can get the discipline it never got from it's neglectful parents
Do people not call cool guys Daddy anymore ?
Daddy Cool,etc ?
Yeah, at the current moment in time it's the difference between "Father Please Forgive Me for my Sins" and "Daddy I've been Naughty"

Technically, expressing the same idea but uh...The Connotations...
Yeah, at the current moment in time it's the difference between "Father Please Forgive Me for my Sins" and "Daddy I've been Naughty"

Technically, expressing the same idea but uh...The Connotations...
Would anyone stop eating cucumbers or zucchinis because of the connotations ?
What I'm saying is we should be able call people Daddy freely
And also kiss the homies goodnight
of course
My Black Hole Junior Can't Be This Dense! — Kermie (semi-canon)
My Black Hole Junior Can't Be This Dense!
By Kermie

Horizon, City Of Leviathan's Rest
Sometime after Eidolon, sometime before Mona's meeting with Scarlet Maturity

You are Shelley Marie, and… how.

Over the course of your years as a music teacher, you have made a point to not discriminate or assume anything about metahumans with dysmorphic looks. Those who fell into that category were still… let's just say that they were changing during the periods you were teaching them and leave it at that, but none of them were ever that affected by those changes. Personality wise at least. You remember teaching this one sweet kid with shark teeth— you have to wonder where he is now.

However, the student (?) in front of you is seriously tempting you to rethink those good-hearted assumptions. Because Leviathan's Blood, this girl is as dense as a rock (or a singularity, heh) around her crush.

It started around lunch time. After the things that happened a few days ago, Mona was sitting down next to you while you were trying your best to fix JU's finances and get more info on the black site called the Brig. Neither effort was bearing any fruit, so that's when you asked her:

"Got anything on your mind?"

Mona wasn't eating any food at the time, so she thankfully didn't sweep anything off the table when she got up to look at you. "Uh, yeah! It's—"

She opened her mouth, and then immediately closed it. "Uh, private."

You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "How private? Is it like, classified Justice Unlimited business, or…"

Mona shook her head, eyes wide in some mixture between shock and tiredness. "Uh, no! It's about Ellie."

Ok, that's probably not Handyman, you saw Maddie on TV during that disastrous interview, so Ellie has to be…

"You mean Valiant Gold?" you guessed.

Mona nodded glumly. "Well, yeah. It's just that…"

"That… use your words, I can't read minds Mona."

She closed her eyes for a second, before blurting out, "Ithinkshe'sreallycutebutIcan'tstopfumblingaroundher!"

You blinked in surprise. Something something… did Mona have a crush on Valiant Gold? Man, you knew some people who would pay bank for that gossip. Unfortunately, that's when your morality kicked back in and you just felt like helping her out. You can make more money later, then. "So, you're into girls?"

Mona waved her hands around in an attempt to articulate something, before nodding her head. "Well, I'm bisexual. I dated a few guys before, but never any girls."

You had to hold back a little laugh. Man, how many bisexuals are there in Horizon? At this rate, you could walk through the Apiary's halls and find someone bi/pan in under five minutes if you talk fast. Of course, that's assuming that you're not counting yourself. "Huh, same! And your relationships with those guys, how long did they last?"

That was when Mona fiddled a bit with her long blonde hair, kind of like you do occasionally. "Well, not that long."

So, not much longer than 1 year or six months at max. Not the worst track record. Not the best either. "C'mon, tell me about her!" you asked, "I swear on Uiara's grave, and Valiant Silver's grave, and Apiary's grave even though technically we might already be inside her grave, that I won't tell anybody what I hear."

Mona considered it for a second, before gritting her teeth and probably mentally shrugging. "Ok, fine. Ellie's like, the coolest girl I've ever met. She's cool, and brave… also she looks really good in a leather jacket."

You nodded in solemn agreement. "Everybody looks better in leather jackets or suits. Continue."

