Bluntly Penny was using the Hedgehog Defense, by being aggressive and hostile... No one could get close to her, if they can't get close to her they can't use her, and if they don't get close... they can't see how vulnerable, weak, and pathetic she sees herself as. If they get close they will see that and will leave, they won't want to be close to her, and that would be something she can't stand to happen again.

She was manipulated by a cool older man, slowly drawn into his web, and once she was too blinded by his manipulations to see... He took full advantage, as her other friends were similarly bought off, and her boyfriend was too damaged and depressed to put up a fight. What fight he had was beaten out of him as she disregarded his warnings about harmless fun, that grew bolder and farther.

That is how they get fish, it is also how predators get their prey. Make it seem safe, harmless, Keep them in the spider web, don't let them cool down and think through the fun they are having. Cause if they have enough time, consequences, and hard reality... well the game stops looking so innocent.

Can you blame her for having such morose thoughts, for attacking Al because she already felt that she had lost so much, and then the mother of her boyfriend who from what she said was more of a parent to her then her own parents...rejected her at the insistence of him? Well she is a kid, she felt she lost a parent, and for a long time she thought she had lost her boyfriend.

Seeking him since he disappeared, hoping to bring him back to not only her, but his mother...

So you kind of give the very real reading that her parents are neglectful at best, that she latched onto her Boyfriend's mom as if she was her own. Meaning she hasn't had many pillars to rely on, especially with Leslie and his Mom pulling away and leaving her bereft.


Recall also that her system was suppressing the darker thoughts haunting her, about how weak and vulnerable she was. That someone would make her a victim again without her powers...

So likely nightmares she used to have are back, the emotional protections are gone, and well she is better able to heal mentally. Which is likely why Tiamat did what she did, to show Penny she could still be vulnerable, and break the shell that she had put up with the power Terra gave her.

Really Penny kind of needs this to be able to come out of her shell, heal, and actually connect with new people/the people around her. Tough love is pretty harsh.

The fact it pushed Alchemist to deal with his own problems is a fringe benefit, with what Lucifer doing protecting him from that kind of thing, but also bolstering his soul.

Chaos, plans within plans, and seeing what happens if they push so... Will they sink or swim? Either way it causes ripples that change things, for good or ill.
Maybe slap the creature of legend template on it? That's should let you add regeneration and buff it's stats by quite a lot.
You'd have to find a deity to empower it, but I really doubt Terra-Chan would complain much.

Alternatively, there are a *lot* of really awesome serpents floating around, and a great deal of really nice serpent magic she could pick up that meshes well with rogue builds, and given Alchemist already has a copy of the nether scrolls? She wouldn't even have to go find a Sarrukh to teach her any of it either.
Which is good cause they're mostly a bunch of ass holes to anything that isn't one of them, a Deity, or a dragon.
Plus if she wants to race change, Yaun-ti are pretty nice as a base.
It's...really not terribly difficult to take out something with regeneration, although it's better to have it and not need it...
To be fair a lot of those effects would deal with most other opponents too. Even if temporarily in some cases. Troll lineage just means that as long as even a piece of the cheetah is unaffected it will be able to regenerate. Though Lobo like problems with multiple parts regenerating into perfect clones with all the same memories are a thing that happens.
How about a dark creature*/monster of legend velociraptor** deinonychus? If we're going rule of cool, having a 6' tall/8' long dinosaur capable of 3v1'ing a T-rex with a better than even chance of success with those templates on top would be extremely impressive, and also stupidly awesome.

*From Tome of Magic. Speed +10', can hide in plain sight, has cold resist 10, superior low-light vision, and large boosts to Stealth.
**The critters in Jurassic Park were deinonychuses, not velociraptors. Real 'raptors were chicken-sized.
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How about a dark creature*/monster of legend velociraptor** deinonychus? If we're going rule of cool, having a 6' tall/8' long dinosaur capable of 3v1'ing a T-rex with a better than even chance of success with those templates on top would be extremely impressive, and also stupidly awesome.

