I don't think that is correct. It has been quite some time since I have read my MTG book collection, but I believe that Planeswalkers are just people capable of entering and surviving the Blind Eternities thanks to their Spark.

It depends on what exactly is being done with the mana in question. MTG land mages can draw upon lands they're bonded to (or next to / on), to shape and perform spells. But they'll never be able to handle the raw total volume of mana that Planeswalkers can handle; and they will never be equally able to form landbonds as Planeswalkers -- and more importantly they'll never be able to summon echoes of entities (beings or objects) from other Planes. The summonings non-Planeswalkers can perform have to target actual beings, and can only cross to other planes if there's a non Blind-Eternity route for said beings to be retrieved.

Walkers -- even nuWalkers -- are also dramatically more gifted than all other landmages when it comes to mastering their arts -- though you could reasonably argue that this is just a byblow of having stupid quantities of mana to work with freely.

EDIT: Oh, and Walkers also have the Gift of Tongues thing, can't really forget that for what it's worth.

There's a rather simple answer for that.

Does it sound like a good idea to have an immortal body when there's a risk of capture by the likes of those from Apokolips? Death is a mercy from them, and Darkseid had that word removed from their dictionary.

So, what? The Apokalyptian Anglican Inquisition just runs around yelling, "YOU! CAKE OR ... NOT CAKE!?" (Joke-explainer: ambiguity over what word specifically is referred to by the phrase "Darkseid had that word removed from their dictionary.")
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"Your suffering will be the stuff of legends!"

"Oh, you brought the pear of punishment?"

"The... What?"

"Maybe some Vogon poetry?"

"Err, no. Not that."

"Then, what are you going to use?"

"We... We have the punishment machine?"

"Tch, so vanilla."
Literally throw up a villain search specifying magic enemies or gods in DC and you've just gotten the list of everyone willing to steal that orb. Most of them being Zatanna, Zatara or John Constantines enemies.

Hell, Constantine himself might want it for some scheme he's trying to pull over hell again. So, you've gotta watch out for him trying to fuck over Alchemist as well, even if accidentally.
Probably Le Fay. She's been needing something ever since J'onn broke the philosopher's stone.

So magical villains will want to harvest the Darksteel Heart inside his chest?

:D "You only want me for my body!"

Possible anti-theft features:
=A small anti-scrying ward to hide the existence/nature of his Darksteel Heart.

=A thin coating of Nth Metal over the orb to thwart magical detection.

=Inscribe it with anti-evil enchantments so only the good and selfless can use it without being harmed.

=It's usually a bad idea for any bodily implant to have a self-destruct feature, so as a compromise, Alchemist could ask DEATH to put a "curse" on his Darksteel Heart so anyone who possesses it will suffer misfortune and bad luck (like the Hope Diamond).
A question?

If someone is made a Toad, how intelligent are they?

Do they think fully, slowly or are they instinctual?

Is there a Spell to change to a Spider? Perhaps as a trap?

Can you change Klarion into a Spider and his kitty into a Toad?
A question?

If someone is made a Toad, how intelligent are they?

Do they think fully, slowly or are they instinctual?

Is there a Spell to change to a Spider? Perhaps as a trap?

Can you change Klarion into a Spider and his kitty into a Toad?

Unless the target has magic resistance of some kind, their minds basically fall apart until they're running on instinct with the occasional insight that there's something wrong. Magicians, spirits, gods and other things with innate magic resistance can retain their intelligence. Strong enough spellcasters even retain the ability to cast magic.
I don't know of a spell to specifically turn someone/thing into a spider, but Polymorph covers pretty much everything. Unfortunately, on an unwilling target they have a chance to resist the effect.

Could Alchemist try to give Teekl indigestion from eating Klarion? Sure. His odds of success are pretty slim though.
I hope he will offer his bodycrafting\soultransfer services to Dr Occult and Rose when he has finished his body.
I hope he will offer his bodycrafting\soultransfer services to Dr Occult and Rose when he has finished his body.
Do bear in mind that he's getting a one-time deal of assistance from Death of the Endless to make his version work properly. He'll still be a meaningful bit of a ways away from being able to do similar for others.

But good solid bioturgy (the working of the flesh via magic)? That should be a skill he can make bank with even without having to limit himself to the magically active community. The sheer number of things you can get away with charging people for when it comes to being able to alter someone's body like a combination of instant gene therapy and utterly flawless plastic surgeon are mind-boggling.
I wonder if he can get Death presents and stuff?