Mona sucked in a deep breath through her teeth (wait, does she even need to breathe?) and continued. "Uh, but I have a problem around her. Outside of hero duties, just in normal life."

"What, you can't speak up around her? Tongue-tied?"

"I wish. I keep on fumbling around her! Whenever I speak to her specifically, I can't help but fumble the bag! The first two times I talked to her, she wanted to kill me!"

You rolled your eyes. It couldn't be that bad, right? "Alright, calm down. I've had good and healthy relationships with a variety of people, of all shapes, sizes, and genders. If you need some advice, you can talk to me. Now, start from the beginning…"

As it turns out, it was absolutely that bad.


"I said I was trying, ok?!"

Mona is fumbling Ellie as badly as that one time you fumbled that cute bartender who, in retrospect, was totally flirting with you when both of you were off the clock. While you're pretty sure that you haven't heard everything about Ellie, you're also pretty sure that you know enough.

"In the span of two to three weeks, you have managed to do so badly. Holy—" You have to take a deep breath. Remember to calm down! You're a teacher, first and foremost! Don't blow up at your pupils! "Do you want me to say this in the easy way or the honest way?"

Mona nods, a bit sheepish. By now, the Apiary's food court has mostly emptied out, leaving only a few stray workers and you two. "The honest way?"

You clasp your hands together, and then give it to her straight— she'll never learn otherwise. "In the span of two to three weeks, you've managed to insult Ellie's mom issues, the people she cared for, her credibility, her food, her reliability, and I'm going to take a shot in the dark here, you probably also insulted her style once or twice. You've managed to do all this while acting down horrendous, down hellish for her every time she wears any outfit that looks 5 or 10 percent different than "jeans and T-shirt". And if I had to be honest, you'd probably explode if you saw her wear ripped jeans."

Mona blinks in surprise, and opens her mouth before closing it.

"This doesn't even get started on how there's clearly some homoerotic tension I doubt even Novalight could blast through. Said homoerotic tension— and yes, I'm going to keep calling it that!— is visible to all of your closest teammates and confidants, except maybe Chauncer, John, and Ellie herself. And I'm pretty sure Chauncer knows, since according to you he's been spending a good bit of time around your mom."

"Please don't talk about if they've been fricking or not."

"Alright then, but speaking of your mom, I think she sees it too. I was talking to her yesterday and she said that she had a long talk with Ellie. Your mom literally gave her a shovel talk."

"It's not like that! She didn't really talk that much with my boyfriends…"

"Uh, because they weren't going to last for more than half a year. Maybe a year max. And before you ask, no, you can't deny it. I have proof."

You hold up a notepad. You had asked Mona to write down a few things she had remembered saying to Ellie earlier. You flip to one of the pages Mona scribbled on, and start reading out loud.

"Yeah! You were doing a great job until everyone started fighting! And don't worry, Black Swan will always be by your side to clean up your messes!"

"I assume that this was after the memorial?"


"The memorial, where Valiant Gold made her public debut. The memorial, where Valiant Gold's negotiation with Monarch allowed people like me to evacuate on Dreamcatcher's lead."

Mona can't help but look away. "Well, yeah! But I was busy thinking about this whole upcoming thing I have with Scarlet Maturity…"

"No buts! You yap way too much— you could have cut out 70% of that entire sentence! She would have loved it if you had capitalized on that whole thing you did earlier, where you showed up just in time. You should have said something like…"

"Yeah! You were doing a great job until everyone started fighting! And don't worry, Black Swan will always be by your side to clean up your messes help you out!"

"Also, don't refer to yourself in third person. That's weird. And that's one that I think Ellie was half-ok with. What about…"

"I just mean, Lady Leizi saved them? She pretty much fixed almost all their problems all at once. They don't even really need you!"

You've double underlined and circled that last part. There's absolutely no reason why that should even— there's putting your foot in your mouth, and then there's verbal suicide.

