Player one doesn't really speak much, and doesn't seem to be going for a charisma build.

I think most of the team are being standoffish with alchemist because he's treated differently then the rest by the adult league.

It's all perspective

(Vanishes for weeks [dealing with elemental God thing], 'jokes' about Lex in front of batman [really does those things] and not once have they seen him get into trouble for any of it, plus he's a noob who seems to get more respect then the sidekicks who've been in that roll for a while, being 'ignored' while they keep talking with alchemist about 'hero' stuff without them.)

Also loved the current chapter and waiting for an interlude about Mercy and Bats reaction to finding out he wasn't joking.

Or maybe just Lex's reaction to mercy being really curt with him and or quitting.
Seems a little odd to me that he's making out of universe meme's in front of Player One who he's identified as a gamer. It's a good way to out yourself as an insert character if they are also an insert.
The adults on the team don't tell the kids too much of anything about their teammates. There's an expectation that they'll communicate with each other to help build camaraderie somewhat naturally.
This doesn't help Alchemist because he's been missing for a week and a half during some of the most crucial team-building phases.

As to his behavior. It's been fairly consistent that, after dealing with severe stress or trauma such as seeing Batman nearly killed in front of him by a man Leslie quickly hospitalized, or running the very real risk of getting shot by the mob over a cat, Leslie tends to be a bit of a sarcastic shit. Most of the heroes in universe respond to the same thing by punching things harder or shacking up with another hero and slash or villain to create even more future trauma.
Part of this is Leslie's personality. Part of this is the fact that he's operating on teenage hardware and that doesn't respond well to trauma or sudden shocks. The Leslie from before OC was in that body wasn't exactly the most stable of kids to begin with.
"You found out I've been signing Lex Luthor's various business and personal email accounts up for hardcore fetish porn?"

"Okay, so not that then. Is this because I sent Mercy Graves a three legged horse costume with the message 'Take off the prosthetic, put this on and convince me not to put you out to pasture'? 'Cuz I told the guy making it to just use the letter L as the signature."

"Okay, so... It's not because I ordered and paid for forty cakes to be delivered to Lexcorp on his birthday? I paid extra to get the Superman shield piped on to those. Though those would've been delivered last week..."
I demand an interlude! An omake! Something! You can't just set up prime material like that and not give me anything! Pleaaaaaaase!
Interlude: Lex Luthor 01
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build ~Interlude: Lex Luthor~

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Lex Luthor didn't think of himself as a successful businessman.

He -knew- he was a successful businessman.

The part most people didn't really consider was just how much work went into that, though. Sleepless nights, work, compromises.

So many compromises.

And sacrifice.

Preferably at the expense of other people, but Lex had put no small amount of blood and tears into his work.

Again, most of it belonging to other people, but they'd been paid for it.

However the part that most people really overlooked was the sabotage. The backstabbing. The constant one-upmanship and politics that kept even his own success in check and hobbled.

He was the best at the game he played, but there were always others trying to claw their way up to take his place.

Lex hadn't been able to dedicate enough time to it, but he was beginning to suspect there was someone new to the game. Or at least that one of his many, many detractors had learned some new tricks.

At the moment, Lex Luthor was sitting at a computer in his private apartment at his corporate headquarters. A plate of half-eaten cake next to his keyboard. On his monitor?


Lots of porn.

Too much porn.

Someone had gotten their hands on his private email address. And his company address.

More worrying, though, was that someone had also gotten their hands on the email address he used when communicating with the other members of The Light.

The individual messages were all still safely encrypted, but the issue now was finding them! They were constantly being buried under an ever-growing mountain of garbage from websites like 'Midget Stripper Magazine' and 'Superman foot fetish pics', or, even worse, 'Innocent teens hold hands'!

He'd been to Human Resources twice in as many weeks, and he'd had to have two decent personal assistants reassigned after they tried to file a complaint over the endless reams of spam.

Currently, he had an intern getting trained to take over for them. But trusting some college brat to do a job correctly with no oversight or double-checking was a recipe for disaster.

Lex had already missed two important meetings this week because the emails for them had been buried!

Pushing the cake further aside, Lex leaned back in his chair and tried to massage his temples.

