I have a feeling him transferring his soul to a living metal body will give some rather tasty stat bonuses and extra ability's
He needs to show a copy to the team to check which of them will make Evil Dead quips. Need to make sure who among the group are cultured individuals.
Now if the MC really wants to get gud they'll use the best possible metals or even ask the justice league and affiliates to help make the body. Turning them more into a magical robot then a golem
yes yes have to use the best metals though can not use nth metal its an anti magic metal got to use some thing very good though
The Holmcross, a mistranslation of the word Homonculus, was indistinguishable from a normal human up until the one in the game I pulled it from lost an arm.

The only especially interesting feature from its construction was its incredible ability to connect with other tools made during the same age that it came from.
Metalmen,Metallo,Wonderwoman,Red Tornado, Robotman there are already ways to produce bodies without buying costly books and going on quests
Metalmen,Metallo,Wonderwoman,Red Tornado, Robotman there are already ways to produce bodies without buying costly books and going on quests
Most of those are either non reproducible or require an extant organic being to transfer into the metallic form, which defeats the purpose of the exercise.

The rest are methods he cannot possibly hope to implement without years of Skill buildup.

That being said: he could have had the Genomorphs create a blank clone of someone who wouldn't mind it, and then transfer himself into the clone's to have Death suture the kid's soul back into the original body.
i do kinda hope a bit of Necromancy is learnt....

Summoning willing spirits to inhabit fascimiles of skeletons in order to help out, talk to loved ones, and look cool, e.t.c
But then he would still be a clone of someone else and not have his own body.
There's no way for him to have his own body without access to genetic material that he has no access to. All that's relevant then is whether or not he's stolen the body from someone else; a blank clone has no soul attached to it as it would normally never develop into a person.

i do kinda hope a bit of Necromancy is learnt....

Summoning willing spirits to inhabit fascimiles of skeletons in order to help out, talk to loved ones, and look cool, e.t.c

"Ethical Necromancy 215: Tissue Cloning And You."

Skeletons made of cloned human bone animated by lost spirits seeking material housing to avoid oblivion.

Upsides: Skeletons can follow dramatically more complex orders.

Downsides: Union paperwork is a bitch.
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Chapter 24
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build 0.2.4

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


J'onn J'onnzz sat at the main console in the Hall of Justice. It was not strictly necessary, but the optics were supposedly important for the public.

Seeing the heroes hard at work, or something to that effect.

He was currently between duties. M'gann was enjoying spending time with the team, no major crimes were currently in progress

The leader of the Genomorphs, Dubbilex, was currently in communication directly with the spiritual and community leaders of Mars.

As J'onn understood, the talks were going well. His involvement had ended shortly after an introduction and explanation to the Red Priests.

The Genomorphs simply did not have an extended history to discuss, and their presumed sterility had stalled plans for more direct integration.

The last he had heard, the current plans involved offering them an extension to the main city in return for assistance learning to replicate the more novel specializations of their biology. Being able to replicate the bio-electric generating capabilities of the G-Sprites could open new avenues of exploration for his people.

He felt someone coming well before they had entered the building.

It was an... Uncommon, experience. Not incredibly rare, but the majority of Humans were rather closed off in the mental sense.

Quiet, perhaps.

But there were still those who were open, easier to read. To hear. To feel.

By his estimate, it was a bit under two percent of the human population. People in various walks of life who were just... Loud. Many of them did not understand other people very well, and many others seemed to be handicapped in some way or another.

None of them, none that he had encountered at least, were psychic. They were simply open, honest in a way that many others were not.

This one, he recognized. Alchemist had a curious, conflicting blend of being smug, terrified, anxious and confident all at once.

The young man had also been missing for more than a week.

J'onn sent and alert to Batman on the terminal and turned around to watch the door.

He was not kept waiting very long.

Alchemist was, in one word, unkempt. His hair was a mess and clearly burned in places, his eyes were sunken and dull, skin pale and waxy and his clothes... Were pristine, as though they'd come fresh from wherever they'd been manufactured.