"Mona, I don't know who "them" is here. But if you had said this to almost any other metahuman, they would have tried to fight you on the spot."

"Ellie tried to fight me after I said that with the Scissors mode of her armor."

You just can't even anymore. All you can do is just stare at Mona blankly. You love your students. You love helping out others with less life experience than you. It's part of why you became a music teacher. But this is just plain stupid.

You flip to the next page of your notepad, and take out a pencil. "I do think that if it wasn't for the whole fact that she's on the same team as you, that you should apologize and start fresh. But since that's way out of reach, just try this."

You write down four letters on the notepad, vertically aligned.


"And no, you're probably not going to get Ellie to kiss you right now. Or hug you even. What you need to do is Keep It Simple, and I regret having to call you this, Stupid."

You bonk Mona on the head with your pencil, and it's for a moment that you realize the ridiculousness of the situation. You just hit one of the most powerful metahumans in Horizon on the head with a pencil, and are giving her dating advice. What has your life come to.

But all you can do is continue forward, ridiculous or not. "Give her short compliments, and try to just be unbiased. Don't mention anything about what she could do, just appreciate her for what she is doing. And by the Leviathan's Blood, don't act so down bad."

Mona looks at you strangely, before taking the notepad and flipping through it. Her eyebrows scrunch as she sees what she's been saying. "Are you sure that'll work?"

"Yes, as long as you try your best to calm down. Just talk to her like how you'd talk to any other friend! Look, she's over there, go talk to her."


"Mona. How's it been going?"

"Good, really. By the way, did I mention how good your shirt looks today?"

"Oh, uh, thanks?"

"And by the way, it goes decently enough with your practical pants as well. But uh, I could probably get you a better outfit! You don't have to be practical, and, uh, stuck up seeming with the clothes that you wear. Not all the time."


"Mona Merola-Morales!"

"I tried, ok?!"

Author's Note:

The funniest thing about the fact that Shelley isn't the protagonist of a story anymore is that she can be as out of pocket as possible, as the cool but exasperated mentor. Hopefully this was funny enough for y'all.
Good Grief Mona... (great Omake Kermie!)
Girl Is like a train wreck.
Its horrifying, tragic, traumatic and you should turn away... but you just cant.
The fumbling is going to kill me at this rate, honestly.

(Voice of someone tempting fate) The only way it could get worse is if she gets dating advice by Scarlet Maturity that boils down to 'fight her'.
Mona isn't quiiiite self-aware yet for this conversation (she inexplicably thinks her attraction to Ellie is still a secret) but I love the Shelley bits! +1!
...I choose to believe she's so focused on Ellie, both in fantasies and trying to fix her fumbles, that she has no mental capacity to think about how others think about their relationship. Despite the fact that others have outright talked to her about it.

Though honestly, I kinda preferred my previous headcanon:
"You've obviously in love with her!"
"No I'm not!"
"No, I'm fricking attracted to Ellie to the point of stupidity and greatly admire her, but we haven't gotten to know each other sufficiently or long enough for me to love her!"
"...They is surprisingly mature of you."
"Hey! But thankies."
I have said before, what is needed to strengthen this relationship is outside pressure. Seek out a recruit who will put the moves on Noelle, Mona will rise to the occasion.

On the other hand, they are superheroes, they change partners almost as often as they die. What's the worry?
The reason my logo Blackgold comic didn't feature any dialogue was partially because I genuinely think that the best way for Mona to show her affection to Ellie is to let her actions speak for her. Although imagine a scenario where a telepath mind-links them and they have no choice but to communicate their true feelings for once. Hmmm…. For unrelated reasons I feel the need to mention that Yara should definitely be an ally focused telepath 😃
If there is one hundred BlackGold shippers, Yara is one of them.

If there is only one BlackGold shipper, it's Yara.

If there are no BlackGold shippers, it's because Yara has taken four injury levels.
If there is one hundred BlackGold shippers, Yara is one of them.

