So, I have a dumb question: How are we ever going to fit Rosemary's DNA into anyone if we wanted to? That's Potency 14, which I think is impossible to get to in our current state? Do we need to get a bigger reduction?
Hm idle thought. If trying to do a Zeno set, we probably want some form of offensive power that costs 4 or less to compensate and help overcome the baseline weakness of needing to rely on firearms due to a lack of offensive power that was laid out in the profile. Doesn't Antaeus actually have really good synergy there?

Grabs another Invincibility tag and Zeno's space time manipulation would make it ideally impossible to actually reach them to remove their feet from the ground or however the earthquake idea would express itself. If wanting a 10 tolerance character over 9 for it, probably throw in Millions for the combo of more energy manipulation tags and the idea of space time manipulation combining with minefields for something mean.
While we're on the topic of big candidate builds, I do have something to note. All of the builds tended to focus on one or two stats, with some mediocre-decent stat allocation in the others.

Mona is our HIT-REP girl. Plan All The Clarivoyants would be a OPERATIONS-REP person.

We don't need an ESPIONAGE specialist again, at least not for a while. We have LL and Rhys.

As such, here's my suggestion for a combo that would go for what we dearly need: OPERATIONS+HIT. It's also very thematically resonant, as you'll soon see.

(I would like to give credit to @LucidProp for a good part of this plan: I took their descriptions for Crimson Soprano, Mr. Hunch, and the format.)

Plan Defy Together
  • Potency 6 (Nox) + Potency 4 (Memoria) + Potency 2 (Crimson Soprano) + Potency 1 (Mister Hunch) - Potency 3 = Potency 13
    • 2x Teleportation (Nox, Memoria)
      • Nox can teleport decent distances when he's absorbed the emotion of disgust.
      • Memoria could keep five photos active, and then teleport to the locations shown in those photos. Notably, this was enough to get him out of the Frozen Throne.
    • 2x Energy Manipulation (Nox, Crimson Soprano)
      • Nox Esurientem could shoot energy blasts when he absorbed the emotion of sadness.
      • Crimson Soprano is able to use devastating energy blasts, fueled by solar radiation.
    • 2x Clairvoyance (Mister Hunch, Memoria)
      • By touching an inanimate object, Mister Hunch can see everything that happened around said object in the last 24 hours.
      • Memoria could constantly view a live feed of what was happening at the locations he photographed.
    • 1x Flight (Crimson Soprano)
      • Crimson Soprano can fly by using solar radiation as fuel.
    • 1x Solar Absorption (Crimson Soprano)
      • Crimson Soprano uses solar radiation as fuel for her powers.
    • 1x Transformation, Mental Manipulation, Regeneration, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed (Nox)
      • A grab bag of Nox Esurientem's possible powers. These are extremely likely to give out some sort of synergy.
The goal of this build is to make some sort of power copier. Failing that, the second goal of this build is to make Taskmaster. On steroids. Let me explain.

Teleportation and these specific forms of Clarivoyance work together really well. Memoria's five photo limit will both be scaled up to 8-15 thanks to potency, and it could be likely that since Mr. Hunch is in there, we no longer need to have Memoria's teleport waypoint be eyes anymore. So if we conveniently mailed a letter to Dominion that conveniently happened to have this candidate's mark on it… well, it's Dominion's problem that we're in Faust's private room now.

And the energy blasts are likely even better. Aside from powering up in sun (which the marked objects could absorb for the candidate) while they'd lose out in power, they'd make up in precision. Our enemies will be losing sniper battles.

To clocks/letters/photos/basic household objects shooting fireballs. While our candidate is still. At. Home.

And that hasn't even gotten into the best part. With Mr. Hunch's power focusing on the past, we have some terrifying options as to how that can affect Nox and Memoria's powers. For some examples…
  1. When Nox's powers absorb emotions, the candidate can do so to whoever was pictured in Memoria's "cameras". This automatically gives us incredible control over the battle situation if we manage to take a quick pic of say, SM or Faust. Nice complex powers, now go to sleep.
  2. Whoever is in the picture can have any of their emotions retroactively applied and absorbed, from up to 24 hours ago. This completely ditches any problems with Nox's "grab bag" powers; similar to Chimera, they are now an extremely offensive multitool.
  3. The best yet: The user can copy the fighting styles and possibly even some of the powers of whoever's in the picture. Nice idea going for the teleporter idiot, they're as good as Lady Leizi in hand to hand combat.
And yes, this may not be the most "optimized" build. But thematically…

On one hand, it would be easy to get a Fundamental Force Manipulation with this, by swapping out Mr. Hunch for Hydrocity. But that would just add more HIT (as a reminder, that's more HIT when we have Mona and EXCEED-BEYOND) in exchange for possible completely losing an incredible ESPIONAGE/OPERATIONS power. Now Lady Leizi's espionage network can be anywhere! Fear!

