Behind the Hero: The Board Breaker's
By SolarGemX
Cherio! Welcome to another cheeky little episode of Behind the Hero! *Ahem* Sorry for any British blokes out there, but having some British writers in this show, they pretty much took control of today's script, so expect a lot of British slang. As I was saying, Good ol' Britain is known for a variety of cultural staples, history, landmarks, food (…
I call Bollocks) and of course heroes. Like any other place in this big wacky bloody world, heroics has steeped its feelers into the economy, politics, and everyday life. There are apparently a Chockablock of hero groups running around the ol' land, and just as many supervillains. If I had a dollar for every "Arthurian myth" hero or "Jack the Ripper" wanker running around, I could actually afford a house in Elysium Station, not that I would mind you; the missus prefers staying closer to the ground, afraid of heights she is.
(I am so sleeping on the couch after this… T3T). Anyway, there are quite a few heroic teams running around, but todays team has an interesting gimmick, this team was actually named by British fans that managed to find a connection between their aesthetics, all thanks to board games of all things. On todays episode, we take a look at the hero team stations at Knightsbridge London, The Board Breaker's.
Disclaimer: Here on Behind the Hero, we accept a heroes choices (as long as they are reasonable) when it comes to branding, but we really recommend upcoming heroes or hero teams to come up with their own names, not everyone will be respectful and give you a good or flattering name, don't let your image get ruined before it even begins. This is ignoring the fact that if you suck at naming conventions, don't expect people to not make one for you.
The Board Breakers are a seven strong team that has been around for around 10 years. Its founding members were a trio of young teenage girls who became friends via a mutual love in online games, mostly card based, team based or farming based games. From what information we managed to scrunch up from interviews with the founders, the 3 heroines met in real life after a long gaming section and discovered each other's metahuman abilities a couple of months after the fact. The trio made their "heroic personas" together and named themselves after a combination of "Alice in Wonderland" characters and a dream one of them had of being a "pretty pink princess" when they grew up. Nobody knows whose dream that was, but they admit that the individual in question was quite embarrassed after the fact. The rest of the team joined as the trio began their heroic career culminating in the full roster in around March 12, 2063.
The first of the 3 founders is Alice Smith, also known as Rozen Queen. Dresses in a flowing Black and Red regalia, Ms. Smith is probably the most dangerous member of the original trio. Her metahuman ability is the power to summon a huge swath of black thorn like tendril in a dome surrounding herself, these deadly appendages can reach up to 10 yards in length (30 feet) and can easily pierce metal, while RQ can soften the tendrils to grab objects or injured civilians, her modus operandi is bunching them together to either bludgeon or pierce her opponents, which leads to her more dangerous ability: Fluid absorption. Like the world's deadliest Rose, RQ's thorns can absorb the water and blood of organic creatures she pierces, draining them in minutes if not seconds. The heroine has used this ability to drain the blood of different monsters like Behemoths and villains. While she has a very fine tune control of her tendrils, enough to just drop an opponent instead of killing them, she is actually the only known member to have a body count. Most of the villains who she has killed were the scum of the earth or incredibly dangerous, but the fact she is more than happy to drain a human dry of all its blood has earned her quite a reputation, but she continues to work tirelessly to help as many people as she can. An interesting factoid of this heroine is the fact that she has an EXTREMELY bitter relationship, with a previous mentioned heroine, Blood Fang of the Fabled. From what little info we can gather the two heroes ended up clashing when a known serial killer had escaped into English wilderness in order to escape his execution and Rozen Queen took the job to find the escapee and take them down, with complete freedom to eliminate him if necessary. The problem began when the cat and mouse chase led them getting caught in the middle of a solo behemoth hunt being done by Blood Fang, where she witnessed RQ piercing and eventually draining the prisoner of their blood. This lead to Blood Fang confronting the heroine and from what some of RQ's teammates statement's: "Rozen Queen rolled a Nat 1 in charisma and somehow insulted her without even trying" which led to the two nearly killing each other, before both teams managed to separate them. It would have
probably ended there if Red Queen hadn't and I quote:
"Rolled ANOTHER 1, this time in insight" and said that Blood Fang's power would be extremely useful in villain fights, not knowing of the latter's no villain fighting rule. This has pretty much killed any probability of the two teams ever cooperating.
The next member of the group is Shade Queen or Olivia Jones to her friends and family. Ms. Jones actually comes from Detroit, Michigan and moved to England when she was around 10 years of age, due to family troubles back in the states. With long black hair and moderate brown skin, this young woman does make an interesting difference to her two paler friends. Known as the strategist of the Board Braker's and their go to PR expert, Shade Queen has taken a more "armored" look to her royal regalia, thanks to her chess inspired summons. Yes, Ms. Jones metahuman power is the ability to summon 5 small black translucent figures which she refers as her "pawns". These pawns may be unassuming at first, but they are packing heat! Each summon has a small "handgun" that shoots small energy "pellets" these rounds hit as hard as a paint ball gun, which may not sound like much, but these things sting when they hit, and a well-aimed shot can easily take an eye out if they aren't careful. But the main strength behind the automatons is their ability to "rank up." Every single summon will increase in size and strength depending on various factors like time, enemy numbers, and enemy strength. These factors can make them rapidly evolve in strength in a matter of seconds if the situation is dire enough. Among the evolutions there's, the Knights fast cavalry with automatic rifles (Which now impact as fast as actual bullets but are incapable of piercing organic material), Rooks that carry incredibly dense shields which are used in heavy tackles or shotguns, Bishops who carry sniper rifles and Queens that can use all other weapons and switch at will. Talk about a one-woman army.
