Will others learn to do so?

Hellhounds can, why not Dragons as well? They are the owners.

Depends on the dragon. But as a rule, dragons tend to be mouth-only fire users, while hell hounds can light the rest of their body on fire as well.

Dragons could definitely burp flames though. I wonder if Alchemist could fire-burp the alphabet? Would be a great party trick.
Ivalician dragoons get 4 breath weapons. Including a metallic dragon-style status effect breath. Because their thing is being sorry of part dragon. Like alchemist with that Spell tbh. And they get some dragon slaying powers.

Also reraise when struck with physical weapons.
I thought for sure player one would have a bias against adults (Which is totally fair.) considering she was being groomed by one.
It is octopuses for the correct word, Octopods and octopi if you are using an outdated belief of non originally English words requiring non English plural, except people forget that Non English words automatically take on English characteristics when inducted to the English language, so as I said octopuses.
Octopus is Greek, not Latin, so it would not be "octopods" or "octopi" because those are Latin declensions. The Greek declension would be "octopodes," which would be correct if English wasn't three languages in a trenchcoat mugging other languages for even more words.
Οκτοπους being the singular declension, while οκτοπόδες is the plural, in Greek. An earlier form of the word was apparently χτόποδι, the plural of which would be χτόποδια, but my understanding is that that is the Ancient word for the same class of cephalopod.

I've been learning Greek for the last six months and something came up that isn't just speaking with my Greek friend. This is delightful.
Currently at the early parts of the story, and I have to ask the more up to date readers, does the story continue to be a Crackfic or does it actually develop a coherent story later on?
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Currently at the early parts of the story, and I have to ask the more up to date readers, does the story continue to be a Crackfic or does it actually develop a coherent story later on?
If you regarded the beginning as Cracfic, then you'll likely regard the rest as that as well. Most people would disagree with you on that classification, but either way, the tone and style of writing doesn't change significantly from start to (current) end.
It's kind of crack, yeah.
Having humor and absurdity isn't cracky by default*. DC is already absurd in a lot of ways, and rubbing the characters' faces in it is hardly crack by itself.

Yes, absurdity and humor are the hallmarks of crack, but as I said, DC is already absurd, so leaning into that and pointing it out for humor's sake might be straddling the line, but I don't think it quite crosses it, most times.

*See Constellations and Nemesis for two highly entertaining examples.
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Having humor and absurdity isn't cracky by default*. DC is already absurd in a lot of ways, and rubbing the characters' faces in it is hardly crack by itself.

Yes, absurdity and humor are the hallmarks of crack, but as I said, DC is already absurd, so leaning into that and pointing it out for humor's sake might be straddling the line, but I don't think it quite crosses it, most times.

*See Constellations and Nemesis for two highly entertaining examples.
Well, I did qualify it with a "kind of" just because of that. But it does come close a lot of the time.
I'm very, very interested in a series of snippets of Al just popping in as a dragon and having different people react.

Especially so now that Jinx is able to change, too.

Actually, another series of Al teaching Jinx how to dragon. A bit of the blind leading the blind.
I can easily see why this might be treated as Crack. Our MC started with a fuck-budget already in the red and things haven't gotten much better from there.

I'm very, very interested in a series of snippets of Al just popping in as a dragon and having different people react.

Especially so now that Jinx is able to change, too.

Actually, another series of Al teaching Jinx how to dragon. A bit of the blind leading the blind.

...There's an idea in there, somewhere.

Hmm... Goblet of Fire, maybe? I'll think on it.
Hmm... Goblet of Fire, maybe? I'll think on it.
Hagrid: "Yer a wizard, Harry!"

Harry: "Wow."

Alchemist: "Yer a dragon-wizard, Harry!"

Harry: "I think I'll take that one, actually."


There's a lot of fic to fixfic in the HP universe. For instance, using the literal mountains of gold in Harry's vaults to get himself out from under the Dursleys' thumbs, along with a telephone call to British Child Protection Services and some rather damning evidence.

I just wonder if your version of Dumbledore will be incompetent, evil, or both. He can't really be anything else, given all the crap he encouraged in canon.

Will Alchemist be Harry's dragon in the Triwizard Tournament?
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With almost inhuman strength, he pushed! It slowly, slowly twisted in his hands. His skin warped and tore, trying to cling on to the artificial material it had been grafted to until, with a sound akin to tearing paper, he pushed his skull cap off of his head.

It fell to the ground, shattering on impact.

"Much... Better." Simon rasped, his face deflating. "So... Confining."

His mad, sunken eyes landed on his aid. Looking into his terrified brown eyes, Simon's face twisted into a bloody smirk.

His brain was pulsing, countless tiny -things- wriggling their way out from between the folds.

"You!" The psychic shouted, his hands reaching out to his paralyzed assistant. "You have such pretty eyes!"
This is probably where I point out that Psimon is actually quite valuable to the Light .

That I recall, he is canonically their only heavyweight psychic.
With two heayweight Martian telepaths on the League, the DNAliens out of Luthor's reach, and their dealings with both Apokolips amd the Reach in mind, they probably will go to some lengths to avoid losing his services.

And they actually have a bunch of serious heavyweight wizards on call with the mystic weight to handle this sort of exposure and factory reset him. From apex predators like Klarion the Witch Boy to second stringers like Wotan and Felix Faust.
Psimon might end up with a bunch of new traumas and tics, but I expect he'll survive with his sanity mostly intact.

Those poor mooks around him are probably out of luck though.
Psimon might end up with a bunch of new traumas and tics, but I expect he'll survive with his sanity mostly intact.

Those poor mooks around him are probably out of luck though.
Even if they do, it's going to be a hell of a mess before they even find out that he's not so much gone off the rails, but rather has decided his train should instead be a boat, and somehow made it to Hawaii from the middle east without crossing land at any point. This metaphor has escaped me almost as quickly as Psimon's sanity escaped him.
Poor Aqualad, life is tough as a teenage superhero.
Did Alchemist get any notifications regarding Simon?
Will Alchemist teach more magic to the team?
Will someone remember to look more deeply into the Illuminati that Alchemist mentioned?
What Young Justice episodes have been butterflied away?
How many girlfriends is he going to end up with?

Is he going to need to visit the boy and his mother? Just to make sure there is no back-slide?

Did he set up a fund for them?