The most powerful psychic in the world. For reference, she's more powerful than EXCEED Valiant Silver.
Tried to throw a crap ton of goldnine on the world in order to kill everyone and shut down Jacob's Ladder.
Currently escaped from Wonderland and missing.
Capable of telepathy and telekinesis.
Mad because of Princess being taken?
S-Lister metahuman. Top 1 psychic. Went insane a few years back, causing the Susurration.
May currently be working with King.
Somehow affected by the Ladder, Princess's mom?
NEW ISSUE EDIT: Has calmed down from her crazy phase that got her locked up, if her meeting with Ellie is any indication.
Knows things about the Stage and is worried about the effects of E-B, and does not like other Valiants, owing to her relationship with Takeshi/Valiant Red.
May have had some sort of miscarriage?