With regards to the Song builds, I have a different suggestion:

The Red Huntress 2.0 said:
The Red Huntress: Transformation, Enhanced Senses, Fitness, Enhanced Speed, Invisibility, Energy Manipulation, Clairvoyance
Daggermaw: Transformation, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Senses
Mister Hunch: Clairvoyance

Transformation x2, Enhanced Senses x2, Clairvoyance x2, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed, Fitness, Invisibility, Energy Manipulation

Power expression: Red Huntress places mark on person through, gets stronger through a transformation that scales with enemies power while tracking them. Daggermaw transformed into a bipedal reptile. Mister Hunch touches an object then can it's surroundings for the past 24 hours.

Known synergies: Battle Precognition[Enhanced Strength+Enhanced Senses+Clairvoyance], Telekinesis[Enhanced Strength+Energy Manipulation+Clairvoyance]

Possible power result: Keeps TRH's power scaling transformation while focusing on fighting an individual opponent. Battle Precognition is likely linked to somehow marking an enemy Song has targetted. Telekinesis takes the form of his attacks having longer, invisible reach?

Odds of additional synergies: High.

Potency: 8. Can be done with a Fast Pass.
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One thing I'm pretty sure someone brought up yesterday was that Enhanced Strength isn't on the tags that Justiciar, Red Huntress and Heavenly Astrologian can grant, which is why it's odd that Battle Precognition was revealed to us midfight...

And it was suggested that maybe Module Rock might have provided said Enhanced Strength. That's crazy to think about, but to expand on the hypothetical idea, Paper's Pyrokinesis probably counts as Elemental Manipulation, and Targeting Suite could be Enhanced Senses. Scissors straight-up has Telekinesis, and while Agility Suite is in fact agility, it could fall under Enhanced Speed. Energy Blaster and Psychic Energy Blades probably are different forms of Energy Manipulation. And I can't help but note that while Ellie was fighting Silvio, her Rock-granted shield regenerated:

Available Shields: 2 (Module Rock, Advanced Energy Shielding).

Valiant Gold loses 1 shield! Valiant Gold has 1 shield remaining!
Shield regenerated. Valiant Gold now has 2 shields again in Module: Rock!
So maybe that's just a Force Field.

...I think I get it.

Obviously there is an armor component to EXCEED-BEYOND, it can do cool transformation sequences and has comms built in and stuff, but... clever engineering aside, drones aside, I think what it really does is switch out Ellie's metahuman potential in a controlled fashion. Drawing out that power from the Stage into preset shapes. Using the ultimates of each module might not so much exhaust the module but rather is merely a safety measure so that, in exerting great power in that power-set, she stays safe.

And that might be why she got Battle Precognition out of this. The modules' own tags work alongside Dynamite, because the dead are lending us their power.

(Edit: It wouldn't be the first time we came up with wacky ideas that ended up being wrong, though. One update ago we were speculating maybe Yara was going to spontaneously manifest her metahuman powers due to trauma, after all.)

With regards to the Song builds, I have a different suggestion:
IIRC Bitterman confirmed some time ago that he's kinda changing how the tolerance increases works. To keep the higher-tolerance candidates rarer, and not obsess over trying to boost the lower-candidates up to 10, the max that we can now increase the Tolerance of each candidate is +3. So Song's maximum tolerance is 6, about the same as Rhys - though that's still pretty darn respectable.

On the plus side, between the changes and the Ibises, increasing tolerance is probably going to be a bit less painful for our wallet.

Disregard that, I misread it.
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We cant get fast pass since wed need tow ait T5 to use that on Song. Yara we can have as our Defensive Psychic with 1 Sugar and Soraia isnt really someone we can have fight on the frontlines.
IIRC Bitterman confirmed some time ago that he's kinda changing how the tolerance increases works. To keep the higher-tolerance candidates rarer, and not obsess over trying to boost the lower-candidates up to 10, the max that we can now increase the Tolerance of each candidate is +3. So Song's maximum tolerance is 6, about the same as Rhys - though that's still pretty darn respectable.
I'm aware. Song has Tolerance 3. Fast Pass would grant +2. We can reduce the Potency of a build by 3. 8-3 = 5. 3+2 = 5. It fits.