The question there is: What do you get for someone who needs nothing? (Maybe an Ankh necklace that's enchanted with dispel? To break the bindings of a magic circle next time someone tries to be clever...)

Do bear in mind that he's getting a one-time deal of assistance from Death of the Endless to make his version work properly. He'll still be a meaningful bit of a ways away from being able to do similar for others.

But good solid bioturgy (the working of the flesh via magic)? That should be a skill he can make bank with even without having to limit himself to the magically active community. The sheer number of things you can get away with charging people for when it comes to being able to alter someone's body like a combination of instant gene therapy and utterly flawless plastic surgeon are mind-boggling.

Between the litany of healing spells he's picked up, he's got the first half locked down pretty well. Flesh-shaping is a different matter, an art that falls under the purview most often of necromancers.
Not to say it doesn't have perfectly legitimate uses, it does! It's just that those are the magicians who use it most often.
Just found this story, and finally am caught up. So this comment is all the remaining issues/idea's bouncing around my head after catching up to the latest chapter.

I cannot wrap my mind around the MC STILL not having any permanent mind defenses(I am assuming, that as a spell, mind blank is something temporary). No Occlumency, no Mind Palaces, nothing. Also, want him to branch out a bit from Final Fantasy(not counting Metamagic or Alchemy). Like some Harry Potter(LOADS of utility magic), Naruto, Mage: Ascension, DnD(especially for Planar Portal and Demi-Plane), etc...
Also kinda wish the MC got skills for utility/common actions that would become more OP with use. Like his Athletics, Academics, etc...
Surprisingly unhappy the MC transformed into a Dragon while in Leslie's body. Would have preferred they wait till they were in their "new" body.
Between the litany of healing spells he's picked up, he's got the first half locked down pretty well. Flesh-shaping is a different matter, an art that falls under the purview most often of necromancers.
Not to say it doesn't have perfectly legitimate uses, it does! It's just that those are the magicians who use it most often.
It's a little known fact that in the 8 Classic Schools arcane wizardry model, all healing magic is classified as Necromancy; as necromancy is the arcane school focused on things like the manipulation of life energies -- which is the core of healing magic.

So the association kinda comes from that, but the whole undead lich abomination thing has really prevented the Arcane Healer necromancy specialist from ever really taking off in popular culture.

Really drives home the "all medicine is poison" thing though.
Just found this story, and finally am caught up. So this comment is all the remaining issues/idea's bouncing around my head after catching up to the latest chapter.

I cannot wrap my mind around the MC STILL not having any permanent mind defenses(I am assuming, that as a spell, mind blank is something temporary). No Occlumency, no Mind Palaces, nothing. Also, want him to branch out a bit from Final Fantasy(not counting Metamagic or Alchemy). Like some Harry Potter(LOADS of utility magic), Naruto, Mage: Ascension, DnD(especially for Planar Portal and Demi-Plane), etc...
Also kinda wish the MC got skills for utility/common actions that would become more OP with use. Like his Athletics, Academics, etc...
Surprisingly unhappy the MC transformed into a Dragon while in Leslie's body. Would have preferred they wait till they were in their "new" body.

D&D's Mind Blank is pretty overwhelming insofar as the kind of thing you're talking about. Single action to cast, 24 hours duration, complete and total immunity to any form of mental intrusions or other forms of information-gathering exotic effects. Mind Blank

Once you have Mind Blank you really don't need anything else. The spell even explicitly trumps Wish. And moreover: since Alchemist has MP instead of Spell Slots, once he has the Permanency metamagic he can easily add it to the Mind Blank spell to make it last indefinitely.

Of course, if I were in his position I'd still probably try to purchase Occlumency anyway because while Mind Blank is powerful and long-lasting, it is also an active effect which means it can be disrupted or negated ... and moreover it isn't even slightly subtle. Having Mind Blank active and raising Occlumency the skill up high enough to be able to exert it "outside" of the Mind Blank barrier would let him present whatever false pretenses he liked to any telepaths or diviners while keeping his actual truth completely concealed; and would still allow him useful defenses if someone successfully Dispelled the MB.
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Just found this story, and finally am caught up. So this comment is all the remaining issues/idea's bouncing around my head after catching up to the latest chapter.

