Personally I'm looking forward to Dick and Wally to start rethinking everything Alchemist has said to them before. Like, they just got proof he was 100% legit if a bit sarcastic about turning into a dragon. What else was he truthfully telling them about that they assumed he was sarcastic about?
This was a fun chapter but i cant help but to think that even with all this self combat training they will still ignore the contract and stick him in combat situations. Also he still cant transform his clothes with his dragon shift?
Has the MC considered purchasing metamagic from DnD, or would the value not be worth the cost as it stands?

A lot of the metamagic directly from DnD is about manipulating numbers, unless we're getting into the good books.

The only numbers Alchemist can see are the ones directly relating to him. As such he's not in a hurry to grab Empowered Spell.
And there's a lot of wands out there that can be used to 'charge' a spell with a metamagic effect.

One example of something legitimately useful, but only in specific circumstances, would be the 'Reaping Spell' metamagic effect from Champions of Ruin, which consumes the soul of whatever is targeted. Absurdly evil under normal circumstances, but immeasurably useful in dealing with the likes of Wotan.

This was a fun chapter but i cant help but to think that even with all this self combat training they will still ignore the contract and stick him in combat situations. Also he still cant transform his clothes with his dragon shift?

Nope, he hasn't figured out how to transform someone into a toad with their clothes, either.

Tone: how to lie with the truth.

It's a fantastic tool for telling your boss that no, really, firing half the people who manufacture your stuff and cutting the bonuses of the remaining five is a great idea! Absolutely, go for it. There's no way this could possibly go wrong.
One example of something legitimately useful, but only in specific circumstances, would be the 'Reaping Spell' metamagic effect from Champions of Ruin, which consumes the soul of whatever is targeted. Absurdly evil under normal circumstances, but immeasurably useful in dealing with the likes of Wotan.

I was thinking of a target more like Vandal. It'd be nice to see someone really stress test that immortality of his with something more exotic like attacking his soul directly. There's three possible outcomes: You deal with the big bad of the Light permanently, it doesn't work at all, or you get a weird case where Vandal himself is gone but his body is in a state of being a perpetual living vegetable, which could lead to some weird comic book plot stuff.

If anyone deserves such a fate in setting, it's him. He probably has the largest body count on Earth just from how long he's been around. That's not even getting into the whole teenage meta-human trafficking ring he sets up later.

Of course, once you start bringing out the big guns like that, the rest of the Light might just decide to go full MAD in retaliation or just from them lashing out at each other and the world at large from the group splintering. And there's no telling what Apokolips will do once the Light is gone on top of that. Depending upon the situation, it might be best to go for Vandal once his organization as a whole is dealt with, just so the decapitated monster doesn't destroy anything while it's flailing about headless.
you get a weird case where Vandal himself is gone but his body is in a state of being a perpetual living vegetable, which could lead to some weird comic book plot stuff
Infinite resources?
Stick him in a juicer and the few good vampires (few, but they do exist if I remember right), have infinite food.

Could also use him for spells that require blood or flesh
Why didn't you read the Necronomicon yet? I know there are different variants in fiction, but most of them arent THAT bad.

It's kind of like the poisoned M&M metaphor that some people like to use to justify discrimination. Sure, most version of the necronomicon aren't that bad, and his copies aren't bound in human flesh... But enough of them are that bad, and knowledge itself can be dangerous.
Yeah if that is a Necronomicon with actual Eldritch knowledge that thing may just increase the amount of crap that is happening in the world (mostly Gotham) since that thing is practically a gate and when it opens so does the gate, also reading it can cause a variety of effects from nothing to being a monstrous slave able to think but not act of your volition to the Eldritch deities. The Necronomicon is dangerous because of what's within it, to put it shortly.
Yeah if that is a Necronomicon with actual Eldritch knowledge that thing may just increase the amount of crap that is happening in the world (mostly Gotham) since that thing is practically a gate and when it opens so does the gate, also reading it can cause a variety of effects from nothing to being a monstrous slave able to think but not act of your volition to the Eldritch deities. The Necronomicon is dangerous because of what's within it, to put it shortly.

Not to mention allied mind readers if your somehow immune to it. I doubt any of them would like to suddenly have the eldritch truth thrust into their Brains
Yeah, reading The Necronomicon has its advantages, and technically Alchemist is a "being from beyond the fragile boundaries of our flimsy existence", so might have some resistance, but also might just have an open soul-wound for the sanloss to enter... so advise against reading it, on account of the bad versions being really quite remarkably bad. So the best thing to do is to send it to Jimmy Olsen as a christmas present!

That said, I suspect that this is not random. In theory, they should be a reward, so it shouldn't be a game-over event, as that doesn't seem like it would be "fun". Assuming that the whole "gamer" thing is not just a ploy to dupe clueless mortals into opening the gates... . I would guess that they are probably either particularly edgy spellbooks(which seems doubtful considering that there are spares, which suggests consumable item...), or session enhancers for bonus loot and experience points. Just open up a dungeon and invite some deadites...