"Alchemist." The boy was looking at him, or perhaps through him. "Your presence has been missed. Are you well?"

"I got... I got messages. It was urgent? Batman said to be here." J'onn's neutral expression did not shift as he heard the tired rambling. Internally, however, he was unsettled. Alchemist had seemed to be fairly stable in their past encounters.

Mentally, J'onn probed. Not deeply, not into the boys history, but there was clearly something wrong here.

He saw... It was hard to describe. Room after room with no cieling, but swirling, unfolding magical formulae filling the sky. Of impossible books throwing magical fire, called down lightning and ice. Struggling and failing to master the timing for a spell, a Twisted Wall of Light to deflect attacks aimed at him.

Struggling to sleep in the corners of seemingly safe rooms, only to wake up somewhere else with chemical flasks attacking him instead.

Biting hunger as he ran out of food. Growing fear as his water reserves ran low. Desperation as he struggled to solve puzzles and word games that made little sense.

And relief, spreading through every fiber of his body as he encountered a being that radiated magical power beyond some gods.

It spoke.

"-This Was Not Your Test.-" J'onn could not hear what Alchemist was saying, and the great being was not looking at him. It was looking at the Martian instead. "-And What He Sought From Me, You Shall Not Be Given.-"

"I apologize for intruding." It was rare for him to interact with gods or spirits. Still, he knew to be polite first and foremost. "Alchemist is one of our own. Seeing him in this condition was... Worrisome."

"-He Found What He Was Seeking In My Realm, And Left. Greater Than He Was Before.-" Within the armored faceplate, J'onn could not see the gods eyes. He could feel them boring into him regardless. "-But Even One Who Sees More Than Most Mortals Cannot Gaze Upon The Soul. Your Tresspass Was Borne Of Concern, And Shall Be Forgiven This One Time. Leave, J'onn J'onnzz Of Mars. Unless You Wish To Prove Your Worth As Well.-"

It was not a question, not really, and J'onn knew that.

"I apologize for intruding and thank you for your patience." The mental representation of J'onn J'onnzz bowed, and the images faded away as mist before the sun.

Still, standing before him between the moment before and now, Alchemist was wobbling on his feet.

"Alchemist, I am sure Batman will answer shortly. Perhaps you should use the shower in the gym?" The boy held up one hand, making a circle out of his index finger and thumb.

Beneath the exhaustion, he got a sense of -Agreement-.

As the boy left, J'onn turned back to the computer. Batman had yet to respond, so he began composing an updated message, covering the cliff notes of what he had understood.

He struggled briefly on deciding how to word the situation the boy had found himself in before deciding that, if he needed to explain what he saw in person he would rather do so.

'Alchemist has returned. Appeared to be trapped by a spirit in a magical realm. Details unknown.'

Ah, now, what is it that the human children would say?

Oh, yes.

'Nailed it.'


Karen had been having a rough month.

A very, very rough month.

Difficult, even.

Wine helped. It helped her get to sleep.

It didn't help to keep her from crying.

She looked at the living room when she heard a chime. Putting down her half empty glass, she stumbled out of the kitchen.

On the couch, where she'd been sleeping recently she saw her phone.

One unread message.

She clicked it. She read it. She read it again and she froze.

-I can bring him back. I found a way. I just need time to build it.

She put a hand over her mouth to try and stifle a loud, broken sob.

It was a lie!

That thing in her sons body was just trying to torture her!

It had to be!

Even still, a part of her hoped. A part of her that had woken up in her son's room. A part of her that still cried in agony when it saw the pictures of her son.

Her boy.

Her baby boy.

Buried under despair, the mother in her -Hoped-.
Really cool to see J'onn get a glimpse into what Alchemist whent through and get to have a chat. :) He handled it very well.