I cannot wrap my mind around the MC STILL not having any permanent mind defenses(I am assuming, that as a spell, mind blank is something temporary). No Occlumency, no Mind Palaces, nothing. Also, want him to branch out a bit from Final Fantasy(not counting Metamagic or Alchemy). Like some Harry Potter(LOADS of utility magic), Naruto, Mage: Ascension, DnD(especially for Planar Portal and Demi-Plane), etc...
Also kinda wish the MC got skills for utility/common actions that would become more OP with use. Like his Athletics, Academics, etc...
Surprisingly unhappy the MC transformed into a Dragon while in Leslie's body. Would have preferred they wait till they were in their "new" body.

In the current rough chapters he was actually looking at an option that would cover the mind defense. It's even in a very different route ripped from a fantastic game made back in '98.
One of the key things he's working on alongside his other projects, which are sadly being neglected while he monofocuses, is a ritual to bind a demiplane. It's a bit more complicated than his normal fare though, and next chapter will show off some of the preparation for it.

As to his spell choices, he had one last spell he's picking up from Final Fantasy, but it's already been mentioned. He hasn't bothered getting Ultima yet because there are some things you just don't leave lying around. The most recent spell he's picked up is actually from DnD, a utility spell. Which one? Well, that's for later ;)

It's a little known fact that in the 8 Classic Schools arcane wizardry model, all healing magic is classified as Necromancy; as necromancy is the arcane school focused on things like the manipulation of life energies -- which is the core of healing magic.

So the association kinda comes from that, but the whole undead lich abomination thing has really prevented the Arcane Healer necromancy specialist from ever really taking off in popular culture.

Really drives home the "all medicine is poison" thing though.

D&D's Mind Blank is pretty overwhelming insofar as the kind of thing you're talking about. Single action to cast, 24 hours duration, complete and total immunity to any form of mental intrusions or other forms of information-gathering exotic effects. Mind Blank

Once you have Mind Blank you really don't need anything else. The spell even explicitly trumps Wish. And moreover: since Alchemist has MP instead of Spell Slots, once he has the Permanency metamagic he can easily add it to the Mind Blank spell to make it last indefinitely.

Of course, if I were in his position I'd still probably try to purchase Occlumency anyway because while Mind Blank is powerful and long-lasting, it is also an active effect which means it can be disrupted or negated ... and moreover it isn't even slightly subtle. Having Mind Blank active and raising Occlumency the skill up high enough to be able to exert it "outside" of the Mind Blank barrier would let him present whatever false pretenses he liked to any telepaths or diviners while keeping his actual truth completely concealed; and would still allow him useful defenses if someone successfully Dispelled the MB.

He has a 'Gamer' metamagic perk that's similar to permanence. Lock, which initially increases the difficulty to dispell his buffs and debuffs to match his own casting power (Or if the specific, appropriate means of dispelling is used) but can be used to make a mastered spell permanent.

It'll be a bit, but there's a reason he hasn't been working on Mindblank.

Until he either gets around to working on that, or finds an alternative, his mind is especially open. Which is less of a handicap than we'd expect.

He knows not just the names of a significant number of Elder Gods, but also what they look like... Might have played a bit too much Bloodborne. And a handful of secrets the Fae would be all too happy to kill him for. (There is no such thing as cold iron. Anything can kill them... Or worse, someone could take over their story and rewrite them from a loop to an ending) And a significant number of the truths locked away in the Silver City, or the full form of the... Let's just say there might be gold in his mind, but mining it could be lethal.
I dont remember what it was called but the MC invoked Mister Mxyzptlk in a young justice fic and things got... weird.

Also the idea that you can get bloodborne gods through the dimensional barrier is... worrying. Like near worst case cenario the 40k gods are also claimed to be interdimentional. Though flipside the 40k universe is the center of their power, hopefully weaker a few dimensions over.

Also if anyone remembers the name of that fic DM me I can't find it
So, a Question?

If you are looking for the Blood of a God, there is one nearby, just look for an I.D. version of Wonder Woman. Her Dad was Zeus?

If you defeat her, you can get her Bracelets of Submission she used to deflect stuff, rumored to bounce Darksied's Omega eyebeams?

Can you work with the metal of godly stuff?

It was used by Hercules to subdue Amazons, right?
@Mister Ficser the G3c isn't the best pistol but it's decent compact pistol for a female user. I'd have gone for the M17/18 better ergonomics and a much more robust frame.