*From Tome of Magic. Speed +10', can hide in plain sight, has cold resist 10, superior low-light vision, and large boosts to Stealth.
**The critters in Jurassic Park were deinonychuses, not velociraptors. Real 'raptors were chicken-sized.
Is she a dinosaur kind of girl though? She doesn't seem to mind all the dragons around, so that points to yes, but then, she didn't seem to find the little mist dragon whose name I'm totally blanking on adorable when she was introduced so…
Is she a dinosaur kind of girl though? She doesn't seem to mind all the dragons around, so that points to yes, but then, she didn't seem to find the little mist dragon whose name I'm totally blanking on adorable when she was introduced so…
Deinonychuses had feathers, so they were more like flightless birds. Question is, are they like parrots or minahs? Could they mimic sounds like speech or chainsaws? Could they be taught to act as decoys as well as giant attack chickens?
Deinonychuses had feathers, so they were more like flightless birds. Question is, are they like parrots or minahs? Could they mimic sounds like speech or chainsaws? Could they be taught to act as decoys as well as giant attack chickens?
Giant attack chicken makes me think that she could partner with a terror bird from South America? This is DC I'm sure there are some of those still around.
I think he should have pushed Santa trolling Darkseid every year for Christmas with his single coal delivery. Also glad you toned down the depression. I enjoy the story but you use depressing situations to beat us over the head a lot. I get that DC is dark and brooding, especially with him being actual friends with Batman, but damn, please ease up on the depression and just give us light brooding.
This is toned down? I...... didn't notice any difference tbh.
Wonder what is Batman's thoughts on Santa. Contingecy? Don't be naughty or something, idk.
Deinonychuses had feathers, so they were more like flightless birds. Question is, are they like parrots or minahs? Could they mimic sounds like speech or chainsaws? Could they be taught to act as decoys as well as giant attack chickens?

Yeah, I still think something fluffy would be better for her. Remember, this is a companion, not just a battle mob. If You can't chill on the couch while watching TV with it, it's not really doing its job properly.
Could Alchemist defeat any Lantern of any color in one move simply by using Steal to grab their ring? Because those things are some of the most powerful tools/weapons in the universe, and if Al can negate any lantern in a fraction of a second, that's a pretty big deal.
I think ultraviolet lanterns would be safe cause they use tatoos instead of rings and there's probably some bs about having enough of a connection to your element to call the ring back straight away but yeah he could beat the vast majority of lanterns with Steal.
Maybe Tiffany needs a pet/companion? Something smart enough and durable enough to keep up with her even after she gets her system back.

It feels like everything and everyone around her has this distance that hardly anybody is putting effort into crossing. It feels like the system and her hero gig has been nothing but an escape. Too bad her BF is in an even worse state.
At least to Alchemist, she hasn't treated him well at all. She even tried to kill him at one point over basically nothing.

And according to Robin in this most recent chapter, she's been constantly borderline-hostile to everyone.

It's no wonder people don't want to get close to her if she treats everyone like she treats Al, or even close to that.

Grumpy? Borderline-hostile?

Sounds like a job for Nostradamus the Undead Kitty. The more you don't want a cat around, the more a cat will cling to you.

Tiff: "Go away."
Nos: 🐱🐈"Meow."
Tiff: "Shoo!"
Nos: (rubs Tiff's leg)
Nos: 🐱🐈"Meow."
Grumpy? Borderline-hostile?

Sounds like a job for Nostradamus the Undead Kitty. The more you don't want a cat around, the more a cat will cling to you.

Tiff: "Go away."
Nos: 🐱🐈"Meow."
Tiff: "Shoo!"
Nos: (rubs Tiff's leg)
Nos: 🐱🐈"Meow."
And then when you try to pet it, it does its level best to tear your hands off, followed by your face.

