Oh that? Lemme see…
Name: Wild Speaker, Inmaculada Ruiz
Power: Mental Manipulation, Ally Empowerment
Name: The Red Huntress, Harper English
Power: Transformation, Enhanced Senses, Fitness, Enhanced Speed, Invisibility, Energy Manipulation, Clairvoyance
This plan, which am tentatively calling Plan Wild Hunt (if you know you know) could have a synergy, thanks to RH's smorgasbord of powers. However, most synergy combos are very unknown to us rn, so there's also a chance that we don't have any synergies.
Mental Manipulation, Ally Empowerment and Clarivoyance have however been theorized to give us a good psychic synergy, and Invisibility probably slots in well with MM+Something Else for something terrifying.
All in all, it's decent, but we're at risk of losing powerful keywords like Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed, and Transformation from RH. It's pretty cheap however, at 6 at min. So we could get a candidate like Rhys and give it to them without many Spoonfuls Of Sugar.
RH's powers scaled her up to become more predator-like against other people depending on her powerful they were. Wild Speaker allowed the user to talk to animals, but the animals were mostly just committing violence for shits and giggles.
So narratively, this could have ally empowerment become focused on animals specifically— the user could place a mark on a person and then have both mutant beasts and any natural predators in the area target that one person. And also power up animals with claws and stuff. So it could be pretty good, all things considered!