And Mr. Hunch fits in very well with the rag tag revolutionaries of the Defiance Unit. The Defiance Unit attacked the rich, while he helped people sue corporations. Meanwhile, from what we've heard, Hydrocity was just… a decent man. And if we want a decent man, Admant and Steadfast are right there.

And I don't need to tell you why putting 3/4 of the Defiance Unit into one candidate to partner with our Zeno candidate on missions would be cool.
Ready for Mona.
Kermie threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Chauncer. Did you kiss my mom? Total: 7
7 7
Man SM is bullshit , power nullification it is.

So a shadow council exist huh , and what the hell are some of those people on to blame Justice Unlimited.
Started work on this after MrKermie wrote up a build and in general wanted brainstorm a Red Huntress build since she seems interesting to make with the whole marking a target concept. This feels like it would have at least decent stats in Ops/Hit/Espionage, though Rep would likely be a bit on the low side here at base.

Potency 6 (Red Huntress) + Potency 4 (Memoria) + Potency 1 (Mr. Hunch) + Potency 1 (Daggermaw) + Potency 1 (Millions Minefield) - Potency 3 = Potency 10
  • 3x Clairvoyance (Red Huntress, Memoria, Mr. Hunch)
    • By touching an inanimate object, Mister Hunch can see everything that happened around said object in the last 24 hours.
    • Memoria could constantly view a live feed of what was happening at the locations he photographed.
    • Red Huntress could place an unremovable mark on someone that would allow her to scale to their threat level.
  • 2x Transformation (Red Huntress, Daggermaw)
    • Red Huntress' scaling abilities would allow her to transform into a catlike form with extra strengths.
    • Daggermaw had a permanent reptile dysmorphic power.
  • 2x Enhanced Senses (Red Huntress, Daggermaw)
    • As a result of Red Huntress' transformation she would have enhanced senses and the ability to track her target.
    • Daggermaw could sense vibrations through his skin for far away groups.
  • 2x Energy Manipulation (Red Huntress, Millions Minefield)
    • As a result of Red Huntress' transformation she would gain energy blades.
    • Millions could redirect and absorb energy
  • 1x Teleportation (Memoria)
    • Memoria could keep five photos active, and then teleport to the locations shown in those photos. Notably, this was enough to get him out of the Frozen Throne.
  • 1x Enhanced Strength (Daggermaw)
    • While nothing amazing, Daggermaw did have enhanced strength compared to human norms.
  • 1x Fitness, Enhanced Speed, Invisibility (Red Huntress)
    • A grab bag of Red Huntress' powers from scaling up as she starts to transform.
Build Concept
Theoretically Millions could be swapped out for Multiplex if trying for a third transformation tag over a second energy manipulation one but I'm happy with this one and the reasoning for why.

The core here is to have a teleporter who is very good at marking someone and then 1 v 1ing them by teleporting between their mark on them and their other teleport signs to allow for unpredictable combat. Ideally they'd be able to mark objects around the battlefield and for their teammates as the way points for fast movement and to be able to grab people for escapes as necessary.

Daggermaw is for the enhanced senses and extra transformation tags, while the extra strength won't hurt either. Mr Hunch is for the waypoints. Millions is the interesting one imo as he has a few potential uses here. An extra tag doesn't hurt obviously, but I'm hoping that being able to absorb energy might allow for using gained energy to fuel the scaling up to make it go faster and scale stronger if possible. The other thing that I could see being on the table would be teleporting between the energy balls, using them as mini markers to bounce between for a teleporting anchor that is less static than being tied to objects or photos in theory.
This is a really minor thing, but aside from my pre-existing "Zeno and a Clairvoyant" idea for Augur 2.0, I actually think specifically that Memoria could lead to something interesting, not just because he had it, but also...

Teleportation is a kind of "Space manipulation", isn't it? It's moving objects from one space to another, after all. I wonder if that might be a synergy, too.
Our last action for the turn was a Spoonful of Sugar, which will boost John's Potency to 5, so we can have 8, actually.

Whoops! To be fair, I popped in about... Faustinan 1? So I may have missed what actually won the vote. But that's actually awesome!

Also, I love this quest! Probably one of my favorites!