Well, we got two options. Either born of clay and blessed to life by the gods... Or a true-born heir to Queen Hippolyta who also has a twin brother that's been forced into slavery because the all female island disapproves of male children.

Born of clay is so much easier to work with and has a lot fewer moral schisms to try and think around.
And I can't believe I typed that and am being fully and completely serious. What the fuck, DC?
Are you talking about Jason? The only thing I know involving him is that he was raised outside Themiscyra and trained by Hercules, what comic did he become a slave in?
Are you talking about Jason? The only thing I know involving him is that he was raised outside Themiscyra and trained by Hercules, what comic did he become a slave in?

I might be getting my continuities crossed, but that -should- have been in Azzarello's Wonder Woman.

I think.

There's definitely the part in that series where the male children are either sold to Hephaestus or thrown into the sea.
"Do not, I repeat, do not be afraid to exploit the weaknesses in your enemies form or abilities. Biting, scratching, even hair pulling may not be 'Honorable' in the middle of a fight, but when civilian lives are on the line our honor is found in their safety, not in the glory of combat. I have had to learn this the hard way. I should hope that you can instead learn it from me, rather than at the funerals of those you meant to save"

So much this. I am glad to see at least one member of the JL has that opinion.

Mister Rogers is a good choice. I never really thought about it, but we don't "know" how to act around others in a modern civilized fashion. Heck, some of us still haven't figured it out. Thinks like Seaseme Street, Mister Rogers, and other childrens shows are great for the clones because not only do they teach the basics of how things work, they teach the basics of how people should interact.

But please keep the clones away from Bertstrips. I am not sure they would understand the satire.
Wonder Woman has a good bit going for her that most of the League just doesn't. She's a war veteran from a highly-militarized society that ritualized combat. They still have martial tournaments that aren't just two guys boxing or some uncomfortable groping that might be wrestling.

Though to be fair, Amazon wrestling would make a mint on pay-per-view...
One of the few children's TV shows to stand the test of time. Worth it.

Ouch! That's rather harsh to say, but appropriate too.

On another note, has there ever been a comic where the superheroes talk after attending a funeral? Because I feel like that emotional impact is lacking otherwise. I can't come up with an example.
I think there was one for green arrow or gl. I remember hearing about one but not what it was about, back issues may have a video on it.
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I might be getting my continuities crossed, but that -should- have been in Azzarello's Wonder Woman.

I think.

There's definitely the part in that series where the male children are either sold to Hephaestus or thrown into the sea.

Yeah, thats a little bit of dark lore about the amazons that no one likes to show. All males born on that island are given up to slavery or killed. which makes the amazon complete hypocrites about their stance on mans world. Now if am not screwed up on my lore Diana was born a twin and the boy twin is Jason. In one lore he was given up to the smith god and in another set of lore he is chained beneath a mountain because he is a monster and far to powerful. I just know it all came out during the darksied the whole Grail situation during rebirth, but jason was a thing before all the retcons.
@Mister Ficser
Couple characterization comments on a future update:
Funny as the Zombles handoff was?

Given Alchemist's knowledge and personal misgivings(he didnt bring back anything consumable from the zombie dungeon)?
Handing off a zombie monster with unknown transmission vectors(magic? biology? ) as a booby trap is grossly irresponsible and bloody dangerous. The more so given as there's a Lazarus Pit on the island where he expected it to be taken.

Furthermore, given that he's trying to avoid notice by the eldritch abomination known as Klarion, handing off a biosample thats been affected by his magic signature to a known associate of the man/person/thing is personally hazardous.
Especially as said biosample would also bear traces of Penny's magic.

A Lord of Chaos would be find it uncomfortably interesting. Evrn a lesser mage might be able to track it back.

Then there's Batman. Bats would know enough about Shadow infrastructure to know that Alchemist's assertions about the population of Infinity Island is probably false. A lot of the recruits never had a choice about this line of work. Most students have not killed anyone yet. Most support staff on the island never will.

And this is YJ Bats, not Batman Begins Bats.
The dude who invested effort in rehabilitating Clayface in this continuity. Even if they were enemies, he wouldnt sit back and watch people fight for their lives against something like that. Never mind Talia.