Has Alchemist warned Player One about The Necronomicon? I mean, if she isn't well-read, she might not appreciate that maybe this is not the loot that she is looking for... I do wonder if Player One could pick up some cantrips...
I'll finish this sentence "a shit load of high power villians"
The League do have their personal reasons for being a largely nonlethal organisation. There is also my suspicion that they are far more palatable to the governments of the world when they restrict their right/wrong determinations to stopping events in-progress, and would have concerns about that extending to whether individual citizens should be alive, even in a "heat of the moment" context. Destroying the souls of every credible threat to society is likely to be a bit confronting across The League's P.R., diplomacy, and mental health. Sure, it might work out, and Alchemist in only mildly representing(and protected by) The League, but it is a risk.
And there's a lot of wands out there that can be used to 'charge' a spell with a metamagic effect.
-Create Item -Expanded Bag- (1)
-Create Item -Assisting Armor- (1)
-Create Item -Infinite bag of Spice- (1)
-Create Item -Enchanting Pipe Organ- (1)
-Create Item -Lyre of Truth- (1)
-Create Item -Fortifying Bedroll- (1)
-Create Item -Summoner's Bell- (1)
-Create Effect -Bind Demiplane- (1)

Alchemist is a very goal-oriented individual, so why did he spend so many points on "Create Item" skills?

Was he researching possible enchantments for his golem/homunculus body?

Does he want his new body to have built-in items like a magical Inspector Gadget?
:ogles: "Go-go-gadget Lyre of Truth!!!"
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I nean the really high power villains like Darkside, Klarion, and various other S-teir villains.
Does Klarion have a soul? I am not sure about Dark...side either, New Gods are weird? Most of the ludicrously high-tier types are either spiritually odd, robots, or sufficiently deadly that standing around finger-waggling for long enough to get a big spell off is a dubious prospect. Maybe it'd work on Doomsday? I mean, Doomsday would probably kill all of the spellcasters in the general region in the blink of an eye if they had a working threat assessment, but they are probably going to just rip and tear whoever is trying to punch them first?
Hmmmm. How would Indigo Power Ring mind fuckery interact with a more traditional Gamer's Mind? I imagine it would just straight up not work, but then an evil gamer would just have a useless shiny ring. Or it could not work that way, I don't imagine Gamer's Mind plus Green Power Ring equals unlimited power.
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Alchemist is a very goal-oriented individual, so why did he spend so many points on "Create Item" skills?

Was he researching possible enchantments for his golem/homunculus body?

Does he want his new body to have built-in items like a magical Inspector Gadget?
:ogles: "Go-go-gadget Lyre of Truth!!!"

They are actually all items crafted by Heward, the eponymous wizard, artificer and eventual deity of D&D lore. They were basically extras while he was researching the method of creating a personal demiplane, another such skill Heward was famous for back in the day.
He was noted as either creating one in the guild hall, or expanding his guild hall into one. Actual details are pretty much hearsay at this point, I think. Unless someone wants to correct me, in which case please go ahead :)
Hmmmm. How would Indigo Power Ring mind fuckery interact with a more traditional Gamer's Mind? I imagine it would just straight up not work, but then an evil gamer would just have a useless shiny ring. Or it could not work that way, I don't imagine Gamer's Mind plus Green Power Ring equals unlimited power.
I think for unlimited green power you must put the ring on the finger of a nightclub owner in L.A.
Hmmmm. How would Indigo Power Ring mind fuckery interact with a more traditional Gamer's Mind? I imagine it would just straight up not work, but then an evil gamer would just have a useless shiny ring. Or it could not work that way, I don't imagine Gamer's Mind plus Green Power Ring equals unlimited power.

We kind of discussed that over on Caer, it came up with Alchemist's ability to convert material and some suggested he should try for a sample of the solidified will that Green Lantern Rings are made of. It's debated pretty well as to whether or not lantern mind fuckery is an actual part of the corps, if it's just a basic, organic reward system for leaning on whatever the emotion is to accomplish a goal... Or if the various rings just intentionally go for the strongest outlier in a sector/planet. As one person put it...

"John Stewart, you are an unbearably obstinate prick! Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps!"

Now, as to the actual question. The indigo tribe... That's the one that is unequivocally and obviously brainwashing its victims to make them atone for their crimes. That... Would fail against Gamer's Mind, I'm thinking. Power Rings are high technology and, except for the Red Rings, all somewhat weak to magic. And The Game, The System, whichever name you want to use for it, it's backed by Gaia. Now, she's not actually a goddess. She's not even a Titan. She stands head and shoulders above that as a Primordial Goddess, a direct descendant of the raw chaos of creation.

Without a feedback loop powering it, an Indigo Ring would only have however much compassion its wearer has. For a lot of Gamer's... Well, you'd be better off trying to find water in the desert.
Speaking of the Caer updates
is Leslie using Haste and sniper rifles going to be a recurring thing? Cause it's kinda neat