Hmm...I'm actually really hoping that original!Leslie doesn't want to come back. He choose to leave to start with both when he committed suicide and when he took the deal with Terra-tan. Sometimes people die, and while that's sad, it's also ok. This seems like a very good opportunity for Alchemist to learn this lesson.
Just curious about something in bringing back Leslie soul and moving to another vessel will there be something brought back with the soul when it's implanted back and left behind in the body when alchemist move out?
As has been pointed out, the genomorphs have all the knowledge used to clone Roy Harper multiple times.
They could probably build him a body just fine.
Or even a kryptonian one.

He probably doesnt want one for ethical and magical reasons.

And pragmatic ones. If I had the option for shopping for a body on the deathworld thats a comic book Earth, and money is no object, I would be sure to shop for the toughest most durable chassis I could get.
And unfortunately, kryptonian bodies have the whole kryptonite vulnerability.
Really cool to see J'onn get a glimpse into what Alchemist whent through and get to have a chat. :) He handled it very well.
Hmm...I'm actually really hoping that original!Leslie doesn't want to come back. He choose to leave to start with both when he committed suicide and when he took the deal with Terra-tan. Sometimes people die, and while that's sad, it's also ok. This seems like a very good opportunity for Alchemist to learn this lesson.
Teenage suicides are never considered affairs; they're almost invariably acts of impulse
OldLeslie killed himself because the girl he liked was macking on some dude.
Thats very much NOT the kind of decision that doesnt draw regrets. Terra-tan wasnt offering a doover after all.

Nice character work with the Manhunter.
Even without Mind Blank it seems Leslie has unwittingly boobytrapped his mind against intrusion by the likes of Psimon and Klarion.

M'gann might well have trouble though.
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-I can bring him back. I found a way. I just need time to build it.

Damn. This was pretty cruel in my opinion. Would have been best to just succeed, bring the kid home, knock on the door, hand the kid over, and be gone. Keep an eye or two on her in the meantime so she doesn't kill herself. OC gave her hope, and she'll be up all night left and right wondering if it's today he comes home or not. Of course, That's just me.
Damn. This was pretty cruel in my opinion. Would have been best to just succeed, bring the kid home, knock on the door, hand the kid over, and be gone. Keep an eye or two on her in the meantime so she doesn't kill herself. OC gave her hope, and she'll be up all night left and right wondering if it's today he comes home or not. Of course, That's just me.
Ehh... so-so. While waiting with only that vague hope can be a harsh thing, so is depression and the risk that she'll kill herself in her grief, as you mentioned. And Gotham is a depressing city even without such a personal tragedy weighing down on a person. Keeping someone on suicide watch is essentially 24/7 time commitment, and is only made more difficult if you're trying to do it discreetly. Just checking in every couple days won't be enough: that likely just means you'll find the dead body early. And Alchemist would be quite busy actually bringing Leslie back. Giving Leslie's mother -hope- might just be the thing that gets her through long enough for Alchemist to bring him back.
Well, while Leslie's intentions with the message weren't cruel, they also weren't very well thought out. Running on pure exhaustion tends to have some negative effects on decision making.

That said, there's a reason Hope was hidden away with all the worlds evils in the story of Pandora and her box. For a glimmer of hope, some would walk through flames, crawl on glass and brave the gates of Hell. Become the greatest of saints or the most vile of Evils. All of that, and there's no guarantee that there's any truth to their hope in the first place.
I have a feeling him transferring his soul to a living metal body will give some rather tasty stat bonuses and extra ability's
I'm going to guess it will be similar to a Starmetal Adept's capstone feat. In which the Adept Ascends from a biological being to an Native Outsider type with Metal subtype that gives them the advantages of a Golem or Warforged body.

I wonder how DC would react to the parody of Batman comics whose premise is that most of the villains in his gallery are jilted former lovers. Or current side chicks or side men?
I'm imagining the metal body not needing to eat or drink, and Leslie using the extra time to study.

alternatively, he utilises the "exploited immunity" trope to the fullest…