The cake had been a birthday present of sorts, delivered last week by a local bakery. Forty of them. Apparently the customer had ordered two of everything the company offered on their website.

Super Scrumptious Sweets.

Every single cake had the emblem for the House of El on them. Every. Single. One.

Between that and the lovely little card wishing him a happy birthday from someone calling themselves 'L', the day had been nearly ruined.

It had been completely ruined when a stripper showed up in the main lobby wearing a Superman costume.

A male stripper.

It wasn't much of a costume.

Lex was pulled out of his spiraling rage when he heard a noise just outside his door.

Clop. Clop. Clop.

It almost sounded like someone was stomping down the hall wearing heels.

The knock on his door wasn't surprising.

Hearing Mercy on the other side of the door saying "Mister Luthor. It's me." was.

The woman had a key for a reason.

Grumbling, Lex got up to open the door.

He dearly wished he hadn't.

Mercy Graves was on the other side of the door, yes.

Dressed up as... As...

Lex knew what she was dressed up as. He just didn't want to acknowledge it.

A skin-tight, light purple spandex uniform. Specially made shoes that had to be a nightmare to balance in, as they were almost like heels, minus the heel. Her hair had been tied back in a pony-tail and she was wearing... Were those blinders?

That her prosthetic arm above the elbow had been removed was almost unnoticed with the sheer -wrongness- Lex was looking at.

"Mercy? What, exactly, are you wearing?" The cake had to have gone bad, or been baked with bad flour!

Something to explain this!

"The outfit that you sent to me. Sir." She managed to fit more loathing in that one word than Lex had ever heard directed at him before.

Which was actually rather impressive, a distant part of his mind pushed to him.

His bodyguard, his confidante of many, many years got down on all three's, on her hand and knees, and looked up at him with baleful rage.

"Please, sir." She sounded like she was spitting out each and every word through clenched teeth. "I know it's expensive to keep a lame horse. But I promise, if you give me a chance, I'm worth it."

Lex Luthor had one of the most brilliant minds on Earth. He could think of solutions and problems in moments that others would struggle with for the entirety of their meaningless lives.

For this, however, he was coming up blank.

Instead he took one step back. And slammed the door.

AN/ You don't challenge a grandmaster of 4D chess to their own game. Leslie might have a lot of out of context information, but he's not going to outsmart Lex, so he's not bothering to try.
Distracting him, however...
The worse part is that Lex can't admit to be hacked.
It would ruin his reputation and take a shotgun to his pride.

Lex prides himself as the smartest, and likes intimidation strategies. Not catching whoever did this might inspire copycats (who would get caught) if this goes piblic.
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@Mister Ficser your latest post on caer azkaban with Leslie's prank on Luthor had me laughing so hard I almost passed out. Great job amigo. It was a good pick me up to a hard day.

I'm so glad I made your day a little better :) I read your comment as I was heading in to work myself.

So Lex thinks we're playing 4D Chess when MC is actually playing Cards Against Humanity

That's actually a rather good analogy. Leslie's hand is constantly shifting, and he can't play the same card over and over because the situation is constantly changing on him.
And somewhere along the line he might throw a great big box of bullshit into things.

The worse part is that Lex can't admit to be hacked.
It would ruin his reputation and take a shotgun to his pride.

Among the Light, this is very true.
Among his corporate peers, however few they are, he could commiserate about this because it does legitimately happen. Although among the various CEO's that he might talk to, none of them would consider most of what Lex is going through to be too bad except for the email thing.
Next "Prank" should be hire a skywriting place to draw Superman's logo above Lex's House multiple times every day
The next prank really should be replacing his shampoo with hair-growth lotion. Luscious, voluminous and shiny hair for Lex Luther!

Unfortunately, with Wally West we are currently at our quota for redheads.

I thought Alchemist was joking...


I'm actually in awe at this level of audacity.

Unfortunately for Leslie, he's the only one who thinks he's funny.
You might often notice he rarely lies. Misrepresents the truth so hard he could pass the bar exam, sure, but not much by way of lying.

We might be far from done with Lex Luthor, but that's for me to know and you to find out ;)