Coming in to make another point I'm going to use Pokémon times that I only kind of know how to explain

I feel like we are missing a physical attacker. Like I have said in another post having a really strong guy (or gal) to punch someone so hard they see the curvature of the Earth is a decent idea
We need a High Tolerance Hit Candidate for that. None of our Current Candidate apart from cain really fits.
We know for a fact that Yara's got True Telepathy, Battle Precognition, Telekinesis and Phasewalking. It would not be out of the question for some of those (+the base tags) to mix together into some sort of bigger or more specialized synergy.
I mean, we'll see (a lesser version of) her powers when we do the mission to get her back, so we that's the latest we can be held in suspense. I'd like to know now, but it's not that long a time to wait.
Just from what we've observed so far, I wouldn't be surprised if True Telepathy + Phasewalking got us some crazy synergy like a conscious Backstage connection.
With the whole beach house dreamworld thing, I think it's maybe possible we got the Baba Yaga pocket dimension synergy?
Maybe! Or maybe her dreamworld is 'just' a high-potency expression of Phasewalking. Much like how Hidrocity is the example of low-potency Elemental Manipulation and Automne was the high-potency example.

It could be dream stuff is its own synergy, honestly.
Could be! Dreamcatcher dreaming about the Red Iustitia event definitely suggests his power is psychic to some extent, I think. So maybe he has this mystery dream tag + Construct Creation, perhaps?
See now I'm imagining Yara doing the psychic equivalent of the first Mission Impossible movie rope/laser scene as she rappels into White Hawk's dreaming mind to get dirty laundry and enemy secrets.
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And, impossibly, Socialite Butterfly begins to rise. There is something in her veins, her blood, scribed into her very DNA that speaks of her utterly loyalty to Hand. It shapes her mind the way wet hands shape clay—the conclusion is set and the rest of her changes to follow it. Even here, in your liminal realm, it burns bright. So brightly, it links Socialite Butterfly to Hand.
Man reading this the hand Literally rewrites DNA ala Genestealers to force people to obey him. Sun, Fish and Anansi are probably hooked maybe lantern too.

I'm not sure how we can save them from this control unless we get a P13 Biokinetic or capture them for Medicant to work on removing the control. Maybe we can try for Red Iusticia again.

But maybe Zeno is enough to revert their bodies to before their DNA got poisoned? We know Zeno+RH was another way to reverse someones aging atleast.

Maybe Zeno, Red Huntress and Justicar if we ever end up fighting Sun and Fish.
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♦ Topic: Crusade Black Site
In: Boards ► ►General Discussions
(Original Poster)
What could they be hiding in there? Does anyone have any ideas?

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It's pretty obvious that Crusade is secretly a conspiracy by the ultra wealthy to take over Horizon. I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually reptilians.

Replying to Dontbefooled
You're right. They probably drink blood behind the scenes. My bet is that they kidnap a bunch of kids and take their adenochrome to stay immortal forever. Their black site is actually one giant child kidnapping ring.

People, who gives a shit about Crusade? It's pretty obvious that Justice Unlimited is the real threat. Lady Leizi is obviously a triad spy planted in JU from the very beginning so they can take over. Now she's probably unstoppable because all her teammates are dead.

JU has been utterly irrelevant lately so even if that's true, we have nothing to worry about.

Replying to CriticalFail
Idk if you live under a rock or if you're just stupid.

Replying to Milkinabagofmilkinabagofmilkina
Yeah? And who told you JU was relevant, the news? I pity you. You are blinded by the lies public media feeds you and it is sad to watch. I expected better from someone who frequents this site.

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Crusade just gives me bad vibes y'know? Like their chakra frequencies are totally off. Their Qi is totally messed up.

Replying to Realityisalie
What the fuck are you talking about?

Don't be fooled. Crusade and JU are probably working together behind the scenes. I bet they're secretly buddy buddy. They don't believe that they're fighting on different sides, so why should you?

Crusade is nothing but a bunch of corpo shills and I wish them nothing but the worst but I can't stand JU so can we change the topic? Why the hell are we even talking about them?

Replying to AMosaicofDillemas
It's because JU and Crusade are so tightly interlinked that it's impossible to bring up one without the other. Personally, I think that Moon River is pulling the strings behind all of them. I bet she's secretly puppeteering JU and trying to take over Horizon, but the corpos are in the way so she's in a war with them. Never trust AIs, they are evil.

Sometimes I think I'm fucking weird and then I go here and then I realize that I'm actually way, way saner than any of you could be, and that makes me feel.. better. Thank you.

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►Fourth Eye Open:
>Pre-Movement JU were second stringers in the shadow of New Dawn and Powers
>Post-Movement JU are the most powerful team in the city
>JU's most shadiest member is the one who survived the Movement
>Another JU member is the one who told all the heroes to come to the Movement
>JU's first new hero is named after the swan maiden (a TRANSFORMING creature that was FORCED INTO A CERTAIN ROLE)
>Swan maiden also known to be friendly with Scarlet Maturity who's LITERALLY A DEMON
>The angelic member of Crusade is the one killed fighting JU
>December leaks confirmed JU is looking for a LIQUID INGREDIENT
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