"There are two more voices, but I can't make them out. They shift and hide and, if I'm being honest, are disgusting. One's like a wax figure of a man that's melted. The other's like if you tried to remake a figure of a person out of the melted wax. But they're getting lounder. And so is the Leviathan."
This implies that Interlocutor is somehow linked to Hand. Perhaps he was created as a way to attain "Apotheosis"
Her eyes become distant in memory. "There were a lot of kids like me. Kids with powers, I mean. We all got different marks put on us. If you ever see anyone with a sun, lanturn, star, key, or a moon over a crown, they probably came from the same place I did."
Now this is interesting.
Sun is basically catacomic from his apparence in Faustian, Key has her clones, Moon-Over-Crown seems to rely on Powers a lot... they don't need childsoldiers.
Maybe the kids are potential replacements for the roles ?
What's the meaning behind those designations ?
Also I bet they're rung-trash like Bea and White Hawk.
Towarrir was Stars predecessors but maybe Towarri breaking and destroying the based forced The Mysteries to recruit outside instead raising kids?

If its possible theires Still a Key and Moon Over Crown wandering about free unlike Fish and Lanters.
This implies that Interlocutor is somehow linked to Hand. Perhaps he was created as a way to attain "Apotheosis"
Well, if we assume that Hand's current state is the result of trying consume an energy field bigger then their head(aka the Leviathan), then it's possible the Interlocutor was born from that same event, splitting off from whoever Hand was*, an entity born from Leviathan-infused flesh.

*Probably "Theodore", but that might be a misdirect.
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It depends if we can actually empower Yara next turn. If we can't actually give her an ability (presumably due to the trauma of, you know, dying) letting Song go first is a reasonable thought.
She seems really mentally strong. She'll be fine.
Justice for All, and Mercy for One
You cooked
...At some point I'll stop the shameless JustGold shipping. But that day is not today!
You did not cook
@Bitterman may I ask what other rewards we can expect in the table for personal? The only other thing I can think of for it is:

1) money
2) DNA
3) recruits maybe?
4) Keyword synergy (I'm pretty sure qm mentioned about this before
5) Medicant symbiote bought from the market (this is a guess)
6) increased income per turn (this is me coming up with how Chatelet, Soraia, Shelley, and Chihiro out their heads together to manage finance)
7) Shield generator? (Doctor Silver might've cooked something up in his free time)
Also been doing some idle synergy guessing with @EternalObserver while we wait for the eventual chance to do Wolong questions if the global actions are kind to us. Figure it could help give some structure to asked questions/phrasings potentially? Or at least spark some fun thoughts.

Below is the list of every individual tag we have access to.
Teleportation -
Enhanced Speed -
Self-Enhancement -
Mental Manipulation -
Enhanced Senses -
Invulnerability -
Enhanced Strength -
Elemental Manipulation -
Invisibility -
Construct Creation -
Solar Absorption -
Fitness -
Regeneration -
Transformation -
Ally Empowerment -
For a Self Enhancement synergy, under the assumption that its a 5 tag synergy where the Enhance tags take up 4/5, its a question of what the 5th tag could be. Where most of them make no realistic sense, it feels like the pool for the 5th would be {Solar Absorption/Fitness/Regeneration/Transformation/Energy Manipulation}, with Solar Absorption and Energy Manipulation being the more stretched options.

For Biokinesis, realistically this also has a lot of tags that make no sense here but I would be exceptionally surprised if Transformation and Regeneration were not part of it in some manner given this is presumably some form of Biomancy. Where from there, the pool feels like {Energy Manipulation, Fitness, and Ally Empowerment}. Notable Fitness only fits there if its a lot of single esoteric tags ala Phasewalking due to the Autobiokinesis overlap and I'd somewhat expect Ally Empowerment to be the other piece here?

For Transmutation, we have a hint from Printemps with Elemental Manipulation but broadly based off that, Giant Slayer, and general intuition I think there's a pool of 6 tags this synergy could be made from. Also you cannot convince me that Transmutation does not have Transformation in some manner. So Transformation + Elemental Manipulation + ???. {Self Enhancement, Construct Creation, Energy Manipulation, and Ally Empowerment} is the remaining pool, though some of these are probably at least a minor stretch (Hi Self Enhance and Ally Empowerment) or potentially, but not guaranteed, might be interchangable with Elemental Manipulation (Energy Manipulation).
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@Bitterman may I ask what other rewards we can expect in the table for personal? The only other thing I can think of for it is:
Maybe Intel on a given subject, too? I could see that being the case for Mona talking with SM and him spilling something we didn't know about. And for Opale's personal action, it's not out of the question that she could find some of Nora's notes on a given metahuman that she forgot to share due to the Rebound.
"We've tested it extensively. The Frozen Throne can't reach inside her Domain." He taps the map where the Frozen Throne touches the NID. "The area on the perimeter of the Throne is by far the most stable. We place Catherine's Domain just inside the Throne and connect it to a second Domain outside. Prisoners are placed in the Domain inside the Throne . . ."