In my experience, 99.9% of all cats are psychotic assholes.
The joker having access to the system and its resources through Penny? Might as well take suicide and beg to Death to seal you away forever, so no one may drag your soul back to be tormented. Because thats what the Joker would do
I do not know if dromaeosaurs were capable of mimicking things in their environment. The idea has shown up as speculative behavior in certain media however, but sadly not among dromaeosaurs, a Rahonavis (a dinosaur that is known to be a paravian but has not had its exact relationships with other therapods confirmed) in Dinosaur Revolution was shown with this ability, and it was also confirmed that the oviraptorosaur Anzu in Saurian will use it. They were probably more like ground hawks as paleontologists now think they jumped onto the backs of prey to pin them down and bite into them, but would not have been social.

On the subject of terror birds, they are actually quite tough, as its believed the youngest terror bird genus, Titanis, migrated into North America and remained a major apex predator that was able to compete with the mammals in North America for a while.
He can't sidestep the problem and go after Joker because of the narrative causality of the universe protecting Joker, right?
barely more than taught skin against her bones.

Autocarrot strikes again! This should be taut, not taught. Bloody tyopmonsters!

Penny was using the Hedgehog Defense

Which is a hugely common, almost standard response to serious trauma in adults, let alone children. I really feel that a lot of the commenters here are far too harsh on poor Tiff, and treating her as if she was 16 or 17, and not just barely 13.

Which is not to say that being around her would be pleasant at all, merely understandable that she is such an obnoxious little shit a lot of the time. Hell, no small amount of kids that age frequently act in very similar ways, even without nearly as much or as serious trauma as Tiffany has been put through. (Though puberty is an ongoing trauma all it's own, IMHO.)

Either way, she could pull this off if she wanted to. And if she doesn't, Alchemist should.


Well, that sure was... something. :wat2:

Yeah, I still think something fluffy would be better for her. Remember, this is a companion, not just a battle mob. If You can't chill on the couch while watching TV with it, it's not really doing its job properly.

Given that more and more it seems that at least pycnofibres, if not necessarily feathers per se, were an ancestral trait of the archosaurs that both dinosaurs and pterosaurs descended from, I think it's safe to say that a whole lot more critters were floofy (at least as babies/youngsters) than most people suspect. It seems quite likely that they date back at least as far as just post-Great Dying. Deinonychus would likely be just as able as modern birds to fluff up it's feathers and look extra cute when it wanted to. Which wouldn't make it a shred less deadly, of course.

Rather the opposite, really. I personally strongly suspect that they'd be at least as clever as a good herding dog is these days, to boot.

ultraviolet lanterns


In my experience, 99.9% of all cats are psychotic assholes.

Frankly that says more about you and the way you approach/treat cats than it does the cats themselves. If you meet one asshole, you've met an asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole however, then the problem likely isn't them, it's you. (Generic 'you' meant here, not anyone in particular.)

Domestic cats, as a group, are no more assholes overall than dogs or people are. If all of the ones you meet act like assholes to you, maybe reconsider how you are approaching and treating them. It may seem obvious and unnecessary to state, but cats are not dogs, they don't think or act like them, and treating them as if they are is almost always going to end with them snubbing you, at best.

Maybe take 15 minutes or so to research how they actually think and act, and apply that to how you treat them going forward?

Or don't. I'm just some rando on a forum, meaning I'm neither your parent nor the boss of you. And free advice is probably worth what you paid for it. 🤷 (Again, generic 'you' intended, not any specific 'you'.)
I remember this enlightening post a long time ago, it made me feel ashamed for how I thought of some characters, and had me question how I see people in fiction.

Mainly it was about no character is a shit character, you need to look at them closely, and see how they tick and what drives them. Essentially walk a mile in there shoes mentally, figure out there wants, and whys...

It was very deep, he ruined it at the end proclaiming that one character was a shit character and how much they hated them.

Ultra Fanboys leave a lot of blasted hellscapes behind them, especially when they are trolls. Retaliation usually results in people trashing an innocent character for the sins of those fanboys.

Enough from me about the retelling of Invader Lum that was Ranma 1/2, damn thing was a comedy show based off a story where the author stated all the characters bar Ranma and Akane were based off shallow caricatures. In other words she really didn't put much effort into fleshing any of them out, just moving them around to fit the scene.