Did you assume that the build I was proposing was for a Tolerance 8 Song? :???:
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You know what, now that we've burned our psychic question quota with Bitterman answering all our questions for us in place of Wolong, we may as well switch our Wolong target. I have an idea, how about we ask what keywords could make Battle Precognition better. I remember a while back that the three keywords could be made better with certain keywords; we may as well have Wolong answer that for us now that we have a full package Yara ready with Phasewalking Seraph build. It may give us an idea on what direction we could go with Song
You know what, now that we've burned our psychic question quota with Bitterman answering all our questions for us in place of Wolong, we may as well switch our Wolong target. I have an idea, how about we ask what keywords could make Battle Precognition better. I remember a while back that the three keywords could be made better with certain keywords; we may as well have Wolong answer that for us now that we have a full package Yara ready with Phasewalking Seraph build. It may give us an idea on what direction we could go with Song
It would be kind of funny to say "Hey, we know now how Battle Precog works, and you're also a kind of precog... how do we make another you?" to his face. Would he get worried about an attempt to replace him?
@Bitterman I was rereading the last update and had questions about the Hustle mechanic. Based on the description in Doctor Silver's entry:
The Hustle
John Henry may tag up to three objects or people with a "red barrier". The barrier provides no shielding, but for every injury level that occurs to an object or person with a red barrier, John Henry recharges one injury level's worth of energy to use in other shields or force fields. He may only store three injury levels worth of energy at a time.
My read is that the target has to take an injury level to recharge a shield.
Menagerie Witch is simultaneously making more clones and doing something to the real Seraph's body—ohhhh. That's what the vials are for. Meanwhile, Belle Sabreuse is dueling Man o' War, trying to cut her way to Yara. He detaches two more arms to attack the swashbuckler from all angles, but none of his blades can pierce her now hyper-dense clothing.

The Hustles absorbs one injury level! Doctor Silver gains 1 charge! Charges remaining: 3!
However here it seems Belle triggered a recharge but did not gain an injury level. Does this mean taking a physical attack that would cause an injury level to an unarmored human is consider sufficient for The Hustle, even if there is ultimately no injury due to existing armor or invulnerability? Otherwise there should be no absorption occurring here (though that doesn't really affect anything here since Doctor Silver was already at 3 charges).

Then in the event a red barrier absorbs 1 attack, does it dissipate and have to be reapplied through another touch? Because if it continues to persist, then this sequence with Belle taking 3 injury levels would have refunded all 3 charges to Doctor Silver and then he would have been able to shield Belle and steal Yara's thunder.
He grabs Triss with his remaining flesh arm, heedless of any injury as she stabs him again and again. Now, she's the one too close to get any leverage to cut him in half. Two of his glowing arms drop their weapons, grab Triss' head and squeeze.

Belle Sabreuse takes one injury level! Superficial injury!
She screams and pulls out a belt-knife and stabs both arms until they let her go. But then she doesn't see the dagger arm come low—

And stab her in the eye.

Belle Sabreuse takes one injury level! Severe injury!

Belle Sabreuse takes one injury level! Critical injury!
The answer to the above question then also affects the end state of the update:
Doctor Silver has 0 charges of his shields remaining. He has placed the Hustle on Belle Sabreuse.
Whether Doctor Silver should have refunded charges, and whether Belle Sabreuse still has Hustle active. There was also a wall that had Hustle on it from Pt. 2 but has not been mentioned further in Pt. 3 to my knowledge. Since the implemented plan did not mention this wall, is it correct to presume that nothing happened to it? And if it is untouched does it have Hustle still or did it dissipate for some reason?

One final note:
You're at a desk in a great library, surrounded by shelves and shelves of books. Behind you is a statue of the Vitruvian Man, only it has Mona's face.
If this a Metaphor: ReFantazio reference, then I salute you for excellent taste.
Source of Doctor Silver:bknkshop

My man John Henry Rhodes in all his single dad glory...I think
I remember reading his daughter had died so decided to portray him as a heart-broken avenger
I also remember voting for him to be the first person to receive goldnine yet it was not meant to be
So he means a lot to me,as a character
Aside from this tirade,here is a fresh poster for you
Now this might be a bit too garish for many,so I'll probably work on a version with more muted,silvery colours
Source of Doctor Silver:bknkshop

My man John Henry Rhodes in all his single dad glory...I think
I remember reading his daughter had died so decided to portray him as a heart-broken avenger
I also remember voting for him to be the first person to receive goldnine yet it was not meant to be
So he means a lot to me,as a character
Aside from this tirade,here is a fresh poster for you
Now this might be a bit too garish for many,so I'll probably work on a version with more muted,silvery colours
Ok, uh… maybe go for the blue, white and silver. And change the font again. Maybe go with a more generic city background? This one isn't really hitting the same notes as the last two for me.