I dont know what to suggest.
Im loath to suggest you throw away a couple thousand eords.
Might it be better if he just handed off a mundane toad?
I thought this was worth mentioning.
Still enjoying the rest of the writing.
I don't think he means what she thinks he means when he says the earth… He has access to final fantasy magic that stuff can fire supernovas and conjure summons that throw planets…
is that a hint that Al bought Seismic Toss? also WW is probably Perfect for teaching the twins and P1...she doesn't have as many hangups about powers as Supes does, and as someone from a superpowered warrior society that also still uses magic she understands that with power comes the fact that the universe will MAKE you use it.
Yeah, thats a little bit of dark lore about the amazons that no one likes to show. All males born on that island are given up to slavery or killed. which makes the amazon complete hypocrites about their stance on mans world. Now if am not screwed up on my lore Diana was born a twin and the boy twin is Jason. In one lore he was given up to the smith god and in another set of lore he is chained beneath a mountain because he is a monster and far to powerful. I just know it all came out during the darksied the whole Grail situation during rebirth, but jason was a thing before all the retcons.
The only lore I could find on Jason was where he was raised by the argonauts and trained by Hercules.
Chapter 65
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build 0.6.5

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


The hand to hand portion of the days physical training had gone almost exactly as Black Canary had explained it would.

Robin clearly had the most skill, followed by the well trained but less flexible Aqualad. Kid Flash made a decent showing, but it was more and more clear that he relied on his speed to make up for gaps in his training.

Alchemist actually came up in the middle of the pack in regards to actual skill. Rough and unrefined, but he had solid instincts on where blows were coming from and was surprisingly adept at intercepting and deflecting them or turning an attack into a grapple. He lacked follow-through, however. Seemingly afraid of harming his training partner.

The remaining four suffered from varying degrees of a lack of training in how to fight, as well as how to utilize their superior strength and abilities with finesse.

There was a lot of work to be done here.

"Alright!" Wonder Woman yelled, getting everyone's attention. "Take five, re-hydrate and then line up! We're going to be doing some limited power-assisted combat training!"

There were some breathless cheers and a single groan of complaint.

Which was too bad. If Robin wanted to be a hero against superior foes, he'd better get used to being up against enemies he won't always be able to outskill, outmaneuver or overpower.

She actually ended up giving them ten minutes, Aqualad and Player One both were struggling to get their breathing under control and get some water in them.

She mentally reshuffled who was fighting who and moved them to the end of the list. Learning to fight through exhaustion was important, but it could also burn out a trainee if forced on them too early.

"Alchemist. Superboy. You two are up first. Use your abilities as best you can within reason. We want the mountain to still be here when you're done!" Alchemist gave her a thumbs up while Superboy managed an almost imperceptible nod.

Even as the two were pacing away from her she could feel Alchemist casting spells, accompanied by a quiet clack-clack-clacking as he snapped his fingers.

Somewhat against the rules, but well within the spirit of the training exercise.

Once both had managed a solid ten paces away from her in the middle she backed away and roughly waved her arm down. "Begin!"

Superboy took one step forward, then another... And then with a stutter he was back in his starting position and walking towards Alchemist.

"Oh?" The younger looking boy said as Superboy kept up his steady pace with no progress. "You're approaching me?"

"Yeah, well, I can't punch you from over here!" Alchemist brought a hand up to his face and covered his mouth as he laughed... Though he never broke his hidden gaze upon Superboy's position.

"Then by all means, come as close as you like!" Superboy made it another two steps before he returned to his starting position.

He was starting to notice something wasn't quite right.

"Is there something wrong?" Alchemist held his arms out. "You should have reached me by now. Are you... Hesitating?"

Superboy crouched low and tried to rush Alchemist's position, to much the same effect.

It was amusing, but...

"Alchemist!" Diana shouted. "Get on with it!"

The smile dropped off his face and he held up a hand, disappearing from view with a snap of his fingers.

Superboy froze, looking around, spinning around to try and find him.

Diana, however, was focusing on the spot he'd 'left', able to feel, able to -see- that he was still there. Just... Mostly invisible. Thank Hestia, hers were the eyes that could discern the truth.

He started taking off his clothing and Diana shook her head. She'd heard of this insane ritual some boys would partake in, where they would strip nearly nude to try and intimidate each other.

Somehow she didn't think it would have much impact on-

And there went the underwear.

He took one step, then another and lunged at Superboy.

Turning into a largish dragon and nearly doubling in height and tripling in width.

Diana was struck dumb for a moment. A very critical moment as Alchemist latched his fangs onto Superboy's leg, breaking his transparency and swung, slamming the half-kryptonian into the wall and cracking it.

"What?!" Came the surprised shriek from one of the girls, likely Player One.

"Oh my god." She could vaguely hear Robin say. "He really can turn into a dragon."

"And that's going into the nightmare drawer." Kid Flash muttered from right behind her.

"Alchemist?" She asked the dragon holding a very dazed Superboy in the air by his leg.

"Yush?" He answered with his mouth full.

"You can put him down now." The boy dropped to the ground with a meaty thud. "Thank you."

This... Was well outside of her expectations.


"Alright." After the initial upset of Superboy losing to Alchemist, the other fights were actually rather enlightening.

Miss Martian had taken her advice and simply lifted Kid Flash off the ground, rendering him basically helpless.