"And if they escape, it takes care of them for us," you finish. You don't know how you feel about it. It's brilliant for certain. It's also dangerous. "You'd willingly put people inside that place?"

"Only the worst of the worst," he says, "Only those whom the only other alternative is execution. I'll be happy to give Justice Unlimited a veto on anyone being admitted. It's not my preferred solution—"

@Bitterman, Who are bad enough people to be thrown into Wolong's Frozen Throne Prison?
@Bitterman may I ask what other rewards we can expect in the table for personal? The only other thing I can think of for it is:

1) money
2) DNA
3) recruits maybe?
4) Keyword synergy (I'm pretty sure qm mentioned about this before
5) Medicant symbiote bought from the market (this is a guess)
6) increased income per turn (this is me coming up with how Chatelet, Soraia, Shelley, and Chihiro out their heads together to manage finance)
7) Shield generator? (Doctor Silver might've cooked something up in his free time)
Those are all in there along with intel and a few surprises.
For a Self Enhancement synergy, under the assumption that its a 5 tag synergy where the Enhance tags take up 4/5, its a question of what the 5th tag could be. Where most of them make no realistic sense, it feels like the pool for the 5th would be {Solar Absorption/Fitness/Regeneration/Transformation/Energy Manipulation}, with Solar Absorption and Energy Manipulation being the more stretched options.
I would say Ally Empowerment is a possibility too. Iirc Bitterman even wrote it as Ally Enhancement somewhere.
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@Bitterman may I ask what other rewards we can expect in the table for personal? The only other thing I can think of for it is:

1) money
2) DNA
3) recruits maybe?
4) Keyword synergy (I'm pretty sure qm mentioned about this before
5) Medicant symbiote bought from the market (this is a guess)
6) increased income per turn (this is me coming up with how Chatelet, Soraia, Shelley, and Chihiro out their heads together to manage finance)
7) Shield generator? (Doctor Silver might've cooked something up in his free time)

Maybe Intel on a given subject, too? I could see that being the case for Mona talking with SM and him spilling something we didn't know about. And for Opale's personal action, it's not out of the question that she could find some of Nora's notes on a given metahuman that she forgot to share due to the Rebound.
During the last personal actions, Maddie got Shelob, and it was apparently under "minor or cosmetic alteration to a power"
Stockpile Nega!Quest will be so freaking out by this, if they weren't freaking out by the fact we utterly beat them and by everything SB has done and can do.

Becuase I see their Eidolon pt. 3 equivalent end about here

Becuase the Truth, Justice and the Horizon Way QM loves evil cliffhangers.

I think in order to give a feeling of agency, the TJHW QM auto-chooses Justicar because they've spent the whole Quest idolizing her, and gives a bonus to all of Ellie's actions that reflect and echo all of the bonuses that Silvio got with/because of her, bonuses that have sat on the character sheet unusued, a grim reminder of what was lost, for the past three in-universe months.
Stockpile NegaQuest, Dynamite —The Laurent
Roll 1: Rep, 18
Roll 2: Rep, 16
Roll 3: Rep, 9
Roll 4: Hit, 1 (Fail)
Roll 5: Hit, 16 (Major Success)
Roll 6, with advantage: Hit 8, 9 (Success)
Roll 7: Rep 20
Roll 8, with advantage: Rep 7, 12 (+3 to major)(2 Spiderhellian, 1 Wing101r)
Roll 9, d6: Synergy check 4 (Clair/Senses/Strength Battle Precog)
Roll 10: Rep 14
Roll 11: Hit 13
Roll 12: Hit 9 (+1 to Moderate)(1 Kermie)
Roll 13, d4: 3

Assuming this is the ending, here's how this has worked out roll wise.

Allow me to demonstrate...

Sweetwoman said:
Because I am feeling sassy, and my kid's down for the night, have a revelation about that first roll I had you do, to react to:

DC 15

Stat Check REPUTATION 20, Valiant Gold and Valiant Red, White And Blue have REPUTATION 16

You rolled: 18

18-2+3 (Justicar believes in you)+5 (Justicar TRULY believes in you)=24, Critical Success

A Laurie said:
What. What? Ellie is using Justicar Bonuses???

Queen Kallen said:
We already knew that that roll had to be a success with 18 when she didn't ask us for any points. But...

Alobarap said:
I am trying and failing not to catastrophize. Is she somehow stealing Justicar's soul or something?

Alecto The Ninth said:
Have you noticed that every time we freak out and panic, or assume that Justice Unlimited is pure evil, it turns out to be more complicated than that? Our QM's nicer than she looks, things will be just fine, really, and I'm starting to wonder whether the whole, "JU is evil" thing is maybe a bit overstated.

FleetingBeheld said:
Never! I shall never give it to JU, you don't "have to hand it to them"!

EarthWhisperRed said:
The JustGold shippers are going to be unbearable now.
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