If there is only one BlackGold shipper, it's Yara.

If there are no BlackGold shippers, it's because Yara has taken four injury levels.
And if Yara takes 4 injury levels, she will move on to the Stage and continue her work from beyond the grave.
...and will continue to remind Ellie every time she uses Dynamite.
Behind The Hero: Silent Heart — Kermie (semi-canon)
Behind The Hero: Silent Heart
By Kermie

(Jaunty opening tune plays)

Welcome back to Behind The Hero! For once, we're focusing back on Horizon, the city of Leviathan's Rest. So that means that we can actually get some live interviews! Also we don't have to deal with Juan "motherfucker" Bonfim anymore— shit, edit that out in post, please.

As I was saying… Today we'll be focusing on some of Horizon's new rising stars. The little guys, who do their own thing in the shadow of the big four. Justice Unlimited, New Dawn, Powers, Global Justice. Or Crusade if you prefer.

While those teams have been recuperating their losses after the horrific events of the Movement, there are also many lower-tier metahumans who operate on their own. We call them vigilantes, but these specific metahumans have their own name. Please welcome, Silent Heart!

(Applause sounds out, as five metahumans take the stage, all of them sitting in their own chairs.)

Ok, gotta grab my mic… Everyone, please introduce yourself for the camera. We'll be uploading this edited onto Hero For Hire, so it's your choice if you want to use real names.

(The metahumans look at each other. Unlike the other episodes, they're all mostly in civilian clothing.)

Luminary: Uh, hey! I'm Hanzo Suzuki, but you can call me Luminary. I'm the leader of the Behemoth-hunting metahuman team, Silent Heart!

Minimizer: The name's Minette Cho. Call me Minimizer. I used to be called Compactor, but that's in the past.

Stoneface: Stoneface. I'd like to keep my identity private, please. You could probably tell by the domino mask, but just wanted to make a few things clear.

Canval: Uh— wow, I need to get these bangs out of my eyes— my metahuman name is Canval. My friends call me Jun. Jun Akimitsu.

Landshark: My name's Issac Sanchez! But I think my appearance speaks for itself— call me Landshark!

Wow, we've definitely got an interesting team today! Luminary, we'll have you start. How did the team start? You can't have just popped out of nowhere after all.

Fair enough question. I think it started when…

Luminary, Hanzo Suzuki
Keywords/Power: Energy Manipulation/Elemental Manipulation (it's weird)
Strengths: Being a team player, infectious personality
Weaknesses: Really reliant on those teammates, absolutely whipped for his girlfriend

Luminary: About four years ago. I accepted a commission to get rid of one or two Gold-Rank Behemoths.

Minimizer: Right! The katana hornets!

Luminary: Yup, the katana hornets! When I got there, there were already three other people there. Me, Minette, Solferina and Stoneface over there. After an eventful enough cleanup, we all exchanged contacts, and then the rest is history.

Solferina? Who's that?

Right, she's… agh… no longer with us. Died in the Movement. While I was the one who floated the idea of being a recurring team, she was the one who really brought us together.

Stoneface: She did a lot for us. And by a lot, I mean that she got us all real official looking Hero For Hire accounts, did our forms, and budgeted for all our equipment.

Luminary: Our team was originally called Song Heart before her passing! Really, it was her that was the whole "glue" for us. She was in showbiz before heroing, and her power was increasing our energy via song. Which synergized really well with my power, not gonna lie.

And your power's something related to light, right?

Bingo. When I cross my arms, I can shoot out a laser that gets stronger the more it bounces off of anything. It consumes my energy the longer I have it out, and I can also make it bounce myself in exchange for making it slower.

I see how that works. Solferina being around allowed you to have your laser out for longer, which you'd then be able to one hit a slow Behemoth with. I imagine you still have support from your other teammates now, right?