Robin versus Power Girl had been... Interesting. Without being able to actually -fight- her, he'd settled on using various tools to disorient and distract her.

Exploding a stink packet into her eyes may have been a bit much, but it kept her off the offensive long enough for the bout to be called in his favor.

Aqualad against Player One had been quite enlightening, actually. Player One had stamina well beyond what her build would suggest, and access to skills or abilities that could drastically turn the battle in her favor. She actually seemed to regenerate slowly, had... Odd... Armor that was surprisingly effective.

(What was that smell? Deep caves and graveyard soil...)

And could, in short bursts, move nearly as fast as Kid Flash.

All of these abilities in her favor, and she still lost. Aqualad had created a puddle of water from seemingly nothing.

Innocuous enough.

And then brought out his water bearers.

Rather than creating swords or weapons, he instead took control of the water he'd created. Using it to bind and tether Player One, taking her mobility away from her.

Diana had to call the match when he started to make tentacles.

"You all did very well. There's a lot of room for improvement, but with enough practice you'll all make fantastic heroes. Before we break for the morning, do we have any comments or concerns that need to be addressed?" She scanned over the group. Dirty, disheveled and tired but satisfied. One of them was awkwardly lifting one claw up into the air. "Yes Alchemist?"

"Can you bring ketchup next time?" He dragged out the r and struggled with the tch sound as he asked.

"Ketchup?" Did he have a spell of some sort that needed it?

"Yess. Superboy is good, but he needs more time to prepare, to... Simmer. Too salty, too crunchy. Needs... Ketchup." Diana couldn't make out a facial expression, between the inhuman visage and the way everything sank into the black. With that and the way he struggled with various words he'd become very difficult to read.

She'd been told he liked to joke.

She hoped that's what that was.

"I'll consider it. I have one important question for you though." The other teens were edging away from the both of them now. "Was the stripping necessary?"

"Wonder Woman?" He curved his neck to meet her eyes. "I think you may want to reconsider your position in asking that."

He waved a claw in the direction of her torso and...

He could not be serious.

"My outfit is the traditional battle armor of Themyscira!" She could feel the way his eyes slid from her armor, to the Lasso of Hestia and then up to meet her eyes once more.

"The traditional battle armor of Themyscira is dominatrix fetish gear?" Diana idly noted the various teens quickly vacating the room, leaving her and the dragon alone in it.

Her gaze was locked on his for one beat, then two...

Then he started to laugh, and she did too.

"Oh Hera no!" Nobody had actually complained about her outfit since World War Two! Well, nobody that mattered. "No, we still use armor designed during the days of the Greeks. Some chauvinist fool back in the day thought I was a backwater princess, naive to the world. He tried to send me off to sing and dance for the soldiers in an outfit like this in the second World War. I decided to keep it and make it my own while proving him wrong. My mother hates seeing me in this!"

"Alright, alright. Turn around and let me get dressed. I can't fit through the doors like this." She obliged him, a lighthearted grin on her face. "Hey, been wondering something. You think we could get Superboy and Power Girl something referencing dragon's teeth? That aren't mine? They're Cadmus soldiers and all."

She turned around as he was finishing up, sliding a short sleeve shirt over his head with the words 'Meddle not in the affairs of dragons' on it. "I doubt they would understand the reference."

Which was such a shame. Classic literature had fallen so far to the wayside in recent years.

"Gotcha. Get them a book on mythology first." He stretched, popping something in his back. "Might even do what school can't and get them educated."