I love that the Succubus took one look at Leslie stripping and went "Hell no! You never stick it in crazy!"
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I dont remember what it was called but the MC invoked Mister Mxyzptlk in a young justice fic and things got... weird.

Also the idea that you can get bloodborne gods through the dimensional barrier is... worrying. Like near worst case cenario the 40k gods are also claimed to be interdimentional. Though flipside the 40k universe is the center of their power, hopefully weaker a few dimensions over.

Also if anyone remembers the name of that fic DM me I can't find it

I believe that was the one where the SI was Cell. A cell of a good time by Beastrider9 over on Spacebattles.

The Bloodborne gods can travel through The Dream. It makes them a very different kind of dangerous.

So, a Question?

If you are looking for the Blood of a God, there is one nearby, just look for an I.D. version of Wonder Woman. Her Dad was Zeus?

If you defeat her, you can get her Bracelets of Submission she used to deflect stuff, rumored to bounce Darksied's Omega eyebeams?

Can you work with the metal of godly stuff?

It was used by Hercules to subdue Amazons, right?

He could work with Divine Materials, but his results will never match a divine craftsman.
If Alchemist ever gets a chance to do it, you can expect him to directly tell Hephaestus that he would've preferred the Celestial Forge over The Gamer.

Diana The Honest would wreck him. Casually. I haven't put that much thought into how he compares to most of the League but I can say with certainty that he's simply not in her tier. Not even factoring in power, he lacks the mindset and experience to challenge her in any meaningful way.

Hell, he'd have a hard time even hurting her feelings.

Ambushing her and hitting her with Toad from a distance might work to 'Defeat' her, and let him steal Copy!Woman's equipment, but thanks to game mechanics she'd actually still be dangerous. She might be a toad, but she'd be a level 200 toad.

@Mister Ficser the G3c isn't the best pistol but it's decent compact pistol for a female user. I'd have gone for the M17/18 better ergonomics and a much more robust frame.

I love that the Succubus took one look at Leslie stripping and went "Hell no! You never stick it in crazy!"

As to the pistol- Alchemist has significantly more experience and knowledge about rifles, so his know-how with pistols is pretty slim. As such, he didn't have much input to offer, letting his companion at the time pick out whatever she wanted from what was available.

I just went to a website for a local sporting goods store, looked up their options for 9mm and then sorted by reviews :p

And yep. Even enemy NPC's are looking at Alchemist and going 'That boy ain't right'
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So, a Question?

If you are looking for the Blood of a God, there is one nearby, just look for an I.D. version of Wonder Woman. Her Dad was Zeus?

If you defeat her, you can get her Bracelets of Submission she used to deflect stuff, rumored to bounce Darksied's Omega eyebeams?

Can you work with the metal of godly stuff?

It was used by Hercules to subdue Amazons, right?
I pretty sure the YJ version of Diana is Clay given Life so she is more the Child of Gaia and so she is not an Olympian but she would be part of the Greek Pantheon. But this also makes it worse for the MC because Gaia Diana is more dangerous and powerful Zeus Diana.
Dont forget that Zeus is not even most Powerful of his siblings that actually goes to Hestia and then Demeter, let alone the whole pantheon
zeus just happens to have one of the most combat Applicable domains of his siblings
An interesting thing is that Diana is basically an infant in Divine terms She hasn't reached apotheosis yet the god version of adulthood she hasn't really discovered her Domain. She Relies on the blessings of her Goddess's gave her (which is actually a hindrance and a suppression on her growth) more than her own innate divinity. She gets no training on how to use her Metaphysique either.

Icould be wrong but yeah I believe the Young Justice version of her is the child of Gaia version and not the child of Zeus. Which actually makes things a 100 times worse because because Gaia is a easily 1000x stronger then Zeus so this raises Diana Innate potential immensely.

If this is the child of Gaia version Mister Ficser how does Terra-chan feel about her youngest and her not living up to her potential or Or receiving a basic divine education.