Oh, of course! I'm actually the one that supports him the most, both on the field and off.

Luminary: Honey, really—

Minimizer: Hanzo, this is for the cameras! And besides, nobody really knows our face right now anyways.

Luminary: …well, you do have a point there.

Minimizer, Minette Cho
Keywords/Power: Transmutation
Strengths: Resourceful, funny
Weaknesses: a bit pushy I guess, don't insult her about her weight

Minimizer: I'm his girlfriend, and also the new accountant after Solf died. I'm also a godmother to her kids, and the weapons and equipment manager of this team. I change the size of things at will, but only to inanimate objects, and I can't make it bigger than it originally was. My trick is putting either mirror shards into capsules for Hanzo or providing us with on demand knives. Meanwhile during active combat, I help out with some sniping.

So you provide and carry weapons to use on more durable Behemoths?

Pretty much, and I also make sure that we always have spare outfits.

Canval: Ugh, it's not just the ink I use that gets messy. There's so much Behemoth blood to deal with, every day…

That's gonna get a yikes from me, man. Alright, next question. What does the team mainly do each week? Give me a day in the life?

I can take this one. It's pretty simple, actually.

Luminary: Alright, but tell us if you need someone to take over, alright?

Keywords/Power: Telekinesis, Enhanced Strength, Invulnerability
Strengths: Strong, reliable
Weaknesses: Not exactly expressive

Stoneface: We don't really have a base of sorts. Instead, you usually see us waking up at about 6, maybe 7 in the morning. We all occasionally used to go to Solferina's house over in the French Quarter, but now it's either my apartment or Landshark's in the Worker's Mitt. From there, we suit up and go patrolling either near the QZ or through the Worker's Mitt. We're a Behemoth-hunting focused metahuman team, so we usually have a contract to look for.

Stoneface: That lasts for about six hours, then if we've gotten into any fights with Behemoths, we claim the reward money and go clean off and grab some lunch. Otherwise, we all go back to the center of the Worker's Mitt after another three hours and go back to our houses.

It seems like you're all a very… mixed team. What I've noticed is that you all seem to have powers that are good for Behemoth hunting but less effective when you can't focus all your power on one or two big guys.

…Minette, we still don't have any branding or theming.

Minimizer: Listen, when Linh died, she took all the advertising chops with her!

Stoneface: As you can see, you read us like a book. I can use telekinesis to stick things to me like an armor, which gives a level of protection. The only unfortunate caveat is that the level of protection I get lessens my focus, so when I'm fully armored I only can focus on one or two targets and nothing else. So I'm best suited for wrestling down the big Behemoths, the ones the size of a car or bigger. I trap them in place, and then while Canval or Minimizer take potshots, either Landshark or Luminary goes for the killing blow. None of our powers are bad alone, but together we can pretty regularly kill Gold-Rank Behemoths.

Alright, alright! Very interesting. Now, for one last question. What made you all get into Behemoth hunting specifically?

Ooh! New guys, this is your time to say something!

Canval: Do I have to?

Landshark: C'mon Jun, it's for the sponsors! We're all making pretty reasonable money each week, but it's be nice to go out for food some more.

Canval: …You know what, you're right. The name's Canval— it's a mixture between "Canvas" and "Pal". I can spread ink onto anything, and then create spikes using that black ink. I've also got some tracking on that ink, so I'm the Behemoth tracker specialist.

Landshark: And once again, I'm Landshark. I'm a shark dude, fin on the back, teeth, sandpaper skin and all! I can swim through the ground and hit like a truck. Both me and Jun over here joined about a year ago!

Landshark, Issac Sanchez
Keywords/Power: Transformation (dysmorphic), Enhanced Strength, Elemental Manipulation
Strengths: Funny, generally cool
Weaknesses: Scratchy skin, ouch

Canval, Jun Akimitsu
Keywords/Power: Construct Manipulation, Clarivoyance
Strengths: Creative, can do the stabby stab.
Weaknesses: Impostor syndrome (not that bad though…)

Canval: As for why I hunt Behemoths instead of taking bodyguard duty, it's because with my ink spikes, they usually stab deep. I'd rather not cause too much pain to a human, but slowing down a Behemoth? I don't really have any qualms against that.