Name: (@**&@%$#%) Leslie Winters
Race: Human
Level: 42
GP: 1750000
USD: $15000
Name: (@**&@%$#%) Leslie Winters
Race: Human
Level: 42
GP: 1750000
USD: $15000
VP: 7
HP: 1200
MP: 682
-STR: 16
-VIT: 60
-DEX: 7
-AGI: 16
-INT: 91
-WIS: 91
-LUK: 8
--Transmutation (77)
--Conversion (28)
--Advanced Homonculus Creation (1)
--Scrying (12)
-Magical Engineering
--Living Steel Manufacturing and Production (Max)
--Synthesis (22)
--Final Fantasy series!
-( FFII )
-Esuna (16 -Max)
-Life (16 -Max)
-Teleport (16 -Max)
-Cure (16 -Max)
-Blink (16 -Max)
-Protect (16 -Max)
-Toad (16 -Max)
-Flare (16 -Max)
-Osmose (16 -Max)
-Break (7)
-Haste (12)
-Berserk (3)
-Shell (1)
-Curse (1)
-Holy (8)
-( FFXI )
-Dispel (6)
--Dark Souls series!
-Repair (28)
-Twisted Wall of Light (25)
-Hidden Weapon (1)
-Hidden Body (2)
-Cast Light (2)
-Dark Blade (100 -Max)
-Carthus Flame Arc (1)
-Blessed Weapon (1)
-Lightning Blade (1)
-Crystal Magic Weapon (1)
-Frozen Blade (1)
--Dungeons and Dragons
-Prestidigitation (24)
-Regenerate (4)
-Dragonkind -Form of the Dragon- (3)
-Create Food and Water (1)
-Create or Destroy Water (5)
-Create Item -Expanded Bag- (1)
-Create Item -Assisting Armor- (1)
-Create Item -Infinite bag of Spice- (1)
-Create Item -Enchanting Pipe Organ- (1)
-Create Item -Lyre of Truth- (1)
-Create Item -Fortifying Bedroll- (1)
-Create Item -Summoner's Bell- (1)
-Create Effect -Bind Demiplane- (1)
--Dragon Warrior
-Ironize -Kaclang- (1)
--Nagrarok (Atk: 1, Evade +50%, On-hit: Toad)
--Magic Wellness Stick (On-hit: Heal)
--9mm Semi-Automatic Carbine (Nothing special to note)
--Zastava M93 .50 Caliber Long Range Rifle (Nothing special to note)
-- Lichbone Pendant (Dark/Negative Damage +100%, Dark/Negative Damage Resistance +50%)
-- Midnight Cowl (Intelligence -10, Wisdom +20, Dark Damage Resistance +75%)
-- Bootyshorts of Evasion (Defence +15, Agility/Dexterity +10, Respect -20)
-- Transmutation (read)
-- Scrying (read)
-- Advanced Homonculi by C.Grande (read)
-- De Le Metalica (read)
-- Synthesis: Fusion (read)
-- MP Boost (Failed!)
-- Heward's Handy Handbook of Magical Mysteries (read)
--Nectar X61
--Magic Carrot X77
--Heal Berry X99
-(Read spell books have been removed to condense space)
-- Necronomicon X3 (Unread)
-- ??? Dragon Egg
-- Metal Sample "Necrodermis"
-- Metal Sample "Darksteel"
-- Magical Nectarine Pit X2
-Bright Soul (MP regen +50%)
-Shining Soul (MP +50%)
--Combined effect! Magical attunement is now visible!
-Metamagic: Expand (Double spell area of effect OR double spell duration)
-Metamagic: Lock (Persistent spell effects are more difficult to dispel based on level. Mastered spell may be cast permanently until dispelled)
-Metamagic: Pierce (Spells ignore magic resistance. Up to 50% at max level)
-Metamagic: Minimum Powah! (Spells retain potency when multicast. Up to 50% at max level)
-Metamagic: Entangle (Spells may be cast on objects or foes sharing history with the target)
-Magically Apprenticed (Spell values are increased by 10%. Spell costs are reduced by 10%)
-Magically A-Practiced (Spell Values are increased by 20%. Spell costs are reduced by 20%)
-Adept Arcanist (Spell Values are increased by 30%. Spell costs are reduced by 30%)
-Wizened Warlock (Spell Values are increased by 40%. Spell costs are reduced by 40%)
-Hero Of Rime (Ice and Cold based damage and effects +50%, Ice and Cold Damage Resistance +25%)
-Polymind (Maintain human levels of consciousness within animal forms)
-Greatest Wilder (Retain spellcasting capabilities within animal forms)
-Crafter's Luck (25% chance to recieve duplicate crafted item)
--Special Perks
-Briar's Dream (+1HP/MP per minute. +1VP per day.)

AN/ I'll be out later, so you guys can have this a bit early.
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Good chapter.
Why didn't you read the Necronomicon yet? I know there are different variants in fiction, but most of them arent THAT bad.
Also, you pasted your character sheet two times.
Ah, thanks for catching that! I think I hit control instead of shift when I was editing something and hit V again.

It's kind of like the poisoned M&M metaphor that some people like to use to justify discrimination. Sure, most version of the necronomicon aren't that bad, and his copies aren't bound in human flesh... But enough of them are that bad, and knowledge itself can be dangerous.
I wonder how heavy Super Boy is.

I can't say how heavy he is... But he is pretty dense ;)

@Mister Ficser
Hey just a thought would his transform to dragon skill/spell be from breath of fire?

The dragon transformations in those games are either an inherited ability, a direct result of being a summoned, earth-bound divinity or else as a self-destructive gift from a patron of sorts.

I haven't played Breath of Fire for the IoS, so no idea how it's been done for that one.

And if any of the artificial gods show up from the Breath of Fire series? Alchemist will probably be seeing about immigrating to Mars.
Evil, Insane and with regeneration bordering on near-immortality? Just gonna nope on out of that one. Let the Justice League wreck a few cities dealing with it instead.