Ambushing her and hitting her with Toad from a distance might work to 'Defeat' her, and let him steal Copy!Woman's equipment, but thanks to game mechanics she'd actually still be dangerous. She might be a toad, but she'd be a level 200 toad.
Yeah turning her into a toad basically puts her in the Dragon ball z vegetos situation of majin Boo turning him into candy and still getting his ass kicked by said Candy since he still had his powers.
So that is not a good Idea
That doesn't include Is the possibility of her maybe(but unlikely since she is still untrained in it)using her domain of TRUTH to turn herself back into her TRUE state
Also in DnD terms Diana is still a Demi-Goddess and a stupidly high level one so the spell might not be able to change her for very long at all.
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If this is the child of Gaia version Mister Ficser how does Terra-chan feel about her youngest and her not living up to her potential or Or receiving a basic divine education.

Disappointed. There's a reason Gaia can't do things herself, but her grandkids (Zeus and his generation) or her great-grandkids (Athena and Hephaestus generation) should have done something. Leaving something of her caliber to be trained only insofar as mortal abilities go is dangerous and irresponsible.

Perfectly in line with the greek gods, though.
Disappointed. There's a reason Gaia can't do things herself, but her grandkids (Zeus and his generation) or her great-grandkids (Athena and Hephaestus generation) should have done something. Leaving something of her caliber to be trained only insofar as mortal abilities go is dangerous and irresponsible.

Perfectly in line with the greek gods, though.
Make me feel like a quest should be given that tell the MC to find someone to give her True Education.
Since he has contact with Didi he could ask if she knows anyone that would be willing, or contact Shazam see if he is willing , their is Nabu (if he's not the stupid vandal child from current YJ which makes no sense since Nabu mortal form is an Alien) who would most likely be willing to do a favor for Gaia and it also would majorly serve the cause of Order if the Goddess of TRUTH,JUSTICE,HEROES,Battle, Order (lower case ones are minor domains)was educated,
most Gods/Goddess that aren't Greek would probably Jump at the chance to Educate Gaia youngest for the Bragging right and Prestige alone(anyone in the Celestial bureaucracy would probably Kill for it).
Son Wu-Kong can probably be convinced to do it since she is technically his youngest sister.
not to mention it would get you in the good graces of Tera-chan which i imagine most Powers on Earth would Kill to be in.
Dang when i think about it their are a ton of ways the MC can finish a quest like that.
Rewards up to you thou i feel 1 free thing from the store or something along those lines sounds appropriate

But yeah since Tera-chan is disappointed with this But can't directly do anything about it it's a good thing she has 2 Gamers to work as a proxy for her Since i feel the MC and Penny would make a great Loophole for Tera-chan to help her Daughter without directly interfering. And I don't think anyone in the Greek pantheon is stupid enough to say thing about it. Seeing as the Zeus was terrified of Nix hes probably equally terrified of his grandmother.
Gaffgarion's journal is kind of a coincidence... I had this idea for a gamer based fic but where the only system available was the FFT Job system

Then again I had this idea for like 3 years and did nothing with it so eh
Gaffgarion's journal is kind of a coincidence... I had this idea for a gamer based fic but where the only system available was the FFT Job system

Then again I had this idea for like 3 years and did nothing with it so eh

Dude, go for it! Greatness comes to those who strive for it and we all start out at the bottom.

Peel back enough layers though and you might be the best onion author ever! Or just cause a lot of tears, but that's still an accomplishment.
Chapter 67
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build 0.6.7

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Batman didn't have any expectations when he entered the mountain.

Wonder Woman had been in earlier and had completed her initial survey. Her report was actually rather optimistic, and it included the fact that she'd be training several of the children in using a sword.

Perhaps not incredibly applicable to heroics, but it could be a good bonding exercise for Player One and Aqualad.

Alchemist and Kid Flash were together in the recreation room, both sitting on the floor with various machine parts strewn around them when he silently walked in.

"-so these bolts should be the ones for the outer casing?" Both of them were hunched over the manual to whatever the final product was supposed to be.

A long tube, three large bearings that were likely supposed to go around it, perhaps two dozen thin black rods and a fairly large electric motor.

"What are you working on?" Though it didn't show on his face, it still amused Batman to watch someone, Alchemist in this case, jump when he surprised them.

"Hey Batman! There should be some pizza on the counter if you want some. Is there some pizza left?" The last part was said to the speedster, but he was too busy trying to assemble the machine case to pay attention.

There was, in fact, one slice left.

"Right, we're working on making a rod mill. I've got some ball bearings around here somewhere... Anyway, I need to powder some gemstones for a ritual spell." The boy pulled a freezer bag filled with green sand from seemingly nowhere to show to him.