Landshark: I'm just here for the food and the company, man! Oh, and also just to show the world that dysmorphia doesn't mean you can't chase your dreams.

Stoneface: I want to help others and make sure that nobody has to be hurt by any stray Behemoths. Kids should be able to walk the streets safely.

Minimizer: Money. Oh, and because I'm still dating Hanzo over here.

Luminary: For the safety of Horizon, the Worker's Mitt, and beyond… and yeah, money. If you have a Behemoth problem anywhere in Horizon, commission us at @Silent_Heart_Official on Hero For Hire please!

Mhm, interesting. Alright, looks like our time here is up. Everyone, thank you so much for watching our first interview segment, and thanks to Silent Heart for allowing us to have an interview. From everyone in Horizon, this is Behind The Hero!

Author's Note:
Special thanks to @SolarGemX, who allowed me to borrow their "Behind The Hero" series. And before you judge me for writing out two omake in one day, I was on a plane and I had an offline google doc.

Meet Silent Heart, named as such because they still fucking don't have branding. I wanted to make a metahuman team full of people that synergize together well for one purpose, but also don't share any theme.

Or to put it in our terms, they met in random matchmaking but ended up becoming friends somehow. I think I did well, these five dumbasses should fit right into Horizon.

(Also yes, Landshark is the kid with shark teeth mentioned in the Shelley omake I just made today. Lore!)

I wanted to do three things with this Omake:
  1. Follow up on the Solferina omake.
  2. Rewrite Jun's (one of the earlier Recruits and a character in my other work) powers to not be a ripoff of Faust.
  3. Add a team of vigilantes to be possibly encountered during Making The Rounds.
I think I did pretty well! Thanks for reading.
*slow clap that increases in volume*
Bravo! Bravisimo!
Great Omake Kermie! Really liked the interview angle you took.
Also hey Jun!
They'r a cool team. Hopefully they can survive the Madhouse that is Horizon (With or without Trauma). Also Im guessing the world could always use more Behemoth hunters.
If there is one hundred BlackGold shippers, Yara is one of them.

If there is only one BlackGold shipper, it's Yara.

If there are no BlackGold shippers, it's because Yara has taken four injury levels.
She took four and it did not stop her.
She made the ship sail with pure willpower instead.
And if Yara takes 4 injury levels, she will move on to the Stage and continue her work from beyond the grave.
...and will continue to remind Ellie every time she uses Dynamite.
Somewhere out there, in whatever state she is in, Uiara is crying tears of proud joy as her little sister continues supporting the next generation of Yuri romance disasters.
A good omake Kermie.
It's also make me think about something.

Hey QM. Can we make heros for other hero team, than our own team.
For how something like this should be handle, I had some ideas. First, we need to make contact with a hero team, and had a MID/HIGH relationship with them. It's also depend on, if that team can keep the Project Prometheus a secret, if we stil want to keep it a secret. Second, they should paid most of the cost, for making a new hero for them. Third, they giv us a list of candidates, that we check through. To sort the bad from the good. Or we find a candidate for them.

The reason why I make this suggestion is, the bad guys outnumber the guys at the monment. More heros is a good thing rigth.
We dosen't need to do it now. We can do it at the end of act one, or the middle of act two.
Behind The Hero: Silent Heart

The reason why I make this suggestion is, the bad guys outnumber the guys at the monment. More heros is a good thing rigth.
We dosen't need to do it now. We can do it at the end of act one, or the middle of act two.
It's sort of integral to the setting that it's the case? I'd probably only say low-level heroes who just started, like ScorpioSting's Counterstrike.