I wonder if Jinx and/Kary could help Tiffanny with? Maybe help get her out of her funk and show her some interesting skills that she can learn normally, to get her mind off things...
I do not know if dromaeosaurs were capable of mimicking things in their environment. The idea has shown up as speculative behavior in certain media however, but sadly not among dromaeosaurs, a Rahonavis (a dinosaur that is known to be a paravian but has not had its exact relationships with other therapods confirmed) in Dinosaur Revolution was shown with this ability, and it was also confirmed that the oviraptorosaur Anzu in Saurian will use it. They were probably more like ground hawks as paleontologists now think they jumped onto the backs of prey to pin them down and bite into them, but would not have been social.

On the subject of terror birds, they are actually quite tough, as its believed the youngest terror bird genus, Titanis, migrated into North America and remained a major apex predator that was able to compete with the mammals in North America for a while.
I like terror birds tbh, they're just so… amusing and deadly and I love them to bits<3
I wonder if Jinx and/Kary could help Tiffanny with? Maybe help get her out of her funk and show her some interesting skills that she can learn normally, to get her mind off things...

Has Tiffany ever been alone with Jinx and/or Kary?

Is Jinx still harboring a grudge against Tiffany for beating up Alchemist?

Alchemist: "I'll give you three girls some space to talk."
Jinx & Kary: 😈😈😈
...Okay, maybe she should get some help from Yuffie, who would love to have a minion.

It would be kind of funny if they learned how to inscribe certain skills/abilities on paper or books, to explain how they were so someone can learn it. For example the Dress Sphere's from Final Fantasy 10 basically conveys the distilled knowledge from the person who knew this stuff, to the user when they are changed and channeling it.

So technically you could use a dress sphere hooked up to the right tech to translate the memories into instructions on how they do what they did, same with Materia since Materia is actually the knowledge of an ancient person who knew how to use what they conveyed.

Aka someone who knew how to cast Cure's memories were crystallized into a kind of amber, that someone can connect with to borrow this knowledge.
The thought bottle restores XP regardless of why it was lowered (sans the 500 XP lost in using the item), so no matter why the XP was reduced, the thought bottle will fix it. The XP can be lost through levels, or through spellcasting, or through epic spell research, or paying off level adjustments, or paying for templates, or through item creation. No limits are specified in the item, so it can be used for any or all of those, and more.
This is standard powergamer justification. "It has no limits stated, therefore it has none!"

Which is not RAW. It is doing something Wish and 9th level spells cannot. Thus, the first thing you do is compare it to similar effects.
It does NOT explicitly say that it can do the things that you say it can do. Therefore, you cannot infer that it can!

The closest similar effect is Death Ward, which prevents level loss via draining. LOSS is very specific, it means 'taken away'. It doesn't do anything with sacrifice or conversion, as those are not 'loss': your XP is still there, merely in a different form. Assuming 'loss' includes giving away xp is facetious.

So, no, I refuse to accept your initial statement, and claim the inverse. If it's not mentioned, then you can't infer it can be done as an absolute. You have FIRST to go back to RAW, which is comparison to similar objects/items, and unlimited cycling of xp is NOT anywhere within the rules set.

Could Alchemist defeat any Lantern of any color in one move simply by using Steal to grab their ring? Because those things are some of the most powerful tools/weapons in the universe, and if Al can negate any lantern in a fraction of a second, that's a pretty big deal.

Also, it's clear that Al knows everyone's weaknesses. Is Batman going to start pumping him for information on that for his own contingencies?
This is a storywriter's hack. You can't actually steal a Green Lantern's Ring without beating their willpower, because Green Lantern Rings are under Willed Orders not to leave the fingers/appendages of their owners, for exactly this reason.
It's basic GL Training 101.
So, he'd cast Steal for the Ring, and the Ring would just deflect/neutralize it. You can't actually pickpocket a GL Ring!... not even Batman.