"Are those... Emeralds?" They were not the shiny, polished precious jewels he was familiar with, but he'd been involved in breaking up a few smuggling rings that tried moving unrefined jewels a few times.

"Yep. Also made a batch of diamonds, rubies, sapphires, topaz and onyx." The four 'traditional' elemental colors, as well as black and white?

And he said he 'made' these?

Batman took a seat at the counter and grabbed the last slice of pizza.

He had questions now.

"So what is this ritual you're working on? How did you make the gemstones, and why do you need to grind them even smaller than that? I would assume with your abilities, turning them from grains to a powder should be rather simple." Trying to guess and assume with Alchemist had proven difficult in the past... But directly questioning him tended to be quite enlightening.

"Right, well, it's called a Demiplane Seed. Are you familiar with sub-space?" The caped crusader nodded. "Alright, think something like that except stable enough that a person can go into it and come out safe and sound."

Alchemist once more motioned towards the bag of rocks before slotting a part onto the mill.

"I need to, how did the book put it, invoke the elements to define the rules and properties of the personal reality I'll create. Typical stuff like earth, fire, water and air to create fertile land, set a temperature and create sunlight, specify the humidity or if there's a spring of pure water and make sure there's breathable air. That's the emerald, ruby, sapphire and topaz. The onyx and diamond are to, uh, soulbind it. Onyx has some mystical connection to death, diamonds with life and rebirth, together they... Right. Together they define the journey of the soul, and can be used to bind the demiplane to a specific individual. This way whenever I try to go back to my demiplane, I'm going back to -my- demiplane." Alchemist waved at Kid Flash who was tightening the nuts on one side of the mill.

"Kid Flash heard about what I was up to and wanted to see if I could make it work."

"And if you'd make me one!" The speedster finally spoke up.

Batman raised an eyebrow under the cowl. He'd been made aware that the boy vehemently denied the reality of magic. Something must have happened to change his mind.

"If it works I'd be happy to. I just need to break down these granules into a powder to mix with some resin to make the glyphs in the magic circle. And artificial gemstones are easy enough to make, it's just a tightly bundled pattern of the exact same thing over and over again. Heck, I could make rubies if I went and bought about thirty dollars in parts and got a bag of aluminum-oxide and chromium-oxide. Don't think I'm talking about making a full blown alternate reality, though." Alchemist shrugged and waved his hand vaguely. "Starting out, the demiplane is only about the size of a small janitors closet. You store some stuff in it and forget about it. Thing is, though, it's called a seed for a reason. Over time it'll grow, and if you can feed it magic it'll grow even faster. The biggest one I've read about so far was about one kilometer cubed, and that was controlled by some ancient dragon. He kept his hoard in there."

He fit a part of the casing against the motor and loosely secured one bolt to it.

"I did try to powder these, earlier. I think I just have a hard time picturing it, which, well, visualization is pretty important. I have to mix this stuff into resin, and I need it to be really, really fine. I'm not sure what I can do by hand is good enough, and this thing can be pretty useful even after I'm done with this project."

"Fascinating." As much as he meant that, Batman kept his voice neutral. "I hope you're not in the middle of anything critical, however."

He pulled a manila folder out from behind his cape while Alchemist snapped his greasy fingers and made his hands magically clean.

"I've finalized a lot of the details on your new identity. One thing I could not do, however, is create an identity for you that would bypass the education system." Alchemist took the folder from his hands and began reading through it.

"Well, that sucks. 'Tracy Nicholas Whittaker'... Alright. Aged sixteen." No complaints, which was good. He'd spent a significant amount of time deciding on a name.

"Indeed. You're scheduled to take the test for your General Education Development certification at Gotham University in one hour." It was not exactly ideal, but the Board of Education didn't do private tests and this was the earliest one available after 'Tracy' had become a legal person.

"Ah, alright the..." Alchemist froze in the middle of what he was going to say when Batman's words fully processed. "...Hey Kid Flash? If you finish putting this together while I'm out, I'll cook whatever you want. Sound good?"

He got a greasy thumbs up in response.

"Awesome. Thanks. I need to go and cram four years of history into twenty minutes!" Unlike what he normally did, Alchemist didn't raise his hand or snap his fingers. He just disappeared.

Batman allowed himself a small grin.

How Alchemist handled this would offer a significant amount of insight into his character.
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