The third founding member is the Pale Queen or Ada Walker, among close associates. Ms. Walker has the ability to create two translucent white wings from her back, granting her the ability to fly above the battlefield. While not as fast as other known fliers, her main strength isn't her flight capabilities, but the ability to shoot her feathers towards her allies and encompass them in barrier that covers them from head to toe, just a couple of inches from their skin. This protection is capable of blocking automatic gun fire, keeping her allies safe, and while she cant use her feathers on herself, she can use her wings as shields in case of enemies attacks. Pale Queen is known as the "mother hen" of the group, making sure every member is safe from harm, even at the cost of herself. A known event in their early career was the when they confronted a silver rank behemoth that had wandered into the nearby waters of the city. Shaped like a mutated barracuda, the fish behemoth nearly tore the hero's arm off when she got distracted shielding her companions, it was only the combination of A Bishop summon and Rozen Queen's Thorns that saved her arm.
After the founders we have the long-range specialist of the Group, Howitzer. Known by fans as a living Battleship, Abel Green has a more support-oriented role in the group thanks to his powers. While his primary strength lies in his ability to see heat signatures and function as a living sonar that can reach 40 yards, this hero unlike other many other support-oriented individuals, can actively defend himself, this is where his name comes to play. Howitzer can launch energy blast that are affected by gravity, these shots release a physical shockwave when they impact organic material, creating a burst of energy that can ragdoll opponents, he specializes in sitting in hidden locations and bombarding the opposition from afar, especially if he's within a secure building. Yes, I mean building, not roof. The baffling thing about Howitzer' s energy it the fact that it ignores ANY inorganic material, including stone, metal, and concrete. It just phases through with disrupting any of the materials, exploding in contact with things like grass, animals or yes humans. This ability to ignore things in his way has made him a terror in evacuated areas, letting him rain death from above with reckless abandon.
The next two members are an interesting duo. A known gay couple, who left America after being rejected by their peers Lucas Evans and Charles Williams make for quite a pair as the heroes Misstep and Lucky Seven, respectively. Originally from Las Vegas, the couple left the city and moved to England in order to find work and avoid some personal issues in their country of birth. Misstep is capable of creating vibrations from his hands and launching them at opponents, giving them a potent sense of vertigo causing them to fall like a house of cards. Meanwhile, the more offense oriented of the two, Lucky seven exemplifies his home city by having a power with a weird rule set, dice. The gambling hero can generate up to two six-sided dice and throw them. Whatever number the dice falls on will give the hero the ability to "upgrade" his armor or weapons into stronger forms, but with the caveat that if falls on a one it will "downgrade" or worsen the original equipment. The effects are only temporary and will revert within 2 hours, making sure the items aren't lost after a fight. Each dice has a timer of 5 minutes before they can be used again, so the gambling hero can't just roll over and over again. As for the effects of the dice, we can use his most known object, his personal revolver:
1- Dud removes all upgrades.
2- Slight upgrade, normal pistols/revolvers gain unlimited ammo.
3- Pistols have become automatic machine guns.
4- It becomes a heavy-duty automatic shotgun and riot shield.
5- It becomes a Sniper Rifle, with two fives leading to a 50-Caliber anti-tank Rifle.
6- It's an RPG. A Bloody RPG with infinite rockets and NO RELOAD. There are no known instances of two 6 being rolled at the same time. (
What is this a sparking COD game?)
Finally, we have the only dysmorphic member of the team, Agent Croak, no known civilian name. This meta human takes the appearance of a rather colorful tree frog, but don't let those colorful colors fool you, any animal, especially reptiles with bright colors in the wild is dangerous, and Agent Croak is no exception. The metahuman is capable of creating a potent poison from his skin that can be absorbed via skin contact, this poison causes temporary face blindness and scrambling of the brain that leads to the recipient speaking gibberish, making him a deadly foe in group fights, disrupting the communication of enemy teams and making them all have to play a deadly game of Guess who? Not only that he can raise his own bodies temperature slightly to cause a smokescreen of his poison, letting catch several people at once, although he needs to be careful around allies. One of the teams more infamous combinations is Agent Croak covering Rozen queens thorns with his poison.
"Unknown to the public, if Agent Croak's poison reaches the boiling point, it becomes a deadly neurotoxin that can kill normal people in a matter of seconds." The hero makes sure to never fight if the temperature rises to high, which has led him to in more than one occasion to nearly getting killed by a stray bullet.
That's quite the play set, isn't it? It's been a while since I've been across the pond, but it's about time I start heading back to America. Things have been heating up back home and the team needs me back in order to prepare a new script that's in the making. Here's hoping no more surprises come out of the woodwork. Either way, this has been Behind the Hero, signing off!
Authors note: Still not the JU chapter, but that's at 2k words now, just need to talk about the current members, but that needs to wait still. Other than that, college works and exams have kept me busy, so my omake spree basically died, for a long time. But seeing all the omakes being made (especially Kermies), inspired me to at least make one more before the teams public debut (seriously so many omakes in such rapid succession). So, here's another episode of BTH, featuring the Board gam inspired heroes, The Board Breakers!
Rozen Queen- Based on Alice in wonderland, Maliss (yugioh), Black Rose Dragon and a shop name from a video game series I like.
Onyx Queen- Based on a series of shorts based on FPS Chess (Yes, that's a thing)
Pale Queen- Based on Stardust Dragon, also chess.
Howitzer- Based on Battleship, the board game.
Misstep- Based on Jenga or knocking down a house of cards.
Lucky Seven- Based on poker and dice games, with a roulette motif for the name. Hey, Dream Catcher now has a power gambling buddy.
Agent Croak- Based on spy movies, a bit of Floating Venom Morphine, poison dart tree frogs and Guess Who.